natrudiÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -tru'uÃ,-truÃdiw;or tru-diÃw;] colloq. to overexert; wear out (a part of oneÕs body).
natuÃga n., colloq. strain; exertion.
naÃtugo adv., colloq. very tightly.
natuÃ'ivat; v.impfv. [pfv.natuÃ'it;] colloq. to strain; stretch; exert. ÑnatuÃ'ivat;sq,refl., colloq. to make a supreme effort; bear down.
natuÃ'nyj adj., colloq. 1, strenuous. 2, strained. ÑnatuÃ'no,adv., colloq. with great effort.
natuÃra n. 1, nature; temperament; disposition. 2, art real life: pisaÃt; s natuÃry, to paint from real life. 3, model (one who poses). 4, motion pictures location: na natuÃre, on location. ÑnatuÃroj, in kind: poluhaÃt; 'aÃlovan;e natuÃroj, to receive oneÕs wages in kind.
naturalizaÃciq n. naturalization.
naturaliÃzm n. naturalism.
naturalizovaÃt; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -zuÃ[,-zuÃ-ew;] to naturalize (confer citizenship upon). Ñnatu-ralizovaÃt;sq,refl. to become naturalized.
naturaliÃst n. naturalist. ÑnaturalistiÃheskij,adj. naturalist (attrib.); naturalistic.
naturaÃl;nyj adj. 1, natural (in various meanings). 2, (of a product, material, etc.) natural; real. 3, (of a person, gesture, etc.) natural; genuine. Ñv naturaÃl;u[ veli-hinuÃ, life-size.
natuÃr]ik n.m. [fem. -]ica] model (one who poses).
natyÃkat; v.pfv., colloq. to stick in (a quantity of some-thing).
natykaÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. natknuÃt;sq] (with na + acc.) colloq.1, to run into; run against (a sharp object). 2, to come upon; come across; run across; run into; encoun-ter.
nat[rmoÃrt n. still life.
natqÃgivat; v.impfv. [pfv. natqnuÃt;] 1, to draw (a bow, reins, etc.). 2, to draw tight; tighten. 3, to pull on; slip on. 4, to pull over: natqnuÃt; waÃpku naà uwi, to pull oneÕs cap down over oneÕs ears. ÑnatqÃgivat;sq,refl. to become taut.
natq'eÃnie n. pull; tension.
natqÃ'ka n. 1, stretching. 2, fig. stretching of a point: s natqÃ'koj, by stretching a point.
nauÃwnihat; v.impfv., colloq. 1, to spread malicious gossip. 2, (with na + acc.) to say nasty things (about).
nauÃwnihestvo n., colloq. malicious gossip.
nau]eÃnie n., in po nau]eÃni[ (+ gen.), at the urging of.
naftaliÃn n. naphthalene.
naftoÃl n. naphthol.
naxaÃl n.m. [fem. -ka] insolent person.
naxaÃl;nihat; v.impfv., colloq. to be insolent; behave insolently.
naxaÃl;nyj adj. impudent; insolent; impertinent.
naxaÃl;stvo n. 1, impudence; insolence; impertinence. 2, effrontery; gall.
naxvaÃlivat; v.impfv. [pfv. naxvaliÃt;] colloq. to extol.
naxvaliÃt; [infl. -xval[Ã,-xvaÃliw;] v., pfv. of na-xvaÃlivat;. ÑnaxvaliÃt;sq,refl. (with instr.) to praise sufficiently: Ne moguà im naxvaliÃt;sq, I cannot praise him too highly.
naxvataÃt; v.pfv., colloq. to acquire; pick up (a quantity of something). ÑnaxvataÃt;sq,refl. (with gen.) colloq. to pick up (bits of knowledge, a few words of a language, etc.).
naxleÃbnik n. 1, parasite; hanger-on. 2, obs. boarder.
naxlestaÃt; [infl. -xle]uÃ,-xleÃ]ew;] v., pfv. of naxl\styvat;.
naxl\styvat; v.impfv. [pfv.naxlestaÃt;] colloq. to whip; flog.
naxlobuÃhivat; v.impfv. [pfv. naxlobuÃhit;] colloq. to pull down (a hat) over oneÕs eyes, ears, etc.
naxlobuÃhka [gen. pl. -hek] n., colloq. scolding; bawl-ing out; dressing-down.
