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stolqÃr [gen. -qraÃ] n. joiner; cabinetmaker.

stolqÃrnihat; v.impfv., colloq. to be a cabinetmaker.

stolqÃrnyj adj. joinerÕs.

stomatoloÃgiq n. stomatology; dentistry. Ñstoma-toÃlog, n. stomatologist; dentist.

ston n. groan; moan.

stonaÃt; v.impfv. [pres. stonuÃ, stoÃnew;] to groan; moan.

stop interj. stop!

stopaà [pl. stopyà in sense #1; stoÃpy in other senses] n. 1, foot. 2, pros. foot: metriÃheskaq stopaÃ, metric foot. 3, pile (of objects). 4, ream (of paper). Ñidtià po stopaÃm (+ gen.), to follow in the footsteps of. ÑnapravlqÃt; svoià stopyÃ, to wend oneÕs way.

stoÃpka [gen. pl. -pok] n. 1, pile. 2, small glass (for wine or vodka).

stoÃpor n., mech. stop; catch.

stoÃporit; v.impfv. [pfv. zastoÃporit;] to stop (an engine, machine, etc.). ÑstoÃporit;sq, refl. 1, to stop; jam; become inoperative. 2, fig., colloq. to come to a standstill.

stoÃpornyj adj., mech. stop (attrib.); arresting; locking.

stoproceÃntnyj adj. one-hundred-percent (attrib.).

stop-signaÃl n. stoplight; brake light.

stoÃptannyj adj. (of shoes) worn; worn down at the heels.

stoptaÃt; [infl. stophuÃ, stoÃphew;] v., pfv. of staÃp-tyvat;. ÑstoptaÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of staÃptyvat;sq.

storgovaÃt;sq v.r.pfv. [infl. -guÃ[s;, -guÃew;sq] colloq. to agree on a price (after bargaining).

storiÃcej also, storiÃce[ adv., obs. many times over: okupaÃt;sq storiÃcej, to pay for itself many times over.

stoÃro' [pl. storo'aÃ] n. watchman; guard. Ñcer-koÃvnyj stoÃro', sexton.

storo'evoÃj adj. watch (attrib.); sentry (attrib.). Ñn. watchman. Ñstoro'evaÃq baÃwnq or vyÃwka, watch-tower. Ñstoro'evoÃj kaÃter, patrol boat. Ñstoro-'evoÃj post, guard post; sentry post. Ñstoro'evaÃq sobaÃka; storo'evoÃj p\s, watchdog.

storo'iÃt; v.impfv. to guard; watch.

storoÃ'ka [gen. pl. -'ek] n. hut; cabin; lodge (of a watchman, warden, etc.).

storonaà [acc. stoÃronu; pl. stoÃrony, storoÃn, sto-ronaÃm] n. 1, side. 2, direction: v tu stoÃronu, in that direction; that way. V stoÃronu (+ gen.), in the direction of. 3, fig. aspect: polo'iÃtel;naq storonaÃ, positive aspect. 4, law party: poterpeÃvwaq storonaÃ, the injured party. Ñv storoneÃ, aside. Ñv storoneà (ot), apart (from); aloof (from). Ñv stoÃronu, aside. Ñna vse hetyÃre stoÃrony, wherever one wishes to go. Ñna storoneÃ, elsewhere; in another place. Ñnaà storonu, (with verbs of selling) on the side. Ñpo tu stoÃronu (+ gen.), on the other side (of). Ñso vsex storoÃn, 1, on all sides; from all sides. 2, from all aspects. Ñs odnoÃj storonyÃ..., s drugoÃj storonyÃ..., on the one hand..., on the other hand... Ñso storonyÃ, 1, from a distance; without being directly involved. 2, from elsewhere; from another place. Ñso storonyà (+ gen.), 1, from the direction of. 2, on the part of. So svoeÃj storonyà q..., for my part, I... O×hen; miÃlo s vaÃwej storonyÃ, very kind on your part; very kind of you. 3, (of relatives) on the side of. ÑstoronoÃj, 1, by: proxodiÃt; storonoÃj, to pass by. 2, around; avoiding: obxodiÃt; (htoÃ-nibud;) storonoÃj, to sidestep; fig. bypass. 3, fig. indi-rectly; secondhand. Ñvstat; or stat; na stoÃronu (+ gen.), to side with; take the side of. Ñder'aÃt;sq or ostavaÃt;sq v storoneÃ, to remain aloof; remain on the sidelines.

storoniÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. postoroniÃt;sq; pres. storon[Ãs;, storoÃniw;sq] 1, to stand aside; step aside; make way. 2, [impfv. only] (with gen.) to avoid; shun.

storoÃnnij adj., obs. = postoroÃnnij. Ñsto-roÃnnij nabl[daÃtel;, outside or detached observer.

storoÃnnik n. supporter; advocate; proponent.

storubl\vka [gen. pl. -vok] n., obs. hundred-ruble note.

storubl\vyj adj., obs. 1, hundred-ruble (attrib.). 2, costing or worth one hundred rubles.

stoskovaÃt;sq v.r.pfv. [infl. -kuÃ[s;, -kuÃew;sq] (with po + dat., but prepl. with pers. pronouns) colloq. to miss; long for.

stohiÃt; [infl. stohuÃ, stoÃhiw;] v., pfv. of staÃhi-vat;.

stoÃhnyj adj. drainage (attrib.). ÑstoÃhnye voÃdy, sewage. ÑstoÃhnaq kanaÃva, gutter. ÑstoÃhnaq trubaÃ, sewer.

stowniÃt; v.pfv., impers. to vomit; throw up: Menqà stowniÃlo, I threw up.

stoÃq adv. (used after verbs) standing up; while on oneÕs feet.

stoqÃk [gen. -qkaÃ] n. upright post.

stoqÃnie n. standing: doÃlgoe stoqÃnie v oÃheredi, a long stand in line.

stoqÃnka [gen. pl. -nok] n. 1, stop. 2, stopping place; encampment. 3, stand (for taxis, carriages, etc.). 4, parking (of cars). 5, parking lot.

stoqÃt; v.impfv. [pres. sto[Ã, stoiÃw;] 1, to stand; be standing. 2, to stand; be situated: Dom stoiÃt na xol-meÃ, the house stands (or sits) on a hill. 3, to be: MawiÃna stoiÃt v gara'eÃ, the car is in the garage. StoqÃt; u vlaÃsti, to be in power. ¨Also in many other con-structions: StoiÃt siÃl;nyj moroÃz, there is a heavy frost. PogoÃda stoqÃla t\plaq, the weather was warm. Zimaà stoqÃla xoloÃdnaq, it was a cold winter. StoqÃla tiwi-naÃ, it was quiet. StoqÃl koneÃc i[Ãnq, it was late June. 4, to stop; cease to function: Moià hasyà stoqÃt, my watch has stopped. RaboÃta stoiÃt, work has stopped; work is at a standstill. ZavoÃd stoiÃt, the factory stands idle. 5, (with za + acc.) to stand for; favor; be in favor of. 6, (with peÃred) to face; confront. Ñstoj!; stoÃjte!, 1, stop! 2, wait a minute! ÑstoqÃt; na svo\m, to stand oneÕs ground.

stoqÃhij adj. 1, standing; upright; erect. 2, (of water) stagnant.

stoÃq]ij adj. worthwhile.

straviÃt; [infl. stravl[Ã, straÃviw;] v., pfv. of straÃv-livat;.

straÃvlivat; v.impfv. [pfv. straviÃt;] 1, to set (two animals) against each other. 2, colloq. to provoke a fight or argument between (two people).

stradaà n. 1, extra hard work performed at harvest time. 2, fig. hard work. 3, season of hard work.

stradaÃlec [gen. -l;ca] n. sufferer.

stradaÃl;heskij adj. of suffering.

stradaÃnie n. suffering.

stradaÃtel;nyj adj., gram. passive: stradaÃtel;nyj zaloÃg, passive voice.

stradaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. postradaÃt;] 1, to suffer: stradaÃt; ot 'aryÃ, to suffer from the heat; stradaÃt; bessoÃnnicej, to suffer from insomnia. StradaÃt; za svoià ube'deÃniq, to suffer for oneÕs beliefs. 2, [impfv. only] (with za + acc.) to feel for. 3, [impfv. only] colloq. to be poor; be deficient: U negoà stradaÃet orfofraÃfiq, his spelling is poor; he is a poor speller. See also po-stradaÃt;.

straÃdnyj adj. (of time) busy; hectic.

stra' n., obs. guard; watchman.

