Due to the step from traditional to electronic means of communication, which triggers non-linear structures and an approximation to concepts of orality LSP-textuality is currently undergoing profound changes. The move from textuality to hypertextuality entails a substantial evolution within text production and reception. Not only the clear-cut lines between text-producer and text-consumer are dissolved, but also the traditional semiotic relations in texts. Visual information is acquiring growing importance, hence we will suggest a descriptive model to approach the semiotics of electronic LSP-texts. The observations are based on experiences deriving from the construction of a specialized corpus that embraces several languages and diachronic periods including text and hypertext.
Besides addressing methodological key-issues to trace difficulties and solutions when texts and hypertexts are studied from a contrastive viewpoint, we will focus on practical suggestions regarding the coding of hypertextual elements and visual data. Additionally examples from our medical-LSP corpus will provide evidence for the textual mechanisms that are applied when classical text genres go online and are explicitly dedicated to the lay-man.
Future LSP-didactics will have to integrate digital approaches to textuality to ensure the effectiveness of writing and reading capacities in multilingual hypertext-environments. Therefore we need to retrieve fundamental and applied insight to language change between traditional and electronic LSP and bridge the findings with didactical observations.
Eik-Nes, Assoc. Prof. Nancy Lea
Facilitating writers' progress with e-mail "logbooks"
Students at all levels have a need to write a variety of academic texts. However, most students have little or no experience and/or training in writing such texts. A hindrance for both students and their teachers is the idea that progress in writing necessarily involves great investments, both in the form of time and energy.
This paper presents the use of e-mail "logbooks" in a scientific writing course for students working on their doctoral degrees in engineering. The study is based on analysis of e-mail logbooks from over 150 doctoral students, as well as teacher responses and students' comments. I examine how the logbooks provide an accessible channel through which students are able to practice their written proficiency while also reflecting upon their thoughts and ideas within their own academic fields.
In the paper, I demonstrate how e-mail logbooks constitute a new discourse environment in which students construct and redefine their own academic identities.
Engberg, Jan
Fachsprachensemantik – Grundlagen ihrer Beschreibung
Der Beitrag möchte ein Modell zur Beschreibung der Semantik fachsprachlicher Wörter unterschiedlichen Spezialisierungsgrades als Bestandteil einer Fachsprachenbeschreibung darstellen.
Das Modell fußt auf unterschiedliche methodische und theoretische Grundlagen. Zwei wesentliche Grundlagen sind die Vertikalitätsannahme von Wichter (z.B. Wichter 1994) und die Annahme der Gradualität von Fachlichkeit von Kalverkämper (1991). Diese Grundlagen bedeuten, dass davon ausgegangen wird, dass die Bedeutung von Fachwörtern, die bei Fachleuten zugeschrieben werden, sich in vielen Fällen lediglich graduell von Bedeutungen unterscheiden, die bei Nicht-Fachleuten existieren.
Gleichzeitig bedeuten die Annahmen, dass von einer graduierten Geltung unterschiedlicher Bedeutungsregeln auszugehen ist, die bei der Konstruktion von Bedeutung in aktueller Kommunikation eingesetzt werden. Objekt des Modells sind damit individuelle Bedeutungsauffassungen bei fachlichen Kommunikationsteilnehmern als Repräsentationen überindividueller Wissensbestände.
Im Vortrag möchte ich ein auf Eco (1991) zurückgehendes semiotisches Modell darlegen, das die unterschiedlichen hieran beteiligten Aspekte der Bedeutung berücksichtigt. Dieses Modell arbeitet mit unterschiedlichen Interpretanten und beschreibt damit unterschiedliche Auslegungen homonymer kommunikativer Einheiten anhand unterschiedlicher eingesetzter Wissensbestände. Damit soll dieses Modell die Grundlage für die Modellierung von kommunikativen Bedeutungskonstruktionsprozessen und ihrer Relation zu den fachspezifischen Wissensbeständen bilden. Es soll damit einen Beitrag zur Überwindung der in der neueren Fachsprachendiskussion z.B. von Gardt (1998) kritisierten zu starken Gegenstandsbindung traditioneller Fachsprachenmodelle wie das von Hoffmann (1985).
Eschenbach, Jutta
Enseigner une langue de spécialité à distance via Internet/ Fachsprachenunterricht via Internet
see: Andre Avias
Evangelisti Allori, Prof. Paola
The Olimpic games in the press. How different cultures rejoice in victory
Comparative analyses carried out on English, American and Italian newspapers’ reporting on international events (Morley 1998, Katan 1998) have highlighted substantial differences in the way the same event is presented to different audiences. Although culturally determined differences can be found in any kind of text (Evangelisti Allori 1994, 1996, 1998), journalistic text seems even more likely to interpret reality in terms of culture-bound schemata since, ‘news reporting involves a cultural reconstruction of reality’ (Katan 1998). The differences perceived are, then, seen as reflecting the view of the world and the values held in the different cultural contexts in which the news are to be read.
