Stand-off in Armenian capital ended

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sees happening in the so-called westerrn democracies annd the westphalian nation-states. As long as one discusses issues on radio, in universities and churches within the narrowly confined strictures of secular humanist-evolutionist materialism or, in the churches "The Gospol" (either undefined or ill-defined) one may not speak and one is never asked to speak. The frustrations of this censorship inflame one's anger, obviously, but The Lord says "Vengeance is Mine" so thankfully we are not called on to do anything but speak our minds. We enter these churches so that "Christ in you the Hope of Glory" (Colossians 1:27) can stand at the doors of the Laodicean Church adherents' hearts and knock on them to let Him enter (Revelation 3:20). The contrast here between the Genuine Christian with the Muslim, Hindu etc., is obvious. The Secular-Humanist-Evolutionist-Environmentalist-Materialist Man uses sophisticated means to censor us. Whereas Muslims et al use rather crude measures.

25/8/16, Earth-like planets common across the Milky Way. A comment after yet another planet has supposedly been found within the so-called Goldilocks zone around a star, in this case Proxima Centauri a rather small star as far as these giant bodies go. Like Mercury, the star's goldilocks-planet is thought to be quite close to the star but the weakness of the star's energy means it does not get "fried". The 'discovery' is based on perceived or 'measured' perturbations of the star supposedly caused by the plamet's motion around the star. This 'planet' supposedly has an eleven-day year, i.e., it takes just eleven days to orbit the star. That sounds like it is travelling extremely quickly and sounds a bit dubious. It does not sound too hospitable fro life on that basis. Its theoretical distance from the star makes it a possible candidate for a planet capable of supporting life under this model or framework of hopeful-thinking. As students of the Bible, we know how ridiculous this nonsense is. But this is nonsensical evolutionism. We know NASA and the ESP are investigating comets because they now think that is the most likely source of life on this planet but that it evolved so deep in space that it comes from a part of the Universe we cannot even see. And they mock the Bible and the worods of Adam who, alone in all likelihood, spoke to God about his origin s. Adam passed that information plus a coded statement, aloing with his wife's words "do not even touch it", about what he did in the Garden of Eden that so flagrantly displeased God and brought us all into the mess we now have.

As one was writing this a few days later, one appeared himslef for four minutes or so on a local radio station pointing out that the Bible is true History etc. The compare concluded with, "but if we fimd life on other planets that means the Christian account is wrong". To that one agreed and quoted Apostle Paul about the Resurrection (I Corinthians15:17). One did not get the chance to say that life has been found on Mars, or quite likely has, but that it came from Earth in one of the Velikovskian catastrophes. But all that is being buried as Dan Brown pointed out in Deception Point.

26/8/16, Mammoth tusks mined in Siberia. A national radio station interviewed a journalist, Mr Amos Chappell, who managed to witness perma-frozen woolly rhinocerai, bison, extinct species of horse and mammoth tusks in the Siberian permafrost tundra. He befriended a truck driver who travels the frozen Siberian rivers to get supplies to the mining sites. The other miners treated him with great suspicion so he just became a good camp worker and helped prepare meals, collect water etc. These miners do not want everyone cashing in on their secretive ivory-like treasure. They do not like environmentalists interrupting their lucrative markets in China. Anyway, he won their confidence and got his photos and story then returned to civilization and its wars etc.

The media concenttrated the story on its 'environmental' aspects, questioning whether the mining was disturbing the envionment and similar nonsense. Later (28/6/16), the same radio station again played up the environmental concerns about the story. We see here how 'environmentalism', the new world religion, is being used to cover-up the real history of this world. The real back story here is that Dr Velikovsky expoosed how the science mafia is covering-up this sort of story to avoid embarassing questions about the way these animals met such a violent end. Although some of this sudden devastation was probably the result of the Flood of Noah, the way some herds got stuck in frozen tundra in Siberia suggests they got caught in the catastrophe of 1450 BC after the Flood of circa 2450 BC.

Circa 1450 BC was when the sun and moon stood still as noted and perceived by those standing and observing at various points of the planet. Details varied of course depending on the particular face of the planet one was positioned on the day. The earth was obver-turned on its axis, perhaps because of a Venus fly-past organised by the Creator to judge the Canaanite king Adonizedek. The Eart may have been subjected to a massive solar flare or more likely a gravity wave from deep outer space. Such things as very rae, obviously, but whatever the physics and mechanics the event did happen as current agitation in regard to the re-establishment of Israel is today. Adonizedek had organised a coalition of Canaanite city-kings to resist Israel's conquest of the land God had promised to Abraham.

