Stand-off in Armenian capital ended

Putin using hybrid warfare to occupy Ukraine

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Putin using hybrid warfare to occupy Ukraine. He is assigning special forces wearing a green uniform to conduct operations in East Ukraine which this commentator suggested was under Russian control. We make the point that Gog and Gog's allies in Magog, who are overlords (Hebrew, Nasi) of Moscow and Russia, plus Iranians and Africans are arranging a diversionary "mischief" to prepare a march on Israel and her "spoil" (Holy Places?). The Ukraine, Latvian or Estonian feints may be a part of that diversionary tactic.

Of course anyone reading Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16, in these latter apostate days, is likely to be someone giving credence to the prophecy. He or she therefore knows what happens to the countries who participate in the alliance. That theoretical person might actually be implicitly encouraging the villainous parties to go right ahead. However, other prophecies indicate that the disaster also paves the way for the Antichrist to rise to power. Our advice is to leav matters to The One True God to sort out. So anyone playing a game like that will get his or her fingers burned.

What one should use these prophecies for, Apostle Peter's "More sure Word of Prophecy", is to alert people to the urgent need to get their life in order with God, repent, change their minds and accept His Perfect, Good and Acceptable Will. That is to let the Sin of Adam play its way out and for us to repent of it because God imputes Adam's sin to each one of us which is only fair and reasonable. So if you are reading this, change your mind and accept God's Plan for your redemption through the offer God made with His Only Begotten Son, Yeshua of Nazareth, via that Cross outside Jerusalem's city walls on Passover (Pesach) 14 Nisan AD 30.

14/8/16, Saakashvili Governs Odessa for Pro-European Ukrainian Leaders. This was confirmed (refer other stories listed at end of this item) on a TV programme about corruption in Ukraine. The programme gave more background to our items listed below concerning "Georgia". Like Russia, Ukraine seems to be dominated by wealthry oligarchs. Oligarchs and mafias were using the port at Odessa to run rackets. Saakashvili had finished his term as Georgian leader and seems to be a darling or acolyte of the West with his reformist economic agendas. He went to the Ukraine and took up citizenship of the former Soviet nation. The current President appointed him to govern Odessa and break the powers of the local council there which seemed to be in league with corrupt oligarchs. [We heard him on a report during the Ukrainian revolution to remove the pro-Russian President, saying "This is the beginning of the fall of the Russian Empire]. According to this latest report, Saakashvili brought in young reformist people to bring in proper regulatory control of the port's business activities. One of these aides, a young woman, was a sort of poster-girl for the recent revolution that brought the swift Russian response to put pressure on Ukraine to remain inside Russia's influence sphere. But many people in Odessa are either Russian or at least pro-Russian and not at all keen to become integrated with the EU and NATO.

Refer also:

  • 24/2/14, “End of the Russian Empire”, ('Russia is beginning to dissect Georgia');

  • 9/4/14, “Armenia allying with Russia to dismember parts of Georgia”;

  • 26/4/14, “Cossacks in Transnistia want to join Russian Federation”;

  • 20/5/14, "Chechens (Gogites) deny they have fighters operating in East Ukraine";

  • 7/11/14, Kids leaving Georgia to fight for ISIS/ISIL”;

  • 15/6/15, Zoo animals on the loose after flood in Tbilisi (Tubal), Georgia (Gogia)”;

  • 25/7/15, "Former Georgian (Gogian) Premier Mikhiel Saakashvili appointed Governor in Odessa";

  • 25/1/16, Oil puts Georgia on the map;

  • 25/1/16, "The Caucasus: A hotbed of small independent states"; and

  • 14/7/16, ISIS Leader a Georgian, Chechen, 'Christian' and Muslim".

15/8/16, "He is immortal now". A sports commentator when Yousain Boult won a third gold medal (in the same event) at the Rio Olympics having won the gold for the 100 meters at Beijing and London. Three consecutive Olympic wins for the 100 meters. Mind you, American Michael Phelps has about 23 gold medals and another American swimmer has eight or so (Mark Spitz). Another commentator was heard to say he is "a living legend". The sad thing is that the wonders of the human body are never credited to our Creator's Glory.

