neregulqÃrnyj adj. irregular. ÑneregulqÃrnost;, n.f. irregularity.
nereÃdkij adj. not infrequent; not uncommon.
nereÃdko adv. quite often.
nerentaÃbel;nyj adj. unprofitable.
neÃrest n. spawning. ÑnerestiÃli]e, n. spawning ground.
nerew\nnyj adj. unresolved; unsolved.
nerewiÃmost; n.f. indecision: byt; v nerewiÃmosti, to be undecided.
nerewiÃtel;no adv. hesitantly.
nerewiÃtel;nost; n.f. 1, indecisiveness. 2, indeci-sion: byt; v nerewiÃtel;nosti, to be undecided.
nerewiÃtel;nyj adj. indecisive; irresolute; hesitant.
ner'aveÃ[]ij adj. rust-resistant. Ñner'aveÃ[]aq stal;, stainless steel.
neritmiÃhnyj adj. irregular; uneven.
neroÃbkij adj. not timid; brave. ÑneroÃbkogo de-sqÃtka, not easily intimidated; not easily pushed around.
neroÃvno adv. unevenly. ÑneroÃvnost;, n.f. uneven-ness.
neroÃvnyj adj. [short form neroÃven, -vnaÃ, neroÃvno, neroÃvny] 1, uneven. 2, crooked. 3, (of oneÕs pulse, breathing, etc.) irregular. 4, fig. erratic. ÑneroÃven has, = ne rov\n has (see roÃvnyj).
neroÃvnq also, nerovnqà n.m. & f., colloq. person not the equal of another.
neÃrpa n. ringed seal.
nerukotvoÃrnyj adj. not created by human hands.
neruÃsskij adj. non-Russian.
neruwiÃmyj adj. inviolable; indissoluble. ÑneruwiÃ-most;, n.f. inviolability.
nerqÃxa n.m. & f. slovenly person; slob.
nerqÃwlivost; n.f. sloppiness; slovenliness. Also, nerqÃwestvo.
nerqÃwlivyj adj. 1, sloppy; slovenly. 2, slipshod.
nesankcioniÃrovannyj adj. not sanctioned; unauthor-ized.
nesbalansiÃrovannyj adj. unbalanced.
nesbyÃtohnyj adj. unrealizable; vain.
nesvareÃnie n., in nesvareÃnie 'eluÃdka, indiges-tion.
nesveÃdu]ij adj. 1, ignorant; uninformed. 2, (with v + prepl.) unfamiliar (with); unversed (in).
nesveÃ'ij adj. 1, not fresh; stale; spoiled. 2, worn; dirty; soiled. 3, worn; tired; drawn.
nesvoboÃdnyj adj. 1, not free. 2, married.
nesvoevreÃmenno adv. 1, at an inopportune time. 2, too late.
nesvoevreÃmennyj adj. 1, inopportune; ill-timed; un-timely. 2, tardy; belated.
nesvqÃznyj adj. rambling; disconnected; incoherent; dis-jointed. ÑnesvqÃznost;, n.f. incoherence.
nesgibaÃemyj adj. unbending; inflexible.
nesgovoÃrhivyj adj. uncooperative; intractable.
nesgoraÃemyj adj. fireproof; incombustible; nonin-flammable. ÑnesgoraÃemyj wkaf, safe. Ñnesgo-raÃemyj qÃ]ik, strongbox.
nesdeÃr'annyj adj. 1, broken; unkept. 2, unrestrained; violent.
nesdobrovaÃt; v.pfv., used only in inf. with dat. case: Emuà nesdobrovaÃt;, he is in for trouble.
nesekreÃtnyj adj. 1, not secret. 2, unclassified.
neseÃnie n. performance; execution; carrying out.
neser;\znyj adj. 1, not serious. 2, casual; lacka-daisical. 3, trivial; unimportant.
nesesseÃr (n`-s`-s`r) Ên. traveling case; toilet case.
nesimmetriÃhnyj adj. asymmetrical. Ñnesimme-triÃhnost;, n.f. asymmetry.
neskazaÃnnyj adj. indescribable; unspeakable. Ñne-skazaÃnno, adv. extraordinarily; more than one can say.
nesklaÃdica n., colloq. incoherent talk; nonsense; prat-tle.
