Dedication: 3/15/05

partum: give birth; parens

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partum: give birth; parens: parent 4E

biparental, godparent, grandparent, greatgrandparent, in loco parentis, multiparous, oviparous, ovoviviparous, parent, parentage, parental, parenthood, parturient, parturition, postpartum, primiparous, puerperal, repertoire, repertory, viper, viviparous

See also aperio, operio.
Parisii: Parisii (tribe of Gauls) 6E

Paris, Parisian, Parisienne

parma: shield 10F

Parma, Parmesan

paro (1): prepare; comparo: get ready

apparatchik, apparatus, comprador, disrepair, emperor, empire, empress, imperative, imperatively, imperator, imperial, imperialism, imperialist, imperialistic, imperious, imperiously, imperiousness, imperium, inseparability, inseparable, irreparable, irreparably, mpret, neoimperialist, parade, parados, parapet, pare, parison, parry, prep, preparation, preparative, preparatory, prepare, preparedness, preparer, preprepared, preppy, rampart, repair (fix), repairer, repairman, reparation, reparative, scuba, separability, separable, separate, separately, separateness, separation, separatism, separatist, separative, separator, sever, severable, several, severally, severance, unprepared, unpreparedness, unrepaired

N.B. OED indicates that para- of parachute etc. is not from paro.

pars (gen. partis): part; partior (4): divide; portio: a part 1A

antiparticle, apart, apartheid, apartment, apportion, apportionment, bipartisan, bipartite, Bonaparte, compartment, compartmental, compartmentalization, compartmentalize, counterpart, counterparty, depart, department, departmental, departmentalization, departmentalize, departmentally, departure, disproportion, disproportionality, disproportionally, disproportionate, disproportionately, equipartition, ex parte, forepart, houseparty, impart, impartial, impartiality, impartially, interparty, intraparty, jeopardize, jeopardy, microparticle, multiparty, nonparticipating, nonpartisan, nonparty, parcel, pardner, parse, parser, part, partake, parti (Fr), partial, partiality, partially, participant, participate, participation, participative, participator, participatory, participial, participle, particle, particular, particularism, particularistic, particularity, particularize, particularization, particularly, partway, party, partygoer, portion, proportion, proportional, proportionality, proportionally, proportionate, proportionately, quadripartite, reapportion, reapportionment, repartee, repartition, searchparty, tripartite

parvus: small 11D

paraffin, parvipotent, parvitude, pavovirus

Paul and other names are related.
pasco, pastum: feed; pastor: shepherd 7D

pabulum, pannage, pastille, pastor, pastoral, pastorale, pastoralism, pastoralist, pastorality, pastorally, pasturage, pasture, pastureland, pester, repast

Pasco may be related to panis.

See pester in AHD and OED.

passer: sparrow 14B


Patavium: Padua 12J

pateo: see pando

pater (gen. patris): father; (pathr); patria: native land 6C

compadre, compere, expatriate, expatriation, grandpaternal, Jupiter, padre, padrone (It), parricidal, parricide, Pat, pater, paterfamilias, paternal, paternalism, paternalist, paternalistic, paternity, Pater Noster, patria, Patricia, patrician, patriciate, Patrick, patrilineal, patriliny, patrilocal, patrimonial, patrimony, patristic, patron, patronage, patronal, patroness, patronize, patronizingly, patroon, patter, pattern, Patty, pere (Fr), perpetrate, perpetration, perpetrator, repair (move), repatriate, repatriation, Tricia

patior, passum: suffer; patientia: endurance 5B

compassion, compassionate, compassionately, compassivity, compatible, compatibly, disimpassioned, dispassionate, dispassionately, histocompatible, impassible, impassionate, impassive, impassivity, impatience, impatient, impatiently, incompatibility, incompatible, inpatient, outpatient, paso (Sp), passion, passionate, passionately, passionless, passive, passively, passiveness, passivity, patience, patient, patiently

pauci: few 11I

paucity, pococurante

pauper: poor; paupertas: poverty -1

impoverish, impoverishment, pauper, pauperism, pauperization, pauperize, poor, poorhouse, poorly, poverty

paveo: 14D

pavio: pound, strike down 7E

pave, pavement, paver, unpaved
pavo (gen. pavonis): peacock

peacock (OED, but W3 rejects), peafowl, peahen
pax: peace; paciscor: agree, settle; pactum: agreement 1A

