Contributions of the philosophy of science to juridical semantics

Envisioning information in news papers

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Envisioning information in news papers

News graphics convey visual information of different types, e.g. quantitative, temporal or spatial information or information about conceptual relationships in a process or about a whole and its parts. News graphics can be presented in many ways, e.g. in form of drawings, maps, graphs, tables, directories, schedules etc. Besides photographs, news graphics are visual elements of news paper texts, and thus they have a close connection to the linguistic information of the text. It is often claimed that visual information of this kind makes the text more accessible. In this paper, a typology of news graphics is presented. Also the relations between visual information and the written text are discussed. The corpus of the analysis consists of news graphics in Finnish news papers.

Kalverkämper, Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Hartwig
Semiotik der Fachkommunikation: Fachliche Körpersprache
Fachkommunikation ist ein semiotischer Prozess. Bislang ist vorzugsweise die sprachliche Komponente der Semiose, bis hin zur Komplexität der Texte und Textsorten, analysiert worden. Erst seit kurzem finden das fachliche Bild und andere Arten visualisierter Fachinformation das Interesse der Fachkommunikationsforschung. Aber auch die mündliche Kommunikation hat in Fachsituationen ihre spezifischen semiotischen Informationsweisen. Hier spielt die fachliche (und fachbezogene) Körpersprache eine entscheidende Rolle. Dies ist ein neues Gebiet, das interdisziplinäre Analysen benötigt (Psychologie, Soziologie, Anthropo­logie, Semiotik, Ethologie) und das auch weit in interkulturelle Dimensionen fuehrt, die für die Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation, für Dolmetschsituationen und für die Medienwissenschaften (oeffentliche Kommunikation) wichtig sind. Der Vortrag wird die neuen Perspektiven der Thematik für eine semiotisch orientierte Fachkommunikations­forschung aufzeigen, Beispiele bieten und Analyse-Instrumentarien vorstellen sowie prinzipielle methodologische Aspekte im Rahmen einer fachbezogenen Interkulturalitätsforschung diskutieren.

Kantelinen, Ritva

Swedish for special purposes in Finland

Swedish, the second official language in Finland, is studied as a compulsory subject in Finnish schools. Because the Swedish-speaking part of the population is focused on the west coast and southern Finland, Swedish is studied as a "foreign" language by most of the students.

The Finnish-speaking learners in general are often reported to be negatively oriented to studying the Swedish language – partly on the basis of studies made in the context of general education. However, the recent research results from the context of vocational education do not support this assumption.
The purpose of this presentation is to describe the Finnish-speaking learners' experiences in studying Swedish in vocational education. The data were collected by open-ended questions administered to 430 students in Joensuu, in eastern part of Finland, representing different levels and sectors of the vocational education system. Nearly 60% of the students in the data described their Swedish language studies in vocational education as a wholly positive experience. The main purpose is to describe the pedagogical factors that appeared to be connected with both the positive and negative experiences in particular: the teacher and her approach to teaching; the links between the student's language studies and their occupational and real-life communication contexts; and the students' personal perceptions of the challenges posed by the course.

Karpova, Prof. Olga
Terms in a literary discourse with special reference to Shakespeare works
together with: Konstantin Averboukh
It’s a common knowledge that any term taken in isolation is nonsense – it can exist only as a member of terminological system, expressing notions of a definite professional field. But it’s different in literary discourse: fiction and newspapers addressed to non-professionals.
Many modern scholars admit existence of terminoids (pre-terms, quasi-terms, non-terms) as signs of special distribution not yet having peculiarities of a term, which is characteristic for a diachronic research.
Starting from the theory of an outstanding Russian linguist of the last century A. Potebnia about the nearest and father meaning of the world, it is possible to expect the term of a non-special usage to express a certain medium meaning between the nearest (literary) and father (strictly terminological) ones.
The paper contains the results of a research of terms functioning in works by Shakespeare’s who is considered to be highly professional in approximately twenty branches of knowledge: ethics, law, medicine, navy, etc.
The data obtained encourage further studying of terms nature and their functioning in literary discourse.

Kazemi, Hamid

Deceiving legal terms in Persian

This study examines legal documents (such as judgements, different official documents, and airway bills) with regard to their technical terms.

In Persian, for more than 1000 years, legal terms have been borrowed from Arabic. Moreover in the past 200 years some terms have been borrowed from European languages. These terms had undergone semantic changes and were used in daily life conversations. This situation makes a false pictures of the terms and deceivingly leads people to think that they know the meaning of these terms.
However findings show that in the above-mentioned documents both technical terms and ordinary words which have technical definitions make problem for un-expert people, and prevent them gaining their rights.

Kelandrias, Dr. Panayotis I.

Neologisms in LSP of Greek/Latin origin and their translation from English/German into Greek.
see: Anastasia Parianou

Ketola, Johanna
The modal expressions in Finnish legal language
The law is meant to be followed, it obligates. In this presentation I will describe the most typical ways of expressing obligation, permission and possibility in legal language. I will also pay attention to the interactive roles in a text: who obligates or gives a possibility or a permission to do something, and who is under an obligation and who has a possibility or permission to do something. In other words, it is a question of what is known as the interpersonal meaning of law, or the roles of the communicators who are written in the text, not real writers and readers.
The material consists of the Finnish Health and Safety at Work Act and Health Insurance Act. The Health and Safety at Work Act has come into force in 1958 and the Health Insurance Act in 1948, but the material has been collected from the Acts that contain the updated changes until 2000.
Deontic modality is characteristic of the Health and Safety at Work Act and Health Insurance Act. Usually modal expressions are directly obligatory, but also implicit obligation belongs to a normal legal text. Sometimes also a permission is granted and room is allowed for interpretations in sentences expressing possibility. The person who obligates/gives permission is presented in the text as something higher and the person under obligation/who has been given permission is usually some organisatorially lower, concrete person in a working environment.

Koiranen, Ph.Dr. Sirpa
Selling rhetoric in the net. About companies´ websites as a communication form
together with: Håkan Åbrink
In the few last years a website has become a necessity for every business with any self-respect. Why is it so important for companies to have their own websites?
Is it just the need to keep up: since everyone else has a website we must have one, too.
It may indeed seem that websites have already become standard practice. In their structure and appearance they follow certain conventions, even if there is a great deal of variation. From a rhetorical point of view it seems reasonable to assume that the main functions of websites are to create a positive company image (ethos) and also to promote products and create general goodwill. But is it really so simple? A company operates on the terms of market and therefore the websites’ overaching purpose is to market, advertise and sell. How does the website accomplish this?
General business conventions regulate what is stated in the promotional text and what and how one presents the goods for sale. Nevertheless, there are also net-specific marketing features, which have to do with. e. g. metalanguage and aesthetics but also the limitations caused by the information architecture of the website.
In our report we will concentrate on different rhetorical patterns on company websites, for example the use of different terms of address, the use of imperatives and directions, but we will also discuss the public image created by the company.
The study is based on material that consists of about 500 Swedish and Finnish company websites.

Koskela, Merja

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