I can understand longer stretches of speech and lectures and follow complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar. I can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes, missing only some details. I still have some problems understanding fast or dialectal speech.
I can follow most lectures, discussions and debates with relative ease. I can understand spoken language even when it is not clearly structured and when idees and thoughts are not expressed in an explicit way. I can follow most TV programmes and films with ease.
I can understand texts on general topics, but not necessarily all shades of meaning in them. I can obtain information, idees and opinions from specialised sources within my field. I can read contemporary prose.
I can understand a wide range of texts, even if they have complex grammar and vocabulary, and literary texts. I can understand specialised language in articles, reports and technical instructions even if they are not in my field.
I can handle successfully most communicative tasks and situations related to work and social life and can cope in more unfamiliar situations as well. I can express my idees and thoughts as coherent entities and support opinions.
I speak clearly and fluently about a great number of topics in various situations.
I can differentiate between formal and informal language. I have a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to my field and most general topics
I can give a presentation on a topic of my choice, with advance preparation. I have a good command of grammar and vocabulary.
I can write clear detailed texts on topics that are familiar to me and express my thoughts coherently. I can write an essay or a report, explain facts and give reasons to support or oppose a particular point. I have a good command of the basic structures of the language, and I can differentiate between formal and informal language.
I can write clear and well-structured text and express my points of view at some length. I can write about complex subjects in a letter, an essay or a report, underlining what I think are the most important points. I can write different kinds of texts in a confident and personal style that is appropriate to the reader in mind. I have a good command of grammar and vocabulary, but I may encounter difficulties with some less frequently used words and structures.