PMU team (Comp 1 TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION): Project Manager, full-time (with technical, strategic and managerial responsibilities). The technical and strategic aspects refer to support to the implementation of project components. The amount herein includes half of the budget reserve at for a 5-year full-time engagement, spread across components as follows: C1 at 30%, C2 at 50% and C3 at 20%. The recruitment will be carried out by DEA, according to NIM procedures and applying DEA's 2017 salary scale. Upon common agreement between DEA and UNDP, this post had been classified at 'Deputy Director' level (DEA's salary scale 11), with an initial annual remuneration of ZAR 822,698. Standard salary increments and possible currency devaluation were considered when calculating the budget reserve for this post. An average of $70K p.a. and a basic ZAR/USD rate of 13 were considered for the of ease budgeting. Regardless, amounts for this budget reserve should be reassessed annually.
Inputs needed under Output 1.1 (Afr. Ginger), managed by CSIR: Budget reserve for developing the following activities: Act. #3 - Conduct clinical studies (clinical trials, adsorption/metabolism studies and observation studies). Refer to PRODOC Annex X-2, Section 2 for contextual information and to PRODOC Annex X-3 on for more details on the proposed activities. CSIR is expected to submit a detailed work plan on the use of funds by the project's Inception Phase.
Inputs needed under Output 1.1 (Afr. Ginger), managed by CSIR: Budget reserve for engaging, as applicable, specialized legal services and/or expert advisory services: (Act #1) Amendment of the existing CSIR-Traditional Healers Committee Benefit Sharing Agreement to include clauses in alignment with the South African Biodiversity Act; and (Act #3) Registration of the product as a complementary medicine; ". Refer to PRODOC Annex X-2, Section 2 for contextual information and to PRODOC Annex X-3 on for more details on the proposed activities. CSIR is expected to submit a detailed work plan on the use of funds by the project's Inception Phase.
Inputs needed under Output 1.2 (Northern Cape), managed by ARC: Local consultancies in connection output implementation: Northern Cape ABS Hub, recruitment managed by ARC: Site Supervisor and Research Manager, (budget reserve for a 4.5 to 5-year engagement).
Inputs needed under Output 1.2 (Northern Cape), managed by ARC: Local consultancies in connection output implementation: Northern Cape ABS Hub, recruitment managed by ARC: Researcher, (budget reserve for a 4.5 to 5-year engagement).
Inputs needed under Output 1.2 (Northern Cape), managed by ARC: Local consultancies in connection output implementation: Northern Cape ABS Hub, recruitment managed by ARC: Research technician (budget reserve for a 4.5 to 5-year engagement).
Budget reserve for ARC to avail professional staff time according to the project needs in view of supporting the ABS / bioprospecting NC Hub regarding various activities under Output 1.2 (Northern Cape): ARC Professional Support (budget reserve for a 4.5 to 5-year engagement, which may be fulfilled by different in-house experts during different phases of the project).
Budget reserve for ARC to avail technical staff time according to the project needs in view of supporting the ABS / bioprospecting NC Hub regarding various Activities under Output 1.2 (Northern Cape): ARC Technical Support, (budget reserve for a 4.5 to 5-year engagement, which may be fulfilled by different in-house experts during different phases of the project).
Procurement of specialised service provider company: ARC contracting regarding Activities under Output 1.2 (Northern Cape): Local Labour, (budget reserve for regular and ad hoc engagement through local sub-contracting).
Procurement of Equipment: ARC purchases relating to Activities under Output 1.2 (Northern Cape): Budget reserve for project vehicles, including supplies and fuel in bulk (items can be detailed upon project inception).
Procurement of various supplies: ARC purchases regarding Activities under Output 1.2 (Northern Cape): Budget reserve for Implements and tools in bulk (items can be detailed by project's Inception).
Budget reserve for the construction work (and related services) foreseen under Output 1.2 (Northern Cape), managed by ARC relating to establishing the physical ABS / Bioprospecting hub in the NC Province: Infrastructure (permits and assessments – among them EIA and HSE plans, if required -- included in the package with support from DAFF). ARC contracting. Refer to details in PRODOC Annex X-3.
Comp 2
PMU managed technical assistance: Ad hoc M&E consultant in year 1. Budget reserve engaging a local consultant / consultancy for assisting the project in setting up the M&E framework and collecting data for the project's pilots. For the ease of budgeting, this consultancy will be charged to Component 3, even though.
