naskaÃkivat; v.impfv. [pfv.naskohiÃt;] (with na + acc.) 1, to run into; collide (with); strike. 2, to pounce on. 3, fig., colloq. to jump on; assail.
naskaÃl;nyj adj. (of drawings, paintings, etc.) in rock.
naskandaÃlit; v., pfv. ofskandaÃlit; (in sense #1).
naskvoÃz; adv. 1, through; right through. 2, fig. through and through; to the core. ÑviÃdet; naskvoÃz;, to see through (someone).
naskoÃk n., colloq. 1, lunge. 2, attack. Ñs naskoÃku, 1, with a swoop; by swooping down. 2, on impulse; on the spur of the moment.
naskoÃl;ko adv. 1, (with adjectives and adverbs) how?: NaskoÃl;ko `Ãto veÃrno?, how true is this? 2, how much?; to what extent?: NaskoÃl;ko moÃ'no pola-gaÃt;sq na negoÃ?, how much can he be relied upon? 3, as far as: naskoÃl;ko q znaÃ[, as far as I know; to my knowledge.
naÃskoro adv., colloq. hastily; hurriedly.
naskohiÃt; [infl. -skohuÃ,-skoÃhiw;] v., pfv. of naskaÃ-kivat;.
naskrestià v.pfv. [infl. like skrestiÃ] to scrape up; scrape together (lit. & fig.).
naskuÃhit; v.pfv. (with dat.) colloq. 1,to bore. 2, impers. to be bored: Emuà naskuÃhilo sideÃt; slo'aà ruÃki, he is bored sitting around doing nothing.
nasla'daÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv.nasladiÃt;sq] (with instr.) to enjoy; take pleasure in.
nasla'deÃnie n. delight; pleasure; enjoyment.
naslaÃivat;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv.nasloiÃt;sq] to accu-mulate; pile up.
naslaÃt; v.pfv. [infl. nawl[Ã, nawl\w;] 1, pfv. of nasylaÃt;. 2, to send (a quantity of something).
nasleÃdie n. legacy; heritage.
naslediÃt; v., pfv. of slediÃt; (in sense #6).
nasleÃdnik n. heir. ÑnasleÃdnica,n. heiress.
nasleÃdnyj adj., in nasleÃdnyj princ/knqz;, crown prince.
nasleÃdovanie n. inheritance. ÑpraÃvo nasleÃdo-vaniq, succession.
nasleÃdovat; v.impfv. & pfv. [pfv. also unasleÃdo-vat;; pres. -du[,-duew;] 1, to inherit. 2, (with dat.) to succeed (someone) to the throne.
nasleÃdstvennost; n.f. heredity.
nasleÃdstvennyj adj. hereditary; inherited.
nasleÃdstvo n. 1,inheritance. 2, heritage. Ñpolu-hiÃt; (htoÃ-nibud;) v nasleÃdstvo or po nasleÃd-stvu, to inherit.
nasloeÃnie n. 1, stratification. 2, layer.
nasloiÃt;sq v.r., pfv. of naslaÃivat;sq.
nasluÃwat;sq v.r.pfv. (with gen.) 1, to hear a lot of. 2, to hear enough of.
naslyÃwan adj. (with o) colloq. familar (with): heloveÃk, o kotoÃrom mnoÃgie iz nas naslyÃwany, a person with whom many of us are familiar.
nasmaÃrku adv., colloq., in idtiÃ/pojtià nasmaÃrku, to go awry; go down the drain.
naÃsmert; adv. 1, to death; mortally. RazbiÃt;sq naÃsmert;, to be killed (in a crash, fall, etc.). 2, to the death: sra'aÃt;sq naÃsmert;, to fight to the death. 3, fig., colloq. to an extreme degree: ispugaÃt; naÃsmert;, to frighten to death; nenaviÃdet; naÃsmert;, to hate with a passion.
nasmexaÃt;sq v.r.impfv. (with nad) to mock; ridicule; deride.
nasmewiÃt; v., pfv. of smewiÃt;.
