fundus: bottom 3D
defund, de profundis, found (originate), foundation, foundational, founder, fund, fundament, fundamental, fundamentalism, fundamentalist, fundamentally, profound, profoundly, profundity, underfunded, underfunding, unfounded, unfunded
fungor, functum: perform 5C
defunct, defunctive, dysfunction, dysfunctional, dysfunctionally, function, functional, functionalism, functionalist, functionally, functionary, functionless, fungible, malfunction, monofunctional, multifunctional, nonfunctional, perfuntorily, perfunctory
fungus: fungus 8D
fungal, fungicidal, fungicide, fungoid, fungus
funis: rope 13F
funambulism, funambulist, funicular
funus (gen. funeris): dead body, funeral rites 7F
funeral, funerary, funereal
fur: thief; furtim: secretly; furtum: theft 9D
ferret, furtive, furtively, furtiveness
furca: fork 10C
bifurcate, bifurcation, carfax, fork, forkful, pitchfork
furo: rage; furia: raging 7D
furious, furiously, furor, furore, fury, infuriate, infuriatingly
fuscus: dark 13B
obfuscate, obfuscatingly, obfuscation, subfuscous
fustis: club 14B
fusus: spindle 8E
fuse (n), fuselage, fusilier, fusillage
futurus (about to be): see sum
Gaius: Gaius 8A
bluejay, jay, jayhawk, jaywalk, popinjay See OED: jay
galbinus: greenish-yellow 11I
jaundice (AHD, ODEE support; OED does not.)
galea: helmet 14D
galena: lead 13A
Gallia: France 9A
Gallic, Gallo-, Gaul, Gaulism, Gaulist
garrio: chatter 13A
garrulity, garrulous, garrously
gaudeo: rejoice; gaudium: joy 4J
enjoy, enjoyable, enjoyably, enjoyment, gaud, gaudeamus igitur, gaudily, gaudy, joie de vivre (Fr), joy, joyful, joyfully, joyfulness, joyless, joyous, joyously, joyousness, joystick, killjoy, overjoyed, rejoice
gelu: frost, cold; gelidus: cold 7F
congeal, congelation, gel, gelatin, gelatinous, gelid, gelignite, jell, Jello, jelly, jellybean, jellyfish
geminus: twin 11D
Gemini, gimball, jiminy, trigeminal
gemma: jewel
gem, gemma, gemmule, gemstone
gena: cheek 14C
gens: see genus
Gentianus: Gentianus (king) 14A
genu: knee 13C
geniculate, genuflect, genuflection, genuflector
See note under genus. Only ODEE suggests genuine from genu.
Genua: Genoa 7F
bluejeans, Genoa, jeans
genus (gen. generis): type, kind; gens: clan, race; gigno: bear; genitor: sire; germanus: brother ;ingenium: talent; progenies: race (genoV) 1A
benign, benignity, benignly, congenial, congeniality, congenially, congenital, congenitally, degeneracy, degenerate, degenerately, degeneration, degenerative, disingenuous, disingenuously, engender, engine, engineer, gendarme, gender, genera, general, generalissimo, generalist, generality, generalization, generalize, generally, generalship, generate, generation, generational, generative, generatively, generator, generatrix, generic, generically, generosity, generous, generously, genial, geniality, genially, genie, genital, genitalia, genitally, genitive, genitor, geniture, genius, genre, gens, gent, genteel, gentile, gentility, gentle, gentlefolk, gentleman, gentlemanly, gentleness, gentlewoman, gently, gentrification, gentrify, gentry, genuine, genuinely, genuineness, genus, germ, German, germane, Germania, Germanic, Germanize, Germany, germarium, germicidal, germinal, germinate, germination, germinator, gin (machine), indigenization, indigenous, ingenious, ingeniously, ingenue, ingenuity, ingenuous, ingenuously, intergenerational, jauntily, jaunty, malign, malignancy, malignant, malignity, miscegenation, multigenerational, orogenital, progeniture, progeny, regenerate, regeneration, regenerative, regeneratively, regenerator, sui generis, uncongenial, ungenerous, unregenerate
Underlined words from genus (OED, OLD, W3), from genu (ODEE.)
