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A tangle of international actors ripping Syria apart

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A tangle of international actors ripping Syria apart". Comment in a discussion on television about the latest developments in the Syrian conflict. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Russia and the USA were the main ones implicated. A UN Relief spokesman speaking said 19 cities in Syria were under siege. We are now coming into the sixth year of this ridiculous conflict. Islam, secularism, geopolitics and the institutions that practice the se things have lost all repute. As noted below (5/9/16, "G20 seeks governance role") below, there are moves afoot to re-organise the world's institutions. The nonsense of the Syrian, Afghan, Yemeni, Libyan and Sudanese crises confirms the interntional institutions are like Humpty Dumpty. There is no way they can put the pieces back together again.

5/9/16, "People just want the conflict to end". But there is little chance of that. The Syrian conflict epitomises the world's problems. Only the Bible can now explain what will happen. It has the explanation. It outlines the causes and end-results. However, many people studying the Bible look at prophecies about Syria that were fulfilled in the past. They were the prophecies that contributed to the prophets' other unfulfilled prophecies being retained for future reference. That was how the books of the prophets were retained for future use. Isaiah, Jeremiah etc., to Malachi were the only prophets who had correctly prophesied a near-future event. Israel's scribes recorded the near-future and the diatant-future was gathered in the canon that we have received. It includes the prophecies already fullfilled to become history as well as prophecies for the Last Days.

Those last days could have been at the First Coming. However, Israel's surprise rejection of Jesus, though of no surprise to God (Exodus 4:8), required the Last Day Prophecies to be rescheduled for later fulfillment. Revelation and segments in the Gospels and Epistles of the New Testament completed the canon of prophecy. Although Revelation mainly sequences the Old Testament Prophecies. Jesus, of necessity, had to add the prophecies about the destruction of the temple in AD 66-70. Jesus also explained there would be both Rapture and Second Coming. These prophecies could only be added to the canon after it became confirmed Israel would reject the First Sign of Exdus 4:8. There would beno need for the Rapture if Israel had accepted Jesus' First Coming. This would be difficult for the Disciples of Jesus' "Generation" to understand but He directed them at the Last Days Generations of The Church and The Nation of Israel which would be contemporaneous. By "contemporaneous" one means that both will occur during a dramatic period of world history. Probably, there is a short gap between the two (Rapture ad Second Coming) in order to accommodate the Seven Year Tribulation and perhaps an additional period just before the Tribulation. Church saints as the Tribulation commences are promised an escape from it but that could be just a matter of days before the Tribulation starts.

Meanwhile, Syrians, Yemenites, Libyans, Iraqis, Afghans and Sudanese must be wondering if the Tribulation has already started.

5/9/16, "Factions within factions fighting each other". (Refer II Chronicles 15:6, II Chronicles 20:22-3, Isaiah 19:2; "Egyptian versus Egyptian" etc. See also Ezekiel 38:21, "Every man's sword will be agaisnt his brother"). Another description of the Mid-East chaos from this commentator, a UN Relief spokesman. Below we review here previous examples of this type of comment. It perfectly describes a situation that Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16 describes when the forces invading Israel turn upon each other with infighting at which point God Himselkf finishes them off:

  • 26/1/14, “Egyptians are fighting one another”;

  • 21/2/15 Ukrainians are (artillery-) shelling themselves”;

  • 20/11/15, "The problem with criminal cults; they all start killing themselves";

  • 4/1/16, Sectarian politics destroying the Middle East;

  • 4/2/16, "May God's Blessing be upon you, ... God Bless America;

  • 11/2/16, "The war in Yemen is brother versus brother ...". ... And 'less about Iran versus Saudi Arabia'.

  • 22/5/16, "Syria's rebel groups infighting within themselves"; and

  • 4/7/16, "Suicide bomber in Baghdad kills 165 and 215".