In the 8th Century BC, the Bible records the earth's axis changing 10 degrees in the reigns of Ahaz and Hezekiah. In the plains of Siberia, those herds could have been encased with snow as the crust tilted and remained within the Arctic Circle, as a result of the catastrophe, thus permanently encasing even entire herds in permanently frozen conditions until the modern stage of Global Warming negan to warm up the tundras. That has been in progress since the Flood waters dried up as snow and ice. Since the second of the two 8th century (probably mini-) catastrophes countrer-acted the first, it would seem the 1450 BC catastrophe was the most likely cause, out of the three or four mentioned in this essay, of these mammoths and woolly rhinos becoming frozen. That event resulted in their extinction as these animals appear not to have roamed the warmer tropics, semi-tropics and warmer temperate zones.

29/8/16, "Kids ruling the roost; technology and its phones and things they play with". Words of a truancy officer in New Zealand. She pointed to family breakdown, especially amongst Maori and Polynesian families. They are sleeping in and spend much time using mobile phones, I-pads etc., rather than gettting up and going to school. Another implication of Adam taking of the Tree of Knowledge. Now we are coming full circle.

29/8/16, School truancy; "education system not the problem; but the broken home". The NZ truancy officer said the children are often going from house to house to see their mum or dad. So the schools do not know where they are living from day to day. Another sign of worsening family structures leading to the rise of a truant, unhappy and rebellious generation as the Lord prophesied for the Last Days. A long-tun implication of technology and the consumption of the Tree of Knowledge.

29/8/16, "The new normal for 15-year olds; 8 different addresses". The result of family breakdown in Dunedin households as revealed in the famous University of Otago Longitudinal Survey of Dunedin families. This result is much greater stress for these teenagers. The result of "short-term" relationships for the parents. Only a quarter of those surveyed are living with both 'natural biological parents'.

As a student of the Bible and having lived in Dunedin between 1963 to 1979, the writer knows full well the extent to which Dunedin has abandoned the Bible for its instruction. But Dunedin is by no means alone with this sort of result. Part of the problem is that teaching of the Scriptures in New Zealand has been too heavily acculturated with 'kiwi-lifestyle' quite apart from a failure to teach the Bible from a Hebrew Perspective and other facets of the Bible-study methodology called for by the 3-D Aleph-Tav Programme. But the same 'acculturation', though different in nature and type from country to country, has been a problem throughout the era of Christendom. The Otago University Study is a very systematic attempt to document the lives of a reasonably large group of people. It also discovered a number of 'inflammatory conditions' described as able to "get under the skin" due to loneliness, isolation, social ostracism etc. A televisiuon programme about that problem showed a group of monkeys preening one anaother on a tree but a single alone monkey on his own on another tree scratching himself. In effect, the poor little chsp was a leper. We have written about lepers, especially under discussions about Simon the Pharisee, Simon the Leper and Lazarus. We have pointed out all three people are in fact the same individual. Lepeers who found the Syrian army had deserted its camp

29/8/16, Mars simulation crew exits Hawaiin encampment. This is a programme to see how a few astronauts can withstand 6 months in isolation in a Martian environment and over the long return journey (or possibly one-way) to Mars and back (unless 'one-way'). The volcanic red landscape of a site atop an Hawaiin volcano was chosen for the programme or experiment. Today was the last day of their trial. As will be noted in the ensuing items the very idea of going to Mars is ridiculous and impossible As previous items have noted; e.g., 19/6/16, 'Space station astronauts return to Earth unable to walk'; the Mars astronauts would all be incapacitated once they landed on 'The Red Planet'. There would be little likelihood they could recover to do any work on the planet let alone get back to Earth.

That is why there is so much medical research into human physiology to see if there is some way the effects of weightlessness can be counter-acted. There are some spin-off side-benefits to this research, no doubt. Those benefits will be used to justify to taxpayers or shareholders the 'worthiness' of the 'research'. After some 56 years of people going into weightless conditions in 'spacecraft' there has been virtually zero progress on thatt point. The human body is created to live in Earth-only conditions. That is the way God intended it. Ironically, the only people who are going to travel in space to another place are the raptured saints who will experience their frail body instantaneously translate into their resurrected Body in The Rapture! Dead saints will be resurrected and taken up too but we look here from the perspective of those alive at the very instant of "The Last Trump".

