1, on; onto: sest; na zeÃml[, to sit (down) on the ground; polo'iÃ

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neblagoroÃdnyj adj. ignoble. ÑneblagoroÃdnye metaÃlly, base metals.

neblagoskloÃnnyj adj. ill-disposed; unfavorably dis-posed. ÑneblagoskloÃnnost;, n.f. unfavorable atti-tude.

neblagoustroÃennyj adj. lacking amenities or con-veniences.

neblestqÃ]ij adj. not outstanding; mediocre.

n\bnyj adj. palatal. Ñn\bnaq zanaveÃska, anat. uvula.

neÃbo [pl. nebesaÃ, nebeÃs, nebesaÃm] n. sky; heaven. ÑmeÃ'du neÃbom i zeml\j, without a roof over oneÕs head. Ñna sed;moÃm neÃbe, in seventh heaven. Ñpod otkryÃtym neÃbom, in the open air. ÑpopaÃst; paÃl;cem v neÃbo, to be wide of the mark. Ñprevoz-nosiÃt; do nebeÃs, to praise to the skies. Ñs neÃba svaliÃt;sq, to appear out of the blue. ÑxvataÃt; zv\zdy s neÃba, (often used negatively) to be a genius; be a whiz.

n\bo n. palate; roof of the mouth.

nebogaÃtyj adj. 1, not rich; of modest means. 2, mod-est; unpretentious. 3, meager; scanty.

neboesposoÃbnyj adj. unfit for (military) action; dis-abled.

nebol;woÃj adj. 1, small; not large; not great. 2, (of time, distance, etc.) short. Ñs nebol;wiÃm, a little over; a little past: v tri s nebol;wiÃm, a little after three.

nebosvoÃd n. firmament.

neboskloÃn n. lower part of the sky near the horizon.

neboskr\b n. skyscraper.

neboÃs; particle, colloq. in all probability; most likely.

nebreÃ'no adv. 1, carelessly. 2, casually.

nebreÃ'nost; n.f. carelessness; negligence.

nebreÃ'nyj adj. 1, careless; negligent. 2, sloppy; slip-shod. 3, casual.

nebriÃtyj adj. unshaven.

nebroÃskij adj. not striking; not flashy.

nebyvaÃlo adv. extraordinarily. NebyvaÃlo vysoÃkij uro'aÃj, record harvest.

nebyvaÃlyj adj. 1, unprecedented; unheard-of. Neby-vaÃlyj uro'aÃj, bumper harvest. 2, fantastic; unreal.

nebyliÃca n. tall story; cock-and-bull story.

nebytieà n. nonexistence.

neb;[Ã]ijsq adj. unbreakable; nonbreakable; shatter-proof.

nevaÃ'no adv. 1, not well; poorly. 2, (with dat.) not important (to); (one) doesnÕt care whether... 3, as an exclamation, never mind!; it doesnÕt matter!

nevaÃ'nyj adj. 1, unimportant. 2, colloq. poor; not so good.

nevdalekeà adv. not far away; not far off.

nevdom\k adv., with dat., colloq. having no idea: Mne nevdom\k, I had no idea; it never occurred to me.

neveÃdenie n. ignorance. Ñder'aÃt; v neveÃdenii, to keep in the dark.

neveÃdomo adj., used predicatively (with dat.) unknown (to). Ñadv., colloq. there is no telling; there is no way of knowing.

neveÃdomyj adj. 1, unknown. 2, mysterious.

neveÃ'a n.m. & f. boor; lout.

neveÃ'da n.m. & f. ignoramus.

neveÃ'estvennyj adj. ignorant.

neveÃ'estvo n. ignorance.

neveÃ'livyj adj. impolite; discourteous; rude. Ñne-veÃ'livost;, n.f. impoliteness; rudeness.

nevezeÃnie n., colloq. bad luck.

nevezuÃhij adj., colloq. unlucky.

neveliÃkij adj., usu. used in short form [fem. likaÃ; neut. -likoà or -liÃko; pl. -likià or -liÃki] 1, small; not large. NeveliÃk roÃstom, short (in height). 2, not great; slight; insignificant. VyÃbor neveliÃk, there is not a great deal of choice.

neveÃrie n. 1, disbelief. 2, lack of faith.