PMU team (Comp 2 TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION): Project Manager, full-time (with technical, strategic and managerial responsibilities). The technical and strategic aspects refer to support to the implementation of project components. The amount herein includes half of the budget reserve at for a 5-year full-time engagement, spread across components as follows: C1 at 30%, C2 at 50% and C3 at 20%. Refer to relevant budget note under Component 1 for more details.
DEA contracting (or sub-contracting) in connection with Activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.) Act. #1: Outputs Manager for coordinating all activities under this output. Exact ToR to be defined during Project Inception Phase.
DEA contracting (or sub-contracting) in connection with Activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.) Act. #2: Conduct global conservation assessment/NDF.
DEA contracting (or sub-contracting) in connection with Activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.) Act. #5: Review and update BMP (expires 2018).
DEA contracting (or sub-contracting) in connection with Activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.) Act. #3: Conduct ethnobotanical study.
DEA contracting (or sub-contracting) in connection with Activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.) Act. #4: Conduct value chain analysis & socio-economic analyses.
DEA contracting (or sub-contracting) in connection with Activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.) Act. #8: Development of sustainable harvesting guidelines.
DEA contracting (or sub-contracting) in connection with Activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.) Act. #10: Facilitate improvement of the management of community-based Trusts, and distribution of trust funds. Refer to details in PRODOC Annex X-3.
Budget reserve for general support to stakeholder activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.), more specifically Act. #12 (Support administration of Pelargonium Working Group), consisting primarily of travel in connection PWG meetings. The budget reserve may later be broken down into other types of inputs. The PWG is expected to work together with PMU officers towards consolidating a detailed workplan on the use of funds under Output 2.1 by the project's Inception Phase, when an Output Manager is expected to assume coordinating functions.
DEA competitive grant-making activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.), Act. #11: Provide financial support to M.Sc. Students. Refer to details in PRODOC Annex X-3.
DEA contracting (or sub-contracting) regarding Activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.) Act. #7: Support TK holders to review and renegotiate ABS agreements and supply agreements (procurement of specialised service provider company).
DEA contracting (or sub-contracting), plus and related travel, if applicable, regarding Activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.) Act. #6: Training of selected staff from DEA, Eastern Cape DEDEAT and Free State DESTEA in implementing the BMP.
DEA contracting (or sub-contracting), plus and related travel, if applicable, regarding Activities under Output 2.1 (Pelag.) Act. #9: Training of local collectors to improve the sustainability of harvesting approaches.
Contracting by DEA regarding coordinating all activities under Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox) in close collaboration with the Tyefu Community Trust / Council, Act. #1: Outputs Manager for coordinating all activities under this output. Exact ToR to be defined during Project Inception Phase.
Contracting regarding Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #3: Aloe Business Advisor. Exact ToR to be defined during Project Inception Phase.
Contracting regarding Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #2: Independent community facilitator. Exact ToR to be defined during Project Inception Phase.
Budget reserve for regular and ad hoc engagement through local sub-contracting regarding Activities under Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #10: Plantation management staff. Refer to details in Annex X-3.
Budget reserve for regular and ad hoc engagement through local sub-contracting regarding Activities under Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #15: Testing, processing and packaging staff. Refer to details in Annex X-3.
Contracting regarding Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #18: Engaging a marketing company aimed at developing and implementing a branding of Tyefu aloe products. Establish a digital presence for the Tyefu aloe brand. Exact ToR to be defined during Project Inception Phase.
Procurement in connection with Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #11: Procurement (or rental, as required) of plantation vehicles and implements. Refer to proposals in Annex X-3. Else, the Output's procurement plan is expected be completed and validated by the Project's Inception.
Procurement in connection with Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #14: Pre-fabricated modular testing, processing and packaging facility (including bulk services and facility equipment/ furniture). Refer to proposals in Annex X-3. Else, the Output's procurement plan is expected be completed and validated by the Project's Inception.
Procurement of materials and goods in connection Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #9: Pre-fabricated modular office and workshop for the plantation (including bulk services and office equipment/ furniture). Refer to details in Annex X-3.
