naplaÃkat; v.pfv. [infl. -plaÃhu,-plaÃhew;], in naplaÃkat; sebeà glazaÃ, to have red eyes from crying. ÑnaplaÃkat;sq,refl. 1, to have a good cry. 2, (with s + instr.) colloq. to have trouble (with).
naplastovaÃnie n., geol. bedding; stratification.
naplevaÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -pl[[Ã,-pl[\w;] (with na + acc.) 1, to spit on. 2, colloq. not to give a damn: Emuà naplevaÃt; na `Ãto, he doesnÕt give a damn about it.
naplestià v.pfv. [infl. like plestiÃ] 1, to weave (a quantity of something). 2, colloq. to talk a lot of (non-sense).
napleÃhnyj adj. worn on the shoulders.
naplyÃv n. 1, influx. 2, excrescence (on trees).
napovaÃl adv., in ubiÃt; napovaÃl,to kill outright; kill on the spot.
napokaÃz adv. 1, on display. 2, for show. Ñvystav-lqÃt; napokaÃz, 1, to put on display. 2, to show off; flaunt.
napolzaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.napolztiÃ] colloq. (with na + acc.) to crawl onto.
napolztià [infl. like polztiÃ] v., pfv. of napolzaÃt;.
napolneÃnie n. (act of) filling.
napolniÃtel; n.m. filler.
napolnqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. napoÃlnit;] to fill. Ñna-polnqÃt;sq,refl. to be filled; become filled.
napoloviÃnu adv. 1, half: napoloviÃnu pustoÃj, half-empty. 2, in half; by half: umen;waÃt; napoloviÃnu, to reduce in/by half.
napoÃl;nyj adj. floor (attrib.).
napomaÃdit; v., pfv. of pomaÃdit;. ÑnapomaÃdit;-sq,refl., pfv. of pomaÃdit;sq.
napominaÃnie n. 1, reminder. 2, mention: pri napo-minaÃnii o..., at the mention of...
napominaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.napoÃmnit;] 1, (with dat.) to remind: napoÃmint; komuÃ-nibud; o vstreÃhe, to re-mind someone about an appointment. Vy napominaÃete mne moegoà muÃ'a, you remind me of my husband. 2, (with acc. or o + prepl.) to bring to mind; to bring back memories of. 3, (with o) to mention; bring up; (with hto) recall (that...). 4, [impfv. only] to resemble: FoÃrma kuÃpola napominaÃet luÃkovicu, the shape of the dome resembles an onion. 5, [impfv. only] to be reminiscent of.
naporoÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -por[Ã,-poÃrew;] 1, pfv. of napaÃryvat;. 2, (with gen. or acc.) colloq. to talk a lot of (nonsense). ÑnaporoÃt;sq,refl., pfv. of napaÃry-vat;sq.
napoÃrtit; v.pfv. [infl. -hu,-tiw;] colloq. 1, to damage (a quantity of something). 2, (with dat.) to harm.
naposleÃdok adv., colloq. 1, finally; at last; in the end. 2, in conclusion. 3, for last.
napraÃvit; [infl. -vl[,-viw;] v., pfv. of naprav-lqÃt;. ÑnapraÃvit;sq,refl., pfv. of napravlqÃt;sq.
napravleÃnie n. 1, direction. 2, trend. 3, assignment. 4, order; permit. 5, mil. axis.
napraÃvlennost; n.f. direction; orientation.
napraÃvlennyj adj. 1, purposeful. 2, radio directional.
napravlqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.napraÃvit;] 1, to direct; aim (a blow); point (a weapon); direct (oneÕs gaze). 2, to direct (efforts, energies, criticism, attention, etc.). 3, to send; assign. 4, to send; refer (to a doctor, lawyer, etc.). 5, to send; address; dispatch (a letter, greetings, etc.). 6, fig. to steer (a conversation); direct (thoughts); aim (a policy). 7, fig., usu. passive, to intend; design (to achieve a certain purpose). 8, in napravlqÃt; svoià wagiÃor stopyÃ, to make or wend oneÕs way; head for. ÑnapravlqÃt;sq,refl. (with v, na,or k) 1, to head for; make for. 2, [impfv. only] to be headed for; be bound for.