neveÃrno adv. 1, incorrectly. 2, with an uncertain gait.

neveÃrnost; n.f. 1, error; fallacy. 2, infidelity.

neveÃrnyj adj. 1, incorrect; wrong; erroneous. 2, un-faithful; untrue. 3, unsteady; faltering. 4, in neveÃrnaq noÃta, false note. Ñn. infidel.

neveroqÃtno adv. incredibly; unbelievably.

neveroqÃtnost; n.f. 1, unbelievability. 2, pl. unbeliev-able stories. Ñdo neveroqÃtnosti, unbelievably; incredibly; to an incredible degree.

neveroqÃtnyj adj. incredible; unbelievable.

neveÃru[]ij adj. nonbelieving; irreligious. Ñn. non-believer.

neves\lyj adj. 1, melancholy; sad; blue. 2, (of a place or situation) unhappy; depressing.

nevesoÃmyj adj. weightless. ÑnevesoÃmost;, n.f. weightlessness.

neveÃsta n. 1, fiancŽe. 2, bride.

neveÃstka [gen. pl. -tok] n. 1, daughter-in-law. 2, sister-in-law (brotherÕs wife or spouseÕs brotherÕs wife).

neveÃst; adv., colloq. heaven knows; God knows.

neve]eÃstvennyj adj. immaterial.

nevzviÃdet; v.pfv., in sveÃta nevzviÃdet;, colloq. 1, to be stupefied (from shock or surprise). 2, to see stars (from pain).

nevzgoÃda n. 1, adversity; misfortune. 2, pl. misfortunes; troubles; woes.

nevziraÃq na (with acc.) in spite of; regardless of. ÑnevziraÃq na liÃca, without consideration of the persons involved.

nevzl[biÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -l[bl[Ã, -l[Ãbiw;] to dis-like; take a disliking to.

nevznahaÃj adv., colloq. 1, by chance; accidentally. 2, unintentionally; inadvertently.

nevznoÃs n. nonpayment of dues.

nevzraÃhnyj adj. ugly; homely; unattractive.

nevzyskaÃtel;nyj adj. undemanding.

neÃvidal; n.f., colloq. wonder; something to marvel at. Ñvot (or `Ãka) neÃvidal;!, whatÕs all the fuss?; whatÕs the big deal?; whatÕs so great about that?

neviÃdannyj adj. not seen before; unprecedented.

nevidiÃmka [gen. pl. -mok] n.m. & f. invisible man or creature. Ñn.f. invisible hairpin.

neviÃdimyj adj. invisible.

neviÃdnyj adj. 1, invisible. 2, colloq. insignificant. 3, colloq. unattractive.

neviÃdq]ij adj. 1, unseeing; sightless; blind. 2, (of a look) blank; absent; vacant.

neviÃnnost; n.f. 1, innocence. 2, virginity.

neviÃnnyj adj. 1, innocent; guiltless. 2, innocent; na•ve; ingenuous. 3, innocent; innocuous; harmless. 4, innocent; virginal.

nevinoÃvnost; n.f. innocence.

nevinoÃvnyj adj. [short form -ven, -vna] innocent; not guilty.

nevkuÃsnyj adj. tasteless; unpalatable.

nevmenqÃemyj adj., not responsible for oneÕs actions; law incompetent; insane. ÑnevmenqÃemost;, n.f. non-responsibility for oneÕs actions; law incompetence; insanity.

nevmewaÃtel;stvo n. noninterference; nonintervention.

nevmogotuà adv., colloq. too much; more than one can bear.

nevnimaÃnie n. 1, inattention. 2, lack of consideration.

nevnimaÃtel;nost; n.f. 1, carelessness. 2, lack of consideration.

nevnimaÃtel;nyj adj. 1, inattentive. 2, careless. 3, inconsiderate; thoughtless.

nevnuwiÃtel;nyj adj. unimpressive.

nevnqÃtica n., colloq. babble.

nevnqÃtnyj adj. indistinct; scarcely audible.

neÃvod [pl. nevodaÃ] n. large fishing net.

nevozvraÃtnyj adj. 1, irretrievable. 2, (of a loss) irrep-arable.

nevozvra]eÃnec [gen. -nca] n. defector. Stat; ne-vozvra]eÃncem, to defect.