It is hypothesised here that, in reporting on such a widely followed and highly emotional international event as the Olimpic games, culture-bound values will play a predominant role in the laying out of information. Particularly so where reporting on the victory of national athletes is concerned. The paper, therefore, focuses on the textual and rhetorical strategies selected by English, Australian and Italian papers when presenting victory by members of their own national teams in the Sydney 2000 Olimpic Games.
Evangelisti Allori, P., 1994, Strategie dell’informazione scientifica nel discorso psicologico italiano e inglese: la definizione nei testi introduttivi. In: De Mauro, T. (ed) Studi sul trattamento linguistico dell’Informzione Scientifica. Roma: Bulzoni.
Evangelisti Allori, P., 1996, Retorica e retoriche: implicazioni per la retorica contrastiva. In. Cortese, G. (ed) Tradurre i Linguaggi Settoriali. Torino: Cortina.
Evangelisti Allori, P.,(ed) 1998, Academic Discourse in Europe. Thought precesses and linguistic realisations. Roma: Bulzoni.
Katan, D., 1998, Contexting culture: culture-bound Interpretation of Events in and between the Anglo(-)American and Italian Press. In: Taylor Torsello et al. (eds) British/American Variation in Language, Theory and Methodology. Bologna: CLUEB
Morley, J., 1998, Information Distribution in English, United States and Italian Newspapers. In: Taylor Torsello at a. (eds)
Fallahi, Prof. Mohammad
An evolutionary perspective for training teachers for EST enterprise in non-English-speaking countries
An EST (English for Science and Technology) teacher's function is a highly complex undertaking which requires apprenticeship, conception and experience before it can be carried out successfully in a professional level. The very nature and constraints of EST professionalism give rise to a series of embarrasments for the teacher engaged in this intolerable and burdensome endeavor. Typically his primitive training and earlier experience have done little to prepare him to perceive the particular aspects of engineering, science, and technology and his conceptual knowledge of such specializations are to a large extent inadequate for his academic demands.
Although a number of undeniable shortcomings of EST have been called in question and debated in a number of seminars within the framework of ESP (English for Special Purposes) endeavor, there are quite a few debates, if any, which may have concerned themselves specifically and analytically with the task of academic training of teachers as EST specialists. It is the purpose of this paper to look into the complexities of EST schooling and draw a number of implications from this investigation bringing to light the innovations which can eventually lead to a striking change in EST instruction at the colleges and universities of non-English-speaking countries.
Felices Lago, Angel
Personal qualities of applicants in job advertisements: Axiological and lexical analysis of samples in English in the Spanish press.
Previous axiological analyses in the area of business language and terminology (brand names, financial and investment terms, etc.) have already proved the complex relations among values and their hierarchical and scalar relations. However, in this paper we intend to map out the dominant values in the area of job advertisements from a different perspective: It is very common that multinational companies operating in Spain provide information in English to job seekers in the Spanish press. The percentage could be as high as 10% of the total number of advertisements. In that context, each company refers to its main fields of activity, the type of degree holders they need, the skills required, the opportunities offered and how the selection process is arranged. Obviously, a special mention is made of the highly-valued personal qualities of potential job applicants. So in this study we analyse the qualities and values explicitly requested in specific job advertisements, the way in which they are introduced (syntactically and semantically) and their relationship with the general classifications of values codified in language and collected by axiologists. For that purpose, we select a corpus of job offers published in the best-selling Spanish business newspaper "El País Negocios" at different periods in the same year.
Fernández Morales, Cándida
A methodological approach in teaching ESP
This paper proposes a global methodological reading approach using authentic texts. This is, how a reading course for pre-experienced business learners is conceived. It is arranged in different levels including linguistic and non-linguistic aspects. We go from the text as a whole to smaller units of the text. The departure point is the aim the text belongs to, its physical and conceptual structure, and the link between rhetorical functions and linguistic features. In this paper we shall concentrate on a semi-specialised journal (The Economist) and pay attention to the preference of verb phrase selection for its main rhetorical functions taking into account the communicative aim. The methodological scheme shown here can be expanded and transferred to other specialised texts and courses.
Such an approach was considered for an intensive course (30 hours) with pre-experience learners pursuing graduate studies in business and management at the University of Granada (Spain) and whose knowledge of English differs as does their background in specialised language in their mother tongue. The objective of the course was to help learners acquire knowledge on how texts are constructed to improve their reading skill.
Fernándes Morales, Cándida
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