anti-social and sequester yourself in your room and take this test all by yourself; however,
we feel that the most fun way to use this test is to hold a Purity Test Party. All you need is
one copy of the test, and a bunch of friends. (Lots of writing implements and paper would
be useful too.) The person with the copy of the test is the test administrator; s/he reads the
questions out loud and everybody else writes down their answers. There is no definite rule
whether the participants are required to divulge their answers; that is up to the group to de-
cide. However, being open with your answers leads to some great conversations. But no
matter what you decide, each person's purity score should be made common knowledge.
(The person with the highest (or lowest) score gets to be giggled at for the rest of his/her
life.) This works wonderfully at parties and lets everybody know who's easy and who isn't,
so you'll know who to go home with. Don't leave home without it. On the whole, this is biased for experience and, hence, age. If
you're still too young to qualify, well, these things take time. Chaste makes waste. Virgin-
ity can be cured. Remember: the conjugation is "I am erotic, You are kinky, They are per-
verts." All questions in this test pertain to events that have happened to you subsequent to your
weaning and babyhood/infancy. Anything that may have happened before that time is con-
sidered not standing and void.
Definitions (for the innocent, naive, or too busy): Necking: the kissing or stroking of a person's head or neck, the stroking of arms, hands or
back. Essentially cuddling. Nothing too serious. Petting: the above plus the caressing or fondling of other portions of anatomy; through or
underneath clothing. In other words, making out. Sexual activity: all the above, plus what your puerile imagination dreams up. Doesn't nec-
essarily mean penetration (but it can). Other-Half: Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Spouse, Slave, Master, Mistress, Kept Man, etc. Posslq: "Person of the Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters." Term lifted from the U.S.
census form. Nice colloquialism for live-in lover. Masturbation: voluntary touching of one's own genitals for purposes of receiving pleasure.
Doesn't imply orgasm. Can be through clothing. Mutual Masturbation: Technically, two (or more) people masturbating, who also happen to
be together (only touching themselves). For purposes of this test, however, mutual mas-
turbation will also be defined as two (or more) persons manually stimulating one another.
Again, not necessarily to orgasm, and possibly through clothing.
the total yes answers from 2000, and magically, you have the total no answers! We rec-
ommend counting with the little five-grouping technique (you know, four vertical slashes,
and one diagonal across them for each group of five). When you are finished, count all the
"yes" answers and divide that number by 20. That is your "percentage impurity." If you
decide you'd rather have a percentage of purity, subtract the total yes's from 2000, and di-
vide that number by 20. Basic math stuff. We would now like to bring to your attention that there is no passing nor failing score.
Therefore, one really shouldn't worry too much about getting a high (or low) score...even
if you do get giggled at for the rest of your life. We would also like to say that it is abso-
lutely impossible to get a "perfect" score (either pure or impure). So, don't worry, you
can't look TOO dirty or innocent. --- ALL TECHNICALITIES COUNT --- And, most of all, this is entertainment. Have as much fun in the taking as was had in the
Note to the test administrator: Even though we tried to prevent it, this test can get monotonous. Try to "liven" it up by
adding comments and goofiness wherever you want. Encourage testees to be open with
their answers. Taking a break is allowed, but not recommendedbeyond the traditional pee
break at question one thousand (you just get out of "the mood" too quickly). Plan on a few
All right. Order some pizza. Get a keg. Smoke a bowl. Drop a hit. Whatever. Basically,
have a party.
Perverts Anonymous Qualification Exam Version 7.0d January 19, 1997 1:40:06pm
original primary writer: Steamed Rhubarb Fondue (P7A77)
original contributing writers: Wolvorine (Owen Kuhn), Astra(JAN!), and friends and fam-
ily of The Erotic Nightmare Revue.
re-write authors: boinger (jeff) and joe with a bit of help from vicki, jana and jen. E-mail any questions or comments to: - (boinger/jeff)
or - (joe) Disclaimer: Public domain; no copyright. All rights wronged, all wrongs reversed. Up with going
down. The risen flesh commands: let there be love. Murphy's law on sex: Love is a matter
of chemistry; sex is a matter of physics. This document was not sponsored by the Department of Defense Advanced Research Proj-
ects Agency, and was not monitored by the Air Force Avionics Laboratory. The views and
conclusions contained in this document should not be interpreted as representing the official
policies, either expressed or implied, of the Defense Advanced Projects Agency or the US
Government. Neither should it be interpreted nor inferred that the authors/contributors have
actually performed any or all the actions contained herein, but they most likely have (and
liked it). Feel free to distribute at Will (or anyone else you know, for that matter), but please leave
the credits in... we worked hard, dammit!
I. The Lamer Section (Good Clean, 'Wholesome' Activities - 114 Questions) Have you: 1.held hands with someone?
2.hugged somebody?
3.kissed a friend as a friendly gesture?
4.kissed a friend as an unfriendly gesture?
5.kissed a stranger as a friendly gesture?
6.kissed a stranger as an unfriendly gesture?
7.slow danced?
8.copped a feel while slow dancing?
9.slam danced?
10.copped a feel while slam dancing?
11.ballroom danced?
12.dirty danced ("grinding" counts. may be without a partner)?
13.asked someone who you were not going out with and had never gone out with if
he/she was a virgin?
14.French kissed?
16.petted (not like what you do to your cat )?
17.attended sub races, watched for UFO's, or similar useless activity?
18.been the organizer of sub race watching, UFO watching, or similar useless activity? tubbed in mixed company (Jacuzzi or hydropool)? tubbed in the nude? tubbed in the nude in mixed company?
22.while hot tubbing been groped under the water (by someone else)?
23.while hot tubbing groped someone under the water?
24.saunaed or steam bathed in mixed company? the nude? the nude in mixed company?
27.put suntan lotion, cocoa butter, or baby oil on someone (at beach or pool)?