nesklaÃdnyj adj. 1, awkward; ungainly. 2, incoherent. 3, discordant. 4, absurd.
nesklonqÃemyj adj., gram. indeclinable.
neÃskol;ko adj. a few; some; several: neÃskol;ko l[-deÃj, a few people; v neÃskol;kix slovaÃx, in a few words. Ñadv. somewhat: neÃskol;ko udivl\n, some-what surprised. Ñpo neÃskol;ku (+ gen.), several (used when action is repeated): Nam prixodiÃlos; 'dat; po neÃskol;ku hasoÃv, we had to wait (each time) for several hours; we had to wait for hours at a time.
neskonhaÃemyj adj. endless; unending; interminable.
neskroÃmnost; n.f. 1, immodesty. 2, indiscretion.
neskroÃmnyj adj. 1, immodest. 2, indiscreet. 3, inde-cent.
neskryvaÃemyj adj. unconcealed; undisguised.
neslaÃ'ennyj adj. uncoordinated; disorganized.
nesloÃ'nyj adj. uncomplicated; simple.
neslyÃxannyj adj. unheard-of.
neslyÃwnyj adj. inaudible.
nesmeÃlyj adj. timid; diffident.
nesmenqÃemost; n.f. irremovability from office; tenure.
nesmenqÃemyj adj. 1, ever-present; never removed. 2, (of a position) permanent; (of a person) having tenure.
nesmeÃtnyj adj. countless; incalculable.
nesmolkaÃemyj adj. (of a noise or sound) incessant.
nesmotrqà na (with acc.) in spite of; despite. Ñnesmo-trqà ni na hto, in spite of everything; despite all.
nesmyvaÃemyj adj. indelible.
nesmywl\nyj adj., colloq. slow to grasp things; slow-witted; dense; dull.
nesnoÃsnyj adj. unbearable; unendurable.
nesobl[deÃnie n. failure to observe.
nesoverwennoleÃtie n. minority (being under legal age).
nesoverwennoleÃtnij adj. under legal age. Ñn. minor.
nesoverweÃnnyj adj. 1, imperfect. 2, gram. imper-fective: nesoverweÃnnyj vid, imperfective aspect.
nesoverweÃnstvo n. 1, lack of perfection. 2, usu. pl. imperfection.
nesovmestiÃmyj adj. incompatible. ÑnesovmestiÃ-most;, n.f. incompatibility.
nesovpadeÃnie n. inconsistency; discrepancy.
nesoglaÃsie n. 1, disagreement; difference of opinion. 2, discord. 3, refusal.
nesoglaÃsnyj adj. 1, in disagreement. 2, (with s + instr.) inconsistent (with). 3, uncoordinated. 4, discor-dant.
nesoglasoÃvannyj adj. uncoordinated. Ñnesogla-soÃvannost;, n.f. lack of coordination.
nesoznaÃtel;nyj adj. 1, thoughtless; irresponsible. 2, lacking political consciousness.
nesoizmeriÃmyj adj. incommensurable. Ñnesoiz-meriÃmost;, n.f. incommensurability.
nesokra]\nnyj adj. unabridged.
nesokruwiÃmyj adj. indestructible; unshakable.
nesoÃlono adv., in nesoÃlono xlebaÃvwi, having accomplished nothing.
nesomneÃnno adv. undoubtedly; doubtlessly; indubitably. Ñadj., used predicatively, certain: Odnoà nesomneÃnno, one thing is certain.
nesomneÃnnyj adj. undoubted; indubitable; unques-tioned.
nesoobraziÃtel;nyj adj. slow-witted; slow to grasp things; dull; dense.
nesoobraÃznyj adj. 1, incongruous. 2, absurd. ÑnesoobraÃznost;, n.f. incongruity; absurdity.
nesootveÃtstvie n. discrepancy; disparity.
nesorazmeÃrno adv. disproportionately. Ñnesoraz-meÃrno s (+ instr.), out of proportion to.
nesorazmeÃrnost; n.f. disproportion.
nesorazmeÃrnyj adj. (with s + instr.) disproportionate (to); incommensurate (with).
nesostoqÃtel;nost; n.f. 1, insolvency; bankruptcy. 2, helplessness. 3, fallacy.
nesostoqÃtel;nyj adj. 1, of modest means. 2, insol-vent; bankrupt. 3, powerless; helpless. 4, unsound; untenable.
