1, on; onto: sest; na zeÃml[, to sit (down) on the ground; polo'iÃ

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N, n n.neut. fourteenth letter of the Russian alphabet.

na1 prep. A, with acc. 1, on; onto: sest; na zeÃml[, to sit (down) on the ground; polo'iÃt; kniÃgu na stol, to put the book on the table; nagruziÃt; meÃbel; na gruzoviÃk, to load the furniture onto a truck. 2, to (used in place of v before certain nouns denoting a large building, an open place, an event, or direction): Êidtià na poÃhtu, na vok-zaÃl, na faÃbriku, na ploÃ]ad;, na raboÃtu, na so-braÃnie, to go to the post office, station, factory, square, work, meeting. ¨Also after certain nouns related to traveling: poÃezd na MoskvuÃ, the train to Moscow; sleÃdu[]ij rejs na RiÃgu, the next flight to Riga. 3, for: uroÃk na zaÃvtra, the lesson for tomorrow; obeÃd na dvoiÃx, dinner for two. ¨Also indicating the amount of time the result of an action lasts: On prieÃxal na tri dnq, he has come to stay for three days. 4, (with certain nouns) into: deliÃt; na haÃsti, to divide into parts; pere-vodiÃt; na ruÃsskij qzyÃk, to translate into Russian. 5, indicating the degree of difference, as in comparisons: On na tri goÃda staÃrwe menqÃ, he is three years older than I. NaseleÃnie uveliÃhilos; na dva milliÃona, the popu-lation increased by two million. 6, by: prodavaÃt; na funt, to sell by the pound; west; meÃtrov na tri, six by three meters; pomnoÃ'it; sem; na pqt;, to multiply seven by five. 7, (with dates) as of: na peÃrvoe i[Ãlq 1990, as of July 1, 1990. 8, worth of: na doÃllar maÃrok, a dollarÔs worth of stamps. B, with prepl. 1, on: Onià sideÃli na skameÃjke, they were sitting on a bench. KniÃga le'iÃt na stoleÃ, the book is (lying) on the table. 2, in; at (used in place of v as above): na ploÃ]adi, in the square; na konceÃrte, at the concert. 3, (in certain time expressions) in; at: na rassveÃte, at dawn; na `Ãtoj nedeÃle, this week; na westoÃm meÃsqce bereÃmennosti, in her sixth month of pregnancy; na west;desqÃt vtoroÃm goduà 'iÃzni, at the age of 62. 4, (with modes of travel) by: eÃxat; na poÃezde, to go by train.

na2 particle, colloq. here!: Na, voz;miÃ!, here, take it! DaÃjte mne, po'aÃlujsta, kniÃgu! Na!, Give me the book, please! Here! Ñvot tebeà i na!, look (or see) what happened!

na- prefix 1, on; onto: naplevaÃt;, to spit on. 2, indi-cating accidental meeting or collision: naeÃxat;, to run over; run down. 3, (with pfv. verbs only) a quantity of: nakupiÃt;, to buy a quantity of. 4, (with -sq) to oneÕs heartÕs content: naigraÃt;sq, to play to oneÕs heartÕs con-tent.

nabavlqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nabaÃvit;] 1, to add on (a certain amount to the price of something). 2, to raise (a price).

nabaldaÃwnik n. handle; knob (of a walking stick).

nabal;zamiÃrovat; v., pfv. of bal;zamiÃrovat;.

nabaÃt n. alarm: bit; (v) nabaÃt, to sound the alarm.

nabaÃtnyj adj. alarm (attrib.): nabaÃtnyj koÃlokol, alarm bell.

nabeÃg n. raid; foray; incursion.

nabegaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nabe'aÃt;] 1, (with na + acc.) to run into; smash into; dash against. 2, (of wind) to blow up; (of clouds) to gather. 3, (with na + acc.) (of waves) to sweep over; wash over. 4, colloq. to appear suddenly; turn up suddenly. 5, colloq. (of many people) to come running; congregate. 6, colloq. to accumulate; pile up.

nabeÃgat;sq v.r.pfv., colloq. 1, to run to oneÕs heartÕs content. 2, to tire oneself out by running.

