Official gaz / gover,nment of goa, daman and

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,Panaji, 21 stAugust, 1980 (Sravana 30, 1902)





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Home Department (General)



Inexe~ise of the powers conferred by Sub-Sec­tion (3)· of Section 32 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 (ActNo; 4 of 1939) the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to authorise Ghatge Patil Transport Ltd., 18th June Road, Panaji, Goa, to .alter any vehicle owned by them so as to change its -engine number by replacing the engine thereof without the approval of the registering authority, -subject· to the strict complia:i::LCe'of·the provisions of .sub-section (4) of section 32 of the said Act.

By order and in the name of the Administrator of· Goa, Daman and .Diu.

S. 1I1:.:N~ilc;Unde!l' Secretary (Home).

PaI?-aJJ;; 1980;

'"" ,.0



In exercise of the powers conferred by ~lause (28) Qf sectioil59 of the Pris.ons Act, 1894 (Gentral,Act '9 of 1894), al1-ilall other powers enabl~g. h.imin that behalf, I the Lieutenant Governor of qoa, Danian and Diu liereby makes following rules so a~. 'to further amend' the Goa, Daman 'and . Diu Pri~ons

(Facilit~es.ofPriso~ers) Rules 1968, namely:­

1. 8~rltitle .and Oomme'lLcement -'(1) These

rules may be called the Goa, Daman and Diu Prisons (Facilities' ·,to frisoners).. (Second AinendIflent)

Rules, i98(t· . .... .

2.T4ey·s:hallcome into force at once.'

3. Insertion oj rule 50. -After rul~49 of the Goa, Damall8:nd Diu.. Prisons (Facilities or ,Prisoners) Rules,: ·l!968, .. " the following .shaII. b~ . uiserted,

namely: -. . ...

Class I Prisoners in the Jails shall be entitled to the scale of diet, amenities ~nd privileges .namely: -.


In addition to existing prescribed diet, Mutton ..... __ .. ... .. .. . . ~OO grams twice Butter ........ __ ......... 25 grams daily, Milk . .. ...... ... . . . .... . .. 100 ml. daily. Sugar (extra) ......... 20 grams daily.


Each Cell of Class I Prisoners should contain part of its equipment the following furniture: _.


(IlOs.t-'ltal pattern)

.. ,

1 for each

Table (wooden)




Chair (wooden)



Book shelf (wooden)




Mosquito net ..................



Jug water

..................... .




(fixed 9"X12")




Class 1 prisoners may be allowed to make use o~ their own normal private clothing and only when they have no sufficient clothing of their ..own they shall be provided with the same from the Prisons.

By order and in the name of the Lt. Governor of Goa, Daman· and Diu.

s. M. Na,ik, Unde:r Secretary (Home). Panaji, 7th August, 1980.

Local Administration and Welfare Department



.,:We~erc,se of powers conferred" by . section "50 Scale of diet, ameniti~s and: pnv'iiegJs"':to 30.7.(-3)(f)()f ~lIe'1Goa,-Daman and Diu MunicipalitiesClass I Prisoners in the Jails." Act, 1968 (No. 7 of 1969), and all otherpbwers.'


SERIES No, f!:l

enabling it in this behalf the Government hereoy approyes :and pu.blishes the following Bye-laws: ­

Shortti,tle and commencement. -1. These Bye­-laws sha1).be called the Daman Municipal Bye-Laws of Toll on vehicles of Public Transport entering the Daman Municipal Area.

2. They shall come into force on the date of publi­cation in the Official Gazette.

Defjnjtions. -In these Bye-laws, unless the con­text otherwise requires; -­

(i) "Act" means the Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities Act, 1968 (No. 7 of 1969).

(ii) "Vehicles of public Transport" mean all self 'propelled vehicles used for transpor­ting' passengers'or goods on hire.
(iii) "Owner of vehicles of public Transport" means any person against whose name such vehicle has been registered under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 and to whom a .permit to carry passengers or goods on hire has been granted by the State/Regio­nalTransport Authority constituted under the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939, and includes any agent of such


Bye-law 1. -Every owner of vehicle of Public Transport who enters in Daman Municipal Area with Qr wi~()Ut;passengers/goods shall be liable to pay a toll on all such vehicles as indicated in Bye-law 2 below: -­

Bye-la/w 2. --For the purpose of Bye-law 1, the toll mentioned in this Bye-law shall be a's follows: --


Re. 1/-per entry town.




Rs. 15/­per month Rs. 00-25 n. p. per ein the town.

or ntry


... Rs. 10/­per :month Rs. 00-25 n. p. per ein the town.

or ntry


Rs. 60/­per month or Rs. 2-00 per 'entry in the town.


gers Rs. 75/-per month or Rs. 5-00 per entry in the


Bye-larw 3. --Every person liable for payment of toll under Bye-law 1 in respect of vehi~les arriving with passengers or goods mto the Dam~n Municipal Area, shall pay in the Municipal Octroi Check Naka or at Counter of the Municipal Office at Moti' Da­man, in accordance with the provisions of Bye-law 2, and obtained official receipt for the same.