nesohuÃvstvu[]ij adj. unsympathetic.
nespeÃlyj adj. unripe.
nespeÃwnyj adj. unhurried.
nespokoÃjno adv. anxiously. Ñadj., used predica-tively, uneasy: Na duweà u negoà nespokoÃjno, he feels uneasy.
nespokoÃjnyj adj. 1, restless. 2, anxious; uneasy. 3, unsettled. 4, (of the sea) rough; choppy.
nesportiÃvnyj adj. unsportsmanlike.
nesposoÃbnost; n.f. inability.
nesposoÃbnyj adj. [short form -ben, -bna] 1, not bright. 2, (with k) having no aptitude (for). 3, (with k or na) incapable (of).
nespravedliÃvo adv. 1, unjustly; unfairly. 2, incor-rectly; erroneously.
nespravedliÃvost; n.f. injustice; unfairness.
nespravedliÃvyj adj. 1, unjust; unfair. 2, incorrect.
nesprovociÃrovannyj adj. unprovoked.
nesprostaà adv., colloq. for a (definite) reason. ~×to nesprostaÃ, there is a reason for this.
nesravneÃnno adv. 1, incomparably. 2, (with compari-sons) far; infinitely.
nesravneÃnnyj adj. incomparable; matchless; peerless.
nesravniÃmyj adj. incomparable.
nestabiÃl;nyj adj. unstable. ÑnestabiÃl;nost;, n.f. instability.
nesterpiÃmyj adj. unbearable; unendurable.
nestesn\nnyj adj. uninhibited.
nestià v.impfv. [pfv. ponestiÃ; pres. nesuÃ, nes\w;; past n\s, neslaÃ, nesloÃ, nesliÃ] 1, to carry. 2, to carry swiftly; whisk. 3, (of the current, wind, etc.) to carry; propel; sweep. 4, to suffer; sustain; incur (losses, damage, etc.). 5, [impfv. only] to bear (responsibility). 6, [impfv. only] to perform (duties, military service, etc.). Nestià de'uÃrstvo, to be on duty. Nestià karauÃl, to be on
guard duty. 7, [impfv. only] to bring (death, freedom, ruin, etc.). 8, [impfv. only] (with dat.) to pose (a threat) to. 9, colloq. to talk (nonsense). 10, impers. (with instr.) colloq. to blow: Ot oknaà nes\t xoÃlodom, there is a draft from the window. 11, impers. (with instr.) to reek (of): Ot negoà nes\t voÃdkoj, he reeks of vodka. 12, [pfv. snestiÃ] to lay (eggs). ÑnestiÃs;, refl. 1, to race; tear along. 2, colloq. to rush; dash. 3, to float; drift (on water or through the air). 4, to be heard. 5, [pfv. snestiÃs;] to lay eggs. See also nosiÃt; and nosiÃt;sq.
nestoÃjkij adj. 1, unstable. 2, (of an odor) slight; (of perfume) weak.
nestoÃq]ij adj., colloq. worthless; good-for-nothing.
nestroÃgij adj. not strict; lenient.
nestroevoÃj adj. 1, unfit for building purposes. 2, mil. noncombatant. Ñn., mil. noncombatant.
nestroÃjnyj adj. 1, ungraceful; ungainly. 2, irregular; disorderly. 3, discordant.
nest; predicate, obs. there is no... Ñnest; koncaà or hislaà (+ dat.), there is no end of...
nesudoxoÃdnyj adj. unnavigable.
nesuraÃzica n., colloq. nonsense.
nesuraÃznost; n.f., colloq. 1, absurdity. 2, nonsense. 3, awkwardness.
nesuraÃznyj adj., colloq. 1, ridiculous; absurd. 2, awkward; ungainly.
nesusveÃtnyj adj., colloq. 1, idiotic; inane. 2, utter; absolute; unmitigated. 3, not of this world; not to be believed; unbearable.
nesuÃwka [gen. pl. -wek] n. hen that lays eggs; layer.
nesu]eÃstvennyj adj. minor; unimportant; inconse-quential.
nesu]estvuÃ[]ij adj. nonexistent.
nesxoÃdnyj adj. different; dissimilar; disparate. Ñne-sxoÃdstvo, n. difference; dissimilarity; disparity.