nabedokuÃrit; v., pfv. of bedokuÃrit;.

nabeÃdrennyj adj., in nabeÃdrennaq povqÃzka, loin-cloth.

nabe'aÃt; [infl. like be'aÃt;] v., pfv. of nabegaÃt;.

nabekreÃn; adv. cocked; at an angle; on one side.

nabeliÃt; v., pfv. of beliÃt; (in sense #2). Ñnabe-liÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of beliÃt;sq.

naÃbelo adv. (of something written) in final form; without corrections or erasures.

naÃbere'naq n., decl. as an adj. embankment.

nabivaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nabiÃt;] 1, to stuff; fill; cram; pack. 2, to nail; attach. 3, colloq. to give; cause (a bump, bruise, swelling, etc.). 4, textiles to print. ÑnabiÃt; karmaÃn or mownuÃ, colloq. to get rich. ÑnabiÃt; ruÃku na (+ prepl.), colloq. to become experienced at. ÑnabiÃt; ceÃnu, to jack up the price. ÑnabiÃt; sebeà ceÃnu, to build oneself up. See also nabiÃt;.

nabivaÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. nabiÃt;sq] 1, (with v + acc.) to crowd into. 2, (with instr.) to be crammed (with); be jammed (with). 3, colloq. to force; impose (oneself): nabivaÃt;sq v druz;qÃ, to force oneÕs friendship on someone; nabivaÃt;sq v goÃsti, invite oneself some-where.

nabiÃvka n. 1, (act of) stuffing. 2, stuffing; filling; packing; padding. 3, textiles printing. ÑnabiÃvka huÃhel, taxidermy.

nabivnoÃj adj. (of fabric) printed.

nabiÃv]ik n. one who stuffs anything. ÑnabiÃv]ik huÃhel, taxidermist.

nabiraÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nabraÃt;] 1, (with gen. or acc.) to gather; collect (a quantity of something). 2, (with gen.) colloq. to draw in; take in (water, air, etc.). 3, to gain (strength, experience, altitude, etc.); gather; pick up (speed). 4, to recruit; enlist. 5, to form; assemble; put together (a group, team, etc.). 6, to dial (a telephone number). 7, sports to score (points). 8, printing to com-pose; set in type.

nabiraÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. nabraÃt;sq] 1, (of many people) to gather. 2, (of dust, water, etc.) to collect; accumulate. 3, (of work, debts, etc.) to pile up; accu-mulate. 4, (with gen.) to amount to; add up to. 5, (with gen.) to summon up; muster: nabraÃt;sq duÃxu, to summon up oneÕs courage. 6, (with gen.) to experience (fear, grief, etc.). 7, (with gen.) colloq. to pick up; acquire. 8, colloq. to get drunk. ÑnabraÃt;sq umaÃ, to get smart.

nabiÃtyj adj. stuffed; tightly packed; crammed. Ñna-biÃtyj duraÃk, colloq. utter fool.

nabiÃt; v.pfv. [infl. nab;[Ã, nab;\w;] 1, pfv. of na-bivaÃt;. 2, (with gen.) to drive in (a quantity of some-thing, esp. nails). 3, colloq. to shoot; kill; bag (a number of animals or birds). 4, (with gen.) colloq. to break; smash (a number of things). ÑnabiÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of nabi-vaÃt;sq.

nabl[daÃtel; n.m. observer.

nabl[daÃtel;nost; n.f. keenness of observation; powers of observation.

nabl[daÃtel;nyj adj. 1, observant. 2, observation (attrib.): nabl[daÃtel;nyj post, observation post.

nabl[daÃt; v.impfv. (with za + instr.) 1, (also with acc.) to observe; watch. 2, to look after; keep an eye on. 3, to monitor; supervise. 4, to see that (order, cleanliness, etc.) is maintained. Ñnabl[daÃt;sq, refl. to exist; be seen: Nabl[daÃ[tsq opredel\nnye truÃdnosti, certain diffi-culties exist (or are to be seen).

