Mentoring School Children – A Job For Volunteers / Schüler/innen-Mentoring – eine Aufgabe für Freiwillige
Subject area: Learning opportunities for people at risk of social marginalisation
Intercultural education
Working language(s): EN
Target Group + Translation:
Adult learners, non experts.
Mentoring is widely discovered as a very effective strategy of inspiring non-formal learning for disadvantaged school children. A lot of risks and difficulties children may have because of migration or/and a poor background with few opportunities, can be improved by mentoring. Mentoring is not necessarily a business of specialists with long term trainings. Mentoring can be given to school children, for example with migrational background, after a short term training. In the Workshop we are going to learn more about different concepts and try to develop guidelines of effective mentoring school schildren and we will assemble a toolkit for setting up a mentoring network of volunteers at the place we are active in our everyday lifes.
Main activities Programme + Programme translation:
The workshop will provide know-how in a very old and effective technic of learning and transmitting knowledge from an older person to a younger one. In the Greek myths, Mentor, Odysseus´friend, did it to Odysseus`son Telemachos, while Odysseus was out on the sea. So he was the name-giving historical figure for a concept that works until now.
Lessons about basics of mentoring / practical exercises on mentoring school children / different concepts on mentoring in different countries / guidelines of good mentoring / Analysis of benefits achieved by mentoring / creating an mentoring network
Contact details: Rauhensteingasse 5
1010 Wien
Workshop Reference number: 2012-1-AT1-GRU13-07574
Venue: Vienna Date of the Workshop: 24/03/2013 - 30/03/2013
Pimp My Europe. Ideas for Refreshing Europe
Subject area: Basic skills for adult learners
European citizenship and European dimension
Intercultural education
Working language(s): EN
Target Group + Translation:
Adults interested in sharing and promoting creative ideas and common values, – specially persons with a migration background (external or inner European) and/or persons interested in migration and social issues in its widest sense including language, – people motivated by a creative intercultural exchange, who whish to strengthen their communication skills in the European context.
Main activities Programme + Programme translation:
„Pimp My Europe. Ideas for Refreshing Europe“ will be a methodical and informal handling, assessing and enhancing of ideas proposed by each of the participants in a short and succinct presentation during the workshop. In a further step those ideas will be re-worked in the group in order to empower and encourage the participants to present them on video and to promote them through social media. The core ideas that are going to be presented should be of personal concern and social relevance, in the scope of our daily experience, simple and refreshing. With regard to the topics of personal concern a number of thematic fields are going to be suggested in the form of mind maps and questions. (These topics will be published on a website to be accessed upon registration for the workshop.) It will be the task of the participant to identify aspects of this personal concern in his daily experience. By recognising the core element of his daily experience he will be able to simplify and articulate original ideas in a new form. These ideas are the material for a short presentation aiming to illustrate the concern of the person and creating awareness about it. If these ideas require further actions they should be self sustained and have a minimum dependency on state or other official institutions. (On our homepage we will provide a fair amount of examples.) Key tags for the presented ideas are: self dynamics, refreshing, coherence, potential to grow, rhyzomatic, group process, living in Europe, Europe as a shared space, relevance to every European, getting away from cultural (national) stereotypes, from meta-ideas and solutions of global dimensions, from imposing (as opposed to suggesting and motivating) ideas on other people. Central to this workshop is the discussion in the group. The presenter then has the possibility to fine tune his argument that will lead to the final presentation where he can launch his “proto”-idea through video and/or social media. These videos can include appeals for action and – by mutual consent – can be published on video channels like You Tube, Vimeo, etc. There will training sessions for voice development and body expression to help and coach the participants with their presentation skills. Visits to institutions, places and cultural events will be synchronous with the aims of the workshop, i.e. public presentations and informal media. The work in the group will be moderated on the basis of mutual respect, help, creativity and empathy.