appease, appeasement, compact (n), copay, copayment, greenpeace, La Paz, nonpaying, nonpayment, overpay, overpayment, pace (L), pacific, pacification, pacificator, pacificatory, pacifier, pacifism, pacifist, pacify, pact, pax, pay, payable, payback, paycheck, payday, payee, payer, payload, paymaster, payment, payola, payout, payroll, paz, peace, peaceable, peaceably, peaceful, peacefully, peacefulness, peacekeeper, peacemaker, peacetime, prepay, prepayment, repay, repayable, repayment, taxpayer, transpacific, underpaid, unpaid

pecco (1): make a mistake 10E

impeccable, impeccably, peccable, peccadillo, peccant

pecten: comb 13E

pecten, peignoir (Fr)

pectus (gen. pectoris): chest 10D

expectorant, expectorate, expectoration, parapet, pecs, pectoral, pectus, petronel

pecu: herd; pecus: head of cattle; pecunia: money 7F

impecunious, peculation, peculiar, peculiarity, peculiarly, pecuniary, picayune

pedo: fart 14B

peior: worse (comparative of malus) 8C

impair, impairment, pejorative, pejoratively, unimpaired
pelagus: open sea: see pelagoV
pellis: hide

peel (n), peeling, pelisse, pellagra, pellicle, pelt, peltry, pilch, pillion, surplice

LS says akin to palla; OLD does not. OED disputes derivation of pelt from pellis and suggests pelt may be derived from pellet and pila (ball). AHD derives pelt from pellis.
pello, pulsum: push, strike; pulso (1): hit; pulto (1): beat 3B

appeal, appealable, appealingly, appellant, appellate, appellation, appellative, appulse, compel, compellingly, compulsion, compulsive, compulsively, compulsiveness, compulsorily, compulsory, dispel, expel, expulsion, expulsive, impel, impeller, impulse, impulsion, impulsive, impulsively, impulsiveness, interpellate, interpellation, peal, propel, propellant, propeller, propjet, propulsion, propulsive, pulsar, pulsate, pulsation, pulse, pulser, push, pushbutton, pusher, pushover, pushup, pushy, rappel, repeal, repel, repellent, repulse, repulsion, repulsive, repulsively

pelvis: shallow bowl 10B

pelvic, pelvis

pendo, pensum: weigh, hang; pendeo: hang 2C

append, appendage, appendectomy, appendicitis, appendix, codependence, codependent, compendious, compendiously, compendium, compensate, compensation, compensative, compensatory, counterpoise, decompensation, depend, dependability, dependable, dependably, dependant, dependence, dependency, dependent, dependently, dispensability, dispensable, dispensary, dispensation, dispensatorily, dispensatory, dispense, dispenser, expend, expendable, expenditure, expense, expensive, expensively, impend, imponderable, independence, independent, independently, indispensable, inexpensive, inexpensively, interdependence, interdependent, interdependently, overexpenditure, pansy, penchant, pend, pendant, pendent, pendentive, pendulous, pendulously, pendulum, pennant, pensile, pension, pensionable, pensionary, pensione (It), pensioner, pensive, pensively, pent (= penthouse), penthouse, perpendicular, perpendicularity, perpendicularly, peseta (Sp), peso (Sp), poise, ponder, ponderal, ponderous, ponderously, ponderousness, pound (wt), poundage, pounder, preponderance, preponderant, preponderantly, propensity, recompense, resuspend, spend, spender, suspend, suspender, suspense, suspenseful, suspension, suspensor, suspensory, uncompensated, undependable

penes: under the control of, within + intro: go in 7F

impenetrability, impenetrable, impenetrably, interpenetrate, penetrable, penetrance, penetrate, penetration, penetrative, unpenetrated

ph Penates related to penes.
penis: tail 7D

pencil, penicil, penicillin, penile, penis

penna (feather): see pinna

penuria: scarcity (cf. paene) 13B

penurious, penuriously, penury

per: through

ampersand, parboil, parvenue, per, per-, per annum, per diem, perceive, perform, permit, etc.