nabl[deÃnie n. 1, observation. Pod nabl[deÃniem vrahaÃ, under a physicianÕs care. 2, supervision. 3, sur-veillance: der'aÃt; pod nabl[deÃniem, to keep under surveillance. Ñvestià nabl[deÃnie, to keep a lookout.

naÃbo'nyj adj. pious; devout. ÑnaÃbo'nost;, n.f. piety.

naboÃjka [gen. pl. -boÃek] n. 1, printed fabric. 2, lift; tap (on a heel).

naÃbok adv. to one side.

naboleÃvwij adj. painful; sore. ÑnaboleÃvwij vo-proÃs, sore subject; sore point.

naboleÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -boliÃt] to become painful.

naboltaÃt; v.pfv. (with gen. or acc.) colloq. to talk (a lot of).

naboÃr n. 1, registration; enrollment (of students); hiring; taking on (of workers). 2, set; collection. 3, printing com-position. ÑnaboÃr vysotyÃ, aero. climb. ÑnaboÃr slov, gibberish.

naboÃrnyj adj. typesetting (attrib.); composition (attrib.).

naboÃr]ik n. typesetter; compositor.

nabraÃsyvat;1 v.impfv. [pfv. nabrosaÃt;] 1, to toss (a quantity of something). 2, to sketch; outline. 3, to jot down; dash off.

nabraÃsyvat;2 v.impfv. [pfv. nabroÃsit;] to throw on; throw over: nabroÃsit; htoÃ-nibud; naà pol/ na pleÃhi/, to throw something on the floor/ over oneÕs shoulders/. ÑnabraÃsyvat;sq, refl. (with na + acc.) 1, to attack; pounce on. 2, colloq. to jump on; jump down someoneÕs throat.

nabraÃt; [infl. -beruÃ, -ber\w;; past fem. -bralaÃ] v., pfv. of nabiraÃÃt;. ÑnabraÃt;sq, refl. [past tense stress as in braÃt;sq] pfv. of nabiraÃt;sq.

nabrestià v.pfv. [infl. like brestiÃ] 1, (with na + acc.) to come upon; wander upon; fig. hit upon (an idea). 2, impers. to gather (in large numbers): Nabreloà mnoÃgo naroÃdu, a large crowd gathered.

nabrosaÃt; v., pfv. of nabraÃsyvat;1.

nabroÃsit; [infl. -wu, -siw;] v., pfv. of nabraÃsy-vat;2. ÑnabroÃsit;sq, refl., pfv. of nabraÃsyvat;-sq.

nabroÃsok [gen. -ska] n. sketch; draft; outline.

nabryÃzgat; v.pfv. (with instr. or gen.) to spill; splash.

nabr[Ãwnik n. abdominal band.

nabrqÃknut; v.pfv. [past -brqÃk, -brqÃkla] colloq. to swell up; become swollen.

nabuxaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nabuÃxnut;] to swell.

nabuÃxnut; [past nabuÃx, nabuÃxla] v., pfv. of nabu-xaÃt;.

navaÃga n. a variety of codfish found in northern waters.

nava'deÃnie n. delusion; hallucination.

navaÃksit; v., pfv. of vaÃksit;.

navaÃlivat; v.impfv. [pfv. navaliÃt;] 1, (with na + acc.) to load (on); pile (on). 2, to toss into a pile; pile up. 3, impers. (of snow) to pile up. ÑnavaÃlivat;sq, refl. (with na + acc.) 1, to lean heavily on; put all oneÕs weight on. 2, colloq. to attack; pounce on; tear into.

navaliÃt; [infl. -val[Ã, -vaÃliw;] v., pfv. of navaÃli-vat;. ÑnavaliÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of navaÃlivat;sq.

navaÃlom adv., colloq. 1, in a pile; in a heap. 2, (with gen.) piles of; tons of: RaboÃty u menqà navaÃlom, I have piles/tons of work.

navaÃr n. 1, fat (forming on the surface of soup). 2, colloq. profit.

navaÃrivat; v.impfv. [pfv. navariÃt;] to weld on.

navaÃristyj adj. (of soup) rich; concentrated.

navariÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -var[Ã, -vaÃriw;] 1, pfv. of navaÃrivat;. 2, to cook (a quantity of something).