17/8/16, Russia uses Iranian air base to bomb Syria. (Refer also to 23/8/16, "Russia evicted from Iranian air base".) The air base it had been using in Southern Russia near the Armenian border was too far away to give its jets enough fuel and time to drop heavy payloads. Now from Iran, Russia's jets can deliver many more bombs to smash Syria even harder. The only outcome from all this is a continual rise in displaced people from the many obliterated or semi-smashed towns and cities, villages etc. The refugee-displaced persons count is now 63 million and rising - it seems. Surely this is part of the plan to stir up the hordes that invade Israel in Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16.

Meanwhile a well-known, and often but never impartial, Middle Eastern News Service is stirring up a mountain out of the molehill argument currently boiling over every now and again concerning worship rights in Jerusalem. When one considers the vast chaos obliterating the many muslim nations surrounding Israel and further afield in ever wiening concentric circles, the mini-molehill surrounding Jerusalem's holy hill is being exaggerated out of all proportion. However, that seems to make sense to us. Considering, we suggest, without being dogmatic, that as the refugee hordes are being gathered the prize or spoil of Jerusalem is under magnification (like this document as the writer struggles with macular degeneration). Slowly but surely, we seem to be on the track down which Ezekiel 38:1 ff takes us.

One hopes to kkeep the reader informed. Any developments that clearly reject this hypothesis, or any in these papers, will promptly be reported. For example, any information we receive to show that the 14-year old boy we are currently monitoring and observing as the candidate for Antichrist - The one who is given names meaning or translating as "Majesty King of Kings" and whose name then adds to 666 in Hebrew characters - IS NOT 666 .... then one will immediately report that. Dr Fruchtenbaum, in Footsteps of the Messiah, First and Second editions, suggests the Antichrist willl arise out of the world chaos that ensues from the disastrous defeat of the Gog-Magog alliance invasion. He says that chaos will lead to massive international governance re-organisation, probably into a Ten Nation World Confederacy somehow appointed by a World Government or perhaps a reformed UN as the world now needs.

23/8/16, "Syrian and Russian bombs no longer cynical but sinful". The words of Mr O'Brien at the UN Security Council. A question one must ask is why people like him do not resign after giving a speech like he did so critical of the UN on Syria's crioses.

23/8/16, "Russia evicted from Iranian air base". A report on a TV news service. One assessment is that Iran is split over letting Russia wage war from Iranian territory suggesting ut is "unconstitutional". Another assessment suggests Iran was embarrassed by Moscow trumpeting the deal. It is back to the long way around by using its own bases from southern Russia (in the Caucasus or Gogasus mountains. Refer, 17/8/16, Russia uses Iranian air base to bomb Syria.

23/8/16, Turkey and Syrian rebels align against Kurds and its US backers. Turkey is getting very nervous at the Kurds growing strength in north Syria. The Syrian rebels are also worried the prize they are fighting for will be much the smaller if the Kurds declare a new state in north Syria. So a natural alliance is growing between the rebels and Turkey. Unfortunately, Turkey's NATO ally the USA is committed to backing the Kurds. Yet another terrible complication in this complex mess.

23/8/16, USA negotiating with Turkey on Fetula Gulen's extradition. Initial discussions have begun on this matter against the backdrop of a potential US versus Turkey proxy struggle for control of North Syria, as ISI shrinks and retreats, by the Kurds and Syrian freedom fighters. Turkey tacitly supports the Syrians but the Americans back them and the Kurds. However, the US cannot risk a disastrous breakdown in relations with Turkey in the run-up to a legal battle over the extradition of Mr Fetula Gulen the leader of the Gulenists some of whom Mr Erdogan believes are behind the failed coup in Turkey a few weeks ago. Interestingly, according to a US State Department spokesman, Turkey's supporting documentation sent to initiate an extradition process does not refer to Gulen's involvement in the coup - alleged or otherwise. Gulen said some of his supporters do seem to have been involved in the coup but he never asked or instructed them to take part. That suggests some Turkey-based Gulenists participated in the coup of their own volition not necessarily anything to do with Gulenist philosophy. (Refer "Gulenism" in 16/7/16, Turkish Coup d'Etat fails after a few hours but 300 dead).

24/8/16, Quakes of 6.2 - 6.8 in Bologna, in Italy, and in Myanamar. Ironically, the day before one had been speaking to some Italians from Bologna and one referred to the 2009 quake that struck that region. A very frightening quake in Bologna according to an Italian-American living near Bologna. The Burmese quake left several 13th Century AD temples damaged. Later in the day, we heard a report that the death toll in Italy was 247.