Procurement in connection with Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #12: Procurement (or rental, as required) of plantation and plantation staff equipment and implements. Refer to proposals in Annex X-3. Else, the Output's procurement plan is expected be completed and validated by the Project's Inception.
Procurement in connection with Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #13: Procurement of consumables for plantation staff and management. Refer to proposals in Annex X-3. Else, the Output's procurement plan is expected be completed and validated by the Project's Inception.
Procurement of materials and goods in connection Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #16: Procurement (or rental, as required) of processing plant staff equipment. Refer to proposals in Annex X-3. Else, the Output's procurement plan is expected be completed and validated by the Project's Inception.
Procurement of materials and goods in connection Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #8: Greenhouse tunnel supplier (and installer). Refer to details in Annex X-3.
Procurement of materials and goods in connection Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #7: Fencing materials. Refer to details in Annex X-3.
Procurement of supplies in connection Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #17: Procurement of consumables for processing staff and management. This includes fuel, storage containers, laboratory equipment and packaging materials. Refer to proposals in Annex X-3. Else, the Output's procurement plan is expected be completed and validated by the Project's Inception.
Contracting in connection with Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #5: Horticultural planning and engineering company. Details in Annex X-3.
Contracting in connection with Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #6: EIA consulting firm. This is aimed at undertaking all EIA processes and facilitates applications for resource use licenses and permits. Further details in Annex X-3.
Contracting, plus and related travel, if applicable, in connection with Output 2.2 (Aloe ferox), Act. #4: Training service provider/s. Details in Annex X-3.
Contracting in connection with Output 2.3 (Honeybush), Act. #2: Contract service provider to conduct Scoping Baseline Determination Study. Refer to details in Annex X-3.
Contracting in connection with Output 2.3 (Honeybush), Act. #1: Establish technical advisory group (TAG) -- includes regular meetings and the costs thereof and may be broken down to include travel and other costs. The PMU and the TAG are expected to work together and submit a detailed workplan on the use of funds in due course. Refer to details in Annex X-3.
Contracting in connection with Output 2.3 (Honeybush), Act. #3: Contract service provider to develop guidelines for the administration of the grant system. Refer to details in Annex X-3.
Grant-making activity to be managed by the GEF Small Grants Program in South Africa in connection with Activity #4 under Output 2.3 (Honeybush). Refer to Activity description in Annex X-3 for more details on disbursements.
Budget reserve for ARC to avail technical staff time from years 1 through 4 of the project and according to the project needs in connection with various Activities under Output 2.4 (African Ginger cultivation): Provide small scale infrastructure support to community sites depending on requirements
Budget reserve for ARC to avail technical staff time from years 1 through 4 of the project and according to the project needs in connection with various Activities under Output 2.4 (African Ginger cultivation): Provide on-going technical support to selected sites
Budget reserve for ARC to avail technical staff time from years 1 through 4 of the project and according to the project needs in connection with various Activities under Output 2.4 (African Ginger cultivation): Provide marketing support to selected sites
Budget reserve for ARC to avail technical staff time from years 1 through 4 of the project and according to the project needs in connection with various Activities under Output 2.4 (African Ginger cultivation): Develop site-specific technical assistance plan for selected sites.
Budget reserve for ARC to avail technical staff time from years 1 through 4 of the project and according to the project needs in connection with various Activities under Output 2.4 (African Ginger cultivation): Identification of suitable sites for cultivation and agro processing
Budget reserve for the appointment of a part-time extension officer by ARC to Northern Cape in connection over 4 years in connection with various activities under Output 2.5 (Extension Services N Cape Hub), Activity #2 (Appoint an extension officer to perform necessary training and support service), who will be responsible for: Act.#1: Design a support service to community projects through which the various BMP’s will be transferred at a regular basis; and Act.#3: Pro-actively network with relevant State entities, NGOs, academic institutions, AgriHub initiative(s).
Budget reserve for travel costs for the Northern Cape Hub Extension Officer in connection with various activities under Output 2.5 (Extension Services N Cape Hub).
Engagement of specialized legal and/or advisory services for concluding an ABS agreement between Rooibos Council and TK holders. DEA managed and UNDP supported tender regarding Activities under Output 2.6 (Rooibos): Refer to Activity description in Annex X-3 for more details.
