Stand-off in Armenian capital ended

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willed" Man to be in a special relationship with Him. Animals are not in this relationship with God. But they can and do relate to man. Once one removes God from the equation, then one is forced to make stupid statements like the one reported here.

10/9/16, "Ultra-nationalist Cossacks say Greenpeace staff Western Spies". We would agree the Green Movement is the purveyor of the false Mother Earth religion (see next item) and other doctrines. Furthermore, it is possible that their whole philosophy is based on the Greco-Roman Last Stage of the Roman Empire Plan that will see to the take-over of world governance. It is interesting to see the Cossacks; possibly if not probably, part of the Gogite alliance of Ezekiel 38:1-6 invasion of Israel; are upset at Greenpeace's antics as we are. The Greenpeace movement has certainly emerged out of 'The West' and its "Greco-Roman roots".

With its allies, fellow travellers and adherents, the broader 'Green Movement' has bound us up with so many regulations, albeit some probably quite necessary and useful, that at least a dozen trillion dollars of cash and financial bonds are sloshing around the world looking for somewhere to invest. Vancouver, Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne, Hong Kong and many other cities are facing spiralling house prices as some of that excess savings or accumulated profit leak into housing markets. Then, houses effectively become bonds. The coupon is not rental income as one might anticipate. That is because it is often less expensive to leavce houses empty and uninhabited. Thus, the expected and usually resultant capital gain each year becomes the coupon as house prices move inexorably upward. So one can trace the housing problem back to the Green Movement's policy to bind us up with regulations. The Cossacks are correct to view the Green Movement with much suspicion, not least because of its faulty science concerning Global Warming's anthroprogenic causes. It is on their faulty science rather than espionage capability that one needs to expose the Green Movement. However, it is probably getting cover from the system that now controls the world as it is being prepared for the arrival of Antichrist holding the reins of power. This is a system where true scientific and research data is suppressed or hidden or if released, carefully massaged to suit the agenda of those purveying the data.

10/9/16, "A big victory for Mother Earth". Words of a reporter at an encampment of American Indians on a 'Reservation' as they heard news from Washington in their favour. The US Government over-ruled a court injunction to allow oil companies to pipe oil underneath the Indians' water sources. The Indians feared pipeline leaks would damage their precious and clean water.

"Mother Earth", a parallel with the Western Evolutionists' "Mother Nature", is a Pantheistic and Panentheistic concept in direct opposition to the actual God Who created the Heavens and the earth. These people see the life-system as maternal. The Bible has God creating male and female but apart from animals and plants, the universe and the mineral aspects of it are neutral, neither male nor female.

10/9/16, US and Russia to form miliraty partnership to eliminate ISIS. The way a major television station explained today's announcement that Russia and the USA would cooperate to get a ceasefire in Syria and begin a hunt for a jointly agreed lists of terrorist groups that they can then defeat. As always, w will have to wait and see if this latest initiative between the Russians and Americans gets underway. There are so many other factions in the theatre that they may not succeed once again. This time last year and again in February this year we were told we are on the threashold of an outbreak of peace.

Behind all this could be the cunning plan or mischievous mischief that Ezekiel 38:10 spetoaks of. Russia, oine is reminded, is the underling of Gog according to Ezekiel. "Gog" is the Nasi or overlord of Russia and Moscow or certainly overloegionrd of groups with those names whether that means Russia and Moscow of today or to some other people who inhabit some other

10/9/16, "A turning point; a moment of change". Mr Kerry's words in announcing the new "partnership" as one television station described today's agreement. Another commentator noted the 'agreement' was full of 'ifs' and conditions. The ceasefire they have called for is supposed to begin at the Feast of Ead that the Muslims hold, this year on Monday 12 September, oddly a day after the anniversary of the Twin Towers' destruction in New York in 2001.

