nihtoÃ'nyj adj. 1, (of an amount) insignificant; negli-gible; infinitesimal; paltry. 2, insignificant; meaningless. 3, (of a person) worthless; good-for-nothing.
nihuÃt; adv., colloq. not at all; not the least; not a bit. ÑnihuÃt; ne byvaÃlo,colloq. 1, not at all; not in the least. 2, but it was not that way; but that was not the case.
noviÃnka [gen. pl. -nok] n. something new: kniÃ'nye noviÃnki, new books. Ñ`Ãto mne v noviÃnku, it is new to me; it is something IÕve never done before.
novihoÃk [gen. -hkaÃ] n. 1, novice. 2, new boy or girl (in school).
novobraÃnec [gen. -nca] n. recruit.
novobraÃhnyj n., decl. as an adj. newlywed.
novovvedeÃnie n. innovation.
novogoÃdnij adj. New YearÕs.
novogreÃheskij adj. Modern Greek.
novozaveÃtnyj adj. New Testament (attrib.).
novozelaÃndec [gen. -dca] n.m. [fem. -dka] New Zealander. ÑnovozelaÃndskij,adj. New Zealand (attrib.).
noÃvyj adj. [short form nov, novaÃ, noÃvo, noÃvy or novyÃ] 1, new. 2, (of history, languages, etc.) modern. ÑNoÃvyj god, the New Year. ÑNoÃvyj svet, the New World. ÑnoÃvyj stil;, New Style (of dates). Ñhto noÃvogo?, whatÕs new?
nov; n.f. virgin soil.
nogaà [acc.noÃgu; pl.noÃgi, nog, nogaÃm] n. 1, leg. 2, foot. Ñbyt; bez nog, to be falling off oneÕs feet. Ñvverx nogaÃmi, upside-down; topsy-turvy. Ñidtià v noÃgu, to keep in step. Ñidtià v noÃgu s, to keep up with; keep pace with. Ñidtià nogaà zaà nogu, to amble along. Ñk nogeÃ!,mil. order arms! Ñna druÃ'eskoj (or na koroÃtkoj) nogeà s, on friendly terms with. Ñna nogaÃx, 1, on oneÕs feet. 2, awake; up. 3, on the go. 4, up and about. Ñna raÃvnoj nogeà s, on an equal footing with. Ñni nogoÃj, never going to: My tudaà ni nogoÃj, we never set foot in there. Ñodnaà nogaà zdes;, drugaÃq tam, be quick about it! Ñso vsex nog, as fast as oneÕs legs would carry one. Ñs golovyà do nog, from head to toe. ÑstaÃvit; (htoÃ-nibud;) s nog naà golovu, to turn (e.g. an argument) on its head.
nogaÃec [gen. -aÃjca] n.m. [fem. -gaÃjka] Nogai (one of a people inhabiting the Caucasus). ÑnogaÃjskij,adj. Nogai.
nogotkià [gen. -koÃv] marigold.
noÃgot; [gen.noÃgtq; pl. noÃgti, nogteÃj, nogtqÃm] n.m. nail; finger nail; toenail. Ñdo koncaà nogteÃj, to the tips of oneÕs toes.
no' [gen. no'aÃ] n. knife. Ñbyt; na no'aÃx, to be at swordsÕ points. Ñno' v spiÃnu, stab in the back.
noÃ'ka [gen. pl. noÃ'ek] n. 1, dim. of nogaÃ. 2, leg (of a chair, table, etc.). 3, stem (of a wineglass). 4, stem (of a mushroom). ÑpodstavlqÃt; noÃ'ku,see podstav-lqÃt;.
nokautiÃrovat; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -ru[,-ruew;] boxing to knock out.
nokdaÃun n., boxing knockdown.
nokt[Ãrn n. nocturne.
nolevoÃj adj. = nulevoÃj.
nol; [gen.nolqÃ] n.m. = nul;. Ñstrih; pod nol;, to cut off all of someoneÕs hair.
nomenklatuÃra n. 1, nomenclature. 2, the privileged class; the elite. ÑnomenklatuÃrnyj,adj. 1,(of a post) reserved for the privileged class. 2, (of a person) belong-ing to the privileged class.
noÃmer [pl. nomeraÃ] n. 1, number: noÃmer telefoÃna, telephone number. NoÃmer ne otvehaÃet, there is no answer. 2, issue (of a newspaper). 3, size (of an article of clothing). 4, hotel room. 5, number; item; act (on a program). 6, colloq. trick; ploy: NoÃmer ne prow\l, the ploy didnÕt work.
nomernoÃj adj. containing a number; numbered: nomer-noÃj znak, license plate. Ñn. room attendant (in a hotel).
nomeroÃk [gen. -rkaÃ] n. 1, small room (in a hotel). 2, check; ticket.