nevozdeÃlannyj adj. untilled; uncultivated.

nevozder'aÃnie n. intemperance; immoderation.

nevozdeÃr'annyj also, nevozdeÃr'nyj adj. intem-perate; immoderate. ÑnevozdeÃr'annost;; nevoz-deÃr'nost;, n.f. intemperance; immoderation.

nevozmoÃ'no adj., used predicatively, impossible: ~×to praktiÃheski nevozmoÃ'no, it is practically impossible.

nevozmoÃ'noe n., decl. as an adj. the impossible.

nevozmoÃ'nost; n.f. impossibility. Ñdo nevoz-moÃ'nosti, to the extreme.

nevozmoÃ'nyj adj. impossible.

nevozmutiÃmyj adj. 1, imperturbable; unflappable. 2, unperturbed. 3, (of calm, quiet, etc.) perfect; undisturbed. ÑnevozmutiÃmost;, n.f. imperturbability; coolness.

nevoznagradiÃmyj adj. 1, irreparable. 2, that can never be repaid.

nevoÃlit; v.impfv., colloq. to force; compel.

nevoÃl;nik n. slave. ÑnevoÃl;nihestvo, n. slavery. ÑnevoÃl;nihij, adj. [fem. -h;q] slave (attrib.).

nevoÃl;no adv. 1, unintentionally; unwittingly. 2, instinctively.

nevoÃl;nyj adj. 1, unintentional; involuntary. 2, invol-untary; forced.

nevoÃlq n. 1, slavery. 2, captivity: razmno'aÃt;sq v nevoÃle, to breed in captivity. 3, colloq. necessity.

nevoobraziÃmyj adj. inconceivable; unimaginable.

nevooru'\nnyj adj. unarmed. Ñnevooru'\nnym glaÃzom, with the naked (or unaided) eye.

nevospeÃtyj adj. unsung.

nevospiÃtannyj adj. ill-bred; ill-mannered. Ñnevos-piÃtannost;, n.f. lack of upbringing.

nevosplamenqÃemyj adj. incombustible; nonflam-mable.

nevospolniÃmyj adj. irreparable.

nevospriiÃmhivyj adj. 1, slow to absorb or learn. 2, (with k) immune (to). ÑnevospriiÃmhivost;, n.f. im-munity.

nevostreÃbovannyj adj. unclaimed.

nevo[Ã[]ij adj. nonbelligerent.

nevpopaÃd adv., colloq. not to the point: On otvehaÃl nevpopaÃd, his answers were not to the point.

nevprovoroÃt adv. (with gen.) colloq. a tremendous amount (of); an enormous number (of). RaboÃty nevpro-voroÃt, up to oneÕs ears in work.

nevrazumiÃtel;nyj adj. unintelligible.

nevralgiÃq n. neuralgia. ÑnevralgiÃheskij, adj. neu-ralgic.

nevrasteniÃq n. nervous breakdown; nervous exhaus-tion; neurasthenia.

nevrediÃmyj adj. unharmed; safe. Ñcel i nevre-diÃm, safe and sound.

nevreÃdnyj adj. harmless.

nevriÃt n. neuritis.

nevroÃz n. neurosis.

nevroloÃgiq n. neurology. ÑnevroÃlog, n. neurolo-gist. ÑnevrologiÃheskij, adj. neurological.

nevropatoÃlog n. neurologist.

nevrotiÃheskij adj. neurotic.

nevyÃgoda n. 1, disadvantage. 2, loss.

nevyÃgodno adv. 1, not to oneÕs advantage. 2, at a loss. Ñadj., used predicatively, disadvantageous; not a good idea.

nevyÃgodnyj adj. 1, unprofitable. 2, unfavorable; disad-vantageous.

nevyÃder'annyj adj. 1, lacking self-control. 2, uneven. 3, (of wine, cheese, etc.) not aged; new. Ñne-vyÃder'annost;, n.f. lack of self-control.

nevylaÃznyj adj., colloq. 1, impassable. 2, offering no way out.

nevynosiÃmyj adj. unbearable; unendurable; insuffer-able. ÑnevynosiÃmo, adv. unbearably.

nevypolneÃnie n. nonfulfillment; failure to carry out.

nevyÃpolnennyj adj. unfulfilled.