Note rare alternative spelling par-; e.g., parvenu.
perdix: partridge: see perdix

peritus: skilled; periculum: danger; experior: try 3B

experience, experiential, experientially, experiment, experimental, experimentalism, experimentalist, experimentally, experimentation, experimenter, expert, expertise, expertly, imperil, imperilment, inexperience, inexpert, inexpertly, JPEG, nonexperimented, parlous, peligro (Sp), peril, perilous, perilously, peritus

perna: ham 7F

pearl, pearlescent, pearly, perle,

perpes (continuous): see peto
persona: mask 2E

antipersonnel, businessperson, chairperson, depersonalization, depersonalize, impersonal, impersonality, impersonally, impersonate, impersonation, impersonator, interpersonal, layperson, multipersonal, parson, parsonage, person, persona, personable, personage, personal, personalism, personalist, personalistic, personality, personalization, personalize, personally, personalty, persona (non) grata, personation, personhood, personification, personify, personnel, salesperson, spokesperson, transpersonal, unipersonal, VIP

N.B. persona is not per + sonare.
persuadeo (persuade): see suadeo

pes (gen. pedis): foot; impedimentum: hindrance; expedio: set free; impedio: hinder; pedes: footsoldier; pedites: infantry (cf. pouV) 6A

backpedal, biped, bipedal, centipede, expediency, expedient, expediently, expedite, expedition, expeditionary, expeditious, expeditiously, impeach, impeachable, impeachment, impedance, impede, impediment, impedimenta, inexpedient, moped, orthopedics, orthopedist, pawn (chess), pedal, pedalist, pedalo, pedestal, pedestrian, pedestrianize, pedicab, pedicel (pedicle), pediculosis, pedicure, pedigree, pediment, pedipalp, pediplanation, pedometer, peduncle, peon, pes, petiole, piedmont, Piedmontese, pinniped, pioneer, quadruped, revamp, sesquipedalian, talipes, trivet, unimpeachable, unimpeached, unimpeded, vamp (shoe), velocipede

pessimus: worst (superlative of malus) 9D

pessimism, pessimist, pessimistic, pessimistically, pessimum

pestis: plague 7F

pesky, pest, pesticide, pestiferous, pestilence, pestilent, pestilential, pesty
peto, petitum: seek; appeto: desire; impetus: attack; repeto: demand 3C

anticompetitive, appetite, appetizer, centripetal, compete, competence, competency, competent, competently, competition, competitive, competitively, competitor, impetigo, impetuosity, impetuous, impetuously, impetus, inappetence, incompetence, incompetent, incompetently, noncompetitive, perpetual, perpetualism, perpetualist, perpetually, perpetuate, perpetuation, perpetuity, petition, petitioner, petulance, petulant, petulantly, repeat, repeatedly, repeater, repetition, repetitious, repetitiously, repetitive, repetitively, unappetizing, uncompetitive

pica: magpie 10D

magpie, pica, pie (magpie), piebald, pied

LS suggests from pingo; OLD lists separately.

picus: woodpecker 14D

pila: ball (perhaps see also pilus) 7C

peel (vb), peeler, pellet, pelota (Sp), peloton, pill, pillbox, platoon

See note for pelt under pellis.

pila: pillar (perhaps see also pilum) 7A

pilaster, pile (quantity), pillar, pillory, stockpile, woodpile

pilum: javelin 11G

pile (weapon), pillage, pillager

pilus: hair; pileus: cap 9A

caterpillar, depilatory, depilious, pelage, pile (coat), plush

pingo, pictum: paint 2E

depict, depiction, depictive, paint, paintbrush, painter, Pict, pict-, pictogram, pictograph, pictorial, pictorialize, pictorially, picture, picturesque, picturesquely, picturesqueness, pigment, pigmentation, pimento, pint, pinto, pixel, repaint, unpainted, wallpaint,

N.B. Picaresque is not derived from pingo.
pinna: feather (also penna) 6B

bipennate, bipinnate, clothespin, hairpin, kingpin, linchpin, ninepins, panache, pen (writing), penholder, penknife, penman, penmanship, pennant, pennate, pennon, penpal, pin, pinafore, pinball, pincushion, pinfeather, pinfold, pinhead, pinhole, pinion, pinna, pinnacle, pinnate, pinniped, pinpoint, pinprick, pinstripes, pinwheel, tenpin, underpinning

pinso (1): pound 9A

pestle, pesto (It), pise, pistil, pistillate, piston

pinus: pine tree (cf. pituV) 6D

pine (n), pineal, pineapple, pinecone, pinnace

pipo (1): chirp; pipio (1): chirp; pipio (4): chirp 6C

bagpipe, blowpipe, cornpipe, hornpipe, peep, pigeon, pigeonhole, pipe, pipe pipeline, piper, pipestem, pipette, pipework, sandpiper, stoolpigeon, stovepipe, tailpipe, windpipe