navarnoÃj adj. welded; welded on.

navevaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. naveÃqt;] 1, (of the wind) to bring on; waft. 2, fig. to evoke; arouse. 3, fig. to bring on; induce.

naveÃdat;sq v.r., pfv. of naveÃdyvat;sq.

navedeÃnie n. 1, aiming (of a gun). 2, applying; appli-cation (of a polish). 3, aerospace guidance. 4, in nave-deÃnie spraÃvok, making of inquiries.

naveÃdyvat;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. naveÃdat;sq] (with k) colloq. to drop in on; call on.

naveztià v.pfv. [infl. like veztiÃ] to bring (a quantity of something).

naveÃk also, naveÃki adv. forever.

naverbovaÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -buÃ[, -buÃew;] to recruit (a quantity of people).

naveÃrno adv. 1, probably; most likely. 2, obs. certainly; for sure. Also, naveÃrnoe.

navernuÃt; v., pfv. of nav\rtyvat;. ÑnavernuÃt;sq, refl., pfv. of nav\rtyvat;sq.

navernqkaà adv., colloq. 1, for certain; for sure. 2, when one is sure of success.

nav\rstyvat; v.impfv. [pfv. naverstaÃt;] to make up for: naverstaÃt; poteÃrqnnoe vreÃmq, to make up for lost time.

naverteÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -verhuÃ, -veÃrtiw;] 1, pfv. of nav\rtyvat; (in sense #1). 2, (with gen.) to make (by spinning or drilling).

nav\rtyvat; v.impfv. Ê[pfv. navernuÃt;] (with na + acc.) 1, [pfv. also naverteÃt;] to wind onto; wind around. 2, to screw onto. Ñnav\rtyvat;sq, refl. [pfv. naver-nuÃt;sq] (of tears) to well up: U ne\ (or na e\ glazaÃ) navernuÃlis; sl\zy, tears came to her eyes.

naveÃrx adv., expressing motion or direction 1, up; up-ward(s). 2, upstairs.

naverxuà adv., expressing location 1, above. 2, upstairs.

naveÃs n. 1, awning. 2, fig. cover: pod naveÃsom (+ gen.), under a cover of.

naveseleà adv., colloq. tipsy; high.

naveÃsit; [infl. -wu, -siw;] v., pfv. of naveÃwivat;.

navesnoÃj adj. hanging.

navestià [infl. like vestiÃ] v., pfv. of navodiÃt;.

navestiÃt; [infl. -]uÃ, -stiÃw;] v., pfv. of nave]aÃt;.
naveÃt n., obs. slander; calumny.

naÃvetrennyj adj. windward.

naveÃhno adv. forever; for all time.

naveÃwat; v.pfv. 1, to hang up; hang out (a quantity of something). 2, to weigh; weigh out (a quantity of some-thing).

naveÃwivat; v.impfv. [pfv. naveÃsit;] to hang; install by hanging.

nave]aÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. navestiÃt;] to visit.

naveÃqt; v.pfv. [infl. -veÃ[, -veÃew;] 1, pfv. of nave-vaÃt;. 2, to winnow (a quantity of something).

naÃvznih; adv. flat on oneÕs back: upaÃst; naÃvznih;, to fall flat on oneÕs back.

navzryÃd adv., in plaÃkat; navzryÃd, to sob uncon-trollably.

navigaÃtor n. navigator.

navigaÃciq n. navigation. ÑnavigacioÃnnyj, adj. navigation (attrib.); navigational.

navidaÃt;sq v.r.pfv. (with gen.) colloq. to have seen a lot (or enough) of.

naviÃnhivat; v.impfv. [pfv. navintiÃt;] to screw on. ÑnaviÃnhivat;sq, refl. (of an object) to screw on.

navisaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. naviÃsnut;] 1, (with na + acc. or nad) to hang over; overhang. 2, fig. (with nad) (of a danger, threat, etc.) to hang over.

naviÃsnut; [past naviÃs, naviÃsla] v., pfv. of navi-saÃt;.

naviÃswij adv. overhanging. Ñs naviÃswimi brov-qÃmi, beetle-browed.

navlekaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. navleÃh;] (with na + acc.) to bring (trouble, shame, etc.) on or upon; (with na sebqÃ) to incur.

navleÃh; [infl. like vleh;] v., pfv. of navlekaÃt;.

navodiÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. navestiÃ; pres. -vo'uÃ, -voÃ-diw;] 1, to aim; point (a weapon). 2, (with na + acc.) to lead (to); guide (to). 3, to cause; arouse; inspire (sadness, fear, boredom, melancholy, etc.). 4, to apply; apply a coat of. ÑnavodiÃt; blesk or losk na (+ acc.), to give a luster (or sheen) to. ÑnavodiÃt; (na sebqÃ) krasotuÃ, to make oneself beautiful. ÑnavodiÃt; kriÃtiku na (+ acc.), to level criticism at. ÑnavodiÃt; most, to throw up a bridge. ÑnavodiÃt; na mysl;, to suggest a thought. ÑnavodiÃt; (kogoÃ-nibud;) na razmyw-leÃniq, to set (someone) to thinking (or pondering). ÑnavodiÃt; (kogoÃ-nibud;) na sled (+ gen.), to put (someone) on the trail (of). ÑnavodiÃt; (kogoÃ-nibud;) na um, to bring to oneÕs senses; bring to reason. ÑnavodiÃt; porqÃdok, to establish or restore order. ÑnavodiÃt; spraÃvki, to make inquiries. ÑnavodiÃt; histotuà v (+ prepl.), to bring an air of cleanliness to.

navoÃdka n. 1, aiming (of a weapon). 2, application (of a coat or layer of something). 3, throwing up (of a bridge). 4, tip (about the whereabouts of a criminal). 5, in navoÃdka na reÃzkost;, focusing.

navodneÃnie n. flood.

navodnqÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. navodniÃt;] 1, obs. to flood; inundate. 2, fig. to flood: navodnqÃt; ryÃnok, to flood the market.

navoÃdhik n. 1, mil. one who aims a gun. 2, inside man (in a robbery).

navodqÃ]ij adj., in navodqÃ]ij voproÃs, leading ques-tion.

navoÃz n. dung; manure.

navoÃzit; v.impfv. [pfv. unavoÃzit;; pres. -voÃ'u, -voÃziw;] to treat with manure.

navoziÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -vo'uÃÃ, -voÃziw;] to bring in (a supply of something).

navoÃznik n. dung beetle.

navoÃznyj adj. manure (attrib.); dung (attrib.). Ñna-voÃznyj 'uk, dung beetle. ÑnavoÃznaq kuÃha, dung-hill.

naÃvolohka [gen. pl. -hek] n. pillowcase.

navoraÃhivat; v.impfv. [pfv. navorotiÃt;] colloq. 1, to pile up. 2, [impfv. only] (with na + acc.) to wind (onto).

navorovaÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -ruÃ[, -ruÃew;] to steal (a quantity of something).

navorotiÃt; [infl. -rohuÃ, -roÃtiw;] v., pfv. of na-voraÃhivat;.

navostriÃt; v.pfv., colloq. to sharpen. ÑnavostriÃt; lyÃ'i, colloq. to take to oneÕs heels. ÑnavostriÃt; uÃwi, colloq. to prick up oneÕs ears.

navostriÃt;sq v.r.pfv. (with v + prepl. or inf.) colloq. to become good (at); become adept (at).

navo]iÃt; v., pfv. of vo]iÃt;.

navraÃt; v.pfv. [infl. like vrat;] colloq. 1, to tell lies. 2, (with na + acc.) to tell lies about. 3, (with v + prepl.) to make a mistake (in).

navrediÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -'uÃ, -diÃw;] (with dat.) to harm; do a great deal of harm to.

navrqÃd li particle, colloq. = vrqd li.

navsegdaà adv. forever; for good. Ñraz (i) navseg-daÃ, once and for all.

navstreÃhu adv. in someoneÕs direction. Ñprep., with dat. toward; to meet: vyÃjti navstreÃhu gostqÃm, to go out to meet the guests. Ñidtià navstreÃhu (+ dat.), to meet halfway; cooperate with; accommodate.

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