straÃ'a n. 1, obs. guard; watch. 2, (with pod) custody: byt; pod straÃ'ej, to be in custody; brat; pod straÃ'u, take into custody; soder'aÃt; pod straÃ'ej, hold in custody. Osvobo'daÃt; iz-pod straÃ'i, to re-lease from custody. Ñna straÃ'e, 1, on guard. Sto-qÃt; na straÃ'e, to stand guard. 2, (with gen.) guarding.

stranaà [pl. straÃny] n. country. Ñstranaà sveÃta, cardinal point; point of the compass.

straniÃca n. page.

straniÃhka [gen. pl. -hek] n. small page.

straÃnnik n. wanderer.

straÃnno adv. strangely. Ñadj., used predicatively, strange: kak ni straÃnno, strange as it seems.

straÃnnost; n.f. 1, strangeness. 2, usu. pl. peculiarity; quirk; eccentricity.

straÃnnyj adj. strange; odd. ÑstraÃnnoe deÃlo, itÕs a strange thing; it is strange.

stranoveÃdenie n. area studies.

straÃnstvie n. traveling; wandering. Also, straÃnst-vovanie.

straÃnstvovat; v.impfv. [pres. -stvu[, -stvuew;] to wander; roam.

straÃstno adv. 1, passionately. 2, ardently.

strastnoÃj adj. pert. to the week before Easter. ÑstrastnaÃq nedeÃlq, holy week. ÑstrastnoÃj hetveÃrg, Holy Thursday. ÑstrastnaÃq pqÃtnica, Good Friday.

straÃstnost; n.f. passion; ardor.

straÃstnyj adj. 1, passionate; impassioned. 2, ardent; fervent. 3, avid; enthusiastic.

strast; [pl. straÃsti, -steÃj, -stqÃm] n.f. 1, passion. 2, usu. pl., colloq. horrors. Ñadv. [usu. fol. by kak or kakoÃj] colloq. awfully (much); terribly (much).

stratageÃma n. stratagem.

strateÃgiq n. strategy. ÑstrateÃg, n. strategist. ÑstrategiÃheskij, adj. strategic.

stratifikaÃciq n. stratification.

stratosfeÃra n. stratosphere.
straÃus n. ostrich. ÑstraÃusovyj, adj. ostrich (attrib.).

strax n. fear. Strax peÃred pol\tami/presleÃdova-niem, fear of flying/persecution. Ñna svoj (or na soÃbstvennyj) strax (i risk), 1, at oneÕs risk. 2, on oneÕs own. Ñna strax (+ dat.), in order to frighten (someone). Ñpod straÃxom smeÃrti, on pain of death.

straxovaÃnie n. insurance. Ñpod straÃxom uvol;-neÃniq, under threat of dismissal.

straxovaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. zastraxovaÃt;; pres. -xuÃ[, -xuÃew;] to insure. ÑstraxovaÃt;sq, refl. to insure oneself; (with ot) take out insurance (against).

straxoÃvka n. insurance.

straxovoÃj adj. insurance (attrib.).

straxoív]ik n. insurer.

strawiÃli]e n., colloq. fright; horrible sight.

strawiÃt; v.impfv. to frighten. ÑstrawiÃt;sq, refl. (with gen.) to be afraid (of); fear.

straÃwno adv. terribly; awfully. Ñadj., used predica-tively 1, terrible; horrible; awful. 2, (with dat.) afraid: Mne straÃwno, I am afraid.

straÃwnyj adj. [short form straÃwen, strawnaÃ, straÃwno, straÃwny or strawnyÃ] 1, terrible; horrible; dreadful; frightful; awful. 2, (with dat. or dlq) frighten-ing (to): ZmeÃi mne ne strawnyÃ, snakes do not frighten me. Ne tak straÃwen h\rt, kak egoà mal[Ã[t, the devil is not as black as he is painted. ÑStraÃwnyj sud, Day of Judgment.

stra]aÃt; v.impfv., colloq. to frighten.

streÃ'en; [gen. -'nq] n.m. part of a river where the current is the strongest.

strekaÃh n., in dat; or zadaÃt; strekahaÃ, colloq. to take to oneÕs heels.

strekozaà [pl. -koÃzy] n. dragonfly; darning needle.

streÃkot n. chirping. Also, strekotaÃnie.

strekotaÃt; v.impfv. [pres. -kohuÃ, -koÃhew;] to chirp.