Comp 3
PMU team (Comp 3 TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION): Project Manager, full-time (with technical, strategic and managerial responsibilities). The technical and strategic aspects refer to support to the implementation of project components. The amount herein includes half of the budget reserve at for a 5-year full-time engagement, spread across components as follows: C1 at 30%, C2 at 50% and C3 at 20%. Refer to relevant budget note under Component 1 for more details.
Local Consultants: (i) Development of a detailed gender mainstreaming strategy for ABS pilots; and (ii) Monitoring and follow-up of gender mainstreaming effectiveness. Charged to Component 3, but covering all three technical components of the project.
Budget reserve for project monitoring by team members, including negotiation of details of exit/sustainability strategy with project stakeholders, involving travel to sites. Charged to Component 3, but covering all three technical components of the project.
PMU team: Project M&E Officer: Budget reserve for a part-time engagement by UNDP, indicatively at 70% over a 4-year period (years 2 through 5), indicatively as Level SB4/4. This is proposed charged to Component 3, but the M&E Officer has responsibilities for all three technical components of the project.
Inputs regarding various Activities under Output 3.1 (National Recordal System), managed by DST: Cost for IK Recorder (5 IK Recorders in total) (budget reserve for part-time service provision - approx. $40K per IK recorder).
Budget reserve for needed purchases regarding activities under Output 3.1 (National Recordal System), managed by DST, in particular Act. #6: Develop a one-stop-shop to access IK (aligning DEA permitting system with the National Recordal Systems’ ICT platform (NIKMAS)- to enable an electronic one-stop-shop system. Refer to Annex X-3 for more details. .
Budget reserve for SANBI to avail technical staff time training / capacity building activities under Output 3.1 (National Recordal System), managed by DST, in particular Act. #2: SANBI training of IK recorders to collect plant specimens. DST-SANBI MoU to be agreed upon during project inception. Refer to Annex X-3 for more details. .
Budget reserve for needed purchases regarding activities under Output 3.1 (National Recordal System), managed by DST, in particular Act. #3: Cost of Recording Equipment (notebook, Camera, camera accessories, laptop bag) per IK recorder. Refer to Annex X-3 for more details. .
Budget reserve, including travel costs, if applicable, for training / capacity building activities under Output 3.1 (National Recordal System), managed by DST, in particular Act. #1: Bio-cultural Community Protocol Workshops and documentation concluded (10 in total, 2 workshops/annum).
Budget reserve, including travel costs, if applicable, for training / capacity building activities under Output 3.1 (National Recordal System), managed by DST, in particular Act. #4: Training sessions on Documentation Methodology p/a. Refer to Annex X-3 for more details. .
DEA institutional contracting of SANBI (through MoU e.g.) in connection with Activities under Output 3.2 (Certification System): Act..#1: Appoint Lead Consultant to coordinate and facilitate the development process on behalf of DEA over a three-year period; Act. #2: Appoint SANBI to develop a suitable Certification Standard with specific focus on biodiversity conservation and GEBs; Act. #3: Lead Consultant to conduct a thorough consultation process with existing certification agents, both in South Africa and internationally.; and Act. #4: Conduct a certification test case, and, based on the outputs of the test case, complete and formalise the Certification System. Refer to Activity descriptions in Annex X-3 for more details.
M&E and KM **
Internal review (Annual Project Board Meetings) and organisation of indicator data
Measurement of indicators (incl. Local workshop for applying the GEF Tracking Tool)
Generation of missing baseline data for indicators
National Inception workshop
Mid-term review
Final evaluation
Project Audits
Project Management Costs*
PMU team (PROJECT MANAGEMENT COSTS): Project Manager, full-time (with technical, strategic and managerial responsibilities). The amount herein includes half of the budget reserve at for a 5-year full-time engagement with respect to managerial tasks. Refer to relevant budget note under Component 1 for more details.
PMU: Project management related travel
PMU: Stationary, fuel, maintenance of durable goods and procurement of consumables regarding project management activities (approx. $3K p.a.)
PMU: Communication costs, financial costs and other miscellaneous
PMU: Project vehicle
PMU: Furniture for the project team (once off purchase if needed)
PMU: IT Equipment for the project team (laptops, printers, software, installation)
UNDP Support for PMU recruitment (Year 1)
Orient PMU members (project upstart)
* Refer to Section VIII (Mgt arrangements) for summaries and the PMU’s setup.