nesxoÃ'est; n.f., colloq. difference; dissimilarity.
nesxoÃ'ij adj., colloq. different; dissimilar.
neshastliÃvec [gen. -vca] n.m. [fem. -vica] colloq. unlucky person.
neshastliÃvyj adj. 1, unhappy. 2, unlucky; unfortu-nate.
neshaÃstnyj adj. 1, unhappy. 2, unfortunate. Ñn. poor fellow. ÑneshaÃstnyj sluÃhaj, accident; mishap.
neshaÃst;e n. misfortune. Ñk neshaÃst;[, unfortu-nately.
nesh\tnyj adj. countless; innumerable.
nes=edoÃbnyj adj. inedible; uneatable.
net neg. particle 1, no. 2, not: net e]\, not yet; pohemuà net?, why not? Vy id\te iÃli net?, are you going or not? Q iduÃ, a on net, I am going but he isnÕt. 3, (with gen.) indicating the absence of something: Net vreÃmeni, there is no time. Egoà net, he is not here. Zdes; nikogoà net, there is no one here. U menqà net spiÃhek, I donÕt have any matches. Ñnet i net; net kak net (with gen.), no sign of (someone). Ñnet-net da i, once in a while. ÑsvodiÃt; na net, to negate; nullify. Ñsvo-diÃt;sq or sxodiÃt; na net, to come to naught.
netaktiÃhnyj adj. tactless. ÑnetaktiÃhnost;, n.f. tactlessness.
netalaÃntlivyj adj. untalented; lacking talent.
netv\rdo adv. not firmly: netv\rdo der'aÃt;sq na nogaÃx, to be unsteady on oneÕs feet.
netv\rdyj adj. 1, not hard; soft. 2, unsteady; shaky. 3, irresolute; uncertain.
neterpeliÃvyj adj. impatient. ÑneterpeliÃvo, adv. impatiently. ÑneterpeliÃvost;, n.f. impatience.
neterpeÃnie n. impatience. Ñ'dat; s neterpeÃ-niem, 1, to wait impatiently; eagerly or anxiously await. 2, to look forward to.
neterpiÃmost; n.f. intolerance.
neterpiÃmyj adj. 1, intolerable. 2, intolerant.
netipiÃhnyj adj. not typical.
netleÃnnyj adj. 1, imperishable. 2, fig. eternal; immor-tal.
netoÃplenyj adj. unheated.
netopyÃr; [gen. -pyrqÃ] n.m. pipistrelle (bat).
netoropliÃvyj adj. leisurely; unhurried. Ñnetorop-liÃvo, adv. leisurely.
netoÃhnost; n.f. 1, inaccuracy. 2, usu. pl. inaccuracies.
netoÃhnyj adj. inaccurate; inexact; imprecise.
netreÃbovatel;nyj adj. not demanding; undemand-ing.
netreÃzvyj adj. not sober; drunk: v netreÃzvom viÃde, in a drunken state; while intoxicated.
netroÃnutyj adj. 1, untouched. 2, fig. pure; unsullied; virginal.
netruÃdnyj adj. [short form netruÃden, netrudnaÃ, netruÃdno, netruÃdny] not difficult.
netrudovoÃj adj. 1, nonworking. 2, unearned.
netrudosposoÃbnost; n.f. disability; incapacitation.
netrudosposoÃbnyj adj. disabled; incapacitated.
neÃtto (n`) adj. & adv., indecl. net: ves neÃtto, net weight; cenaà neÃtto, net price.
neÃtu particle, colloq. = net.
neubediÃtel;nyj adj. unconvincing; unpersuasive.
neuÃbrannyj adj. 1, (of a room) not straightened up; (of a bed) not made; (of dishes) not taken away. 2, (of crops) not gathered; not harvested.
neuva'eÃnie n. (with k) 1, disrespect (for); lack of respect (for). 2, law contempt (of court, congress, etc.).
neuva'iÃtel;nyj adj. 1, (of a reason or excuse) in-valid. 2, colloq. disrespectful.
neuveÃrennost; n.f. uncertainty; lack of confidence. ÑneuveÃrennost; v sebeÃ, lack of self-confidence.
neuveÃrennyj adj. uncertain. ÑneuveÃrennyj v sebeÃ, lacking self-confidence.