napraÃvo adv. to the right; on the right.
napraktikovaÃt;sq v.r.pfv. [infl. -kuÃ[s;,-kuÃew;-sq] (with v + prepl.) colloq. to become proficient (at); get the knack (of).
napraÃsno adv. 1,in vain; for nothing; to no avail. Vs\ bylo napraÃsno, it was all in vain; it was all for naught. Vy napraÃsno 'd\te e\, youÕre wasting your time waiting for her. 2, for no reason: Vy napraÃsno obvi-nqÃete egoÃ, you have no reason to accuse him.
napraÃwivat;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv.naprosiÃt;sq] colloq. 1, (with v or na + acc.) to invite oneself (to); (try to) get invited (to). NapraÃwivat;sq v goÃsti, to (try to) get oneself invited. NaprosiÃt;sq na svaÃd;bu, to wangle an invitation to a wedding. NaprosiÃt;sq v komandi-roÃvku, to wangle a business trip. 2, (with na + acc.) to ask for; look for; invite (trouble); fish for (a compliment). 3, [impfv. only] to come to mind; suggest itself.
naprimeÃr adv. for example; for instance.
naprokaÃzit; v., pfv. of prokaÃzit;.
naprokaÃznihat; v., pfv. of prokaÃznihat;.
naprokaÃt adv. on a rental basis. Ñbrat;naprokaÃt, to rent; hire. ÑdavaÃt;or otdavaÃt;naprokaÃt, to rent; rent out. ÑsdavaÃt;sqnaprokaÃt, to be for hire.
naprol\t adv., colloq. through; long; straight: vs[ noh; naprol\t, the whole day through/long; ves; den; na-prol\t, all day long; dva dnq naprol\t, two days straight.
naproloÃm adv., colloq. full speed ahead (regardless of obstacles).
napropaluÃ[ adv., colloq. headlong; for all one is worth.
naproroÃhit; v., pfv. of proroÃhit;.
naprosiÃt;sq [infl. -prowuÃs;,-proÃsiw;sq] v.r., pfv. of napraÃwivat;sq.
naproÃtiv adv. 1, opposite. 2, across the street. 3, on the contrary. 4, on the other hand; by contrast. Ñprep., with gen. opposite; facing.
naÃproh; adv., colloq. completely.
napruÃ'ivat; v.impfv. [pfv.napruÃ'it;] colloq. to strain; make taut. ÑnapruÃ'ivat;sq,refl., colloq. to strain oneself.
naprqgaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. naprqÃh;] to strain; exert. ÑnaprqgaÃt;sq,refl. 1, to become taut. 2, to strain one-self; exert oneself.
naprqmiÃk adv., colloq. 1, straight; in a straight line. 2, fig. to the point; pointblank.
naprqmuÃ[ adv. 1, = naprqmiÃk. 2, directly.
naprqÃh; [infl. -prqguÃ,-prq'\w;, ...-prqguÃt; past -prqÃg,-prqglaÃ,-prqgloÃ,-prqgliÃ] v., pfv. of na-prqgaÃt;. ÑnaprqÃh;sq,refl., pfv. of naprqgaÃt;sq.
napugaÃt; v.pfv. to frighten; scare. ÑnapugaÃt;sq,refl. to become frightened; become scared.
napuÃdrit; v., pfv. of puÃdrit;. ÑnapuÃdrit;sq,refl., pfv. ofpuÃdrit;sq.
napuÃl;snik n. wristband.
napuskaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.napustiÃt;] 1, to let in. 2, (with na + acc.) colloq. to sic (an animal) on. 3, (with na + acc.) colloq. to strike (fear, terror, etc.) into. 4, (with na sebqÃ) colloq. to affect; assume an air of. 5, in napu-skaÃt; tumaÃnu, to confuse the issue. ÑnapuskaÃt;-sq,refl. (with na + acc.) colloq. to attack; pounce on.
napusknoÃj adj. affected; assumed.
napustiÃt; [infl. -pu]uÃ,-puÃstiw;] v., pfv. of na-puskaÃt;. ÑnapustiÃt;sq,refl., pfv. of napuskaÃt;-sq.
napuÃtat; v.pfv., colloq. 1, to make a mess of; botch. 2, (with v + prepl.) to get (something) wrong; get (some-thing) mixed up.