Workshop Organiser: W-Point. G. & E. Wolf Perez OG
Contact details: Eggerthgasse 8/20
1060 Wien
Workshop Reference number: 2012-1-AT1-GRU13-07503
Venue: WUK, 1090 u. Konferenzraum Mingo Büros 1150 Wien
Date of the Workshop: 04/03/2013 - 09/03/2013
Antidiscrimination and cultural awareness (Image of Africa and Black People in medias and education in Europe)
Subject area: Cultural heritage
Fight against racism and xenophobia
Social integration / exclusion
Working language(s): EN
Target Group + Translation:
Interessenten aus den verschiedensten gesellschaftlichen Bereichen, vor allem Personen die in ländlichen Gebieten leben und für die dieser Grundtvig Workshop möglicherweise die einzige Möglichkeit darstellt an einem europäischen Workshop, ausserhalb des eigenen Landes, teilzunehmen. Vor allem mächten wir auch MigrantInnen aus ländlichen Gegenden und aus den osteuropäischen Ländern ansprechen. Da dieser Workshop auf alle Teilnehmer sensibilisierend bzw. auch selbststärkend im Bezug auf Diskriminierung wirken wird. Ein lebhafter Austausch zwischen Betroffenen und nicht Betroffenen von Diskriminierung, wird angestrebt.
Interested persons from different social backgrounds, especially people who live in rural areas, for whom this Grundtvig workshop is the only possibility to participate in a European workshop outside their own country. We want to reach migrants who live in rural areas in East European countries because this workshop has the effect of sensibilisation and empowerment regarding discrimination. We want to reach a lively exchange of victims and people who are no victims of discrimination.
Main activities Programme + Programme translation:
Jeder einzelne Tag des Workshops steht unter einem speziellen Thema, es werden Inputvorträge gehalten, Filme gezeigt, die zu Diskussion und Reflektion aller Teilnehmer untereinander führen. Weiters wird ein Stadtspaziergang mit historischen Ausführungen in Wien organisiert, interaktive Rollenspiele werden initiiert und psychologisch begleitet. Während des gesamten Projekts wird es auch täglich Zeit geben für gemeinsame Entspannungsübungen, die mithelfen sollen das neu Erfahrene besser zu verarbeiten, in Rollenspielen spontaner zu agieren und die Gruppe als gesamte zu stärken.
Der erste Vormittag beginnt mit einer Kennenlernrunde und Selbstreflexion über eigene Vorstellungen, diskriminierende Erlebnisse, Klischees über Schwarze Menschen in Europa und Reflexion über die Entstehung dieser. Anhand von Filmen wird die Darstellung Schwarzer Menschen in Unterrichtsmaterialien sowie in den Medien aufgezeigt und regt zu Diskussionen zwischen den Teilnehmern an.
Am 2.Tag dient ein historischer Abriss zur Entstehung rassistischer Stereotype und Strukutren, besonders im deutsch-sprachigem Raum vom Mittelalter über Neuzeit und Aufklärung, 18./19.Jhdt, Sklavenhandel, Kolonialismus, ‚Völkerschauen’ als Input für die Fortsetzung der Diskussionen. Anschliessend wird ein geführter Stadtspaziergang in Wien, auf der Spurensuche zu AfrikanerInnen in Wien, sowie die verschiedenenen Darstellungen Schwarzer Menschen in unterschiedlichen Epochen, mit den Teilnehmern unternommen.
Der 3.Tag widmet sich dem Thema‚ Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion von rassistischen Vorstellungen’ in Bezugnahme zur Vorkriegszeit und Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und seinen Folgen. Eine international anerkannte Diversitätsspezialistin (Präsidentin des Black European Women Councils) leitet die Diskussionen. Die Aufarbeitung von Rassismen nach dem II.Weltkrieg und deren Auswirkungen bis heute, werden anhand von anschaulichem Material, untereinander diskutiert. Es gibt auch einen kurzen Exkurs zu den Bewegungen weltweit gegen Rassismus und Unterdrückung im 18.,19., 20. Jahrhundert in den USA.
