Developmental dyslexia is the failure to acquire age-appropriate reading skills despite adequate intelligence and education opportunity. Many sources of evidence pointed out that phonological deficits, such as phonological awareness and phonological short term memory, are causes underlying dyslexia in alphabetic writing system. Nevertheless, both connectionist models and double deficits theory imply that orthographic deficit could cause failure to word recognition. We argue that dyslexia in Mandarin would also have two major problems —phonological deficit and orthographic deficit. Phonological deficit is due to indistinctness in phonological representation. Orthographic deficit is related to slow naming and affect visual association of radicals. Keep intelligence constant, we compared three groups (D、RL、CA)in six experiments to test phonological and orthographic deficit in Mandarin dyslexia. Among them group D represents dyslexia, group RL represents reading level control, and group CA represents chronological-age control.
Study 1 and study 2 are designed to test phonological deficits. Study 1 examined whether the phonological deficit of dyslexia is due to the lack of the distinctness of phonological representations. The results indicated that response latencies and accuracy of group D are significantly lower than two control groups in the 700ms semi-homophone condition. Therefore we argued that the distinctness between similar phonological representations are insufficient for dyslexia. Study 2 tested the connections of similar phonological representations are more activated than inhibited in dyslexia and this results in semantic mistakes in the process of Mandarin characters recognition. Though the result of study 2 indicated that the response latencies pattern of group D was not significantly different from the two control groups, further researches are needed before conclusion can be made。
Study 3 consisted of four measures of serial naming speed—objects、digits、zhu yin and colors. We found that group D was not significantly slower than group RL on four naming tasks but significantly slower than group CA on object、digits and zhu yin naming.
Study 4、study 5 and study 6 are about orthographic deficits. Study 4 investigated the rules of radicals-combination. We found that there is no significant difference among three groups on this task. It means that most dyslexia have no deficits in rules of radicals-combination. Study 5 is a homophone test. The result indicated group CA> group RL> group D on accuracy. Study 6 is visual radical association experiment. It contains two kinds of materials — persudowords and nonsense figures. The results indicated group D has specific deficits in visual association and this deficit is not bond to words. After partialing out the intelligence scores, the correlation of visual association and measures of naming speed indicated that visual association deficit of dyslexia is related to slow naming.
According to these six experiments, we therefore argue that Mandarin dyslexia demonstrates the phonological deficit and the orthographic deficit. The phonological deficit possibly results from indistinctness of phonological representation;whereas orthographic deficit affect visual association of radicals.
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