We ("who are alive", I Thessalonians 4:15) will need just such a transformation in order to arrive and appear in Heaven for the Judgement Seat of the Lamb, the Marriage of the Lamb and return to Earth with Christ to bring in The Millennium. This may sound far fetched but with Hollywood making the occasional motion picture taking Bibllical passages as a model for reality then why should we believers not also take the Bible literally? Of course we should for we know its History is reality and the Prophecies are coming into Reality. Mars is a very poor and unattainable second prize for the unbelievers.

29/8/16, "Something good for humanity". Words of the leader of the Mars Simulation crew. We would recommend trusting God's Word instead. Far from being 'good for humanity' the Mars Project is a hoax and worse than a booby prize.

29/8/16, "Had Apollo Missions continued we would have been on Mars 20 years ago". This was a comment picked up from another news service reporting on the Mars Simulation Programme. The publicist, an English woman in her twenties, probably naively did not realise the significance of her point. One wonders if the authorities wanted such things being said. A bit later, the next day, one was talking to a political science student after hearing about the conclusion of the Simulation Programme at Hawaii. The student noted the heavy political agenda going on in the days of Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon, presidents of the USA. The rivalry between super-powers USA and USSr led to the Apollo Programme according to the political scientists. Of course there is some truth to that.

However, as is typical of governments, they bring in a policy to cover several different objectives at the same time. Furthermore, as a former worker with the American system, it is easy to see from the way organisational charts and jobs are structured that it would be possible to keep even tens of thoudands of employees in the dark about a programme's real or main objectives. Our view is that the real shock to the system, that led to Apollo being abandoned, is that after five or so missions to the Moon sonar tests and drill samples revealed a quite different structiure of the Moon to the Earth. It became obvious the two did not evolve out of the same mass swirling about the primitive sun. That is the real problem being covered up.

The Mars Programme keeps on being extended. Now, 2036 is the target date for a Mars landing. Obviously from this publicist's comment, a Mars mission had been anticipated as far back as 1970 for circa 1990 as a tentative date for a mars landing. Of course a robot got to Mars. In two or three robots are up there exploring the Martian surface unless some sort of Orwellian Deception is underway and there is noting man-made on Mars or any comet at all. The whole thing about space exploration is a massive con-trick. [Refer also to: 29/9/15, NASA wants to land men on Mars in 2030; 17/9/15, "Scientists looking for signs of life on Europa; and 19/6/16, Space station astronauts return to Earth unable to walk].

29/8/16, "I guess some integration still to come". Words of the radio programme reporter concluding her discussion with the manager of the Mars Simulation Programme. The wise-crack came after the manager said the people in the experiment now had to re-integrate with the rest of society. This may simply have been a reference to some partying that could be anticipated. Although whether the geeks on the project are party-people is perhaps doubtful. The reporter has clearly indicated she is something of a party-girl herself. It may have been a sceptical comment on the whole mission which really is pie-in-the-sky.

30/8/16, "Things are going faster than we can cope with". The point cropped up in a matter on a radio programme concerning the monitoring of some regulations and the problem of technology getting beyond people's ability to cope with it. The point had also come up in an earlier item on another broadcaster (TV) concerning drones and automated warfare systems. [In another theatre, one has been arguing this for many years now especially in connection with labour markets and the skills levels of the work-force].

One believes the problems in Gaza stem from the weapons manufactuurers. They set-up missile, missile defence (e.g., Israel's Patriot System imported from the USA) and missile counter-attack systems triggering bombings in schools and hospitals. A similar problem may be occurring in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Waziristan (Pakistan). What happens in Gaza is that as the Palestinians move their missiles underground in tunnel networks, they move from time to time under a school etc., but the missile being switched-on into 'ready-mode' sends signals to the satellites that guide them. These systems are designed to do this in order to work efficiently. However, a missile counter-attack or defence system will be alerted by the same satellite or even via hacking into rival satellite networks, rival defence contractors are able with their missiles to take out the about-to-be-launched attack missile before it is fired. That means a defensive missile is despatched and hits the attack missile while it is still located beneath a school in 'ready-mode'. Under these circumstances, neither Israel nor the Palestinians can be said to be at fault. It is the sophisticated technology killing the innocents.