nevypolniÃmyj adj. impracticable; unfeasible. Ñne-vypolniÃmost;, n.f. impracticability.

nevyraziÃmyj adj. inexpressible. ÑnevyraziÃmye, n.pl., jocular unmentionables.

nevyraziÃtel;nyj adj. inexpressive; unexpressive; expressionless. ÑnevyraziÃtel;nost;, n.f. lack of ex-pression.

nevyÃskazannyj adj. unexpressed; unspoken.

nevysoÃkij adj. low. ÑnevysoÃkogo kaÃhestva, low-grade; of poor quality.

nevyÃxod n. failure to appear.

nevyÃqsnennyj adj. unexplained; not clear.

neÃga n. 1, comfort; contentment; ease. 2, bliss.

negatiÃv n., photog. negative.

negatiÃvnyj adj. negative.

negaw\nyj adj. 1, (of stamps) uncanceled; unused. 2, in negaw\naq iÃzvest;, quicklime.

neÃgde adv., used with inf. nowhere; no place: Mne neÃgde sest;, I have no place to sit.

negiÃbkij adj. stiff; rigid; inflexible. ÑnegiÃbkost;, n.f. stiffness.

neglaÃsnyj adj. secret.

negli'eà n.neut. indecl. negligee.

negluboÃkij adj. 1, shallow. 2, (of sleep) light. 3, fig. shallow; superficial.

negluÃpyj adj. 1, quite intelligent. 2, (of advice) sound; sensible.

negnuÃ]ijsq adj. stiff.

negoà (vo) pron., var. of egoÃ, used after prepositions.

negoÃdnik n., colloq. 1, good-for-nothing. 2, brat.

negoÃdnost; n.f. 1, lack of fitness. 2, uselessness. ÑprixodiÃt; v negoÃdnost;, 1, to fall into disrepair. 2, to become unusable.

negoÃdnyj adj. 1, unfit. 2, colloq. worthless; good-for-nothing.

negodovaÃnie n. indignation.

negodovaÃt; v.impfv. [pres. -duÃ[, -duÃew;] to be in-dignant.

negoduÃ[]ij adj. indignant.

negodqÃj n. scoundrel.

negoÃ'ij adj., colloq. improper; unseemly. NegoÃ'e (+ inf.), it is unseemly to...

negostepriiÃmnyj adj. inhospitable.

negotoÃvyj adj. unready.

negociaÃnt n. merchant; trader.

negr n. Negro; black.

negraÃmotnyj adj. 1, illiterate. 2, full of errors (in grammar, spelling, etc.). Ñn. illiterate. ÑnegraÃmotno, adv. making many mistakes in grammar or spelling. ÑnegraÃmotnost;, n.f. illiteracy.

negrit\nok [gen. -nka; pl. -tqÃta, -tqÃt] n. Negro child; black child.

negritqÃnka [gen. pl. -nok] n. Negro woman; black woman.

negritqÃnskij adj. Negro; black.

negroÃidnyj adj. Negroid.

negroÃmkij adj. low; not loud. ÑnegroÃmko, adv. in a low voice.

negumaÃnnyj adj. inhumane.

nedaÃvnij adj. recent. Ñdo nedaÃvnego vreÃmeni, until recently. Ñs nedaÃvnix por, lately; of late.

nedaÃvno adv. recently; not long ago.

nedal\kij adj. 1, nearby; not far off. 2, near (in time). V nedal\kom proÃwlom, in the recent past. 3, not very bright.

nedalekoà also, nedal\ko adv. not far. Ñadj., used predicatively, not far: PoÃhta nedalekoà ot vokzaÃla, the post office is not far from the station. Nedalekoà to vreÃmq, kogdaÃ..., the time is not far off when...

nedal;noviÃdnyj adj. shortsighted. Ñnedal;no-viÃdnost;, n.f. shortsightedness.

nedaÃrom adv. 1, for a reason; with good reason. 2, not in vain; not for nothing.

nedviÃ'imost; n.f. real estate.

nedviÃ'imyj also, nedvi'iÃmyj adj. immovable. ÑnedviÃ'imoe imuÃ]estvo, real estate.

nedvusmyÃslennyj adj. unequivocal; unambiguous. ÑnedvusmyÃslenno, adv. unequivocally.

nedeesposoÃbnost; n.f., 1, incapacitation. 2, law incompetence.