strelaà [pl. streÃly] n. 1, arrow. 2, boom (of a derrick). ÑstreloÃj, straight (or swift) as an arrow.

streleÃc [gen. -l;caÃ] n. 1, hist. member of a special military corps in the 16th and 17th centuries; strelets. 2, cap. Sagittarius.

streÃlka [gen. pl. -lok] n. 1, dim. of strelaÃ. 2, arrow (pointing to something). 3, hand (of a clock or watch): minuÃtnaq streÃlka, minute hand. 4, needle (of a com-pass). 5, R.R. switch. 6, spit (of land). Ñpo hasovoÃj streÃlke, clockwise. ÑproÃtiv hasovoÃj streÃlki, counterclockwise.

strelkoÃvyj adj. 1, rifle (attrib.); shooting (attrib.). 2, mil. rifle (attrib.): strelkoÃvaq roÃta, rifle company. ÑstrelkoÃvoe deÃlo, riflery. ÑstrelkoÃvoe oruÃ-'ie, small arms. ÑstrelkoÃvyj sport, shooting.

streloviÃdnyj adj. 1, arrow-shaped. 2, aero. swept-back.

streloÃk [gen. -lkaÃ] n. 1, shot; marksman: xoroÃwij streloÃk, a good shot. 2, mil. gunner.

streÃlohnik n., R.R. switchman.

strel;baà [pl. streÃl;by] n. 1, shooting; firing. 2, pl. firing practice. ÑotkryÃt; strel;buÃ, to open fire; start shooting.

streÃl;bi]e n. firing range.

strel;nuÃt; v.pfv. 1, pfv. of strelqÃt;. 2, to fire a shot. 3, colloq. to dash; dart (away or out of sight).

streÃl;hatyj adj. shaped like a lancet: streÃl;hataq aÃrka, lancet arch; streÃl;hatoe oknoÃ, lancet window.

streÃlqnyj adj., colloq. 1, shot; killed. 2, (of a weap-on) having been fired; (of a shell or cartridge) spent. 3, having been under fire. ÑstreÃlqnyj vorobeÃj, colloq. old hand.

strelqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. vyÃstrelit; or strel;-nuÃt;] 1, to shoot; fire: Ne strelqÃjte!, donÕt shoot! 2, (with v + acc. or po) to fire at; shoot at. VyÃstrelit; komuÃ-nibud; v noÃgu, to shoot someone in the leg. 3, (with iz) to fire (a weapon); (with instr.) fire (bullets, shells, etc.). 4, [impfv. only] to shoot (and kill): strel-qÃt; uÃtok, to shoot ducks. 5, [impfv. only] to crackle. 6, [impfv. only] (with instr.) colloq. to crack (a whip). 7, [impfv. only] impers., colloq. to have a shooting pain: U menqà strelqÃet v uÃxe, I have a shooting pain in my ear. 8, [pfv. strel;nuÃt; only] colloq. to cadge; mooch; bum. ÑstrelqÃt; glazaÃmi, 1, to cast a quick eye around. 2, to make eyes.

stremglaÃv adv. headlong.

stremiÃtel;nyj adj. 1, very fast; rapid; headlong. 2, energetic. ÑstremiÃtel;no, adv. rapidly; headlong. ÑstremiÃtel;nost;, n.f. rapidity; great speed.

stremiÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pres. -ml[Ãs;, -miÃw;sq] 1, (with k) to seek; aim for; strive for; aspire to. 2, (with inf.) to try (to). 3, (with v or na + acc.) to try to get to (a place); try to get into (a school or college). 4, obs. to rush.

stremleÃnie n. 1, (with k) striving (for). 2, aspiration. 3, longing; yearning; urge.

stremniÃna n. rapids (on a river).

streÃmq [gen., dat. & prepl. streÃmeni; instr. streÃ-menem; pl. stremenaÃ, stremqÃn, stremenaÃm] n.neut. stirrup.

stremqÃnka [gen. pl. -nok] n. stepladder.

strenoÃ'it; v., pfv. of trenoÃ'it;.

streÃpet n. little bustard.

streptokoÃkk n. streptococcus.

streptomiciÃn n. streptomycin.

stress n. (emotional) stress.

strexaà [pl. streÃxi] n. eaves.

striguÃ]ij adj., in striguÃ]ij liwaÃj, ringworm.

stri' [gen. stri'aÃ] n. swift (bird).