napuÃtstvennyj adj. parting; farewell.
napuÃtstvie n. parting words.
napuÃtstvovat; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -stvu[,-stvuew;] (with instr.) to say (something) to someone when parting: napuÃtstvovat; kogoÃ-nibud; soveÃtami, to give someone advice on parting.
napuxaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.napuÃxnut;] colloq. to swell up; become swollen.
napuÃxnut; [past napuÃx, napuÃxla] v., pfv. of napu-xaÃt;.
napqÃlivat; v.impfv. [pfv. napqÃlit;] 1, to stretch (material) on a frame. 2, colloq. to pull on (an item of clothing that is too small).
naraboÃtat; v.pfv., colloq. 1, to produce (a quantity of something). 2, to earn (a sum of money). Ñnara-boÃtat;sq,refl., colloq. to do a lot of work; do enough work.
naravneà adv. (with s + instr.) 1, even (with); on a level (with). 2, equally (with); on a par (with); on an equal footing (with).
naraspaÃwku adv., colloq. unbuttoned; unfastened. Ñduwaà naraspaÃwku, open-hearted; not one to hold back.
naraspeÃv adv. in a singsong voice.
narastaÃnie n. growth; expansion.
narastaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. narastiÃ] 1, (with na + prepl.) to grow (on); form (on). 2, to grow; expand. 3, to increase; build (up); mount. 4, (of debts) to pile up; (of interest) to accrue.
narastià [infl. like rastiÃ] v., pfv. of narastaÃt;.
narastiÃt; [infl. -]uÃ,-stiÃw;] v., pfv. of naraÃ]i-vat;.
narasxvaÃt adv., colloq. like hot cakes: raskupaÃt;sq narasxvaÃt, to sell (or go) like hot cakes.
naraÃ]ivanie n. increase; build-up.
naraÃ]ivat; v.impfv. [pfv.narastiÃt;] 1, [impfv. only] to increase; augment; step up; build up. 2, colloq. to grow; develop (muscles, corns, etc.). 3, to lengthen; extend. 4, colloq. to accumulate; pile up (interest, debts, etc.).
narvaÃl n. narwhal.
narvaÃt; v.pfv. [infl.narvuÃ, narv\w;; past fem. narvalaÃ] 1, pfv. of naryvaÃt;. 2, to pick (a quantity of something). 3, to tear (a quantity of something). ÑnarvaÃt;sq,refl. [past tense stress as in rvaÃt;sq] pfv. of naryvaÃt;sq.
nard n. nard; spikenard.
nareÃzat; [infl. -reÃ'u,-reÃ'ew;] v., pfv. of nare-zaÃt;.
narezaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.nareÃzat;] 1, to cut; slice. 2, to thread (a screw); rifle (a gun barrel).
nareÃzka n. 1, cutting; slicing. 2, thread (of a screw).
narekaÃnie n. censure; reprimand.
narekaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nareÃh;] obs. to name.
nareÃhie n. 1, adverb. 2, dialect. ÑnareÃhnyj,adj. adverbial.
nareÃh; [infl. -rekuÃ,-reh\w;, ...-rekuÃt; past -r\k, -reklaÃ, -rekloÃ, -rekliÃ] v., pfv. of narekaÃt;.
naroÃd n. 1, a people: ruÃsskij naroÃd, the Russian people. 2, the (common) people: heloveÃk iz naroÃda, a man of the people. 3, people: mnoÃgo naroÃdu, a lot of people.
narodiÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -'uÃ,-diÃw;] colloq. to give birth to (a number of children). ÑnarodiÃt;sq,refl., pfv. of naro'daÃt;sq.
naroÃdnik n., hist. Narodnik; Populist. ÑnaroÃdnihe-skij,adj. Populist. ÑnaroÃdnihestvo, n. Populism.
naroÃdnost; n.f. 1, nationality; people. 2, national character; national roots.
naroÃdnyj adj. 1, peopleÕs. 2, national. 3, folk-: na-roÃdnaq peÃsnq, folk song.
narodovlaÃstie n. government by the people.
narodonaseleÃnie n. population.
naro'daÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv.narodiÃt;sq] 1, (of a number of people)to be born. 2, fig. to arise; come into being.
