1, on; onto: sest; na zeÃml[, to sit (down) on the ground; polo'iÃ

nadreÃz n. cut; incision. nadreÃzat

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nadreÃz n. cut; incision.

nadreÃzat; [infl. -reÃ'u, -reÃ'ew;] v., pfv. of nad-rezaÃt;.

nadrezaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nadreÃzat;] to cut slightly; make an incision in. Also, nadreÃzyvat;.

nadrugaÃtel;stvo n. (with nad) an outrage (against).

nadrugaÃt;sq v.r.pfv. (with nad) to commit an outrage (against).

nadryÃv n. 1, (slight) tear. 2, fig. great effort. 3, fig. breakdown. 4, fig. emotional outburst.

nadryvaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nadorvaÃt;] 1, to tear slightly. 2, to strain; overtax. ÑnadryvaÃt;sq, refl. 1, to have a slight tear; be slightly torn. 2, [impfv. only] to overexert oneself. 3, [impfv. only] to yell at the top of oneÕs lungs. 4, [impfv. only] (with ot) to suffer grievously. 5, in seÃrdce nadryvaÃetsq, oneÕs heart aches.

nadryÃvnyj adj. heart-rending; (of laughter) hysterical.

nadsaÃda n., colloq. strain; great effort.

nadsaÃdnyj adj. 1, (of a cough) hacking; (of a cry) shrill; piercing. 2, exhausting; backbreaking.

nadsmaÃtrivat; v.impfv. (with nad or za + instr.) to supervise; oversee; watch over.

nadsmoÃtr n. supervision.

nadsmoÃtr]ik n. overseer; supervisor.

nadstaÃvit; [infl. -vl[, -viw;] v., pfv. of nad-stavlqÃt;.

nadstaÃvka [gen. pl. -vok] n. 1, lengthening. 2, extra piece.

nadstavlqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nadstaÃvit;] to lengthen (a garment).

nadstraÃivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nadstroÃit;] 1, to build on (at the top). 2, to increase the height of; make taller.

nadstroÃjka [gen. pl. -stroÃek] n. 1, building on(to). 2, superstructure.

nadstroÃhnyj adj. written above the line. Ñnad-stroÃhnyj znak, superscript.

nadtreÃsnutyj adj. cracked.

naduvaÃla n.m. & f., colloq. swindler; cheat.

naduvaÃnie n. inflating; blowing up.

naduvaÃtel;stvo n., colloq. cheating; trickery; deceit. ÑnaduvaÃtel;skij, adj., colloq. deceitful; under-handed.

naduvaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. naduÃt;] 1, to inflate; blow up. 2, to puff up. 3, colloq. to swindle; cheat; dupe. ÑnaduvaÃt; guÃby, to pout; show displeasure. See also naduÃt;.

naduvaÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. naduÃt;sq] 1, to inflate; be inflatable; become inflated. 2, to puff up oneÕs cheeks. 3, colloq. to swell; become swollen. 4, fig., colloq. to get a swelled head. 5, fig., colloq. to pout; sulk.

naduvnoÃj adj. inflatable.
naduÃmannyj adj. farfetched; artificial; forced.

naduÃmat; v.pfv., colloq. 1, to decide. 2, to think up; devise.

naduÃtyj adj. 1, inflated. 2, swollen. 3, colloq. haughty; puffed up. 4, (of a style of writing) pompous. 5, colloq. peeved.

naduÃt; v.pfv. [infl. naduÃ[, naduÃew;] 1, pfv. of naduvaÃt;. 2, impers., colloq. to be affected (by sitting in a draft): mne naduÃlo (v) weÃ[, I have a stiff neck. ÑnaduÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of naduvaÃt;sq.

naduwiÃt; v., pfv. of duwiÃt; (in sense #5). Ñna-duwiÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of duwiÃt;sq.

nadwivaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nadwiÃt;] 1, to lengthen (by sewing). 2, (with k or na) to sew onto.

nadwiÃt; [infl. nadow;[Ã, nadow;\w;] v., pfv. of nad-wivaÃt;.

nadymiÃt; v., pfv. of dymiÃt;.

naedaÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. naeÃst;sq] 1, to eat oneÕs fill. 2, (with gen. or instr.) to eat oneÕs fill of: On ne mog naeÃst;sq moroÃ'enogo, he couldnÕt get enough ice cream to eat. ÑnaeÃst;sq do otvaÃla, 1, to gorge one-self. 2, to be ready to burst.

naedineà adv. 1, in private; privately. 2, (with s + instr.) alone (with).

naeÃzd n. quick visit: On byvaÃet tam toÃl;ko naeÃzdom (or naeÃzdami), he goes there only on quick visits.

naeÃzdit; v.pfv. [infl. -eÃz'u, -eÃzdiw;] 1, pfv. of naez'aÃt; (in sense #3) and naeÃz'ivat;. 2, to travel (a certain distance or amount of time).

naeÃzdnik n. horseman; rider. ÑnaeÃzdnihestvo, n. horsemanship.

naez'aÃt; v.impfv. 1, [pfv. naeÃxat;] (with na + acc.) to run into; strike: Na negoà naeÃxala mawiÃna, he was struck by a car. 2, [pfv. naeÃxat;] colloq. to arrive in large numbers. 3, [pfv. naeÃzdit;] to smooth down (a road). 4, [impfv. only] (with v + acc.) colloq. to make periodic visits (to).

naeÃz'ennyj adj. (of a road) worn; well-trodden.

naeÃz'ivat; v.impfv. [pfv. naeÃzdit;] to smooth down (a road).

na\m [gen. naÃÃjma] n. 1, hiring. 2, renting. ÑraboÃtat; po naÃjmu, to work as a hired hand.

na\mnik n. 1, hireling. 2, mercenary (soldier).

na\mnyj adj. 1, hired. 2, mercenary.

naeÃst;sq [infl. like est;] v.r., pfv. of naedaÃt;sq.

naeÃxat; [infl. naeÃdu, naeÃdew;] v., pfv. of naez'aÃt;.

na'aÃrit; v.pfv. to roast; fry (a quantity of something).

na'aÃtie n. pressing; a press.

na'aÃt;1 v.pfv. [infl. na'muÃ, na'm\w;] 1, pfv. of na'imaÃt;. 2, to squeeze (a quantity of something).

na'aÃt;2 v.pfv. [infl. na'nuÃ, na'n\w;] to harvest (a quantity of something).

na'daÃk [gen. -dakaÃ] n. emery.

na'daÃhnyj adj. emery (attrib.). Ñna'daÃhnaq bu-maÃga, sandpaper.

na'eÃh; v.pfv. [infl. like 'eh;] to burn (a quantity of something).

na'iÃva n. 1, colloq. making money. 2, bait.

na'ivaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. na'iÃt;] 1, to make; amass (a fortune). Na'ivaÃt; kapitaÃl na (+ prepl.), to make capital of. 2, to contract (a disease). 3, (with gen.) to make (troubles, enemies, etc.) for oneself. Ñna'ivaÃt;sq, refl. (with na + prepl.). to get rich (on).

na'iviÃÃt; [infl. -vl[Ã, -viÃw;] v., pfv. of na'ivlqÃt;.

na'iÃvka n. bait.

na'ivlqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. na'iviÃt;] to bait (a fish-hook).

na'ivnoÃj adj., in deÃlo na'ivnoÃe, something easily acquired; something that is not hard to get.

na'iÃm n. 1, pressure. 2, emphasis (when speaking). 3, exaggerated gesture. 4, thickened lines (when writing).

na'imaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. na'aÃt;] 1, (with acc. or na + acc.) to press (on). 2, (with na + acc.) colloq. to put pressure on.

na'iÃt; [infl. na'ivuÃ, na'iv\w;; past naÃ'il, na-'ilaÃÃ, naÃ'ilo, naÃ'ili] v., pfv. of na'ivaÃt;. Ñna'iÃt;sq, refl. [past na'iÃlsq, na'ilaÃs;, na-'iloÃs; or na'iÃlos;, na'iliÃs; or na'iÃlis;] pfv. of na'ivaÃt;sq.

nazaÃvtra adv., colloq. the next day.

nazaÃd adv. back; backwards. Ñinterj. stand back! Ñtomuà nazaÃd, ago.