The ceasefire must hold for a week before the Russians and Americans begin their joint operations that will hopefully lead to some political attempts at settlement. Earlier (refer 30/7/16, "Russia has the upper hand; The USA and allies can only protest"), Mr Kerry had warned about the Russians trying out a "ruse". One still wonders if this is just part of a long series of delaying tactics as the invasion of Israel is carefully prepared. Despite the appalling chaos in so many countries around the world, the media never fail to pick up on the slightest hint of trouble as they perceive it to be in Israel. They suddenly change focus and rush stories about how bad Israel is into the limelight. The carnage all over the world is vast. In Israel the issues are tiny dots in comparison and not worth reporting at all in comparison to carnage in places like Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

10/9/16, "Kurds and 'Christians' join forces to fight ISIS". Statement on a news report by an international TV news service. To what extent the people helping the Kurds are actually 'Christian' cannot possibly be obtained without personally interviewing them. Many people in the Middle East define themselves as Christian. It is one way in the Middle East of declaring themselves "not Muslim" because they know they can get some recognition of that from the Muslims on the basis that a belief in Jesus the Christ is better than no belief at all. The reports notes the Christians and Kurds both "shared perscution in iraq".

This sounds like the 'Christians are actually Assyrians who have believed in Jehovah since the days of Jonah in the 8th Century BC. They heard the message about Jesus in the early days of the Church but it is not clear from interviews we have had of them that they really understand what happened as the Church began at Pentecost in AD 30. Viewers then heard one of the 'Christian' soldiers fighting with the Kurds tell the reporter he "felt born again" as he "learned to fight with Kurds". Non-Christians will not understand the significance of that comment. Rather than discuss the theology here, the way the point was made indicates that soldier did not understand what the Bible teaches about the New Birth in Christ. He added, "I am getting a small salary from an Iraqi Christian political party". Although what that party is remains a big question. Unless he is referring to the Assyrian political presence still in Iraq. After decades of flight from Iraq because of long-standing persecution there, most "Assyrians" now live abroad and are losing identity in the scattered communities they find themselves in.

The report concluded with the statement that Iraqi Christians are fighting for the day when they have a semi-autonomous state within Iraq. Although it is not quite clear whether this would be a part of a newly independent Kurdistan. A later report noted that Yezidism, the official Kurdish religion, has "elements of Islam and Christianity" within it. So there is obviously cooperation between Kruds and Christians and , as commented elsewhere, the Kurds are friendly with the Israelis (Jews). Anyway, one wonders what name is given to a new Christian state or autonomous province (c.f. the Kurdish concept of "shibeh istiqlaal" in 31/1/16, "73% of Iraqi new oil wells drilled are successful" and 28/7/16, Major Kurdish base bombed in North East Syria). Will it be named the "Autonomous Province of Assyria" one wonders? The soldier interviewed was driven out of his business and village by ISIS. Also there had been reports of mass graves of Yezidis slaughtered by both Saddam Hussein and ISIS. Just more evidence of the terrible mess that is the Middle East. One cannot blame Israelis for it. To do so merely reinforces the stupidity of not only people in the region and their leaders but the stupidity of external observers.

10/9/16, "They won't sit there listening to you for two hours but two minutes". Someone referring to the control of media in Hong Kong's debates about relationship with China and freedom of speech etc. The report focused on the use of social media, the Internet etc, enabling people to by-pass official state organs or media controlled by the wealthy.

In the case of this writer, this is one of the points about "Key Events". Apart from occasional longer essays, these pages are intended to help people focus on matters for a couple of minutes. With the Blessings in the 3-D Aleph-Tav Bible Study, the one page items are targeted at the reader who only wants to spend two minutes on some issue.

But looking at the comment from a wider perspective, this is the damage Internet and Social Media are bringing. People are losing the ability to work long hours on an issue and to understand matters from as broad a perspective as possible. This factor is leading to more chaos across the world because so much protest and debate is rather simplistic at best.