In summary, on at least eight occasions in the last thirty-three months, one has been able here to collect statements focusing on the infighting that is taking place around the world. What these occasions do not reveal is the infighting going on in many other sectors of world life. Where 'infighting' is suppressed for the sake or corporate unity, for example in Evolutionism, there are other even worse problems. The persistence with which the false paradigm of Evolutionism is pursued in world policy; as we move towerds a "secular world", as General Petreus reputedly seems to be indicating; is damaging us in a plethora of insidious and unseen ways. We only see the end-results of that falsity in things ranging from drunkeness to extreme behaviours of many other types even mentality instability.

5/9/16, "The Westphalian legal state versus consensus". Coming from a discussion about the latest G20 gathering this time in Beijing. The speaker was contrasting the two main paradigms of thinking in terms of world goovernance and trade dispute resolution. This parallels the point one has quoted President Obama raising in connection with the Trans Pacific Trade Talks. Do we want Chinese or Asian consensus-style trade or transparent evenly-handled and -adjudicated rules-based trade? Not to say the Consensus approach is bad or useless etc. But has the Westphalian system proved to be any better? In these pages we point out that Hebrew-based concepts of justice, fairness etc., ultimately from the Bible really under-pinned European Society until the Europeans moved away from acknowledging the source of their security, peace and prosperity etc.

5/9/16, "Law versus Pragmatism and Consensus". Another aspect of this debate apparently going on at this year's G20 Summit.

5/9/16, "Western World Order a flawed vision ...". A commentator on the latest G20 Summit.

5/9/16, "But Chinese cannot deliver alternative coherent framework". Some interesting developments at this summit reflecting the failure of existing world institutions.

5/9/16, "There is no 'Rule of Law' if one cannot enforce it". This sort of comment reflects the Apostle Paul's dictum in II Thessalonians 2:7. However, the comment came in the context of the Hague Convention which governs maritime law especially in respect of The Hague's recent decision on the South China Sea and what rights China and other bordering nations have in respect to investing in its resources.

5/9/16, "Consensus OK for disasters like Earthquakes but Rule of Law is better". Another point made in a discussion about the pro's and con's of law versus consensus and pragmatism.

5/9/16, "Need for a new institutional paradigmatic framework". Something of a mouthfull but will they dump evolutionism for creationism? Will they install proper Egyptian chronology for the existing improper framework? Will they recognise Global Warming is part of the Days of Noah Prophecy the Lord made? We doubt it. So the quite proper call will be met by something as bad if not worse than the existing paradigmatic frameworks.

5/9/16, "China wants a new set-up to replace Bretton Woods". This emerged from a discussion about new frameworks and paradigms that the G20 Summit might be addressing. If anything, this looks like we are being softened up for Zechariah 5:6-11. Or, if there is no move to reform and refashion international finance and banking, there will be a mighty collapse that will in any case lead to Zechariah's prophecy being fulfilled.

5/9/16, "Chines multilateralism versus unipolar Bretton Woods". One commentator's way of viewing the international competition to find a new set of institutions to help govern if not govern the world. When Antichrist rises up through the Ten Kings at the 'End Time' or 'Last Days' of Man's mis-rule of this Earth, they will find out what "unipolar " really means! No multilateral consesnus and nonsense in his world-view.

5/9/16, "BRIC's international relationships not getting very far". This acronym stands for nations such as Brazil, India and China. China has now emerged as a senior nation as the number two economy in the world. Napoleon's "Sleeping Giant" is wide awake. But in this discussion on the future of world governance, this group of countries has failed to develop any new initiatives. As we know from the Bible, the Global Plan in the Last Days involves a World Government then Ten Nations emerging out of that. Rome's empire providss the base for this system to emerge from. Westphalia was one stage in that process. The European Union that emrged out of the Treaty of Rome in 1956 when the European Coal and Steel Community began the nucleus of that entity, was another step in the Plan. The EU was an attempt to see how sevral or many nations could be collected under one umbrella. There is a G8 get together and this G20 jamboree. The latter is a sort of wider umbrella of the first.

The UN stands alongside all of this with its 15 nation "Security Council" which rotates membership amongst most of the nearly 200 member-state oganisation. The UN is the closest the world has come to having a 'world government'. Some of its agencies or sister agencies like the World Health Organisation or UNESCO have world governing responsibilities and they do get legislation following their guidelines written into member states' statutes.