nazvaÃnivat; v.impfv., colloq. to make a lot of phone calls; call all around.

nazvaÃnie n. 1, name (of a city, place, organization, etc.). 2, title (of a book, film, etc.).

nazvaÃt; [infl. nazovuÃ, nazov\w;; past fem. nazvalaÃ] v., pfv. of nazyvaÃt;. ÑnazvaÃt;sq, refl. [past tense stress as in zvaÃt;sq] pfv. of nazyvaÃt;sq.

nazeÃmnyj adj. ground (attrib.); surface (attrib.); over-land.

naÃzem; adv. to the ground.

nazidaÃnie n. edification: v nazidaÃnie (+ dat.), for the edification of.

nazidaÃtel;nyj adj. 1, edifying; instructive. 2, didac-tic: nazidaÃtel;nyj ton, didactic tone.

nazloà also, naÃzlo adv. for spite; out of spite. Ñprep., with dat. to spite (someone). Ñkak nazloÃ, as luck would have it.

naznahaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. naznaÃhit;] 1, to set; schedule. 2, to appoint; name. 3, to assign. 4, to designate; earmark. 5, to award; grant. 6, colloq. to prescribe. ÑnaznahaÃt;-sq, refl. [impfv. only] 1, to be scheduled. 2, to be appointed. 3, to be assigned.

naznaheÃnie n. 1, setting (of a date). 2, awarding (of a pension or scholarship). 3, appointment; assignment. 4, function; purpose. 5, prescribing (of medicine). ÑmeÃsto naznaheÃniq, destination.

naznaÃhit; v., pfv. of naznahaÃt;.

nazoÃjlivyj adj. obtrusive; officious.

nazrevaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nazreÃt;] 1, to ripen; mature. 2, to become imminent; come to a head. ~×to nazrevaÃlo davnoÃ, it was building up for a long time.

nazreÃvwij adj. urgent.

nazreÃt; v., pfv. of nazrevaÃt;.

nazuboÃk adv., colloq. (with verbs of knowing, learning, etc.) thoroughly; by heart.

nazyvaÃemyj adj., in tak nazyvaÃemyj, the so-called.

nazyvaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nazvaÃt;] 1, to name. NazvaÃt; imenaÃ, to name names. NazoviÃte vaÃwu ceÃnu, name your price. 2, to call: nazvaÃt; kogoÃ-nibud; l'ecoÃm, to call someone a liar. 3, in nazvaÃt; sebqÃ, to identify oneself; give oneÕs name. ÑnazyvaÃt; veÃ]i svoiÃmi imenaÃmi, to call a spade a spade.

nazyvaÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. nazvaÃt;sq] 1, to call oneself. 2, [impfv. only] to be called. 3, to identify one-self; give oneÕs name. 4, colloq. to invite oneself. Ñhto nazyvaÃetsq, as they say.

naiboÃlee adv., used in forming compound superlatives, the most: naiboÃlee udaÃhnyj spoÃsob, the most successful method.

naiboÃl;wij adj. the greatest; the largest.

naiÃvnyj adj. na•ve. ÑnaiÃvnost;, n.f. na•vetŽ.

naivyÃswij adj. the highest; the greatest.

naiÃgrannyj adj. affected; artificial.

naigraÃt; v., pfv. of naiÃgryvat;. ÑnaigraÃt;sq, refl. to play to oneÕs heartÕs content; play as much as one wishes.

naiÃgryvat; v.impfv. [pfv. naigraÃt;] 1, colloq. to play (a number of songs or works of music). 2, colloq. to win (money) in a game. 3, to make (a record); record. 4, [impfv. only] to play softly.

naiznaÃnku adv. inside out.

naizuÃst; adv. by heart.

nailuÃhwij adj. the best: nailuÃhwim oÃbrazom, in the best possible manner. ÑnailuÃhwie po'elaÃniq, best wishes.

naimeÃnee adv., used in forming compound superlatives, the least: naimeÃnee veroqÃtnyj sluÃhaj, the least prob-able case.

naimenovaÃnie n. name; appellation.

naimenovaÃt; v., pfv. of imenovaÃt;.

naimeÃn;wij adj. the least; the least amount.

naiskosoÃk adv., colloq. = naÃiskos;.