12/9/16, "Ocean warming may turn out to be greatest challenge". It is forcing ocean animals to migrate to formerly cooler waters. They say the ocean is being heated by the warmer atmosphere. We say the ocean is reflecting the extra volcanic activity that seems to be a feature of the environment in our era. We suspect this is the result of excess heat from the Sun being absorbed by the Earth's core as a result of some dramatic change in the atmosphere caused by the ructions in the Flood of Noah. Whatever that 'change' was, seems to have altered the balance between energy flows from the Sun and the rate at which excess heat is 'reflected' back out into space. The atmosphere plays a crucial role here though what exactly is the role no one really knows.

12/9/16, "Pre-cursors to life came from other parts of the universe". That is the hypothesis being tested by NASA's probe sent a coiple of days ago to an asteroid in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. They also said the asteroid had never been a part of a planet and 'formed' 4 billion years ago when the solar system itself formed. We say that is nonsense too. The Universe was created about 15-22 billion years ago. The asteroid is the result of some collision or catastrophe since that time. According to Dr Velikovsky, asteroids are debris from a former planet. However, we now know of other similar rings of debris known as the Kuiper Belt and the Ort Cloud. Velikovsky predicted the Ort Cloud and probes discovered the unexpected Kuiper Belt. Certainly lots of rubbish swirls around the Sun in various places. Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus also have rings of debris surround them. However, for a long time, we only could view Saturn's rings from Earth.

12/9/16, "I thought the world was heading to Armageddon". Comment from a radio talkback compare musing on the downing of the Twin Towers "fifteen years ago". This morning (12/9/16), September 11th in New York, is the fifteenth anniversary of the disaster. Yet another example of 'Armageddon' being used in vain so to speak. They simply have no idea what Armageddon is all about (refer, 8/9/16, "Trying to crush ISIS promotes Armageddon" where we list several other examples of using 'Armageddon in vain').

12/9/16, "Seeking assurance what they saw was not 'the end of days'". A NZ-based international security consultant reporting what his daughter asked him that morning of September 11, 2001.

12/9/16, "Bin Laden wanted to set up a clash between civilizations: The West versus Islam". The security analyst above summing up one of the effects of '9/11'. More to the point, the secularist, humanist and evolutionist West has been waging war against Bible-based Christianity since the Treaty of Westphalia. It thinks it has silenced us. Well, that's probably correct. However, they cannot silence God as Ezekiel 38:23 and 39:6 indicate. They ridicule Christians by citing nutters claiming to be Christians. They use straw-man arguments to undermine and belittle the important matters Christians are stewards of (I Corinthians 4:1).

15/9/16, "Islamic ideology is not the same as ours". Words of Pauline Hanson an MP in Australia's Senate (previous maiden speech in 1996). Some senators walked out when she spoke. She added, "if yuo don't want to be an Australian, go back home". Years ago she had been saying Australia was being swamped by Asians but now it is Muslims, one commentator noted. Also, apparently, the majorioty of Musliims in Australia were born in there. She claimed that Sharia Law will one day take over.

Our comment is that it is certainly true Muslims believe they have a responsibility to broadcast the word of Allah and impose his law on the world. [Christians say Jesus of Nazareth will return and impose His Will on the World. Shiite Muslims believe the Mahdi returns to do the same. Yamadi Muslims in Pakistan think a different Mahdi comes to rule so they get persecuted in Pakistan by the Shiites and Taliban. Of course Antichrist-666 comes before Jesus to impose his will]. Muslims get their authoritarian ideology by assuming Israel had that responsibility but lost it due to disobedience. Ideosyncratically, they also say that Israel should never have had the role of being God's spokesmen. They say Isaac and Jacob stole the promises and blessings that should have gone to the elder sons Ishmael (of Abraham) and Esau (Jacob's brother, and son of Isaac). However, even assuming either of those claims were true, early Muslims, and now their descendants, never resolved what should be the situation now. They debate whether the descendants of Ishmael (Arabians) or Esau (Edomites, also inhabitants of parts of the Arabian Peninsula) should therefore be the appropriators of these blessings, commands and roles. The Saudis removed the Hashemites from the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina, not so much to unite Muslims in Arabia Felix but to resolve modern oil pipeline arrangements. So Riyadh (Ishmael and Hagar) now control Edom (Mecca-Medina). Even the Muslims do not know their ideology! Or do they ? Is it "Might is Right"?