noÃrka [gen. pl. noÃrok] n. 1, dim. ofnoraÃ. 2, mink. ÑnoÃrkovyj,adj. mink (attrib.).
noÃrma n. 1, norm; standard. 2, quota. 3, rate. Ñvojtià v noÃrmu, to return to normal.
normalizaÃciq n. normalization.
normalizovaÃt; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -zuÃ[,-zuÃew;] 1, to standardize. 2, to normalize. Ñnormalizo-vaÃt;sq,refl. to become normal; return to normal.
normaÃl; n.f., math. normal.
normaÃl;no adv. normally. Ñadj., used predicatively, colloq. all right; O.K.: Vs\ normaÃl;no, everything is all right/O.K. ÑnormaÃl;nost;,n.f. normalcy. Ñnor-maÃl;nyj,adj. normal.
normaÃndskij adj. Norman: NormaÃndskoe zavoe-vaÃnie A×nglii, the Norman Conquest.
normaÃnn n. Norseman. ÑnormaÃnnskij,adj. Norse.
normatiÃv n. norm. ÑnormatiÃvnyj,adj. normative.
normirovaÃnie n. 1, standardization; setting of norms. 2, rationing.
normirovaÃt; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -ruÃ[,-ruÃew;] 1, to standardize; set. 2, to ration.
noÃrov n., colloq. character; temperament; disposition. Ñs noÃrovom, (of a person) stubborn; strong-willed; (of a horse) restive; balky.
noroviÃstyj adj., colloq. (of a horse) restive; balky.
noroviÃt; v.impfv. [pres. -vl[Ã,-viÃw;] colloq. to try (to).
nos [2nd loc.nosuÃ; pl. nosyÃ] n. 1, nose. 2, naut. prow; bow. 3, geol. point. ÑvodiÃt; zaà nos, to lead (some-one) on; string (someone) along; take in. Ñiz-pod saÃmogo noÃsa, from under oneÕs very nose. Ñna nosuÃ, near at hand; just around the corner: Vesnaà na
nosuÃ, spring is just around the corner. ÑpoÃd nos, under oneÕs breath. Ñpod (saÃmym) noÃsom; poÃd nosom, under oneÕs very nose. ÑostaÃvit; s noÃsom,colloq. to leave (someone) holding the bag. ÑostaÃt;sq s noÃsom,colloq. to be left holding the bag. Ñs noÃsa; s noÃsu,colloq. apiece; a head.
nosaÃtyj adj., colloq. big-nosed.
noÃsik n. 1, dim. of nos. 2, spout (on a teapot, watering can, etc.).
nosiÃlki [gen. -lok] stretcher; litter.
nosiÃl;]ik n. porter.
nosiÃtel; n.m. 1, transmitter (e.g. of new ideas). 2, speaker (of a certain language). 3, carrier (of a disease).
nosiÃt; v.impfv. [pres.nowuÃ, noÃsiw;] 1, indeterm. of nestiÃ. NosiÃt; oruÃ'ie, to bear arms. 2, to wear. 3, fig. to bear (traces, characteristics, etc.). 4, to hold (a certain rank). ÑnosiÃt; na rukaÃx, to dote on.
nosiÃt;sq v.r.impfv. [pres.nowuÃs;, noÃsiw;sq] 1, indeterm. of nestiÃs;. 2, (of clothing) to wear: ~×to plaÃt;e xorowoà noÃsitsq, this dress wears well. 3, to rush about; dash about. 4, (withs + instr.) colloq. to be obsessed with (an idea); be all or much involved with. ÑnosiÃt;sq v voÃzduxe, (of an idea) to be in the air; be floating around.
noÃska n. 1, carrying. 2, wearing; wear: ot doÃlgoj noÃski, from long wear. 3, laying (of eggs).
noÃskij adj. 1, colloq. giving long wear; durable. 2, pro-ducing eggs in large quantities: noÃskaq kuÃrica, a good layer.
nosovoÃj adj. nose (attrib.); nasal. ÑnosovoÃj koÃnus, nose cone. ÑnosovoÃj platoÃk, handkerchief.
nosoÃk [gen. noskaÃ] n. 1, sock. 2, toe (of a shoe).
nosoroÃg n. rhinoceros.
nostal;giÃq n. nostalgia. Ñnostal;giÃheskij, adj. nostalgic.
nosuÃxa n. coati.
noÃta n. 1, music note. 2, pl. music: igraÃt; po noÃtam, to play from music. 3, dipl. note. ÑrazyÃgryvat; (htoÃ-nibud;) kak po noÃtam, to perform (or carry out) with precision.
notaÃrius n. notary public. ÑnotariaÃl;nyj,adj. notary (attrib.).
notaÃciq n. 1, notation. 2, admonition; talking-to: hitaÃt; komuÃ-nibud; notaÃci[, to give someone a talking-to.