The world's problems are real enough and something must change unless existing institutions get their acts together. So many vested interests in the existing world governing institutions are responsible for their demise that it seems impossible to untangle their problems. In sports, we can see that problem clearly emerging in doping at the Olympics or in the FIFA chaos. The amazing fact is the world is gradually sliding into precisely the situation prophesied in the Bible.

5/9/16, "Western ideology dominates thinking about how and why people react ... ". Exactly what the speaker was targetting here is unclear. We note the problem of evolutionism in Western Ideology. However, Evolutionism is probably a broadly Westren, Eastern and Middle-Eastern or -Western ideaology now. On other matters, perhaps it might be useful to recount how at a course one attended one was taught the differences between 'East' and 'West5'. In the east, one marries then falls in love with the spouse. In the West, one falls in love then marries. Family life, which starts with marriage, and which is in a disastrous state if the Otago University Longitudinal Study is anything to go by, underpins households a vital unit in the world economy (refer, 29/8/16, "The new normal for 15-year olds; 8 different addresses"). One wonders how a world government is going to tackle such issues.

5/9/16, ".... so we need to rejig thinking and review paradigms .... ". Another confirmation that all is not well, not only in Denmark, but everywhere. The true paradigms come from God but the world has rejected Him.

5/9/16, ".... But what are the alternatives?" Accept God's paradigms!

5/9/16, "Business needs political calm for stable returns". This seemed to be the most important reason for a reviewed world political governance system. However, the Bible also warns that in the last days business and commerce would be terribly corrupted as Zechariah's vision of the epah with the lead weight being used instead of gold or silver depicts (Zechariah 5:6-11). In the Bible's visions of the 'Last Days', Babylon has once again become the master or mistress of everything in politics and commerce oin a highly corrupted world situation. It is easy to forget, though, that even in such a state, many normal things do and must carry on. People stil get wages. Goods are delivered to retail outlets. Commerce still needs these things but behind those deliveries are the people working 60 hours a week for the world minimum wage - if they are lucky! Many people are working for wages well below the minimum- or living-wage. At 60 hours a week, excluding travel time to and from work, family life and the household begin to suffer other problems.

5/9/16, A role for the G20 in World Governance? That seemed to be one of the points these commentators were saying in this clutch of snippets from a debate on television regarding the objectives for the 2016 G20 meeting. It was a sort of throw-away line perhaps but it did get this observer to sit down and take careful note of some of the matters raised in the panel discussion. One of the two contributors was an American of Chinese ancestry who spoke perfect american English if that is not an oxymoron. These commentarors were anything but morons, The other was a European academic. Both participants from the 'West' thogh the Chinese American was able to reflect a Chinese or representative Eastern view. Whatever the merits of the points raised here, the Bible clearly demonstrates that Man's mis-rule will lead to some very serious consequences that he would not be able to tame.

8/9/16, "Mid-East problems go back to Afghanistan 2001 & Iraq 2003". A radio interviewer discussing secularism versus Islam in governance and trying unsuccessfully to compare the position with Christianity. The discussin was in the context of a review of a book entiitled Islam and Exceptionalism about world problems as we proceed to a "secular future" according to contributor, former and somewhat morally disgraced, US General Petreus.

However, as noted in these pages, today's troubles in the Middle East stem from 2000 BC not AD 2001 or 2003.

8/9/16, "Trying to crush ISIS promotes Armageddon". A comment on a radio discussion in the wake of Donald Trump's announcement he wants the US military to present a plan to defeat ISIS ASAP. Trump also wants to beef-up US armed forces. Another commentator on the same discussion noted Belgium had a bigger standing army in 1914-18 than the USA. The US, traditionally, did not have a large standing army because it had no real foes to speak of. It also emerged that the grandsons of pilots of the first B-52 bombers (first launched in 1952) were currently flying them. Though they have been upgraded a lot since then. A lot of US military expenditure, as we have long noted, actually goes into scientific and technological research. Things like drones and robots that can even be landed on comets are the fruit of this research among many other Good and Evil things, though more evil than good in all likelihood.

