Maxsus ta’lim vazirligi nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent davlat pedagogika universiteti qoshidagi akademik litsey Nurmatov J. N, Kudratov K. X

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Being packed in strong cases (= As the goods were packed in strong cases), the goods arrived in good condition.

Mollar qattiq qutilarga joylangani uchun, ular yaxshi ahvolda yetib keldi.

Being asked (= When he was asked) whether he intended to return soon, he answered that he would be away for about three months.

Undan tezda qaytib kelish-kelmasligini so‘raganlarida, u uch oylar ketishini aytdi.

Ushbu vazifada Present Participle Passive bilan bir qatorda ko‘pincha Past Participle ishlatiladi:

Being packed in strong cases … = Packed in strong cases …

Being asked whether … = Asked whether
1. Past Participle otlar oldida aniqlovchi bo‘lib keladi:

A broken cup was lying on the table. Stolda siniq piyola yotardi.

She mended the torn sleeve of her dress. U ko‘ylagining yirtiq yengini yamadi.

2. Past Participle otlar orqasidan aniqlovchi bo‘lib keladi va ular aniq lovchi ergash gaplarga mos keladi:

This firm is interested in the purchase of automobiles produced by our plants (= which are produced by our plants).

Bu fi rma bizning zavodlarimizda ishlab chiqarilgan avtomobillarni sotib olishga qiziqadi.

The answer received from the sellers (= which had been received from the sellers) greatly surprised us.

Sotuvchilardan biz olgan javob bizni juda hayron qoldirdi.

The ship chartered by the buyers (=which has been chartered by the buyers) will arrive at Boston next week.

Xaridorlar yollagan kema kelasi hafta Bostonga yetib keladi.

All books taken (= which were taken) from the library must be returned next week.

Kutubxonadan olingan barcha kitoblar kelasi hafta qaytarilishi kerak.

The questions discussed at a number of meetings last month (=which were discussed at a

number of meetings last month) have now been decided.

O‘tgan oyda ko‘p yig‘ilishlarda muhokama qilingan masalalar hozir yechildi.

3. Past Participle odatiy, umuman sodir bo‘ladigan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi. Unga mos keluvchi ergash gapda Simple Present Passive ishlatish mumkin:

They sent us a list of goods imported by that fi rm (=which are imported by that fi rm).

Ular bizga o‘sha firma tomonidan import qilinadigan mollarning ro‘yxatini yuborishdi.

A themometer is an instrument used for measuring temperature (=which is used for measuring temperature).

Termometr — haroratni o‘lchash uchun ishlatiladigan asbob.
4. Past Participle qo‘shma kesim tarkibida keladi:

My pencil is broken. Mening qalamim siniq.

The letters were typed. Xatlar mashinkada yozildi.
5. Past Participle sifatdoshli iboralarda ishlatiladi, payt va sabab holi bo‘lib keladi. Bunday iboralar kesimi majhul nisbatda bo‘lgan ergash gaplarga to‘g‘ri keladi:

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