neÃbo [pl.nebesaÃ, nebeÃs, nebesaÃm] n. sky; heaven. ÑmeÃ'du neÃbom i zeml\j, without a roof over oneÕs head. Ñna sed;moÃm neÃbe, in seventh heaven. Ñpod otkryÃtym neÃbom, in the open air. ÑpopaÃst; paÃl;cem v neÃbo, to be wide of the mark. Ñprevoz-nosiÃt; do nebeÃs, to praise to the skies. Ñs neÃba svaliÃt;sq, to appear out of the blue. ÑxvataÃt; zv\zdy s neÃba, (often used negatively) to be a genius; be a whiz.
n\bo n. palate; roof of the mouth.
nebogaÃtyj adj. 1, not rich; of modest means. 2, mod-est; unpretentious. 3, meager; scanty.
neboesposoÃbnyj adj. unfit for (military) action; dis-abled.
nebol;woÃj adj. 1, small; not large; not great. 2, (of time, distance, etc.) short. Ñs nebol;wiÃm, a little over; a little past: v tri s nebol;wiÃm, a little after three.
nebosvoÃd n. firmament.
neboskloÃn n. lower part of the sky near the horizon.
nevaÃ'no adv. 1, not well; poorly. 2, (with dat.) not important (to); (one) doesnÕt care whether... 3, as an exclamation, never mind!; it doesnÕt matter!
nevaÃ'nyj adj. 1, unimportant. 2, colloq. poor; not so good.
nevdalekeà adv. not far away; not far off.
nevdom\k adv., with dat., colloq. having no idea: Mne nevdom\k, I had no idea; it never occurred to me.
neveÃdenie n. ignorance. Ñder'aÃt; v neveÃdenii, to keep in the dark.
neveÃdomo adj., used predicatively (with dat.) unknown (to). Ñadv., colloq. there is no telling; there is no way of knowing.
neveliÃkij adj., usu. used in short form [fem. likaÃ; neut. -likoÃor -liÃko; pl. -likià or -liÃki] 1, small; not large. NeveliÃk roÃstom, short (in height). 2, not great; slight; insignificant. VyÃbor neveliÃk, there is not a great deal of choice.
neveÃrie n. 1, disbelief. 2, lack of faith.
neveÃrnoadv. 1, incorrectly. 2, with an uncertain gait.
neveÃstka [gen. pl. -tok] n. 1, daughter-in-law. 2, sister-in-law (brotherÕs wife or spouseÕs brotherÕs wife).
neveÃst; adv., colloq. heaven knows; God knows.
neve]eÃstvennyj adj. immaterial.
nevzviÃdet; v.pfv., in sveÃta nevzviÃdet;,colloq. 1, to be stupefied (from shock or surprise). 2, to see stars (from pain).
nevzgoÃda n. 1,adversity; misfortune. 2, pl. misfortunes; troubles; woes.
nevziraÃq na (with acc.) in spite of; regardless of. ÑnevziraÃq na liÃca, without consideration of the persons involved.
nevzl[biÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -l[bl[Ã,-l[Ãbiw;] to dis-like; take a disliking to.
nevznahaÃj adv., colloq. 1, by chance; accidentally. 2, unintentionally; inadvertently.
nevznoÃs n. nonpayment of dues.
nevzraÃhnyj adj. ugly; homely; unattractive.
nevzyskaÃtel;nyj adj. undemanding.
neÃvidal; n.f., colloq. wonder; something to marvel at. Ñvot (or`Ãka) neÃvidal;!, whatÕs all the fuss?; whatÕs the big deal?; whatÕs so great about that?
neviÃdannyj adj. not seen before; unprecedented.
nevidiÃmka [gen. pl.-mok] n.m. & f. invisible man or creature. Ñn.f. invisible hairpin.
nevinoÃvnyj adj. [short form -ven,-vna] innocent; not guilty.
nevkuÃsnyj adj. tasteless; unpalatable.
nevmenqÃemyj adj., not responsible for oneÕs actions; law incompetent;insane. ÑnevmenqÃemost;,n.f. non-responsibility for oneÕs actions; law incompetence;insanity.
nevmewaÃtel;stvo n. noninterference; nonintervention.
nevmogotuà adv., colloq. too much; more than one can bear.
nevnimaÃnie n. 1, inattention. 2, lack of consideration.
nevnimaÃtel;nost; n.f. 1, carelessness. 2, lack of consideration.
negodovaÃt; v.impfv. [pres. -duÃ[,-duÃew;] to be in-dignant.
negoduÃ[]ij adj. indignant.
negodqÃj n. scoundrel.
negoÃ'ij adj., colloq. improper; unseemly. NegoÃ'e (+ inf.), it is unseemly to...
negostepriiÃmnyj adj. inhospitable.
negotoÃvyj adj. unready.
negociaÃnt n. merchant; trader.
negr n. Negro; black.
negraÃmotnyj adj.1, illiterate. 2, full of errors (in grammar, spelling, etc.). Ñn. illiterate. ÑnegraÃmotno,adv. making many mistakes in grammar or spelling. ÑnegraÃmotnost;,n.f. illiteracy.
negrit\nok [gen. -nka; pl. -tqÃta,-tqÃt] n. Negro child; black child.
negritqÃnka [gen. pl. -nok] n. Negro woman; black woman.
negritqÃnskij adj. Negro; black.
negroÃidnyj adj. Negroid.
negroÃmkij adj. low; not loud. ÑnegroÃmko,adv. in a low voice.
negumaÃnnyj adj. inhumane.
nedaÃvnij adj. recent. Ñdo nedaÃvnego vreÃmeni, until recently. Ñs nedaÃvnix por, lately; of late.
nedaÃvno adv. recently; not long ago.
nedal\kij adj. 1, nearby; not far off. 2, near (in time). V nedal\kom proÃwlom, in the recent past. 3, not very bright.
nedalekoà also, nedal\koadv. not far. Ñadj., used predicatively, not far: PoÃhta nedalekoà ot vokzaÃla, the post office is not far from the station. Nedalekoà to vreÃmq, kogdaÃ..., the time is not far off when...
nedovypolnqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.nedovyÃpolnit;] to fail to fulfill completely.
nedogaÃdlivyj adj. slow to grasp things; dull; dense.
nedoglqdeÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -'uÃ,-diÃw;] colloq. 1, to overlook. 2, (with za + instr.) to fail to look after.
nedogovaÃrivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nedogovoriÃt;] 1, v.t. to hold back; leave unsaid. Vy htoÃ-to nedogovaÃri-vaete, there is something youÕre not telling me. 2, v.i. to hold something back; not tell the whole story.
nedogovor\nnost; n.f. 1, lack of agreement; lack of coordination. 2, failure to tell all.
nedogovoriÃt; v., pfv. of nedogovaÃrivat;.
nedodavaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nedodaÃt;; pres. -da[Ã, -da\w;] to give less than the required amount: On mne nedoÃdal tri doÃllara, he gave me three dollars less than he was supposed to.
nedodaÃt; [infl. like dat;; past nedoÃdal,nedodalaÃ,nedoÃdalo, nedoÃdali] v., pfv. of nedodavaÃt;.