nasmeÃwka [gen. pl. -wek] n. 1, taunt; jibe. 2, usu. pl. ridicule; derision.
nasmeÃwlivyj adj. 1, (of a person) sarcastic. 2, mock-ing; derisive.
nasmeqÃt;sq v.r.pfv. [infl. -sme[Ãs;,-sme\w;sq] 1, colloq. to have a lot of laughs. 2, (with nad) to laugh at; make fun of; deride.
naÃsmork n. (head) cold.
nasmotreÃt;sq v.r.pfv. [infl. -smotr[Ãs;,-smoÃ-triw;sq] 1, (with gen.) to see a lot of. 2, (with na + acc.) to see enough of: Ne moguà nasmotreÃt;sq na `Ãto, I canÕt see enough of it.
nasovseÃm adv., colloq. for good.
nasoliÃt; [infl. like soliÃt;] v., pfv. of nasaÃlivat;.
nasoriÃt; v., pfv. of soriÃt;.
nasoÃs n. pump.
nasoÃsnyj adj. pump (attrib.) pumping.
naÃspex adv. hastily; hurriedly; in a hurry.
naspleÃtnihat; v., pfv. of spleÃtnihat;.
nast n. frozen crust on snow.
nastavaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nastaÃt;; pres. -sta\t] (of time, a season, etc.) to come.
nastaviÃtel;nyj adj. didactic.
nastaÃvit; v.pfv. [infl. -vl[,-viw;] 1, pfv. of na-stavlqÃt;. 2, to place (a quantity of something).
nastavleÃnie n. 1, instructions. 2, admonition. 3, mil. manual.
nastavlqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nastaÃvit;] 1, to lengthen. 2, to aim; point. 3, to teach; enlighten. ÑnastavlqÃt; nos (+ dat.), to fool; dupe.
nastaÃvnik n. teacher; tutor; mentor.
nastaÃivat; v.impfv. [pfv.nastoqÃt;] (with na + prepl.) to insist (on). ÑnastaÃivat; na svo\m, to insist on having oneÕs own way. ÑnastoqÃt; na svo\m, to have or get oneÕs own way.
nastoÃl;ko adv. 1, (with adjectives) so: ~×to byÃlo nastoÃl;ko neveroqÃtno, hto..., it was so unbelievable that... 2, (with verbs) so much: On nastoÃl;ko vyÃros, hto..., he has grown so much that... ÑnastoÃl;ko..., naskoÃl;ko, as..., as: Onaà nastoÃl;ko umnaÃ, naskoÃl;-ko krasiÃva, she is as intelligent as she is beautiful.
nastoÃl;nyj adj. 1, table (attrib.); desk (attrib.). 2, fig. continually referred to: nastoÃl;naq kniÃga, book of ready reference; oneÕs ÒbibleÓ. ÑnastoÃÃl;naq igraÃ, board game. ÑnastoÃl;nyj teÃnnis, table tennis.
nastoraÃ'ivat; v.impfv. [pfv.nastoro'iÃt;] 1, to make (someone) apprehensive; put on oneÕs guard. 2, in nastoro'iÃt; uÃwi, to prick up oneÕs ears. 3, v.i. to be cause for concern. Ñnastoro'iÃt;sq,refl. to prick up oneÕs ears; become wary.
nastoro'eà adv. on the alert; on the lookout; on oneÕs guard.
nastoqÃÃt; [infl. -sto[Ã,-stoiÃw;] v., pfv. of nastaÃi-vat;.
nastoqÃ]ee n., decl. as an adj. 1, the present. 2, instr. hereby: NastoqÃ]im udostoverqÃetsq hto..., I hereby (or this is to) certify that... NastoqÃ]im izve]aÃem vas, hto..., we hereby (or this is to) inform you that...
nastoqÃ]ij adj. 1, present: v nastoqÃ]ee vreÃmq, at the present time. 2, the present; this. 3, real; true; genuine. ÑnastoqÃ]ee vreÃmq,gram. present tense.
nastradaÃt;sq v.r.pfv. to suffer much.