24/8/16, Erbil based academic urges Turkey to befriend Kurds. Apparently a Turkish analyst but very well spoken English talking on an international television news service. He was participating in a panel discussing the latest complications where Kurds and Free Syrian rebels were competing for control of a town being vacated by ISIS under military pressure from the two anti-Assad porotagonists. However, whereas the Americans are backing the Kurds and Syrian rebels, the Turks are backing tonly he latter. But unusually, as this analyst was saying, Turkey (or perhaps Mr Erdogan) apparently finds it easier now to talk to Assad rather than the Kurds!

24/8/16, Erdogan talks to Russia, Iran and Assad to resist Kurds. As the analyst mentioned above says, Erdogan; despite his antagonism toward Assad and still smarting from a recent fracas with Russia over a downed jet fighter; seems less able to talk and negotiate with Kurds. One had noticed Turkish antipathy toward Kurdsthis many years ago (circa 2000). This was noted in the author's paper on "Middle East Crises" (refer The Cloud, URL below). It was written following a conference discussing the Kurdish situation. One updated it following a few weeks working with Turks in a Bank on Euston Road ("Akbank"). It is sadly and painfully obvious many Turks, themselves wonderful people, really hate and despise the Kurds. (Further comment below in 24/8/16, Erdogan's Turkey failed to weaken Kurds; strenghtened them instead).

24/8/16, Barzani, Iraqi Kurdish leader wants to talk with Erdogan. One analyst thinks that might be due to Barzani's concern about the Syrian Kurds' policy and its potentially damaging effect on pan-Kurdish aspirations. The analyst even suggested there was some friction or even rivalry between Iraqi and Syrian Kurds. These reports illustrate the problems of a vacuum in some sort of pan-Kurdish approach to their troubles as a divided ethnic group lacking a nation-state of their own.

24/8/16, Erdogan's Turkey failed to weaken Kurds. Instead, as this commentator added the Turks have only "strengthtened them". As noted above, Erdogan seems unable to "reach out" to Kurds and find some sort of peaceful arrangement with them. He even seems more able to reconcile with long-standing enemies than talk to a group that is a major and potentially helpful community in his own country. Of course, he may be under pressure from fellow-countrymen and -women to hard-line the Kurds.

However, with our knowledge of the reconstructed history and actual career of the Kurds' ancestral great kings especially Nebuchadnezzar and to a much lesser but significant extent, Suleiman (Suleyman, Solomon), it is easy to see why Erdogan, and indeed the Iranians, Syrians, Arabs and others in the Middle East would be concerned about the Kurds' successes in the fracas going on in the region euphemistically referred to as the Arab Spring. We cannot even get into discussing here problems such as general and public confusion in Turkey and elsewhere between:

  • Suleiman the Kurd, (AD 1200);

  • Shalmaneser (or Tsar Solomon) the Assyrian (800 BC); and

  • Nebuchadnezzar the Chaldean (a.k.a. Nebuchadrezzar or Nebo's Tsar of the Chards-Kurds) who reigned in 600 BC;

with the Israelite and only really peaceful King Solomon. Those kings were part of a real history now massively distorted in the halls of academia, christendom, islamia and esoterica (masons, illuminati, adepts etc). Turkish antipathy toward Kurds who played a major part in the defence of Troy against Agamemnon the Achean more than a millennium before the Turks themselves arrived in Asia Minor (Anatolia), is no doubt formed out of historical misunderstandings.

Actually, as these items in Key Events for today show, one must ask why the Kurdish situation has come so much to the fore NOW! Is there some other factor going on? Are we are on the verge of the Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16? Does Isaiah 48:14c have some bearing on the matter. The Kurds are discussing the concept of a "shibeh istiqlaal". In 28/7/16, 'Major Kurdish base bombed in North East Syria', we consider if a pan-Kurdish solution would be to set up 'shebas' or 'emirates' to ' rule' or 'administer' the Kurds. Perhaps these 'shibehs' could be art of a principality either in Iraq, Turkey or Syria or separate principalities in each of the three already-extant nation-states. Such an idea was concocted (rather unsuccessfully) by the ancient Assyrians when "Esarhaddon" (circa 680 BC) became the Kurds' (chaddon) 'prince' or 'sar'.