N.B. I am not confident that I have divided the words from genus and genoV correectly. OED says suffixes -gen, -generous, -gene are all ultimately from genoV. For most words I have followed that guideline, although it goes against my instincts. Like pono/pauw perhaps a lot of fire about very little!
OLD says germanus from germen which may be from either gero or gigno. Gigno, gens, and genus are all related.
gerboa: gerbil 11B
germanus: see genus
gero, gestum: bear, carry, wage 3B
augur, augury, belligerence, belligerency, belligerent, belligerently, claviger, congeries, congest, congestant, congestion, congestive, decongestant, decongestion, digest, digestibility, digestible, digestion, digestive, digestively, , exaggerate, exaggeration, exaggerative, gerund, gerundive, gest, gestate, gestation, gesticulate, gesticulation, gestural, gesture, inaugural, inaugurate, inauguration, indigestible, indigestion, ingest, ingestible, ingestion, jest, jester, misregistration, progestogen, register, registrar, registration, registry, suggest, suggestibility, suggestible, suggestion, suggestive, suggestively, suggestiveness, undigested, unsuggestive
See augeo and avis for augur.
gibbus: heap 14A
gibbose, gibbosity, gibbous
gigeria: giblets 13C
gigno: see genus
gingiva: gums 13F
gingival, gingivitis
glaber: bald 14A
glabbro, glabrous
glacies: ice 8B
deglaciation, glace, glacial, glacially, glaciate, glaciation, glacier, glaciologist, intergacial, postglacial
gladius: sword 11A
gladiator, gladiatorial, gladiolus
glans (gen. glandis): fruit, nut 8C
gland, glanders, glandular, glans, triglandular
gleba: see globus
globus: spherical mass 6C
conglobate, glebe, global, globalism, globalization, globalize, globally, globe, globetrotter, globiferous, globin, globose, globular, globule, globulin, hemoglobin, myoglobin, oxyhemoglobin
glomus (gen. glomeris): ball-shaped mass; glomero: gather 9E
agglomerate, agglomeration, conglomerate, conglomeratic, conglomeration, conglomerator, glomerate, glomeration, glomerular, glomerule, glomerulus
gloria: praise 7B
Gloria, glorification, glorifier, glorify, glorious, gloriously, glory, inglorious, ingloriously, vainglorious
gluten: paste, glue 8B
agglutin, agglutinate, conglutinative, deglutinate, glue, gluey, gluten, glutinosity, glutinous, unglued
gluttio, gluttitum: swallow 11C
glut, glutton, gluttonous, gluttony
gnarus: see nosco
gnatus: see nascor
graculus: jackdaw 14D
gradior, gressus: step, walk; gradus: step; aggredior: approach 2D
aggrade, aggression, aggressive, aggressively, aggressiveness, aggressor, biodegradable, CIO, congress, congressional, congressman, congresswoman, degradability, degradable, degradation, degradational, degrade, degree, degreeless, degression, digress, digressional, digressionary, digression, digressive, downgrade, egress, egression, grad, gradation, grade, grader, gradient, gradual, gradualism, gradualist, gradually, graduate, graduation, ingredient, ingress, intergrade, multigrade, nongraduate, postgraduate, progress, progression, progressive, progressively, progressiveness, progressivism, progressivist, pronograde, rectigrade, regrade, regress, regression, regressive, regressively, regressivity, retrograde, retrogression, retrogressive, subgrade, transgress, transgression, transgressive, transgressor, undergraduate, ungraded, upgradable, upgrade
Graecus: Greek; Graecia: Greece 13A
Grecian, Greco-, Greece, Greek, verdigris
gramen: grass 14C
grandis: full-grown, large 4J
aggrandize, aggrandizement, gran, grand, grandam, grandchild, granddad, granddaddy, granddaughter, grande, grandee, grandeur, grandfather, grandiflora, grandiloquence, grandiloquent, grandiloquently, grandiose, grandiosely, grandiosity, grandly, grandma, grandmaster, grandmother, grandnephew, grandness, grandpa, grandparent, grandpaternal, grandsire, grandson, grandstand, granny, Grand Prix, greatgrandchild, greatgrandfather, greatgrandmother, greatgrandparent, greatgrandson