nastraÃivat; v.impfv. [pfv.nastroÃit;] 1, to tune (a musical instrument); tune in (a radio). 2, to adjust (a device). 3, to put (someone) in a certain mood: nastroÃ-it; kogoÃ-nibud; na ves\lyj lad, to put someone in a happy frame of mind. ¨Often passive. On ploÃxo na-stroÃen, he is in a bad mood. Q nastroÃen(a) pojtià v kinoÃ, I am in the mood to go to a movie. 4, to influence; dispose: nastroÃit; kogoÃ-nibud; v poÃl;zu (or proÃ-
tiv) hegoÃ-nibud;, to influence someone in favor of (or against) something. NastroÃit; (kogoÃ-nibud;) v svo[Ã poÃl;zu, to win over. NastroÃit; (kogoÃ-nibud;) proÃ-tiv sebqÃ, to antagonize. NastroÃit; syÃna proÃtiv ot-caÃ, to turn a son against his father. On nastroÃen proÃ-tiv menqÃ, he has something against me. Q nastroÃen(a) optimistiÃheski/skeptiÃheski, I am optimistic/skepti-cal. ÑnastraÃivat;sq,refl. 1, (with na + acc.) to tune in (a program, station, etc.). 2, (with kor proÃtiv) to feel disposed (in a certain way toward or against). 3, (with inf.) to make up oneÕs mind to; (with na + acc.) decide upon.
nastrelqÃt; v.pfv. to shoot (a quantity of something).
naÃstrogo adv., colloq. strictly.
nastroeÃnie n. 1, mood; frame of mind. U menqà net nastroeÃniq (+ inf.), I am not in the mood to... 2, pl. attitudes; sentiments.
nastroÃennost; n.f. mood; attitude.
nastroÃit; v.pfv. 1, pfv. of nastraÃivat;. 2, to build (a quantity of something). ÑnastroÃit;sq,refl., pfv. of nastraÃivat;sq.
nastroÃj n., colloq. mood.
nastroÃjka n. tuning.
nastroÃj]ik n. tuner.
nastrohiÃt; v., pfv. of strohiÃt; (in sense #2).
nastrqÃpat; v.pfv. to cook; whip up (a quantity of some-thing).
nastupaÃtel;nyj adj., mil. offensive.
nastupaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nastupiÃt;] 1, (with na + acc.) to step on; tread on. 2, [impfv. only] to attack; go on the offensive; (with na + acc.) attack; advance on or against. 3, [impfv. only] (with na + acc.) to harass; press. 4, [impfv. only] (of natural phenomena) to advance. 5, (of time, a season, etc.) to come.
nastupiÃt; [infl. -stupl[Ã,-stuÃpiw;] v., pfv. of nastupaÃt;.
nastupleÃnie n. 1, mil. offensive. 2, coming (of a season, time, etc.). NastupleÃnie staÃrosti, the onset of old age. Do nastupleÃniq temnotyÃ, before nightfall.
nastuÃrciq n. nasturtium.
nastyÃrnyj adj., colloq. pushy; pesky.
nasuÃpit; v.pfv. [infl. -suÃpl[,-suÃÃpiw;], in nasuÃ-pit; broÃvi, to frown. ÑnasuÃpit;sq,refl. to scowl; frown.
nash\t prep., with gen. about; regarding; concerning. Ñkak nash\t (+ gen.), how about...?; what about...?
nashiÃtyvat; v.impfv. [pfv.nashitaÃt;] 1, to count: Q nashitaÃl boÃlee dvadcatià povre'd\nnyx domoÃv, I counted more than twenty damaged houses. 2, [impfv. only] to number; consist of: A×rmiq nashiÃtyvala sto tyÃsqh soldaÃt, the army numbered/ consisted of/ 100,000 soldiers. IstoÃriq KitaÃq nashiÃtyvaet 4,5 tyÃsqhi let, the history of China goes back 4,500 years. ÑnashiÃtyvat;sq,refl. [impfv. only] to number: nashiÃtyvat;sq soÃtnqmi, to number in the hundreds. ¨Also impers.: V goÃrode nashiÃtyvaetsq triÃsta tyÃ-sqh 'iÃtelej, the cityÕs inhabitants number 300,000; the city has a population of 300,000. ~skimoÃsov v RossiÃi nashiÃtyvaetsq vsegoà tyÃsqha, Eskimos in Russia number only a thousand.
nasylaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.naslaÃt;] (of divine powers) to send down; inflict (destruction, a calamity, etc.).
nasyÃpat; [infl. -syÃpl[,-syÃplew;] v., pfv. of na-sypaÃt;.
nasypaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nasyÃpat;] 1, to sprinkle; spread. 2, to pour (a dry substance): nasypaÃt; mukià v mewoÃk, to pour flour into a sack. 3, to fill: nasypaÃt; mewoÃk mukoÃj, to fill a sack with flour. 4, to build (out of dirt, sand, etc.).
nasyÃtit; [infl. -syÃ]u,-syÃtiw;] v., pfv. of nasy-]aÃt;. ÑnasyÃtit;sq,refl., pfv. of nasy]aÃt;sq.
nasy]aÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.nasyÃtit;] 1, to satiate; sate. 2, to saturate. 3, fig. to satisfy (a desire, curiosity, etc.). Ñnasy]aÃt;sq,refl. 1, to be full; be sated. 2, to be sat-urated.
nasy]eÃnie n. 1, satiation. 2, saturation.
nasyÃ]ennyj adj. 1, saturated. 2, (of a schedule or itinerary) full; busy; tight.
nataÃlkivat; v.impfv. [pfv. natolknuÃt;] 1, colloq. to push into/against/onto: natolknuÃt; kogoÃ-nibud; na stol, to push someone into/against the table. 2, fig. to lead (to): nataÃlkivat; kogoÃ-nibud; na mysl;, to lead someone to think; give someone an idea. ÑnataÃl-kivat;sq,refl. (with na + acc.) 1, to run into; bump into; strike. 2, fig. to run into; encounter. 3, fig. to run across; come across.
nataÃptyvat; v.impfv. [pfv.natoptaÃt;] (with na + prepl.) colloq. to track up.
nataskaÃt; v.pfv. 1, pfv. of nataÃskivat;. 2, to bring, drag, store, or steal (a quantity of something). 3, colloq. to cull; drag up (from various sources).
nataÃskivat; v.impfv. [pfv.nataskaÃt;] 1, to train (a dog). 2, colloq. to coach; teach (quickly or superficially). 3, [pfv.nata]iÃt;] colloq. to pull on (an item of clothing); pull over.
nata]iÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -ta]uÃ,-taÃ]iw;] 1, pfv. of nataÃskivat; (in sense #3). 2, = nataskaÃt; (in sense #2).
natvoriÃt; v.pfv., colloq. to do (something harmful): Hto ty natvoriÃl?, what have you done?
naÃte particle, colloq. here is; here you are.
natekaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.nateÃh;] (of water) to accumu-late.
nateÃl;nyj adj. worn next to the skin: nateÃl;noe bel;\, underwear.
natereÃt; v.pfv. [infl.natruÃÃ, natr\w;; past nat\r, nat\rla] 1, pfv. of natiraÃt;. 2, to grate (a quantity of something). ÑnatereÃt;sq,refl., pfv. of natiraÃt;sq.
naterpeÃt;sq v.r.pfv. [infl. -terpl[Ãs;,-teÃrpiw;-sq] colloq. 1, to suffer greatly. 2, (with gen.) to suffer (a great deal of). ÑnaterpeÃt;sq straÃxu, to have a ter-rible fright.
nateÃh; [infl. like teh;] v., pfv. of natekaÃt;.
nateÃwit;sq v.r.pfv., colloq. 1, to enjoy oneself to the full. 2, (with nad) to have a good laugh (over).
natiraÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.natereÃt;] 1, to rub: natiraÃt; spiÃnu spiÃrtom, to rub oneÕs back with alcohol. 2, to polish. 3, to rub sore; irritate. NatereÃt; sebeà mozoÃl;, to get a corn. ÑnatiraÃt;sq,refl. (with instr.) to rub oneself (with).