Izoh: Ba'zi fe'llarning Past Participle (o'tgan zamon sifatdoshi) shakli ko'plikni bil-dirgan otga aylanadi, shu xususiyatga ega bo'lgan barcha shaxs yoki buyumlarni bil-diradi va aniq artikl bilan ishlatiladi: the rewarded mukofotlangunlar, the wounded yaralanganlar. 6. Past Participle to have fe'lining shakllan bilan birikib kelib Perfect zamonlarni yasaydi: I have read men o'qidim, I had read men o'qigandim. I shall have read men o'qigan bo'laman. 7 Past Participle to be fe'lining shakllari bilan birikib kelib majhul nisbat shakllarini yasaydi: I am given menga berishadi, I was given menga herishdi, I shall be given menga berishadi. PERFECT PARTICIPLE PASSIVE Perfect Participle Passive sabab va payt holi bo'lib keladi va gapning kesimidagi ish-harakatdan oldin sodir bo'lgan ish-harakatni bildiradi: Having been sent to the wrong ad- Xat noto'g'ri manzilga yuborilga-dress (= As the letter had been sent ni uchun, u(xat) unga yetib bor- to the wrong address) the letter madi. didn't reach him.
Having been dried and sorted (= Mollar quritilib hamda navlarga After the goods had been dried and ajratilgach omborga joylandi. sorted) the goods were placed in a warehouse.
Perfect Participle Passive ko'pincha Present Participle Passive yoki Past Participle bilan almashtiriladi:
Having been sent to = Being sent to the = Sent to the wrong ad- the wrong address ... wrong address... dress ...
Izoh: Payt holini ifodalovchi Perfect Participle Passive o'rnida ko'pincha Passive Gerund ishlatiladi: Having beeli dried and sorted the goods = After being dried and sorted the goods were placed in a warehouse. were placed in a warehouse. HOZIRGI VA O'TGAN ZAMON SIFATDOSHLARIMNG ANIQLOVCHI BO'LIB KELGANDA GAPDAGI O'RNI 1. Present va Past Participle fe'llik xususiyatlarini butunlay yo'qotib, ma'nosi sifatga juda yaqinlashib qolganda aniqlovchi bo'lib, otning ol-didan keladi:
He sent me some illustrated cata- U menga bir nechta suratli kata-
logues. loglar yubordi.
A broken cup lay on the table. Siniq piyola stolda yotardi.
2. Present va Past Participleda sifatlik xususiyati bo'lmay, faqat fe'llik xususiyatiga ega bo'lsa, ular aniqlovchi bo'lib otdan keyin keladi va bu sifatdoshlarni aniqlovchi ergash gap bilan almashtirsa bo'ladi:
They showed us a list of the goods Ular bizga sotilgan mollarning
sold (=which had been sold). ro'yxatini ko'rsatishdi.
The captain informed us of the Kapitan bizni yuklangan bug'doyning
quantity of wheat loaded (=which miqdoridan xabardor qildi.
had been loaded). Biz qatnashuvchi tomonlarga tarlif-
We have sent invitations to the nomalar jo'natdik.
par ties participating (=which are participating).
3. Sifatdoshning izohlovchi so'zlari bo'lganda ular aniqlovchi bo'lib faqat otdan keyin keladi:
They showed us a list of the goods Ular bizga kimoshdi savdosida
sold at the auction. sotilgan mollar ro'yxatini ko'rsa tishdi.
The captain informed us of the Kapitan bizni Odessada yuklan gan
quantity of wheat loaded in Odessa. bug'doy miqdoridan xabardor qildi..
We have sent invitations to the par- Biz kelishuvda ishtirok tomonlarga
ties participating in the agreement. taklifnomalar etuvchi yubordik.