nedeesposoÃbnyj adj. 1, unable to function. 2, law incompetent.

nedejstviÃtel;nyj adj. 1, obs. ineffective; ineffec-tual. 2, invalid; null and void.

nedelikaÃtnyj adj. indelicate; indiscreet. Ñnedeli-kaÃtnost;, n.f. indelicacy.

nedeliÃmyj adj. 1, indivisible. 2, (of numbers) prime. ÑnedeliÃmost;, n.f. indivisibility.

nedeÃl;nyj adj. a weekÕs.

nedeÃlq n. week.

nedemokratiÃheskij adj. undemocratic.

neder'aÃnie n., med. incontinence.

ned\wevo adv., colloq. not cheap: stoÃit; ned\wevo, to be quite expensive.

nediplomatiÃhnyj adj. undiplomatic.

nediscipliniÃrovannyj adj. undisciplined.

nedoboÃr n. shortage; shortfall.

nedobraÃt; [infl. -beruÃ, -ber\w;; past fem. -bralaÃ] (with gen. or acc.) to fail to get the requisite number (of).

nedobro'elaÃtel; n.m. ill-wisher.

nedobro'elaÃtel;nyj adj. unfriendly; hostile. Ñnedobro'elaÃtel;nost;, n.f.; nedobro'elaÃ-tel;stvo, n.neut. ill will.

nedobrokaÃhestvennyj adj. poor-quality; low-grade; inferior; shoddy. ÑnedobrokaÃhestvennost;, n.f. poor quality.

nedobrosoÃvestnost; n.f. 1, lack of conscientious-ness. 2, lack of integrity; bad faith.

nedobrosoÃvestnyj adj. 1, not conscientious; lacka-daisical. 2, unscrupulous.

nedoÃbryj adj. 1, unkind; unfriendly; hostile. 2, evil; bad. ÑnedoÃbroe, n. trouble: huÃqt; nedoÃbroe, to sense trouble; smell a rat.

nedovaÃrivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nedovariÃt;] to under-cook.

nedovariÃt; [infl. -var[Ã, -vaÃriw;] v., pfv. of ne-dovaÃrivat;.

nedoveÃrie n. 1, (with k) distrust (of); mistrust (of). 2, (with k) lack of confidence (in). 3, incredulity. ÑvoÃtum nedoveÃriq, vote of no confidence.

nedoveÃrhivyj adj. 1, distrustful; mistrustful. 2, in-credulous. ÑnedoveÃrhivost;, n.f. distrust; mistrust.

nedovoÃl;nyj adj. [short form -len, -l;na] dissat-isfied; unhappy; discontented; displeased. Ñn. malcon-tent.

nedovoÃl;stvo n. dissatisfaction; discontent; displeas-ure.

nedovypolneÃnie n. failure to fulfill completely; under-fulfillment.

nedovypolnqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nedovyÃpolnit;] to fail to fulfill completely.

nedogaÃdlivyj adj. slow to grasp things; dull; dense.

nedoglqdeÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -'uÃ, -diÃw;] colloq. 1, to overlook. 2, (with za + instr.) to fail to look after.

nedogovaÃrivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nedogovoriÃt;] 1, v.t. to hold back; leave unsaid. Vy htoÃ-to nedogovaÃri-vaete, there is something youÕre not telling me. 2, v.i. to hold something back; not tell the whole story.

nedogovor\nnost; n.f. 1, lack of agreement; lack of coordination. 2, failure to tell all.

nedogovoriÃt; v., pfv. of nedogovaÃrivat;.

nedodavaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nedodaÃt;; pres. -da[Ã, -da\w;] to give less than the required amount: On mne nedoÃdal tri doÃllara, he gave me three dollars less than he was supposed to.

nedodaÃt; [infl. like dat;; past nedoÃdal, nedodalaÃ, nedoÃdalo, nedoÃdali] v., pfv. of nedodavaÃt;.

nedodeÃlannyj adj. unfinished.

nedodeÃlat; v.pfv. to fail to do; fail to finish.

nedodeÃlka [gen. pl. -lok] n., colloq. defect; imper-fection.

nedoder'aÃt; [infl. -der'uÃ, -deÃr'iw;] v., pfv. of nedodeÃr'ivat;.

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