naÃiskos; adv. at an angle; diagonally; catty-corner.

naiÃtie n., obs. inspiration. Ñpo naiÃti[, instinc-tively; intuitively.

naixuÃdwij adj. the worst.

najd\nyw n. foundling.

najmiÃt n. hireling.

najtià [infl. najduÃ, najd\w;; past naw\l, nawlaÃ, nawloÃ, nawliÃ] v., pfv. of naxodiÃt;. ÑnajtiÃs;, refl., pfv. of naxodiÃt;sq.

nakaÃz n. 1, obs. order; instructions. 2, mandate (from the voters). 3, hist. set of instructions issued by Catherine II.

nakazaÃnie n. punishment.

nakazaÃt; [infl. -ka'uÃ, -kaÃ'ew;] v., pfv. of nakaÃzy-vat;.

nakazuÃemyj adj., law punishable.

nakaÃzyvat; v.impfv. [pfv. nakazaÃt;] to punish.

nakaÃl n. 1, incandescence. 2, fig. fever pitch. ÑbeÃlyj/kraÃsnyj nakaÃl, white/red heat.

nakal\nnyj adj. 1, burning hot; incandescent, 2, fig.
tense; charged; explosive.

nakaÃlivanie n., in laÃmpa nakaÃlivaniq, incandes-cent lamp.

nakaÃlivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nakaliÃt;] 1, to make red hot. 2, fig. to inflame. ÑnakaÃlivat;sq, refl. 1, to become red hot. 2, fig. to become heated; become in-flamed. NakaliÃt;sq do predeÃla, to reach a fever pitch.

nakaliÃt; v., pfv. of nakaÃlivat; and nakalqÃt;. ÑnakaliÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of nakaÃlivat;sq and na-kalqÃt;sq.

nakaÃlyvat; v.impfv. [pfv. nakoloÃt;] 1, to prick. 2, (with na + acc.) to pin on. ÑnakaÃlyvat;sq, refl. to prick oneself.

nakalqÃt; v.impfv. = nakaÃlivat;. ÑnakalqÃt;sq, refl. = nakaÃlivat;sq.
nakanuÃne adv. the day before. NakanuÃne veÃherom, the night before. Ñprep., with gen. 1, on the eve of. 2, in the period immediately proceeding.

nakaÃplivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nakopiÃt;] 1, to accumu-late; amass. 2, to stockpile. ÑnakaÃplivat;sq, refl. to accumulate; pile up; build up.

nakataÃt; v.pfv. 1, pfv. of nakaÃtyvat; (in sense #1). 2, to roll (a quantity of something). 3, to make (a quantity of something) by rolling.

nakatiÃt; [infl. -kahuÃ, -kaÃtiw;] v., pfv. of nakaÃty-vat; (in sense #2).

nakaÃtyvat; v.impfv. 1, [pfv. nakataÃt;] to wear down; smooth down (a road). 2, [pfv. nakatiÃt;] (with na + acc.) to roll (something) onto.

nakaÃhivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nakahaÃt;] 1, to pump. 2, to pump up; inflate.

nakiÃdka [gen. pl. -dok] n. 1, cape. 2, pillow cover. 3, colloq. extra charge.

nakiÃdyvat; v.impfv. [pfv. nakiÃnut;] 1, to throw on; throw over. 2, colloq. to add on (a certain amount). ÑnakiÃdyvat;sq, refl. (with na + acc.) to attack; pounce (on).

nakipaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nakipeÃt;] 1, (of scum) to form. 2, fig. (of feelings) to build up.

naÃkip; n.f. scum.

naklaÃd n. in v naklaÃde, see vnaklaÃde.

naklaÃdka [gen. pl. -dok] n. 1, hairpiece; wig. 2, pro-tective plate, pad or strip. ÑtormoznaÃq naklaÃdka, brake lining.

nakladnaÃq n., decl. as an adj. invoice; bill of lading.

naklaÃdno adv. (with dat. and inf.) colloq. not to oneÕs advantage; a losing proposition.

nakladnoÃj adj. 1, superimposed. 2, (of hair, a beard, etc.) false. ÑnakladnoÃe zoÃloto, gold plate. Ñna-kladnoÃj karmaÃn, patch pocket. ÑnakladnyÃe ras-xoÃdy, overhead (costs). ÑnakladnoÃe serebroÃ, sil-ver plate.