16/9/16, "It all depends on bees". The statement was part of a trailer for a radio programme that looks at science issues. Accordingly, this episode will look at technologies to assist bees or take over their role in pollination. Problems aroud the world with bes disappearing interests us because the word for bees in hebrew is the same word as 'Word' itself. Thus one cann see the disappearance of the worders or bees parallels the decline in interest in The Word of God in Scripture. That is also paralleled by a decline in the ability to properly teach or preach The Word. Furthermore, the Gospel of John describes in John 1:14 that "The Word came and dwelt among us". However, John 1:10 says "The World did not know Him" and that is much the situation now. Or we could say,"The World did not know The Word when He came and dwelt among us". Very few take these writings seriously now juat at the time The Word seems set to return if world events are anything to go by.

18/9/16, Syrian Sunni leader claims USA, Russia, Iran ensuring Shia dominance over Levant. The essential gist of a statement by the leader of Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly al Qa'ida offshoot Al Nusra, refer 28/7/16, Al-Nusra, off-shoot of al Qa'ida, changes name and goes independent). The spokesman or leader claimed the effect of the negotiations between Russia, the USA, Iran and probably Turkey, though he did not specify the latter, was to allow Shiites orShia Islam to dominate the Levant (Lebanon, Syria and, for the purposes of this discussion, Iraq and Jordan too). He noted the US had handed Iraq to the Shia. Although Saddam Hussein probably was not a religious man at all, the Sunnis effectively had the upper hand in Iraq under his US-backed regime. Under Saddam, probably imnstalled by the USA-CIA, the Sunnis marginalised the Shia (Shiites) and Kurds. Now the boot is on the other foot in Iraq apart from ISIS-controlled areas. And so it sea-saws in the Middle East.

As Christians, we can see once again the Thirty Years War playing itself out this time in 21st century Middle East rather than 17th Century Europe. In Europe, the debate, by 1648, had moved on from the Caliphate equivalent in the West i.e., the idea of Christendomite governance and onto a secular system of governance. 'Religion' was confined to the churches, mosques, masonic halls and synagogues. For a while after 1648, Theology remained Queen of the Sciences and Philosophies in the Academy. But the Enlightenment Movement (18th Century) then dethroned Theology from the university halls. Humanism, then from circa 1850 Evolutionism, became the dominant paradigms of Secularism hence of the Academy and Government. Eventually Theology was virtually expelled from the Academy and reduced to a quaint appendage to the curriculum.

Theology became unscientific and Science became untheological. The Divorce was complete by the mid 20th Century.

Now, however, and perhaps ironically, Islam is challenging these post-Westphalia Western Paradigms; certainly when there is an intent to impose them on the Middle East. Of course, Islam also attempts to export its view westwards to the horror of the secular authorities who thought they had seen off the Christendomite tyranny of circa AD 300-1648. Eastwards, Islam is encountering opposition from Confucianism, Buddhism, and Secularism. From this, it could look like all the other 'isms' are counter-attacking Islam hence the many fronts opening up in the war against Taliban, al Qa'ida, ISIS, Wahabiism etc.

For a while, in an effort to rub Christians' noses into the ground, the media and intellectuals, their conscience pricking them in regard to Jesus of Nazareth, have been fond of saying how peace-loving and innovative Islam is. They sang its praises as a way of filling Man's spiritual vacuum. The London Economist, in the 1980's ran a survey extolling Islam. It favourably contrasted Islam with what it thought was Christianity. Good at analysing Politics and Economics, its writers blindly compared Islam and Christendomity. One rseigned one's subscription to The Economist soon after that issue. Now, events since 2011 have shown just how violent Muslims are to each other let alone to us infidels. Even in that fracas we hear Western voices joining an Islamic chorus and blaming The West, Oil or Colonialism for Islam's problems. In circa 2007, one attended a conference in London where an atheist urged the public to listen to Christians and heed their warnings about Islam's real objectives.