Or, as is a major theme here, this might be part of the fulfillment of the words of Ezekiel 38:13 (Sheba and Dedan). We suggest that the Kurds as a sort of federation or association of emirates will be sympathetic towards Israel along with the GCC which associates Saudi Arabia and the Emirates with Oman (and Muscat?). Tarshish, Sheba and Dedan oppose the Gog-Magog-led coalition that invades Israel. Turkey's ambiguous policies along with Russia, Iran and many African countries may get mixed-up in the invasion that Gog conspires but which God Himself then commandeers ("puts hooks in their jaws", Ezekiel 38:4, 16 and 39:2), to drive the alliance into its own destruction, rather than Israel's, at His Hands for the purpose explained in Ezekiel 38:23 and other verses.

Mr Erdogan's, and Turkey's, enigmatic policy changes may be part of the mischief of Ezekiel 38:10 where the Hebrew literally accuses the allied nations gathering against Israel as "mischief-making a mischief". Readers are asked to carefully note this is not part of the Armageddon Force. The latter, at the very last of the latter days, will gather on the Plains of Israel, around Nazareth in all probability, to go through the Pass at Megiddo. It will attack Jerusalem from that direction, not from the "mountains" or "West Bank" of Israel as in Ezekiel 38:8. After Jerusalem, where the Jewish leader is publicly humiliated, Antichrist then drives or corrals Israel at Bozrah for ultimate destruction at his hands.

Relatively speaking, the time is now short but we are rather a long way from Armageddon and the world-wide anti-Israel army but possibly quite close to Ezekiel 38's Gog-Magog alliance of Northern-, Eastward- and Southward-of-Israel hordes challenging Israel. In Revelation, the 'Gog-Magog' region again becomes the base for attacking Israel. That is at the end of Christ's Millennium. That army is led by Satan himself, not by an agent or son of his. For that, Satan is released from the "Abyss" precisely for the pupose of fomenting one last rebvellion against God. But That all happens at the very least 1014 years from now if one accounts seven years for the clean-up of the detritus from the Ezekiel 38 invasion and seven years for the Tribulation. Only in 1014 years fom now, at the very least, is this universe then melted to nothing and a new Universe is set up for believers.

25/8/16, Militants beseige American Institute in Kabul. Aparrently not Taliban but the so-called Halkarni network was behind this according to one report although later reports continued to use the 'don't know' tag. Earlier, two professors were kidnapped on their way home from the university. They have not been found. The two incidents highlight the opposition that some religious groups have to the secular, humanist and evolutionist philosophy of life the secularists insist we all have to accept.

One is totally opposed, of course, to the physical destruction of the secularists' halls of learning as one is opposed to destruction of mosques, buddhist temples and statues, catholic citadels, masonic halls or even any den of iniquity unless they are authorised under state laws such as legalisation of prostitution in regard to brothels. The state, of course, may burn down or close-down brothels if such things are illegal in that particular nation-state although UN regulations probably do not permit such action either.

Anyway, getting back to the proselytism of materialist humano-evolutionist-secularism, to whom, evolution is a "fact", their dogmatism annoys the rest of us, even if we are in the minority now ........

[In a debate on the radio today, a commentator said "only 48% of New Zealanders were Xtians". Apparently 47% were not but 5% did not say what they were in the census or they stated something else. As a caller noted, in one sense, Christians are no longer the majority in New Zealand. But "neither are the unbelievers (47%)". In that case, said the caller, Christianity being the biggest single group is "The Majority". He referred to the national election results where barely 40% of the population got 50% of the seats in the House of Representatives and some voters got no representation].

...... we cannot even get churches to talk about Apostle Paul's dictum about the First and Last Adams. That is so necessary to explaining God's Plan for Salvation and to explain the mess the world now finds itself in. One cannot escape talkimg about the Fall of both Satan and Man and their respective Gardens of Eden to explain "The Cross" and "The Garden of the Tomb". So there is a massive censorship going on in this world inside virtually every institution. Also recently on television, one watched an American diplomat tick-off the Chinese for restricting discussion and debate to within a strict and narrow range of vews. The Elephant in that room is exactly what one
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