naklaÃdyvat; v.impfv. [pfv. nalo'iÃt;] 1, to lay on; lay over; superimpose. 2, to apply; put on (face cream, a bandage, etc.); put in (stitches). 3, to load (with); pack (with). 4, to load; pack; pile (a quantity of something). ÑnaklaÃdyvat; na sebqà ruÃki, obs. to kill oneself; commit suicide. ÑnaklaÃdyvat; ruÃku na (+ acc.), to get oneÕs hands on (something owned by someone else). ÑnaklaÃdyvat; svoj otpehaÃtok na (+ acc.), to leave its mark upon. ÑnaklaÃdyvat; sebeà na tareÃlku (+ gen.), to help oneself to.

naklevetaÃt; v., pfv. of klevetaÃt;.
nakleÃivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nakleÃit;] 1, to glue on; paste on; affix. 2, to paste up; post (a notice).

nakleÃjka [gen. pl. -kleÃek] n. 1, pasting on; gluing on. 2, sticker; label. 3, hinge (for a postage stamp).

nakliÃkat; [infl. -kliÃhu, -kliÃhew;] v., pfv. of na-klikaÃt;.

naklikaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nakliÃkat;] colloq. to invite; court; bring on (trouble, disaster, etc.).

nakloÃn n. 1, inclination. 2, slope; incline. ÑuÃgol nakloÃna, angle of inclination; slope.

nakloneÃnie n. 1, inclination. 2, gram. mood.

nakloniÃt; [infl. -klon[Ã, -kloÃniw;] v., pfv. of naklonqÃt;. ÑnakloniÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of naklon-qÃt;sq.

nakloÃnnost; n.f. inclination; tendency; leaning; propen-sity.

nakloÃnnyj adj. inclined; sloping; slanting.

naklonqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nakloniÃt;] to incline; lean; tilt; bow. ÑnaklonqÃt;sq, refl. to bend over; lean over.

nakovaÃl;nq [gen. pl. -len] n. anvil. ÑmeÃ'du moÃl-otom i nakovaÃl;nej, between the devil and the deep blue sea.

nakoÃ'nyj adj. appearing on the skin: nakoÃ'naq syp;, skin rash.

nakoleÃnnik n. kneepad.

nakoloÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -kol[Ã, -koÃlew;] 1, pfv. of nakaÃlyvat;. 2, to chop; split (a quantity of wood). 3, to slaughter; kill (a quantity of animals, fish, etc.). Ñna-koloÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of nakaÃlyvat;sq.

nakomaÃrnik n. mosquito netting.

nakoneÃc adv. 1, at last; finally. 2, lastly. 3, in the end. ÑnakoneÃc-to!, at last!; at long last!

nakoneÃhnik n. 1, tip. NakoneÃhnik strelyÃ, arrowhead. 2, cover; cap.

nakopaÃt; v.pfv. 1, to dig. 2, to dig (a quantity of some-thing).

nakopiÃt; [infl. -kopl[Ã, -koÃpiw;] v., pfv. of kopiÃt;, nakaÃplivat; and nakoplqÃt;. ÑnakopiÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of kopiÃt;sq, nakaÃplivat;sq and nakoplqÃt;-sq.

nakopleÃnie n. 1, accumulation. 2, pl. savings.

nakoplqÃt; v.impfv. = nakaÃplivat;. ÑnakoplqÃt;-sq, refl. = nakaÃplivat;sq.

nakormiÃt; v., pfv. of kormiÃt;.

nakorotkeà adv., colloq. 1, from close up; at close range. 2, for a short time; for a moment. 3, (with s + instr.) on friendly terms (with).

nakraÃpyvat; v.impfv. (of rain) to fall lightly. Also impers.: StaÃlo nakraÃpyvat;, it began to drizzle.
nakraÃsit; v.pfv. [infl. -wu, -siw;] 1, pfv. of na-kraÃwivat;. 2, to paint (a quantity of something). ÑnakraÃsit;sq, refl., pfv. of kraÃsit;sq and nakraÃ-wivat;sq.

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