Stand-off in Armenian capital ended

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I've lost faith in the (Capitalist) system now". The compare on the above-mentioned radio talkback on learning that evidently and badly the capitalist system has broken down. He cited the Apple Corp., tax evasion business in Ireland. One also wonders what this means with Brexit and, reportedly, Ireland's, Scotland's and Wales' desire to remain in the EU. Northern Ireland is worried walls will have to be re-built on its border with Eire-Ireland when the UK leaves the EU. Scotland imagines it will be better off being subservient to Brussels than be in a more cooperative, and presumably more familiar, governance regime with the rest of the 'UK' as it has been since 1603 (formally enacted in 1703).

From the Bible, one expects the North Atlantic Tarshish Organisation (NATO) to come more to the fore as a governing entity, incorporating the 'UK', perhaps along with a world-wide re-organisation. It would remain for the EU to retreat or re-align perhaps going eastward and shedding its geographically-western menbers. The EU may even disappear. Will NATO, possibly including Holland, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal and former colonies, then restore, re-integrate and re-align with SEATO (Australia, NZ, Pacific, Singapore, Brunei perhaps etc.,)?

Aside from the Brexit-Tarshish issue, world governance will almost certainly, or anyway, have to change. In part, this will be in the wake of this tax-royalty scandal with Apple Corp. But there are many other issues such as perceptions about global warming, telecommunications, intellectual property regulation and royalties, space research, antibiotic regulation, pharmaceutical research, drugs in sport, war crimes, pollution issues such as coastlines and sewage disposal, etc., etc. The Apple Corp., matter bursting the headlines today, is less of a scandal than a plan that has perhaps gone wrong or slightly off-plan. Although secrecy concerning 'The Plan' is a scandal anyway!

Less controversially, it may be that Apple merely over-reached its arrangement with the US Taxation Authorities. The US in turn had negotiated arrangements with other international authorities to coordinate permits for a world-wide monopoly getting tax relief. Did Davos perhaps agree to this at one of its secretive meetings. Did the Bilderberg group have a say in this? Anyway, certain corporates are thus favoured to undertake world-wide projects collectively on behalf of governments and the world public. Perhaps we are all supposed to understand this from our schooling. Such 'permits'; theoretical, hypothetical or otherwise; are given with conditions, arguably, that most of these international companies have complied with. But public opinion, perhaps not properly kept informed on 'The Plan', if 'informed' or 'schooled' at all, will ensure change. Meanwhile, the authorities are frozen like rabbits staring into car headlights on a busy road.

That is where the current Middle East Crises come into play. If they are the run-up to the Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16 fracas involving Israel then; according to Dr Fruchtenbaum from his interpretation of Daniel's 'statues-in-the-dreams' (e.g., Daniel 2:36-45, 7:3-28); we will then see a radical re-organisation of world governance. On that particular point, one here believes we are already in a World Government scenario, and we have been there since at least 1945 or possibly since the League of Nations after WWI. If so, we now only await the Ten Kingdoms and the Antichrist (whom one may know the identity of). However, in the event Dr Fruchtenbaum's foresight is accurate, perhaps we are yet to see a more formally installed World Government which will set up the Ten Kingdoms. The radio compare's complaint about the failings of the capitalist system simply reflect the problems all man-made systems have and that only Messiah can resolve our problems. But first, the world will give allegiance to Satan's son (Antichrist-666) before God's son takes over.

31/8/16, "What is the answer; what is a 'fair share'? A caller on the radio talk-back raising one aspect we have alluded to concerning the problem of the EU dictating to Ireland. The Irish Government "in 1991" contracted with Apple Corp without, presumably, having any idea what the implications would be in 2016 to employ Irish men and women, or immigrants, in return for tax relief. Presumably Ireland got revenue, or 'its fair share', from highly paid employees via income and/or expenditure (VAT) taxes that it would otherwise not have got. However, the radio compare then replied, "Tim Cook wants you to take that line". As the caller noted, who or which is the greater monster? Is it the EU telling a sovereign country what to do or Apple Corp? As one here notes in the above items and Brexit implications on today's touchy subject, the Bible portrays what is about to happen further, though not much further, down the road.