granum: kernel 6B
degranulate, degranulation, degranulator, filigree, garner, garnet, grain, grainger, grainstore, grainy, granary, grange, granger, granite, granitic, granola, granular, granulate, granulation, granulator, granule, granulum, granuliferous, granulocyte, gravy (see OED), Grenada, grenade, grenadier, grenadine, grog (see OED), ingrain, pomegranate
gratus: pleasing; gratia: thanks; gratulatio: thanksgiving 2E
agree, agreeable, agreeably, agreement, congrats, congratulate, congratulation, congratulatory, disagree, disagreeable, disagreeably, disagreement, disgrace, disgraceful, grace, graceful, gracefully, gracefulness, graceless, gracelessly, gracious, graciously, graciousness, grateful, gratefully, gratification, gratify, gratifyingly, gratis, gratitude, gratuitous, gratuitously, gratuity, grazioso (It), ingrate, ingratiate, ingratiatingly, ingratiation, ingratitude, NAFTA, persona (non) grata, ungracefully, ungracious, ungraciously, ungrateful, ungratefully, ungratified
gravis: heavy 6B
aggravate, aggravatingly, aggravation, aggrieve, antigravity, gravamen, grave (a), gravely, gravid, gravimetric, gravis, gravitas, gravitate, gravitation, gravitational, gravitationally, graviton, gravity, grief, grievance, grieve, grievous, grievously, rotogravure
N.B. There are three different words grave. Engrave is not ftom gravis.
grex (gen. gregis): crowd; egregius: distinguished 7A
aggregate, aggregation, congregate, congregation, congregational, congregationalism, Congregationalist, desegregate, desegregation, disaggregate, disaggregation, egregious, egregiously, gregarious, gregariously, reaggregate, seg, segregate, segregation, segregationist
grossus: immature or malformed figure 7A
engross, grocer, grocery, gross, grossly, grossness, Mardi Gras (Fr)
See also crassus
gruo: see congruo
grus: crane (geranoV) 10E
gula: throat, gluttony 11I
goliard, gullet, gulley
gurges (gen. gurgitis): whirlpool 9B
disgorge, disgorgement, gargle, gargoyle, gorge, gurgle, regurgitate, regurgitation
gusto (1): taste 8A
disgust, disgustedly, gusto, ragout
gutta: drop 9E
gout, gutter
guttur: throat11J
goiter, guttural
habeo, habitum: have; habilis: handy; habito: live; adhibeo: apply; inhibeo: control; praebeo:furnish; prohibeo: forbid (2B)
N.B. Many words compound -able, -ible, -ability, -ibility.
-ability, ability, -able, able, -ably, ably, binnacle, cohabit, cohabitant, cohabitation, cohabitee, disability, disable, disablement, enable, enabler, exhibit, exhibition, exhibitionism, exhibitionist, exhibitionistic, exhibitive, exhibitor, habeas corpus, habiliments, habilis, habilitation, habit, habitability, habitable, habitant, habitat, habitation, habitual, habitually, habituate, habituation, habitue, habitus, -ibility,
-ible, -ibly, inability, inhabit, inhabitable, inhabitant, inhibit, inhibition, inhibitor, inhibitory, malady, microhabitat, nonhabitual, possibility, possible, possibly, prebendary, prohibit, prohibition, prohibitionism, prohibitionist, prohibitive, prohibitively, provender, rehab, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, unable, uninhabitable, uninhabited, uninhibited, uninhibitedly
OLD denies that dubito = duo + habeo. See also debeo.
W2 lists average from habeo; OED, ODEE, W3 disagree.
N.B. The suffix -able (-ible), -ably (-ibly), -ability, (-ibility) is used in thousands of words, including many whose root is not derived from Latin. If the root is not derived from Latin, the word is omitted. Most derived from Latin are omitted here; they are indicated in the reverse index with an underlining.
Have is not a derivative of habeo; have is cognate with capio.