4. Mit interaktiven Rollenspielen wollen wir sowohl die Sensibilisierung, als auch die Stärkung des Selbstbewusstseins und der Zivilcourage aller Teilnehmer anregen. Psychologische Hintergründe von Täter/ Opferrollen zum Thema Diskriminierung werden beleuchtet und diskutiert.
5. Der vorletzte Tag widmet sich der Berichterstattung in den Medien über Afrika, die Wahrnehmungen der einzelnen Teilnehmer in ihren unterschiedlichen Ländern werden miteinander verglichen und analysiert.
6. Der letzte Tag dient dem Blick in die Zukunft und Möglichkeiten werden aufgezeigt wie das neu erfahrene Wissen des Workshops konstruktiv im alltäglichen Leben implementiert werden kann, durch konkrete Beispiele. Abgerundet wird der Workshop an jedem einzelnen Tag mit Entspannungsübungen eines Shaolintrainers/ Meditationslehrers zum Thema Zvilcourage. Die, zu Beginn des Workshops angeregten Tagebuchnotizen jedes einzelnen während der Workshopzeit, werden zusammengefasst. Durch Feedback wollen wir Entwicklungsprozesse verfolgen und erkennen. Alle Teilnehmer werden eingeladen in monatlichen Abständen ihr Notizen weiterzuführen und mit uns per Mail auszutauschen, um wertvolles Feedback über die mögliche Implementierung jedes Einzelnen in seinem Umfeld zu bekommen und um in Kontakt zu bleiben.
Every day of this workshop has a special topic, short lectures and videos lead to process of discussions and reflection of every participant. A guided tour in Vienna with a historian is organised, interactive role plays with psychological support are initiated. Throughout the whole project daily relaxing exercises will help to understand the absorbed information, to act more spontaneously in the role plays and to reinforce the whole group.
1st day: The first morning starts with the introduction of all participants. After that there will be a phase of reflection of the participants ideas, experience of discrimination and their perception of Africa and Black People. Video documentations will show the representation of black people in educational materials and in the media and lead to discussion.
2nd day: The creation of racist stereotypes and structures are put in the context of history. The focus will be especially on the history of the German territories from the Middle Ages to slavery, colonialism. This input will lead to a continuation of the reflexion and discussion process. After that a guided tour through Vienna with the title ‘African Vienna’, History of Africans here in Vienna” with a historian will take place. The aim of that guided tour is to perceive the different ways in which black people were presented in the different times.
3rd day: The focus of that day is “How to construct (Focus on Nazional Socialism) and deconstruct stereotypes (Movements against racist oppression, Civil Rights Movements, Anti Apartheid). An international diversity specialist leads the discussion. How to overcome racism after the second world war and the effect till today will be reflected with the help of visual materials. A brief look at the movements against racism and oppression worldwide and in the 18th, 19th and 20th century in the USA will round up that theme.
4th day: With interactive role plays we will raise sensibilisation, empowerment and the civil courage of the participants.
5. The psychological backgrounds of victims and perpetrators of discrimination will be examined. 5th day: The fifth day will be dedicated to European media-news reports on Africa. The perception of the different participants in their countries will be compared and analysed.
6. 6th day: The focus of the last day will be how to further implement the knowledge acquired and the experience made during the workshop in everybody’s daily surrounding (we look for concrete examples like “go into shops and challenge, set up courses in schools, firms”…) The last activity every day will be some relaxing meditation exercises on the topic civil courage. In the beginning of the workshop all participants are invited to take small notes in form of a diary (in the end of the day every participant shall write about her/his feelings about new information she/he got during the workshop). On the last day we bring the information of these diaries together. Through this kind of feedback we want to make aware the process of development made during the workshop. All participants are invited to continue their diary and exchange it regularly of every month, in order to stay connected and get some feedback on eventual implementation in their daily surroundings.
Workshop Organiser: SFC Schwarze Frauen Community
Contact details: Stutterheimstrasse 16-18, Büro 1.111
1150 Wien
Workshop Reference number: 2012-1-AT1-GRU13-07509
Venue: Vienna Date of the Workshop: 12/05/2013 - 19/05/2013
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