DOMAINS My identity/identities or experiences The country I live in Physical landscape of the
Vancouver, ? - maybe P place(s) I call home today
Close to the University, Close to the beach, mountains Physical landscape of the place(s)
Ocean, mountain ? - ? I called home as a child
My citizenship and immigration
Canadian/South African P P P status
My first language
Zulu M M M My ethnicity and/or race*
Black South African M M M My gender expression/identity
Female M M M My sexual orientation or preference Queer M M M My socioeconomic status now
Below Canadian Low Income M M maybe P Cut-off (LICO) My socioeconomic class as a child
Middle-class somewhat P P P (South African context) My physical condition
Able-bodied P P P (including any disability status)
Road to Global Citizenship: An Educator’s Toolbook
14 Does this identity give me a position of privilege or marginalization relative to most people in: *
‘Race’ is not a meaningful biological category. However, a great deal of research demonstrates that race is a meaningful social category.
Our racial identity, and what others perceive our race to be, have a powerful influence in shaping our experiences in the world—and in
the classroom. We include Aboriginal/indigenous status in our understanding of race and ethnicity.
Gender expression is the gender that a person presents to the world. Gender identity is the gender that a person feels inside. Often,
gender expression and gender identity correspond with biological sex, but this is not the case for all people.