pirata: pirate (peirathV): see peirw

pirum: pear (cf. apion) 9C

pear, peartree

piscis: fish 10C

grampus, Pisces, piscine, porpoise

pisum: see pisoV
pituita: plegm 10F

pip (disease of birds), pituitary

pius: dutiful 7E

expiate, expiation, impiety, impious, pia, pietas, pietism, pietist, pietistic, piety, pious, piously, piteous, piteously, pitiable, pitiful, pitifully, pitiless, pittance, pity, pityingly

pix (gen. picis): pitch 12A

pay (v. nautical), pitch (wax), pitchfork

placeo, placitum: please 4C

complacence, complacency, complacent, complacently, displease, displeasure, placebo, placid, placidity, placidly, plea, plead, pleadingly, pleasance, pleasant, pleasantly, pleasantness, pleasantry, please, pleasingly, pleasurable, pleasurably, pleasure, unpleasant, unpleasantly, unpleasantness, unpleasing

placo (1): reconcile, appease (OLD relates to placeo) 10C

implacability, implacable, implacably, placate, placatingly, placation, placatory

plaga: net (used to kidnap) 11J

plagiarism, plagiarist, plagiaristic, plagiarize

plango, planctum: strike, beat, mourn; plaga: blow 5I

complain, complainant, complainer, complaint, plague, plaint, plaintiff, plaintive, plaintively, plangent, uncomplaining

planta: plant; planta: sole (of foot) 3C

clan, clannish, clansman, eggplant, houseplant, implant, implantable, implantation, KKK, KuKluxKlan, overplant, plant, plantain, plantar, plantation, planter, plantigrade, plantlet, preimplantation, replant, supplant, transplant, transplantation, unplanted

planus: level; planities: plain 2A

aeroplane, airplane, biplane, deplane, esplanade, explain, explainable, explanation, explanatory, gyroplane, hydroplane, llano, monoplane, pediplanation, plain, plainly, plainness, plainsman, plainsong, plan, planar, planaria, planation, plane, planeload, planer, planform, planimetrically, planless, planner, planula, seaplane, tailplane, unexplainable, unexplained, unplanned, warplane

N.B. Piano is from Italian pianus, which I cannot substantiate as derived from planus.
plaudo, plausum: clap; plausus: applause 6B

applaud, applause, explode, explosion, explosive, explosively, implausibility, implausible, implausibly, implode, implosion, plaudit, plausibility, plausible, plausibly, plosive, unexploded

Plautus: Plautus 14B

plebs: common people 11C

plebe, plebeian, plebiscitary, plebiscite, plebs
plecto, plexum: plait, twine; plico (1): fold; amplector: embrace; duplex: double; implico: enfold; supplex: begging; supplicatio: supplication 1A

accomplice, appliance, applicable, applicant, application, applique, appliquer, apply, blaxploitation, complected, complex, complexion, complexity, complicate, complication, complicit, complicity, decuple, deploy, deployment, display, duplex, duplicate, duplication, duplicator, duplicitous, duplicity, employ, employability, employable, employee, employer, employment, explicable, explicate, explication, explicit, explicitly, explicitness, exploit, exploitable, exploitation, exploitative, exploiter, googolplex, implicate, implication, implicational, implicative, implicit, implicitly, impliedly, imply, inapplicable, inexplicable, inexplicably, multiple, multiplex, multiplexity, multiplicand, multiplication, multiplicative, multiple, multiplicity, multiplier, multiply, noncomplex, perplex, perplexedly, perplexingly, perplexity, photomultiplier, plait, pleat, plexiglass, plexus, pliability, pliable, pliant, pliers, plight (situation), ploy, ply, plywood, quadruple, quintuplet, quadruplex, quadruplicate, reapply, redeploy, redeployment, reduplicate, reduplication, reduplicative, replica, replicate, replication, replicator, reply, sextuplet, sextuplex, splay, supple, suppleness, suppliant, supplicant, supplicate, supplication, treble, trebly, triple, triplet, triplex, triplicate, triploid, triply, uncomplex, uncomplicated, underemployment, unemployable, unemployed, unemployment, uniplex