31/8/16, "Tuatara genome more complex than the Human". That is the view of a University of Otago evolutionist. He said humans and tuataras have a common ancestor about 300 million years ago. One would have thought, even on the evolutionist's calendars, 'our' common ancestor would have gone back further than just 300 million years. Anyway, in these pages we point out the nonsense that is Evolutionism is the religion of the modern scientist rather than the neo-Aristotelianism or neo-Platonism of his or her forebears in Europe.

The nonsense here revolves around the boundary or difference in role between "Junk DNA" and "Operating DNA". When the scientists investigate the DNA and genomes they realise some DNA operates functions like walking, breathing, eating, etc. To the extent DNA is a computer program there is much the same programming for; to take one commonly shared function, i.e., walking; e.g., for Man, Cat and Tutara. Cats and tuataras need programming to coordinate four legs whereas humans have two legs and two arms. Apes are a sort of half-way house where the two front 'legs' are also used as 'arms'; or the 'arms' are used as 'legs' depending on perspective. As an idea, one could see all these differences as 'evolving' from a common ancestor. However, one could also say it is a common piece of programming given to all three species (apes including 'humans', cats and reptiles), and to many others as well. Fish got fins. Birds got wings and legs. These highly sophisticated programmed life-forms from a Creation Perspective, appeared into being with an ability and desire to procreate or reproduce. This happened on the Fifth and Sixth Twenty-four hour Days of a Six Day process of re-formatting the Earth to refresh and recover it; albeit in a completely differen animal-vegetable format rather than just 'mineral format; from the disaster of Satan's fall.

One of the themes in the 3-D Aleph-Tav Bible Study, and in these pages of Key Events, is that since the Westphalian agreement to keep 'religion' out of governance (from 1648) and everyone cooperate secularly on matters such as health, defence, policing, communications etc; a reasonable idea; 'Science' began to get untheological. Its partner, 'Theology', became increasingly unscientific as the separation then divorce proceeded. They dethroned 'Theology' as "Queen of the Sciences" and went repuublican, so to speak! As we now realise, the problem was that theology had become rotten and needed reform rather than chucking out the baby of True Theology. Theology should have centered on a proper reading and understanding of the Bible. Instead, the ejection of the bathwater of neo-aristorelian christendomite theology took the real Baby of Theology with it, leading to a total divorce between Theology and Science by about 1914.

Between the Fall of the Roman Empire (AD 400) and the end of the crusades in AD 1200, the Christendomite theologians had convinced most of the western world that the years AD 30 to AD1030 were the Millennium that Christ spole of. The Jews of AD 30 having rejected it, Christendomites believed it had been awarded to Christendom baed in Rome though the Orthodox churches felt that base was Byzantium until it fell to the Muslims. But the Theologians' theology about the Millennium had been quite false. It would only come after Christendom had done its full term of duty in the absence or failure of Israel between Abraham and Jesus. Elsewhere we refer to the distinctions between the Synagogue of Israel (Abraham to Jesus) and the Christendom Era (Jesus to Antichrist's destruction) which houses both the Church of Christ and many other christendomite "birds of heaven*" (Matthew 13:32, * or "air" according to the NASB).

So what is the millennium? It is a thousand-year period initiated with the returning and triumphant Christ (Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth) once again re-formatting the by then considerably damaged globe as part of the introduction of His era of control of this world's affairs before the whole universe is wound down and destroyed (by 'Fire') and a New Heaven and New Earth are created for the believers' eternal existence. In order for the 'Millennium' to take place the genomnes had to be set-up for Three Estates of man and living flesh and plant life-forms as described in Genesis 1:1 - 2:25. The first estate would have been one in bliss in the Garden of Eden. God foreknew, however, the Man would disobey the instruction to avoid eating of the Tree of Knowledge. Some angels had failed an earlier but different test given to Satan. It was The Dilemma for the Creator. The being made either in God's Image or as a 'Son of God', as angels were sometimes described, i.e., beings able to have a unique or special spiritual relationship with the Creator unlike animals and plants, there would have to be a capacity to obey or disobey, to be good or evil, to love darkness rather than light etc. Such beings would have to be willing to love the Creator and worship Him or have the choice not to. Otherwise angels and men would be mere robots.