naxlyÃnut; v.pfv. 1, (of liquids) to stream; flow; gush. 2, (of people) to rush; throng; surge. 3, fig. (of thoughts) to spring to mind.
naxmuÃrennyj adj. 1, frowning. 2, gloomy.
naxmuÃrit; v., pfv. of xmuÃrit;. ÑnaxmuÃrit;sq,refl., pfv. of xmuÃrit;sq.
naxodiÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. najtiÃ; pres.-xo'uÃ, -xoÃ-diw;] 1, to find: najtià svoj portfeÃl;, to find oneÕs briefcase. NaxodiÃt; doÃvod ubediÃtel;nym, to find an argument convincing. 2, to derive; gain (pleasure, satis-faction, etc.). 3, (with na + acc.) to strike; run into. 4, (with na + acc.) to come upon. 5, (with na + acc.) (of emotions) to come over. 6, (of clouds, twilight, etc.) to gather. 7, (with na + acc.) (of clouds) to cover; obscure. 8, impers. (of a crowd) to gather: Nawloà mnoÃgo naroÃ-du, a large crowd gathered. 9, in najtià svo[à smert;, to meet oneÕs death (or end). ÑnaxodiÃt;sq,refl. 1, [impfv. only] to be; be found; be located. 2, to be found; turn up. 3, to be ready with an answer; come up with a quick answer. Q ne naw\lsq, hto otveÃtit;, I was at a loss as to how to answer.
naceÃnivat; v.impfv. [pfv.naceniÃt;] to mark up; raise the price of.
naceniÃt; [infl. -cen[Ã,-ceÃniw;] v., pfv. of naceÃni-vat;.
naceÃnka n. markup; increase in price.
nacepiÃt; [infl. -cepl[Ã,-ceÃpiw;] v., pfv. of nacep-lqÃt;.
naceplqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.nacepiÃt;] (with na + acc.) to fasten to; hook onto; pin to.
naciÃzm n. Nazism.
nacionalizaÃciq n. nationalization.
nacionaliziÃrovat; v.impfv. [pres. -ru[,-ruew;] to nationalize.
nacionaliÃzm n. nationalism. ÑnacionaliÃst,n. na-tionalist. ÑnacionalistiÃheskij,adj. nationalist (attrib.);nationalistic.
nacionaÃl;nost; n.f. nationality.
nacionaÃl;nyj adj. national.
naciÃst n. Nazi. ÑnaciÃstskij,adj. Nazi.
naÃciq n. nation.
nahadiÃt; v., pfv. of hadiÃt;.
nahaÃlo n. 1, beginning: s saÃmogo nahaÃla, from the very beginning; from the outset. V nahaÃle semidesqÃ-tyx godoÃv, in the early 1970s. V nahaÃle devqÃtogo, between 8 and 8:30. 2, pl. basis: na dobrovoÃl;nyx nahaÃlax, on a voluntary basis. 3, pl. rudiments: nahaÃla xiÃmii, rudiments of chemistry. Ñbrat; nahaÃlo, 1, (of a river) to rise. 2, (with iz) to have its origin (in); date back to. Ñdat; nahaÃlo (+ dat.), to give rise to. Ñdlq nahaÃla, to start with; for starters. Ñpod nahaÃlom (+ gen. or u), 1, under the direction of. 2, under the command of. Ñpolo'iÃÃt; nahaÃlo (+ dat.), 1, to found; establish. 2, to give rise to.
nahaÃl;nik n. chief; head; boss; superior. ÑnahaÃl;-nik staÃncii, stationmaster. ÑnahaÃl;nik wtaÃba, chief of staff.
naÃherno adv. in the rough: pisaÃt; (htoÃ-nibud;) naÃ-herno, to make a rough draft of.
nahertaÃnie n. 1, tracing. 2, outline.
nahertaÃtel;nyj adj., in nahertaÃtel;naq geomeÃ-triq, descriptive geometry.
nahertaÃt; v.pfv. 1, to trace; inscribe. 2, fig. to set forth; outline.
nahertiÃt; v., pfv. of hertiÃt;.
nah\s n. nap (on cloth).
nah\thik n. pedant.
nahinaÃnie n. project; undertaking.
nahinaÃtel;nyj adj., gram. inceptive: nahinaÃtel;nyj glagoÃl, inceptive verb (e.g. zabeÃgat;, to begin to run).
nahinaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.nahaÃt;] 1, to begin; start (something). 2, (with inf.) to begin (to); start (to). Ñna-hinaÃt;sq,refl. (of something) to begin; start.
nahinaÃ[]ij adj. beginning. Ñn. beginner.
nahinaÃq prep. (with s + gen.) beginning (with).
nahiniÃt; v.pfv. 1, [infl. -hin[Ã,-hiniÃw;] pfv. of nahinqÃt;. 2, [infl. -hin[Ã,-hiÃniw;] to mend (a quantity of something); sharpen (a quantity of pencils).
nahiÃnka n. stuffing; filling.
nahinqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nahiniÃt;] to stuff.
nahiÃstit; v.pfv. [infl. -hiÃ]u,-hiÃstiw;] 1, pfv. of nahi]aÃt;. 2, to peel (a quantity of something).
naÃhisto adv. 1, clean: naÃhisto vyÃbrityj, clean-shaven. PerepisaÃt; (htoÃ-nibud;) naÃhisto, to make a clean copy of. 2, colloq. completely; utterly. 3, colloq. openly; candidly.
nahistotuà adv. frankly; without equivocation; straight from the shoulder.
naweptaÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -wephuÃ,-weÃphew;] 1, to whisper. 2, (with dat.) to whisper in someoneÕs ear.
naweÃstvie n. invasion.
nawivaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nawiÃt;] to sew on.
nawiÃvka [gen. pl. -vok] n., mil. stripe; chevron.
nawivnoÃj adj. sewn-on.
nawiÃt; v.pfv. [infl.naw;[Ã, naw;\w;] 1, pfv. of nawi-vaÃt;. 2, to sew (a quantity of something).
nawpigovaÃt; v., pfv. of wpigovaÃt;.
nawpiÃlivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nawpiÃlit;] 1, to place (or stick) on a pin. 2, to pin on.
nawumeÃvwij adj. sensational; much talked about; hav-ing caused quite a stir.
nawumeÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -ml[Ã,-miÃw;] 1, to make a lot of noise. 2, fig. to cause a sensation.
na]ipaÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -]ipl[Ã,-]iÃplew;] 1, to pluck; pick (a quantity of something). 2, colloq. to pinch.
na]uÃpyvat; v.impfv. [pfv. na]uÃpat;] 1, [impfv. only] to grope for; fumble for; feel about for. 2, to feel (some-oneÕs pulse). 3, to find; come upon (after groping). 4, fig. to find; discover; detect. Ñna]uÃpyvat; poÃhvu, to get the lay of the land; sound out the possibilities.
na`lektrizovaÃt; v., pfv. of `lektrizovaÃt;.
naqÃbednihat; v., pfv. of qÃbednihat;.
naqvuà adv. while awake; not in oneÕs dreams.
ne neg. particle 1, not: ~×to ne veÃrno, that is not true; lift ne raboÃtaet, the elevator is not working. 2, inserted between such words as nihegoÃ, niktoÃ, nikog-daÃ, etc. and a verb following: Niktoà ne znaÃet, no one knows. My pohtià nikogdaà ne viÃdim e\, we almost never see her. 3, (with imperatives) donÕt: Ne zabuÃd;te!, donÕt forget! 4, used in polite questions and requests: Vy ne skaÃ'ete kak (+ inf.), could you tell me how to...? Vy sluhaÃjno ne viÃdeli kudaÃ...?, did you happen to see where...? 5, occurring as a separate word when neÃhto,neÃhego, neÃkogo and their oblique case forms are separated to permit the insertion of a preposition in between: Emuà neà s kem igraÃt; he has no one to play with. RazgovaÃri-vat; byÃlo neà o hem, there was nothing to talk about. DeÃn;gi est;, a istraÃtit; ix neà na hto, people have money, but there is nothing to spend it on. 6, (with past tense verbal adverbs) without: glaÃzom ne morgnuÃv, without batting an eye. Ni s kem ne prostqÃs;, without saying goodbye to anyone. 7, (with inf.) will never; would never: Egoà ne uznaÃt;, you would never recognize him. Ñneà za hto!, not at all!; donÕt mention it! Ñne to, htoor htoÃby..., it is not that...
neakkuraÃtnost; n.f. 1, lack of punctuality. 2, care-lessness. 3, sloppiness.