noÃtka [gen. pl. noÃtok] n. faint note; trace; hint; sugges-tion.
noÃtnyj adj. music (attrib.): noÃtnyj p[piÃtr, music stand. ÑnoÃtnyj stan,music staff.
notonoÃsec [gen. -sca] n., music staff.
nohevaÃt; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -huÃ[,-huÃew;] to spend the night.
noh\vka n., colloq. spending the night.
nohleÃg n. 1, place to spend the night. 2, spending the night: ostanoviÃt;sq na nohleÃg, to stop for the night; spend the night.
nohleÃ'ka [gen. pl. -'ek] n., colloq. = nohleÃ'nyj dom.
nohleÃ'nyj adj., innohleÃ'nyj dom, flophouse.
nohniÃk [gen. -nikaÃ] n. night light.
nohnoÃj adj. night (attrib.). ÑnohnoÃj gorwoÃk, cham-ber pot. ÑnohnoÃj stoÃlik, night table.
noh; [pl.noÃhi, noheÃj, nohaÃm] n.f. night. Ñnaà noh;, 1, for the night; overnight. ZakryvaÃt; dveÃri naà noh;, to lock the doors at night. 2, before going to bed. Ñpo nohaÃm, at night. ÑspokoÃjnoj noÃhi!, good night!
noÃh;[ adv. at night.
noÃwa n. 1, load. 2, fig. burden.
noweÃnie n. 1, carrying; bearing. 2, wearing.
noÃ]no adv., in deÃnno i noÃ]no,colloq. day and night.
noÃ[]ij adj. of (a pain) nagging.
noqÃbr; [gen. -brqÃ] n.m. November. ÑnoqÃbr;skij,adj. November (attrib.).
nrav n. disposition; temperament. Ñbyt; (orprixo-diÃt;sq) po nraÃvu (+ dat.), to please: Vs\ emuà ne po nraÃvu, nothing pleases him. See also nraÃvy.
nraÃvit;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv.ponraÃvit;sq; pres. -vl[s;,-viw;sq] (with dat.) to please; be to the liking of: Onaà mne nraÃvitsq, I like her; p;eÃsa mne ne ponraÃ-vilas;, I did not like (or enjoy) the play.
nravouheÃnie n. moral admonition. On vsem hitaÃet nravouheÃniq, he lectures everyone.
nravouhiÃtel;nyj adj. moralizing; moralistic.
nraÃvstvenno adv. morally.
nraÃvstvennost; n.f. 1, morality. 2, morals.
nraÃvstvennyj adj. moral.
nraÃvy [gen.nraÃvov] customs; ways; way of life. ÑkomeÃdiq nraÃvov, comedy of manners.
nu interj., colloq. well; well then; why; now: Nu, q pow\l, well, IÕm off; nu, koÃnehno!, why of course! Ña nu (+ gen.), to hell with... Ñda nu?, you donÕt say so! Ñnu i..., what...!: Nu i pogoÃda!, what weather! Ñnu i nu!, well, I never!; well IÕll be (damned)! Ñnu i hto?, well, what of it?; so what?
nu'daà [pl.nuÃ'dy] n.1, (dire) need. "it; v nu'deÃ, to live in poverty. 2, need; necessity: v sluÃhae nu'dyÃ, in case of need; if need be. 3, pl. needs: nuÃ'dy nase-leÃniq, the needs of the'daÃt;sq v.r.impfv. 1, to be in need; be poor. 2, (with v + prepl.) to need; be in need of.
nu'daÃ[]ijsq adj. needy.
nuÃ'no adv. 1, (one) must; (one) has to; (one) needs to: ~×to nuÃ'no sdeÃlat; sejhaÃs, this must be done at once; mne nuÃ'no idtiÃ, I have to go. 2, needed: Dlq hegoà `Ãto vam nuÃ'no?, what do you need this for?
nuÃ'nyj adj. [short formnuÃ'en, nu'naÃ, nuÃ'no, nu'nyÃ] 1, necessary: nuÃ'nye daÃnnye, the necessary data. NaxodiÃt; nuÃ'nym (+ inf.), to find it necessary to. 2, needed: Q zdes; ne nuÃ'en (nu'naÃ), I am not needed here. 3, (with dat.) one needs: Emuà nuÃ'en oÃtdyx, he needs rest; mne nu'nyà deÃn;gi, I need money.
nuÃ-ka interj., colloq. well?; well then?; how about it?
nulevoÃj adj. zero (attrib.). ÑnulevaÃq otmeÃtka, zero point; fig. square one.
nul; [gen. nulqÃ] n.m. 1, zero; naught. 2, (of a person) a nothing; a nobody. Ñs nulqÃ, from scratch; from the ground up. ÑsvodiÃt; k nul[Ã,to negate; nullify. ÑsvodiÃt;sq k nul[Ã, to come to naught.