With the Man and the animals, God had to design their genomes in order to exist in the blissful state, in Eden; should Adam have obeyed and passed his test; or to survive for a lifetime in the fallen state outside Eden in the wider world environment that also became tarnished with the result of Adam's sin. So a corrupted or decaying genome became part of the rule of life for Man after Adam's Fall. "Junk DNA" is that switched-off DNA that would otherwise have been in play in Eden and indeed was for the months or weeks Adam lived there in obedience, harmony and communion with the Creator. The Millennmium is where some of the DNA switched off by RNA following thr Fall will be switched back on. But it will not be a complete reversal for the purposes of the Millennium. For example, death will still come to 'carnal' men or women born into that Millennium who refuse to worship or believe in TheCreator and specifically in the redemptive plan that Jesus fulfilled for all of us.

The evolutionists assume that 'switched-off' DNA, the "Junk DNA", is inherited as per the evolutionary idea by modern species from their ancient forbears. Since we all have common forbears at some point in the Evolutionists' Higgs-Boson-Particle-to-Man Evolutionary process, the geneticists have to try and find the boundaries between the Junk DNA, the DNA of our 'forbears' and the DNA that regulates the physical aspects of our lives now in the 'current' species formats which asssumes every species today continues to evolve, tuataras excepted it seems. In these pages one describes this 'current' DNA as "Operational DNA".

Thus all these Genomic and DNA studies of the modern geneticists actually reveal dramatic information revealing the complexity of the Creator's Plans for all living beings (angels and men anyway). This 'Plan' is in the context of God's Dilemma whether to create beings who could rebel and destroy so much: whether fallen angels; or terrorists and governments in the Middle East; or elephant poachers wiping out those magnificent animals just for a bit of ivory that is plentifully avaliable in the frozen wastes of Siberia (refer 26/8/16, Mammoth tusks mined in Siberia).

We are rarely told why some species have never evolved. In the case of the Tuatara genome, since a priori it is an existing example of a very ancient animal that has not evolved any further; not much anyway compared to what became from the common root a 'human'; they have to assume a different boundary line for the Tutara between its Junk and Operative DNA. These boundaries are anyway just guess-work. Normally, species are now defined around their "operating DNA" and the Junk DNA is shunted off-stage, so to speak. Thus in the Tuatara geneticists mix-up some Junk DNA with operating DNA so that the tuatara genome appears "more complex than the Human's". It is a con-job or -trick wherein they deceive themselves and ourselves but for the Grace of God.

Now, on the verge of the Millennium of Jesus of Nazareth; and now sixteen years into what appears to be the early stage of a counterfeit satanic millennium, that will not last too much longer; this western, materialist, secularist, humanist scientific nonsense finds itself in a massive clash with another false religion. This time it is Islam not Christendom. True Christians, as always like believers before Christ, get pushed out to the sidelines to watch the carnage. In these days of Noah and Lot (prophecy recorded in Luke 17:22-37 then by Matthew 24:36-41 and Mark 13:32-37), one tries to call out the Truth but they are not listening as in the days before The Flood and Sodom and Gomorrah.

31/8/16, "Virtual attack on Irish sovereignty". The view of a financial expert in Europe over the Apple Corp back-tax issue on their royalties. He is now "looking at the Irish version of Brexit". He said the EU acknowledged Apple followed what it believed were the tax rules. The EU is not attacking or criticizing Apple per se. Rather, the EU slams Ireland for offering the tax exemptions in the first place, presumably away back in 1991.

From a report later in the day it emerged the EU cannot interfere with members' tax rules but the EU trade watchdog said the tax incentives amounted to a subsidy. That was contrary not only to EU trade rules but international rules too. Observers in Ireland noted that after the GFC their government had cut spending on onfrastructure. Things were so bad that roads are in desperate need of $4 billion overdue maintenance. This sparked off debates about loss of investment in 'infrastructure. Howevere, one could argue the profits Apple derived from tax incentives contributed to the international phone and satellite infrastructure. Everyone benefits from that, one miught argue though in these pages one notes that technology, Science and Innovation cannot save mankind from his very deep problems.

2/9/16, Major '7.1' Quake off NZ's North-East Cape. The biggest in the Bay of Plenty region since the 1987 Edgecombe quake of 6.1 that infamously split the Rangitaiki Plains Dairy Company factory in half. Today, there were after-shocks reaching 6.1. No damage was reported. The author felt a mild roll at 4:40 am. Civil Defence issued a Tsunami alert until 8:30 am. Waves of 30 cm did hit local ports such as Gisborne. The quake was well off (100 km) the NZ coastline and had a depth of 22 km. Tremors continued throughout the day. About 135 aftershocks of Richter scale 2 or more between 5am and 5 pm.

