neÃkotorye indef. pron. some; some people; certain people. ÑneÃkotorye iz, some of.
neÃkotoryj adj. 1, pl. some; certain: neÃkotorye l[Ãdi, some/certain people. 2, some; a certain amount of: neÃko-toroe somneÃnie, some doubt. V/do neÃkotoroj steÃ-peni, to a certain extent. ÑneÃkotoroe vreÃmq, for some time; (for) a while. Ñs neÃkotoryx por, for some time now.
nekrasiÃvyj adj. 1, ugly; unattractive. 2, colloq. im-proper; not nice: ~×to nekrasiÃvo, thatÕs not nice.
nekraÃwenyj adj. unpainted.
nekreÃpkij adj. 1, not strong; not firm; flimsy. 2, not robust. 3, weak; diluted.
nekritiÃheskij adj. uncritical.
nekroÃz n. necrosis.
nekroloÃg n. obituary.
nekstaÃti adv. 1, at the wrong time; at an inopportune moment. 2, out of place; inappropriate.
nektaÃr n. nectar.
neÃkto indef. pron. 1, someone; somebody. 2, a certain: Vas spraÃwival neÃkto IvaÃnov, someone named Ivanov was asking for you.
neÃkuda adv. 1,(used with inf.)nowhere; no place: Mne eÃxat; neÃkuda, I have nowhere to go. 2, (used with comp. adjectives) colloq. as can be: proÃ]e neÃkuda, as simple as can be; it couldnÕt be simpler; xuÃ'e neÃkuda, it couldnÕt be worse. ÑtoropiÃt;sq neÃkuda, there is no hurry.
nekul;tuÃrnyj adj. 1, uncivilized; uncultured. 2, (of plants) uncultivated. Ñnekul;tuÃrnost;, n.f. lack of culture; lack of refinement.
nekurqÃ]ij adj. who does not smoke. Ñn. nonsmoker.
nelaÃdno adv. badly. Ñadj., used predicatively, wrong: HtoÃ-to s nim nelaÃdno, something is wrong with him.
nelaÃdnyj adj., colloq. 1, wrong: HtoÃ-to nelaÃdnoe proisxoÃdit, something wrong is going on. 2, ungainly. ÑnelaÃdnoe,n. something wrong: huÃvstvovat; nelaÃdnoe, to sense that something is wrong.
neladyà [gen. -doÃv], colloq. disagreements; fric-tion; failure to get along: U nix neladyÃ, they are not getting along.
neliÃwnij adj. not out of place; useful. ÑneliÃwne,adj., used predicatively, useful; worthwhile: NeliÃwne ot-meÃtit;, hto..., it is worth noting that...
nel;zqà adv. 1, it is impossible; one cannot: Nel;zqà skazaÃt;, it is impossible to say; one cannot say. 2, it is forbidden; one may not: Nel;zqà kuriÃt;, smoking is for-bidden. ÑkakÊnel;zqà luÃhwe, perfectly; in the best possible way; as well as it could possibly be. Ñnel;zqà li..., canÕt you...?; couldnÕt you?: Nel;zqà li potiÃwe?, canÕt/couldnÕt you be a little more quiet?
nemaÃlo adv. 1, (with gen.) quite a bit of; quite a few; a good deal of. 2, (with verbs) quite; quite a bit; quite a lot.
nemalovaÃ'nyj adj. of no small importance; not unim-portant.
nemaÃlyj adj. considerable: v nemaÃloj steÃpeni, to a considerable extent. RasxoÃdovat; nemaÃlye sreÃdstva, to expend considerable sums of money. Tri goÃda Ñ nemaÃlyj srok, three years is a pretty long time.
nemebliroÃvannyj adj. unfurnished.
nemeÃdlennyj adj. immediate. ÑnemeÃdlenno,adv. immediately; at once.
nemeÃdlq adv. immediately; at once.
NemeziÃda n. 1, Nemesis (Greek goddess). 2, (oneÕs) nemesis.
nemeÃrknu]ij adj. 1, never fading. 2, fig. undying.
nemeÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.onemeÃt;] 1, to be speechless; be dumbfounded. 2, to become numb.
neÃmo]nyj adj. [short form -]en,-]na] feeble; infirm.
neÃmo]; n.f. infirmity.
nemuà pron., var. of emuÃ, used after prepositions.
nemudrenoà adv., colloq. 1, (with inf.) it is easy (to)... 2, (with a dependent clause) it is not surprising (that)...; no wonder: NemudrenoÃ, hto on ne otveÃtil, no wonder he didnÕt answer.
nemudr\nyj adj., colloq. simple; uncomplicated.
nemuÃdryj adj. 1, not very bright. 2, colloq. = nemu-dr\nyj.
nemyÃslimyj adj. unthinkable.
nemyÃtyj adj. unwashed.
nenabl[daÃtel;nyj adj. unobservant.
nenaviÃdet; v.impfv. [pres. -viÃ'u,-viÃdiw;] to hate; detest.
nenaviÃstnik n. person who hates. ÑnenaviÃst-nihestvo,n. hostile attitude.
nenaÃdobnost; n.f. lack of need (for). Ñza nenaÃ-dobnost;[, for lack of use. Ñza nenaÃdobnost;[ (+ gen.), there being no need (for).
nenadoÃlgo adv. for a short time; for a short while (subsequent to the action expressed by the verb): Q uez'aÃ[ nenadoÃlgo, I am going away for a short time/ while. PraÃvilo otmeniÃli, no nenadoÃlgo, the rule was rescinded, but not for long.
neobrazoÃvannyj adj. uneducated. ÑneobrazoÃvan-nost;,n.f. lack of education.
neobratiÃmyj adj. irreversible.
neobuÃzdannyj adj. unrestrained; unbridled.
neobuÃhennyj adj. untrained.
neobxodiÃmo adj., used predicatively, necessary; essen-tial; imperative: NeobxodiÃmo deÃjstvovat; bez pro-medleÃniq, it is essential/imperative that we act without delay. NeobxodiÃmo prinqÃt; sroÃhnye meÃry, urgent measures must be taken.
neobxodiÃmoe n., decl. as an adj. necessities; essentials: vs\ neobxodiÃmoe, all the necessities; everything one needs; saÃmoe neobxodiÃmoe, the basic necessities.
neobxodiÃmost; n.f. necessity; need. Ñpo neobxo-diÃmosti, out of necessity. Ñpri (or v sluÃhae) neobxodiÃmosti, when (or if) necessary. Ñpred-meÃty peÃrvoj neobxodiÃmosti, the basic necessities.
neobxodiÃmyj adj. necessary; essential. See also neobxodiÃmoe.
neoplaÃtnyj adj. 1, that cannot be repaid. V neoplaÃt-nom dolguÃu (or peÃred), eternally indebted to; forever in oneÕsÊdebt. 2, unable to pay oneÕs debts.
neÃotkuda adv., used with inf. there is no place (from): Mne neÃotkuda `Ãto dostaÃt;, there is no place I can get it from. UznaÃt; ob `Ãtom mne byÃlo neÃotkuda, there was no place I could find out about it.
neotloÃ'ka n., colloq. ambulance (service): vyÃzvat; neotloÃ'ku, to call an ambulance.