naroÃhno adv. 1, deliberately; on purpose. 2, (with dlq) specially (for); expressly (for). 3, for spite; just to be contrary. 4, colloq. for fun. Ñkak naroÃhno, as luck would have it.
naÃrohnyj n., decl. as an adj. special messenger; courier.
naÃrty [gen. nart] dog sled; reindeer sled.
narubiÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -rubl[Ã,-ruÃbiw;] to chop (a quantity of something).
naruÃ'no adv. outwardly.
naruÃ'noe n., decl. as an adj. medicine to be applied externally.
naruÃ'nyj adj. 1, external; outward. 2, (of a wall) outside. 3, outward: naruÃ'noe spokoÃjstvie, outward calm. 4, (of medicine) to be applied externally.
naruÃ'u adv. outside; outward(s); out. Ñves; naruÃ-'u, (of a person) completely open about everything. ÑvyÃvesti naruÃ'u, to bring out into the open; bring to light. ÑvyÃjti naruÃ'u, to come to the surface; come to light.
narukaÃvnik n. sleeve cover; sleeve protector.
narukaÃvnyj adj. worn on the sleeve: narukaÃvnaq povqÃzka, armband.
narumqÃnit; v., pfv. of rumqÃnit;. ÑnarumqÃnit;-sq,refl., pfv. of rumqÃnit;sq (in sense #1).
naruÃhnyj adj. worn on the arm. ÑnaruÃhnye hasyÃ, wrist watch.
naruwaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. naruÃwit;] 1, to violate; break. 2, to disturb; disrupt; upset.
naruweÃnie n. 1, violation; breach; infringement. Naru-weÃnie doÃlga, dereliction of duty. 2, disturbance; disrup-tion.
naruwiÃtel; n.m. violator.
naruÃwit; v., pfv. ofnaruwaÃt;.
narciÃss n. narcissus; daffodil.
naÃry [gen. nar] plank bed.
naryÃv n. abscess; boil.
naryvaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. narvaÃt;] to become infected and swollen. ÑnaryvaÃt;sq,refl. (with na + acc.) colloq. to run into; bump into.
naryÃt; v.pfv. [infl. naroÃ[, naroÃew;] to dig (a quantity of something).
narqÃd n. 1, dress; attire; apparel. 2, order; warrant. 3, mil. detail. 4, mil. duty. ÑnarqÃd de'uÃrstv; list narqÃdov, duty roster.
narqdiÃt; [infl. -rq'uÃ, -rqdiÃw;or -rqÃdiw;] v., pfv. of narq'aÃt;. ÑnarqdiÃt;sq,refl., pfv. of narq-'aÃt;sq.
narqÃdnyj adj. 1, well-dressed. 2, (of an item of clo-thing) good-looking; smart.
narqduà adv. (with s + instr.) 1, along (with); side by side (with). 2, on a level (with); on a par (with). Ñna-rqduà s `Ãtim, at the same time.
narq'aÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.narqdiÃt;] 1, to dress; dress up. 2, to order; assign; detail. Ñnarq'aÃt;sq,refl. 1, to dress up; get dressed up. 2, (with instr.) to get dressed up (as).
nas pron., gen. & prepl. of my.
nasadiÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -sa'uÃ,-saÃdiw;] 1, pfv. of nasaÃ'ivat;. 2, to plant (a quantity of something).
nasaÃdka [gen. pl. -dok] n.1, putting on. 2, attachment (for a camera or other device). 3, bait.
nasa'aÃt; v.pfv. = nasadiÃt; (in sense #2).
nasa'daÃt; v.impfv. to implant; instill.
nasa'deÃnie n. 1, planting. 2, fig. implanting. 3, usu. pl. plantings (trees, plants, etc.).
nasaÃ'ivat; v.impfv. [pfv.nasadiÃt;] 1, to plant. 2, (with na + acc.) to put; fix; stick; fasten (onto a hook, spit, etc.). 3, colloq. to put on; slip over.
nasaÃlivat; v.impfv. [pfv.nasoliÃt;] 1, to salt; pickle. 2, (with dat.) colloq. to hurt; injure; spite.
nasaÃxarivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nasaÃxarit;] colloq. to put sugar into.