2/9/16, "We need a Rethink not a Refresh on Trade Policy". This came in a discussion on future directions in international trade policy in the wake of a likely failure of both the Trans Pacific Trade Negotiations and similar negotiations going on between the USA and Europe. One participant suggested a re-apppraisal about the value of trade and suggesting that the world has given 'trade' too much priority. Of course there always has been trade. Ancient Tyre's wealth was based on trade. One can talk about the Great Silk Highway connecting China and Europe. Restrictive trade practices and favoritism saw the artisans of Continental Benelux region and Northern France fleeing to England in persecution of Hugenots etc in the 16th and 17th centuries. Babylon relied on ships bringing exotic goods to the Tower-building society that had its project coming too a sudden end. Lebanon's maritime ports of Tyre, Sidon and Byblos, also Ugarit perhaps, and Jaffa-Joppa in Canaan-Israel, took up the post-Babylon slack. The Red Sea rather than the Persian Gulf became a major trade route for Hiram's Phoenician maritime hegemony to prosper after its alliance with David and Solomon of Israel. Hiram's descendants, the "Sons of Irem" of ancient Egyptian literature, re-established that maritime trade hegemony based in Carthage and eventually, in the latter half of the Christendomite era the Spanish, Portuguese, French, British and Dutch former-colonies of Tyre-Carthage. They in turn spread over the world with their colonies.

Of course it is possible to over-state the benefits from trade. And the two sets of talks referred to here may well be favouring trade between large companies and would in that respect lead to some sort of counter-reaction as inviolved the Hugenots et al noted above.

But the need to 'rethink' has been attested to in these Key Events pages, for example in 25/1/16, "Tectonic Quakes not Volcanic". Elsewhere, [30/8/16, SETI thinks it has found an artificial signal in Space], one raises the need for a re-think in the Three E's of Evolutionism, Environmentalism (Climate Change) and Egyptology, specifically "The Three 'Cs' of Climate Change not caused by Man, Creation and Chronology".

2/9/16, "NZ dollar 11th most traded currency and 50th on trade size". A business commentator on a national radio programme. Since the float of the NZ dollar in 1985, the currency has become increasingly attractive to foreign investors. The commentator suggested this tended to keep the NZ dollar over-valued. If true or an accurate assessment, that could mean, in retrospect, the currency had not been as over-valued as one thought between say 1935, when the Reserve Bank system came into play, and circa 1980. In that era (1970's onward), particularly because of high levels of inflation and low economic growth, one looked at relative CPI indices and interest rates, from country to country, to guage the extent of over-or under-valuation of $NZ.

One of the reasons for this high level of trading is that the NZ dollar is least susceptible to arbitrary fiat from governments manipulating their currency e.g., Venezuela and its vast oil-based economy. Another reason is that via investment, the NZ dollar is still very much within the US Dollar and UK Pound Stirling Areas. They are very important currencies so NZ's dollar, managed in a very similarly independent way to the Dollar and Pound, possibly becomes attractive to investors. The issue though, could also reveal concerns about an increasingly wobbly international financial system within a very politically-unstable world.

3/9/16, Columbian Government and Rebels sign peace treaty in Cartagena. The rebels known as the "Farg" have been fighting the Government since the 1960's. Another large rebel group has still not come to the peace party so there is concern some Farg members may join it instead of operating politically in Bolivia. Our main interest is the role of "Cartagina" here. The city is named after Carthage. Here is an echo of the prophecies concerning Tyre and Tarshish. Spain, which colonised Columbia, is a mother country of Tarshish. Spain was known as "Pontus" reflecting the ancient name for Tyre's hegemony or "Punt". For the ancient Egyptians, "Punt" primarily referred to Israel and the maritime cities of Lebanon and probaly Lebanon's cedar forests. Spain's ancient name is thus the origin for "Pontius" Pilate. Are these countries going to be part of the tarshish group opposing the Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16 prophecy?

3/916, Lebanese immigrants' son is new Brazilian President. This was interesting because one of Columbia's neighbours now has a Lebanese President. He came to power after Ms Delma Rusef, for whom he was running mate in the previous election, was impeached. Two echos from ancient Tyre and Tarshish in these incidents in Latin (South) America.

5/9/16, "
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