Anyway, the more important point here is that Armageddon is the campaign where the Antichrist-666 launches the Final Solution toward eliminating Israel from world affairs. While the hypocrisy of the world's religioins, philosophies etc., will lead to the climactic events Biblical Armageddon speaks of, it is important to acknowledge what Armageddon actually is. The following items in these Key Events pages show how much the concept of "Armageddon" is mis-used. They reveal the depth of ignorance in the Bible, not just amongst the uneducated but amongst the most highly educated:

  • 20/7/15, "Teaching people to survive Zombie apocalypse situations" at the 'Armageddon Expo' in Wellington, New Zealand;

  • 20/7/15, "Let's hope it isn't Armageddon";

  • 10/9/15, "Perceptions of the imminent second coming of Jesus affect American Foreign Policy";

  • 1/10/15, "I am not sure it is the Armageddon Jane thinks it will be";

  • 21/1/15, "Seven Key Events".

  • 26/12/15, "Why don't we mine Mars?" and replay of the film Armageddon starring Bruce Willis;

  • 2/1/16, "Jerusalem: a very significant flash point";

  • 3/1/16, "Carmageddon: Stuck in a traffic jam in Manilla";

  • 13/5/16, "It was like Armageddon";

  • 19/5/16, "Antibiotic Apocalypse ... "; and

  • 24/7/16, "It was like The Apocalypse".

Explanations of Armageddon are traversed in the above items.

9/9/16, North Korea 'miniturises' nuclear bomb. However, we are sceptical they can be "miniturised". The whole nuclear wepaon Mutually Assured destruction by nuclear missiles is not tecjnically possible. In their latest test today, apparently the fifth they have completed, an earthquake of about 5.1 was felt in the region. Nuclear explosions are clearly possible under strictly controlled conditions. However, the concept of constructing minitures to place on missiles to send them thousands of miles to attack an enemy is sciene fiction. Nothing like that has ever been demonstrated. Yes, they can target missiles with amazing precision. The Europeanshave even landed a robot on a comet. But no onme can deliver a nuclear warhead to explode at cprecisely the right time. In announcing it has "successfully miniturised" a nuclear device, the North Koreans have inadvertently given us another cluse that these "miniturised nuclear weapons" are fake. The way uranium or plutonium fuse to create the fission necessary simply cannot be miniturised. At best these missiles simply deliver a modest sample of radio-active uranium, plutonium or polonium etc. But that would be quite toxic wherever shrapnel lands. It is unlikely countries would bother doing that. In theatres like Syria, we do see massive destruction which one would have thought would deter combatants lasting for so long. But once protagonists create so much misery and mutual hatred, reason eventually disappears. Nuclear strikes, in contrast, do not make any economic sense.

10/9/16, "We became superior because we willed it so". Commentator doing a book review on a natonal radio station. The book's plot involved a hunt for a wolf pack that had survived all earlier attempts to track it down. The lead wolf came through the book as havin great intelligence and nous (though the reviewer used another word for 'nous'). The wolf was able to outwit the hunter. In discussing the relative differences between Man and animals, we were told by the reviewer that we were animals but that we desired or willed to become so much higher or superior to other animals.

However, from a Biblical point of view this is noinsense. Man and animal is a soul (nephesh, in Hebrew). They are not "living soul" and "living creature" as most translations suggest. Animal souls have intelligence and emotional capability as Man. However, Man, "made in the image of God" is able to communicate spiritually with God whereas animals cannot. Man is created in a special relationship with God via the way the verb bara is used and as the double yod of Genesis 2:7 indicates. There the Hebrew yatsar is written "yod, yod, tsadi, resh". This is the only place in the Bible where that verb is used with two 'yods'. The point of that verse is that Man was formed from the dust of the earth. The dust is or was the detritus from rock accumulated over billions of years while the Earth was cast out into the darkest depths of space after the Fall of Satan. The dust contains the many minerals and elements that compose a typical human body. Most of our physical composition is water. But the minerals in this body amount to a few dollars worth as once calculated by a biologist. Obviously, from this, the soul of man and animal is special but in Man's case the soul can commune spiritually with God and in some cases, i.e., with believers, that happens.

It is God who "
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