One wonders what the solution to this can be. One intriguing idea is that economic collapse leading to a technology collapse, or an outright prohibition on these sophisticated systems, leads us back towards a more conventional bows-and-arrows type warfere taking place in the near future. That might suit a reading of some prophecies which seem to describe such weaponry in their detail. Whatever, the current level and rate of destruction of society's infrastructure by the civil wars in the wider Middle East is setting up more than 60 million refugees or unfortunates from displaced famileies ready for a mass advance on Israel (Ezekiel 38:4).

30/8/16, SETI thinks it has found an artificial signal in Space. "But we've had plenty of false outcomes in the past. The New Zealand media are fascinated by any news from outer space. This report came hard on the heels of an earlier report about the Mars Simulation Programme (refer above). Of course all this is part of the subliminal urge to re-assure oneself that Evolution is true. One finds the acronym SETI interesting for it is the name of the Egyptian pharaoh who built a fort above King Saul's at Beth Sh'ean in central Israel. The critical point about that is Seti lived 300 years before King Saul. So how could his fort be lying on top of Saul's? Still, no one raises the point, apart from this writer. A clear signal from King Seti I of ancient Egypt is deliberately ignored because of the terrible ramifications it has for Ancient Egyptian Chronology. The Three 'Cs' of Climate Change not caused by Man, Creation and Chronology are the three major no-No's, i.e., subjects that must not be discussed, in the three 'Es' of Environmentalism, Evolutionism and Egyptology. But the 'transparent' media are not interested in these matters.

30/8/16, Kurds pull back to East Bank of Euphrates. Turkey is increasingly worrying over Kurdish advances or expansion westward in Syria as they drive ISIS out of the country more or less on everyone's bahalf. But Turkey sees the Kurds as terorists. No one seems to be able to convince the Turks otherwise to the chagrin of many of us who are impressed by both Turks and Kurds and their respective histories. Furthermore, the Kurds are defending what they firmly believe to be their ancient homeland following their exodus from Global Warming-induced environmentally-destroyed Babylonian-Shinar homeland in Southern Iraq. Their tragic history makes them the best operators in the region. Everyone needs them to clear out ISIS. They give shelter to all-comers irrespective of their ethnicity or creed. They know what it is like to be a minority. Even the many 'moderate muslims; who are embarrassed by ISIS' antics, look to Kurds to bring some sensibility to the region. The Kurds are a contrast to the Shia-Iranians and supporters who persecute Sunnis though the reverse obviously also occurs.

So the Americans are having to convince the Kurds to stay East of the Euphrates [refer 1/2/16, "Russia and USA vying for influence over the Kurds"]. Like the Threat to Rome by "Crossing the Rubicon", this is an ancient indicator as to an invader's intentions. Graciously, if this report is accurate, the Kurds are graciously complying. So Ancient History once again makes its mark in these Middle East Crises as our paper on that subject attests. But the Western scholars and many Middle Western or Middle Eastern and Eastern scholars; now also inculcated with Greco-Roman philosophy; tend to reflect the dominant secular-humanist and evolutionist-materialist world paradigms and reject the True History that one tries to expose in these pages. So they fail to analyse and explain what is going on. Thus, many are turning off their prognostications and the warriors keep turning on their weapons.

31/8/16, EU declares Ireland's tax incentives to Apple Corp illegal. The EU wants Apple Corp to pay the Irish Government $NZ20 billion in back taxes (13 billion Euros, "nearly" $US 15 billion). Apparently, the Irish Government allowed Apple to avoid paying tax on royalties so that it could sell phones all over the world. But Apple then transfer-priced the royalty income to Ireland where they had to pay little or no tax. The US Government has warned the EU that if any government should get the 'back taxes' it should be the USA. The issue 'Sparked-off' (*) a debate about tax fairness on a NZ radio talkback programme. One managed to get a few points across about the Tree of Knowledge and Apple (Computing) Corp, The Beatles' Apple Corp, the Amphora Jar and the 'At Sign' (@), the origins of science and technology and the role of monopolies in providing general welfare with their re-invested untaxed profits. The compare likened one's spiel to Arthur C Clarke who "managed to tie in about five themes into one".

One has been saying for a long time that economics seems to be describing a teleological line that will converge economics, commerce, science and technology back at the Tree of Knowledge. One has been able in the pages of Key Events as part of the 3-D Aleph-Tav Bible Study Programme to explain what the Bible does say about all this. One ended one's spiel with a plea to the Public to consider these issues and what the Bible is saying.

(*) In-joke for NZ readers because its national telecoms company (Telecom NZ)has re-branded itself as "Spark".

31/8/16, "
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