See also simplex.
pleo: fill; plenus: full 2D

accomplish, accomplishment, centuple, complement, complemental, complementarily, complementarity, complementary, complete, completely, completeness, completion, compliance, compliant, compliment, complimentary, compline, comply, deplete, depletion, depletive, duple, duplet, expletive, implement, implementation, incomplete, incompletely, incompletion, maniple, manipulability, manipulable, manipulate, manipulation, manipulative, manipulator, manipulatory, noncompliance, noncompliant, oversupply, plenary, plenipotentiary, plenitude, plenteous, plentiful, plentifully, plenty, plenum, replenish, replenishment, replete, repletion, resupply, supplement, supplemental, supplementary, supplementaion, supply, uncompleted, uncomplimentary, unsupplied

Plinius: Pliny 12A

ploro (1): wail 8D

deplorability, deplorable, deplorably, deplore, implore

See exploro. LS associates ploro with pluit; OLD keeps separate.

pluit: it rains 11I

impluvium, plover, pluvial

pluma: feather 9D

deplume, implume, plumage, plume, plumose, plumule, plumy

plumbum: lead 7B

aplomb, Pb, plombage, plombe, plumb, plumbago, plumbate, plumbbob, plumbeous, plumber, plumbery, plumbic, plumbiferous, plumbing, plumbism, plumless, plumbline, plumbous, plummet, plunge, plunger

plus: more (comparative of multus) 5J

nonplus, pluperfect, plural, pluralism, pluralist, pluralistic, plurality, plurinucleate, pluripotent, plus, surplus, surplusage,

Pluto: Pluto (god of the underworld) 8A

Pluto, plutonic, plutonium

poema: poem; poeta: poet: see poiew
poena: punishment; punio (4): punish: see poinh

Poenus: Phoenician, Carthaginian: see foinix

polio, politum: polish 7F

extrapolate, extrapolation, impolite, impolitely, interpolate, interpolation, polish, polisher, polite, politely, politeness, unpolished

pollen: powder (cognate with pulvis) 8E

pollen, pollinate, pollination, pollinator

polluo (defile): see lutum

polus (pole): see pango
Pompeii: Pompeii 11F

pomum: apple 11C

pomade, pomatum, pomegranate, pommel (pummel)

pondus (weight): see pendo
pono, positus: put, place 2C

apostil, apposite, apposition, appositive, apropos, compo, component, composite, compositely, compositeness, composition, compositional, compositionally, compositive, compositively, compositor, compost, compote, compound, contraposition, contrapositive, counterposition, decomposition, deponent, deposit, depositary, deposition, depositional, depositor, depository, depot, disposition, dispositional, dispositive, electropositive, entrepot, Expo, exponent, exponential, exponentially, exposition, expositionary, expositorial, expository, expound, imposition, impost, imposter, impostor, imposture, inapposite, indisposition, interposition, juxtaposition, malposition, oppo, opponent, opposite, oppositely, oppositeness, opposition, oppositional, oppositionist, outpost, oviposition, ovipositor, photocomposition, posit, position, positional, positive, positively, positiveness, positivism, positivist, positivistic, positron, post (changing station, mail), postage, postal, postcode, postilion, postman, postmark, postmaster, postmistress, postoffice, postpaid, postpone, postponement, postpositive, postural, posture, predisposition, preposition, prepositional, presupposition, proponent, proposition, propositional, propound, provost, recomposition, redeposit, reimposition, reposition, repository, superposition, supposition, suppository, transposition

All words in pos- but not posit- are from pauw; those in posit- are from pono.

pons (gen. pontis): bridge 9C

deponticate, pons, pontifex, pontiff, pontifical, pontifically, pontificate, pontine, pontlevis, pontoon, punt (boat)

populus: poplar tree 8D

populus: people; publicus: public -1

CPA, craftspeople, depopulate, depopulation, nonpublic, overpopulation, people, populace, popular, popularism, popularist, popularity, popularization, popularize, popularizer, popularly, populate, population, populism, populist, populistic, populous, pub, public, publican, publication, publicist, publicity, publicize, publicly, publish, publishable, publisher, pueblo, repopulate, repopulation, republic, republican, republicanism, republication, republish, spokespeople, subpopulation, townspeople, tradespeople, unpeopled, unpopular, unpopularity, unpopulated, unpublished, workpeople

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