neuvqdaÃemyj adj. 1, obs. never fading. 2, fig. undy-ing. Also, neuvqdaÃ[]ij.
neuvqÃzka [gen. pl. -zok] n., colloq. mix-up; slip-up; hitch.
neugasiÃmyj adj. 1, unquenchable. 2, fig. undying.
neugoÃdnyj adj. [short form -den, -dna] undesirable; objectionable.
neugomoÃnnyj adj., colloq. 1, indefatigable; always on the go. 2, (of a sound or noise) incessant.
neudaÃvwijsq adj. unsuccessful.
neudaÃha n. failure; setback.
neudaÃhlivyj adj. unlucky.
neudaÃhnik n. unlucky person; failure.
neudaÃhno adv. 1, unsuccessfully. 2, poorly; badly.
neudaÃhnyj adj. 1, unsuccessful. 2, unfortunate; having turned out badly.
neuder'iÃmyj adj. irrepressible; uncontrollable.
neudiviÃtel;no adj., used predicatively, not surpris-ing: NeudiviÃtel;no, hto..., it is not surprising that...
neudiviÃtel;nyj adj. not surprising.
neudoÃbno adv. uncomfortably. Ñadj., used predica-tively, 1, uncomfortable: Mne neudoÃbno tak sideÃt;, I am uncomfortable sitting this way. 2, inconvenient. 3, awkward.
neudoÃbnyj adj. [short form -ben, -bna] 1, uncom-fortable. 2, inconvenient. 3, awkward.
neudobovariÃmyj adj. indigestible.
neudoboproiznosiÃmyj adj. difficult to pronounce; unpronounceable.
neudobohitaÃemyj adj. difficult to read.
neudoÃbstvo n. 1, inconvenience. 2, discomfort. 3, awkwardness; embarrassment.
neudovletvoreÃnie n. dissatisfaction.
neudovletvor\nnost; n.f. dissatisfaction.
neudovletvor\nnyj adj. 1, (of a desire, require-ment, etc.) unsatisfied. 2, (of a person) dissatisfied.
neudovletvoriÃtel;no adv. 1, unsatisfactorily. 2, (as a school grade) ÒunsatisfactoryÓ.
neudovletvoriÃtel;nyj adj. unsatisfactory.
neudvoÃl;stvie n. displeasure.
neu\mnyj adj., colloq. 1, irrepressible; indefatigable. 2, (of an emotion) uncontrollable.
neu'eÃli interr. particle really?; is it possible?: Neu'eÃli vy duÃmaete, hto...?, do you really think that...?
neu'iÃvhivyj adj. hard to get along with.
neuÃ'to adv., colloq. = neu'eÃli.
neuznavaÃemo adv. beyond recognition.
neuznavaÃemost; n.f., in do neuznavaÃemosti, beyond recognition.
neuznavaÃemyj adj. unrecognizable.
neukaÃzannyj adj. 1, not indicated; unspecified. 2, obs. not permitted.
neukloÃnnyj adj. 1, steady: neukloÃnnyj rost, steady growth. 2, steadfast; unwavering. ÑneukloÃnno, adv. steadily; progressively.
neukl[Ã'ij adj. awkward; clumsy. Ñneukl[Ã'e, adv. awkwardly; clumsily. Ñneukl[Ã'est;, n.f. awk-wardness; clumsiness.
neukosniÃtel;nyj adj. strict; rigorous; unfailing. ÑneukosniÃtel;no, adv. unfailingly.
neukrotiÃmyj adj. 1, untamable. 2, uncontrollable. 3, indomitable.
neuloviÃmyj adj. 1, elusive. 2, barely audible or visible. ÑneuloviÃmost;, n.f. elusiveness.
neulyÃbhivyj adj., colloq. unsmiling.
neumeÃlyj adj. clumsy; inept.
neumeÃnie n. inability; lack of ability; ineptitude.
neumeÃrennyj adj. 1, immoderate. 2, intemperate. ÑneumeÃrennost;, n.f. immoderation.
neumeÃstnost; n.f. 1, impropriety. 2, irrelevance.
neumeÃstnyj adj. 1, inappropriate; out of place; uncalled-for. 2, irrelevant.
neuÃmnyj adj. 1, unintelligent. 2, unwise.
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