Now, because of Western Science's love affair with anthropogenic climate change, everyone is finding a new challenge from Panentheism. The Panenthiasts are using the supposed evils of carbon to trumpet causes dear to their metaphysical hearts. For example, in Dakota, where the Sioux have "won a victory for Mother Earth" in their fight to stop an oil pipeline going under their land and water aquifers. In New Zealand, Maori have managed to get the Whanganui River declared a person in its (his or her?) own right. Three and a half centuries after turfing Christianity out of society and forcing it indoors to some stuffy old church buildings, corrrupted science wrongly misinterpreting exactly what is going on deep inside the Earth to cause Global Warming, has resurrected an old apparently extinct monster called Panentheism.

Of course there are vast differences between the Christian and islamic approach to this deebate between 'religion' and 'technocracy' in the realm of governance. Nevertheless, there are some similarities or parallels between Christendom and Islam. The postmillennials of Christendom, like the Sunni- or Salafi- (pro-caliphate) Muslims, look to the laws of Moses and Jesus (Mohammad for Muslims) for guidance in the governance of the Babel Project. Pre-Millennial Christians; in a somewhat similar way to the Shia concept of a Mahdi returning to rule the world, and rescue it from chaos; look to the return of Jesus of Nazareth to implement the Millennium or Messianic Kingdom. That had long been promised to Israel. Instead of coming into play at its First Offering between AD 27-30, it would be accepted and received, sooner or later (Acts 1:6-7), at its Second or Last Offering by a re-gathered Israel as it is emerging today. Even Sura XVII of the Koran envisages such a day. But first, Israel must repent and accept Jesus of Nazareth as she will do according to Apostle Paul and Jesus in the New Testament or according to Isaiah 53, 61 or Zechariah 12 in the Old Testament. For Christians, Christ's rule and His Millennium will take hold not Man's plan for the Babel Project.

To recap on "The Babel Project", we reported in 21/8/15, 'If hackers are not careful they may end up destroying or crippling the Internet', that "the problem here is yet another obstacle the world has fallen into by following the Babel Project which the Academy and Intelligentsia want the world to adopt" They take this view on the admittedly somewhat logical grounds that since Adam had consumed from the tree of science and technology, the touch-tronic computer embedded in a tree in Eden, Mankind might as well follw that course, work his way back to building his own tree of Knowledge in the Internet etc., and be done with it. They make the project compelling by convincing Man to join the task to 'reach for the stars' just as the ancient Babylonians attempted. Mankind is enticed with voyages to Mars and other space-sourced goodies like close-ups of giant planets in our solar system.. Shias await the Mahdi but with no hope of that prospect. Christians await Jesus of Nazareth with every reason to hope for that.

One also made the comment in 10/9/15, 'Perceptions of the imminent second coming of Jesus affect American Foreign Policy' (*), that "the Intelligentsia knows full well the Bible does have an outline of the future, just as its outline of the past is impeccible, but they ignore its Apocalyptic Finale. The Intelligentsia, ignoring the Bible's conclusions, may even be using it to bring about their Babel Project and Antichrist to lead it.

These are the sorts of issues Christians are uncovering these days. Muslims observing us are putting what we discover into a Koranistic spin of their own. But it is a quite misleading framework they are using. They have removed it from its proper Biblical context. Worse, they remove it from the Bible's context that in order to deliver the Kingdom, Jesus had to pay for man's Salvation with His Terrible Sacrifice on the Cross. But Muslims vehemently deny the Cross and accuse the disciples of faking Jesus' Death. These errors are destroying them.

* Mattehw Avery Sotton in American Apocalypse - Influence of Evangelicals in USA.

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