Bye-lalw 4.-On payment-of the toll under Bye-law 3 at the Counter an official receipt shall. be issued which shall be produced by the owner of the vehicle of Public Transport.on demand by _the Chief Officer or any other officer of the Council duly authorised in·-this·behalf by the Chief Officer or by thePqlice or "Insp:ootor or Asstt..Inspector of M

Bye-law 5. --Whoever contravenes the ~)visiGrlS of these Bye~laws shall be liable for acticn nnckor section 136 and 284 of the Act.

By order and in the name of the Lt. of Goa, Daman and Diu.

N. D. Vengurleker, Under Secretary

Panaji, 7th May, 1980.


Revenue 'Department

N otificatioll


The following draft amend;ment which is "H"~""""',;j to be made to the Goa, Dam\an and Diu Land nue (Record of Rights and Register of Rules, 1969 is hereby pre-Published as sub-section (3) of Section 199 of the and Diu Land Revenue Code, 1968 (Act 9 of 1969), for information of the persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby that the said draft amendment will be taken consi­deration by the Government on the expiry of days from the date of publication of this notifica­tion in the Official Gazette.

All objections and suggestions to the draft amend­ment· may be forwarded to the Secretary to the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu, Revenue De­partment, Secretariat before the expiry of days from the date of publication of this notiJication in the Official Gazette.


If!. exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section

(1) and (2) of Section 1.99 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Land Revenue Code, 1968 (Act No.9 of 1969), and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby makes the following rules so as to amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Land Revenue (Record of Rights and Register of Cultivators) Rules, 1969, namely: .L­

1. Short title and commencement. -(1) These rules may be called the Goa, DalIl:an and Diu LaII.d Revenue (Record of Rights and Register of Culti­vators) (First Amendment) Rules, 1980.

(2) They shall come into force at once.

2. Amendment 0/ rule 6(2). -In rule 6(2) of the Goa, Daman and Diu Land Revenue (Record of Rights and Register of Cultivators) Rules, 1969, the following shall be inserted between the words "the said notice" and the words "their objections" appea­ring in line 14 of the said rule.

"or within such date the Government by Notification at any time before the promulga­tion may specify ... "

By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu.

Raghun(J)than) Secretary (Revenue)

Panaji, 7th August, 1980.

21ST AUGUST, 1980 (SRAVANA 3D, 1902)

.-+ . law Department (legal Advice)



The following Notification received from the G~­vernment of India, Ministry of Labour, New Delhi, is hereby republished for general inform~tion of the public.

R. V. Durbhatkar) Under Secretary (Law).

Panaji, 22ndJuly, 1980.





N otificatiOD

New Delhi) the 6th May, 1980

G.S. R. 566 -The following draft of certain rules which the Central Government proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 35 of the Inter7State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1~79

(30 of 1979), is published as required by sub-sectIon

(1) of the said section for the information of all persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that th~ said draft rules will be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of forty five days from the date of publication of this Notification in the Official Gazette.

Any objections or suggestions which may be recei­ved from any person witp. respect to the said draft before th~ expiry of the specified will be taken into conSideration by the Central Government.



1. Short title and commencement. -(1) These rules may be called the Inter-State' Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Emp:toyment and C0211ditions of Ser­vice) Central Rules, 1980'.~ir .

(2) They shall come into force o:if~the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions. -fu these rules unless the subject or context otherwise requires:­

(a) "Act" means the Inter-State Migrant Work­men (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1976;

(b) "Appellate Officer" means an appellate offi­cer nominated by the Central Government under section 11;

(c) "Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Cen­tral)" means an officer as such the Central Government;

(d) "Form" means a form appended to these rules;

(e) "inspector" means an inspector appointed by tp.e Central Government under section 20;

(f) "licensing Officer" means the cer appointed by the Central Government under section 7; (g) "migrant workman" means an migrant workman as defined in S8c:tlcm

(h) "registering Officer" means the officer appointed by the Central section 3;

(i) "section" means a section of the (j) "specified authority" means the specified by the Central Government poses of section 12 and 16 ;'and

(k) all other words and expressions these rules but not defined therein shall the meanings respectively assigned to in the Act,

3. Manner of making application for of establishments. -(1) Thle application tration of an establishment shall be made in cate in Form I to the registering officer of area in which the establishment sought to be tered is located. '

(2) The application shall be accompanied a crossed demand draft showing payment of the for the registration of the establishment. (3) The application shall be either delivered to the registering officer or by registered post.

(4) On receipt of the application, the officer shall, after noting thereon the receipt by him of the application, given an ack~ nowledgement to the applicant.
4. Issue of certificate of registration.-(l) Where the registering officer registers the establishment, he shall issue to the principal employer a certificate of registration in Form II.

(2) The registering officer shall maintain a register in Form III showing the particulars of the establishments in relation to which certificates of registration are issued by him.

(3) If, in relation to an establishment, there is any change in the particulars specified in the cer­tificate of registration, the principal employer of the establishment shall intimate to the registering officer, within thirty days from the date when such change takes place, the particulars of, and the reasons for, such change.
5. Circumstances in whicb application for regis­tration may be rejected. -(1) If any application for registration is not complete in all respects, the registering officer shall require the principal em­ployer to amend the application so as to make it complete in all respects.

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