Hadrianus: Hadrian 9C
Adrian, Adrianne, Adrianople, Hadrian
haec: see hic
haereo, haesum: cling 6A
adhere, adherence, adherend, adherent, adhesion, adhesional, adhesive, cohere, coherence, coherent, coherently, cohesion, cohesive, cohesively, hesitancy, hesitant, hesitantly, hesitate, hesitatingly, hesitation, incoherence, incoherent, incoherently, inhere, inherent, inherently, nonadherent, unhesitating, unhesitatingly
halo (1): breathe 8B
exhalation, exhale, halitosis, inhalant, inhalation, inhale, inhaler
hamus: hook 14D
(h)arena: see arena
(h)arundo: see arundo
hasta: spear 14C
hasta, hastate
haurio, haustum: drink completely 7C
exhaust, exhaustible, exhaustion, exhaustive, exhaustively, inexhaustible, inexhaustive, oust (W2, but W3 etc. assign to sto.)
hebeo: be dull 14D
Helvetia: Switzerland 13F
Helvetia, Helvetian
herba: grass 7C
arbour, herb, herbaceous, herbage, herbal, herbalist, herbarium, herbicide, herbivore, herbivorous, herbivory, herby
Schaeffer associates arbor and herba; no other source does so.
heres (gen. heredis): heir 9D
coheir, coheiress, disinherit, heir, heiress, heirloom, hereditary, heredity, heritability, heritable, heritage, inherit, inheritable, inheritance, inheritor, nonhereditary
hernia: rupture (not in OLD; LS says ph from ernoV: sprout; cited in OED) 11B
heros: hero: see hrwV
hiems (gen. hiemis): winter; Hibernia: Ireland 10F
hibernate, hibernation, Hibernia, Hibernian
hilarus (hilaris): cheerful see ilaroV
hio (1): gape 11H
dehisce, dehiscence, hiatal, hiatus
hirpex: large rake (not in OLD) 8B
hearse, rehearsal, rehearse, unrehearsed
hirtus: hairy 14A
hirundo: swallow 14D
Hispania: Spain 5G
cockerspaniel, Espana, Hispanic, Hispaniola, Spain, Spaniard, spaniel, Spanish
histrio: actor 12I
homo (gen. hominis): human being; humanus: human; nemo: no one 3D
bonhomie, dehumanization, dehumanize, homage, hombre (Sp), homicidal, homicide, hominid, hominoid, homme (Fr), homo (human), homunculus, human, humane, humanely, humanism, humanist, humanistic, humanitarian, humanitarianism, humanity, humanize, humankind, humanly, humanness, humanoid, inhuman, inhumane, inhumanely, inhumanity, inhumanly, Nemo, nonhuman, ombre (Sp), protohuman, subhuman, superhuman
honos (honor): honesty, honor; honestus: honorable 5I
dishonest, dishonestly, dishonesty, dishonor, dishonorable, dishonorably, Hon., honest, honestly, honesty, honor, honorable, honorably, honorarium, honorary, honorat, honorific, Honorius, unhonored
hora: hour: see wra
Horatius: Horace 10B
Horace, Horatian, Horatio
horreo: shudder; abhorreo: shrink from; horrendus: dreadful 6D
abhor, abhorrence, abhorrent, abhorrently, horrendous, horrendously, horrible, horribly, horrid, horridly, horrific, horrifically, horrify, horrifyingly, horror, ordure
hortor: urge 10D
exhort, exhortation, exhortatory, hortatory
hortus: garden (cf. cohors) 8D
Hortensia, Hortensius, horticultural, horticulturalist, horticulture, orchard
hospes (gen. hospitis): guest, host 3D
hospice, hospitable, hospitably, hospital, hospitality, hospitalization, hospitalize, host (one who entertains), hostel, hostelry, hostess, hotel, hotelier, inhospitable, inhospitably, inhospitality, maitre d’, motel, ostler
hostia: victim 11J
host (communion)
hostis: enemy 8A
host (throng), hostile, hostilely, hostility
humanus: see homo
(h)umeo: be moist; (h)umidus: moist 7C
dehumidifier, dehumidify, humid, humidifier, humidify, humidity, humor, humoral, humorist, humorless, humorlessly, humorous, humorously
humus: ground; humilis: lowly 7F
ahumic, exhumation, exhume, humble, humbly, humic, humiliate, humiliation, humility, humus, inhumation, omerta (It), transhumance
Posthumous is not derived from humus.
hybrida: half-breed 8D
dihybrid, hybrid, hybridization, hybridize
hymenaeus: marriage: see umhn
-ia: quality of
liberty etc. (= Eng. -y)
iaceo: lie near 8D (3A)
adagio (It), adjacency, adjacent, circumjacent, gist, gister, interjacency, joist, postjacent, subjacent
ODEE and AHD derive disease, ease, and easy from iaceo, OED from ansa.