striÃ'enyj adj. 1, (of hair) short; closely cropped; (of a person) with closely cropped hair. 2, (of sheep) shorn. 3, (of a lawn, trees, etc.) trimmed.

striÃ'ka [gen. pl. -'ek] n. 1, clipping. 2, shearing. 3, haircut. ÑmawiÃnka dlq striÃ'ki, clippers.

striptiÃz n. striptease.

strixniÃn n. strychnine.

strih; v.impfv. [pfv. ostriÃh;; pres. striguÃ, stri-'\w;, ...striguÃt; past strig, striÃgla] 1, to cut (oneÕs hair, beard, etc.). 2, to give (someone) a haircut. 3, to shear; trim; clip. ÑstriÃh;sq, refl. 1, to cut oneÕs hair. 2, to get a haircut. 3, to wear oneÕs hair a certain way: striÃh;sq koÃrotko, to wear oneÕs hair short.

stroboskoÃp n. stroboscope.

strogaÃl;nyj adj. (of a machine or tool) planing. ÑstrogaÃl;]ik, n. planer.

strogaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. vyÃstrogat;] to plane (wood).

stroÃgij adj. [comp. stroÃ'e] 1, (of a person, rule, etc.) strict. 2, (of laws, measures, etc.) stringent. 3, (of a look, voice, etc.) stern. 4, (of criticism, a sentence, etc.) severe.

stroÃgo adv. 1, strictly: stroÃgo govorqÃ, strictly speak-ing; stroÃgo vospre]aÃetsq, strictly forbidden. 2, se-verely.

stroÃgost; n.f. 1, strictness. 2, severity. Ñpo vsej stroÃgosti zakoÃna, to the full extent of the law.

stroevoÃj adj. 1, mil. drill (attrib.): stroevoÃj rash\t, drill team. 2, mil. frontline: stroevoÃj oficeÃr, front-line officer. 3, (of material) building. StroevoÃj les, lumber; timber. ÑstroevaÃq podgotoÃvka, drill. ÑstroevaÃq stoÃjka, position of attention.

stroeÃnie n. 1, a building. 2, (with gen.) structure (of).

stroiÃtel; n.m. builder.

stroiÃtel;nyj adj. building (attrib.); construction (attrib.). ÑstroiÃtel;naq teÃxnika, civil engineering.

stroiÃtel;stvo n. 1, (act of) building; construction. 2, construction project. 3, construction site.

stroÃit; v.impfv. [pfv. postroÃit;] 1, to build; con-struct. 2, (with na + prepl.) to base (on). 3, to make (plans, assumptions, etc.). 4, to organize; plan. 5, to form; line up: stroÃit; soldaÃt v dve wereÃngi, to line the soldiers up in two columns. 6, [impfv. only] to make (an expression on oneÕs face): stroÃit; glaÃzki, to make eyes; stroÃit; grimaÃsy, to make faces. 7, in stroÃit; sebeà ill[Ãzii, to create illusions for oneself; delude oneself. 8, in stroÃit; iz sebqà (+ acc.), to make one-self out to be. ÑstroÃit;sq, refl. 1, to be built. 2, to build a house for oneself. 3, (with na + prepl.) to be based (on). 4, mil. to form; line up.

stroj n. 1, [2nd loc. stro[Ã; pl. stroiÃ, stro\v] mil. formation. SoÃmknutyj stroj, close formation; close order. 2, [2nd loc. stro[Ã] mil. ranks: stat; or vstat; v stroj, a. to form ranks. b. to join the ranks. OstaÃt;sq v stro[Ã, to remain in action. 3, system: ob]eÃstvennyj stroj, social system. 4, tone; pitch; key (of a musical instrument). 5, gram. structure. 6, pattern: stroj myw-leÃniq, pattern of thinking. ÑvvodiÃt; v stroj, to put into service; put into operation. ÑvstupaÃt; v stroj, to go into operation. ÑvybyvaÃt; iz stroÃq, see vybyvaÃt;. ÑvyvodiÃt; iz stroÃq, to put out of operation/action/commission; disable. ÑvyxodiÃt; iz stroÃq, to break down; be disabled; go out of commis-sion. ÑprogonqÃt; kogoÃ-nibud; skvoz; stroj, to make someone run the gauntlet. ÑproxodiÃt; skvoz; stroj (+ gen.), to run the gauntlet (of).

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