iacio, iactum: throw; iaculum: javelin; obicio: oppose (cf. ihmi) 2A
abject, abjection, abjectly, adj., adjectival, adjectivally, adjective, c.o., conjectural, conjecture, dejected, dejectedly, dejection, ejaculate, ejaculation, ejaculative, ejaculator, ejaculatory, eject, ejection, ejective, ejector, ictus, inject, injection, injector, interject, interjection, intersubjective, introject, introjection, jet, jetsam, jettison, jetty, jut, microinject, nonobjective, object, objectification, objectify, objection, objectionable, objectional, objective, objectively, objectivism, objectivist, objectivity, objectivize, objectless, objector, project, projectile, projection, projectionist, projective, projector, reject, rejection, retrojection, subject, subjection, subjective, subjectively, subjectivism, subjectivist, subjectivity, traject, trajection, trajectory, TurboJet, unobjectionable
OLD associates iaceo/iacio as pendeo/pendo. See jet in OED.
Ianus: Janus; ianua: door 6B
janitor, janitorial, January, Janus
Iberia: Iberia 11F
Iberia, Iberian
ibex: wild goat 14B
ibidem, idem: see is
Idus: Ides
ieiunium: fast 6B
dine, diner, dinette, dinner, jejunal, jejune, jejunely
W2 rejects dine.
-iens, -ient: -ing
transient etc. (= Eng. -ient)
igitur: therefore 14D
gaudeamus igitur
ignis: fire 8E
igneous, ignite, ignition, ignivomous, reignite
ignorantia (ignorance), ignoro (not know): see nosco
ilex: holm-oak 13F
ilia: flanks 9B
ileal, ileitis, ileostomy, ileum, jade, jadite, sacroiliac
ille: that 5I
a la carte (Fr), a la mode (Fr), apostil, el, El Dorado, elle, il, ils, la, lacrosse, La Paz, lariat, le, Leroy, los, postil, postilion
(The articles are from Romance languages.)
Illyria: Yugoslavia 13D
Illyria, Illyrian
imago (gen. imaginis): mask (cf. imitor) 5B
afterimage, image, imageable, imager, imagery, imaginable, imaginably, imaginary, imagination, imaginative, imaginatively, imagine, imagist, imago, MRI, unimaginable, unimaginably, unimaginative, unimaginatively, unimagined
imbecilis (imbecilus): weak 10F
imbecile, imbecility
Embezzle may be remotely related.
imber: rain 14B
imbuo: drench, permeate 11D
imitor (1): imitate (OED: same root as imago) 8A
imitatable, imitate, imitation, imitative, imitator, inimitable, inimtably
See also aemulus, which may be related.
in-: not
incest, indecent, illegal, immoral, innocent (and many others)
in: in, on, into, onto (used as English prefix)
imbue, incur, indite, inherent, illustrate, imply, irritate, insist, intend (and many others)
inanis: empty 12F
inane, inanely, inanity
incendo: see candeo
inclino: see clivis
incoho: begin 13C
incus (gen. incudis): anvil 14C
index: see dico
indulgeo: take pleasure, favor 9C
indulge, indulgence, indulgent, indulgently, indult, overindulgence
industria: diligence 3D
CIO, industrial, industrialism, industrialist, industrialization, industrialize, industrious, industriously, industry
inferus: low; inferi: the dead; inferior: lower; infimus: lowest 8D
inferior, inferiority, infernal, infernally, inferno, infra, infrared
Consult reverse index to find compounds with Latin roots. (e.g., infracostal)
N.B. Infract, infrangible etc. are compounds of in + frango.
infestus (hostile): see -fendo
inguen: groin 14A
initium (beginning): see eo
innuo (nod): see nuo
inopia (lack): see ops
instar: likeness 14C
instauro (begin): see stauro
instigo (stir up): see -stigo
insula: island 6E
insular, insularity, insularly, insulate, insulation, insulator, insulin, isle, islet, isolate, isolation, isolationism, isolationist, isolative, isolator, peninsula, peninsular, uninsulated
N.B. Island is not a derivative of insula.
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