1, on; onto: sest; na zeÃml[, to sit (down) on the ground; polo'iÃ

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nekonstitucioÃnnyj adj. unconstitutional.

nekontroliÃruemyj adj. uncontrolled.

nekoronoÃvannyj adj. uncrowned.

nekorreÃktnyj adj. improper; indecorous.

neÃkotorye indef. pron. some; some people; certain people. ÑneÃkotorye iz, some of.

neÃkotoryj adj. 1, pl. some; certain: neÃkotorye l[Ãdi, some/certain people. 2, some; a certain amount of: neÃko-toroe somneÃnie, some doubt. V/do neÃkotoroj steÃ-peni, to a certain extent. ÑneÃkotoroe vreÃmq, for some time; (for) a while. Ñs neÃkotoryx por, for some time now.

nekrasiÃvyj adj. 1, ugly; unattractive. 2, colloq. im-proper; not nice: ~×to nekrasiÃvo, thatÕs not nice.

nekraÃwenyj adj. unpainted.

nekreÃpkij adj. 1, not strong; not firm; flimsy. 2, not robust. 3, weak; diluted.

nekritiÃheskij adj. uncritical.

nekroÃz n. necrosis.

nekroloÃg n. obituary.

nekstaÃti adv. 1, at the wrong time; at an inopportune moment. 2, out of place; inappropriate.

nektaÃr n. nectar.

neÃkto indef. pron. 1, someone; somebody. 2, a certain: Vas spraÃwival neÃkto IvaÃnov, someone named Ivanov was asking for you.

neÃkuda adv. 1, (used with inf.) nowhere; no place: Mne eÃxat; neÃkuda, I have nowhere to go. 2, (used with comp. adjectives) colloq. as can be: proÃ]e neÃkuda, as simple as can be; it couldnÕt be simpler; xuÃ'e neÃkuda, it couldnÕt be worse. ÑtoropiÃt;sq neÃkuda, there is no hurry.

nekul;tuÃrnyj adj. 1, uncivilized; uncultured. 2, (of plants) uncultivated. Ñnekul;tuÃrnost;, n.f. lack of culture; lack of refinement.

nekurqÃ]ij adj. who does not smoke. Ñn. nonsmoker.

nelaÃdno adv. badly. Ñadj., used predicatively, wrong: HtoÃ-to s nim nelaÃdno, something is wrong with him.

nelaÃdnyj adj., colloq. 1, wrong: HtoÃ-to nelaÃdnoe proisxoÃdit, something wrong is going on. 2, ungainly. ÑnelaÃdnoe, n. something wrong: huÃvstvovat; nelaÃdnoe, to sense that something is wrong.

neladyà [gen. -doÃv] n.pl., colloq. disagreements; fric-tion; failure to get along: U nix neladyÃ, they are not getting along.

nelakiroÃvannyj adj. not lacquered; unvarnished.

nelaÃskovyj adj. cold; unfriendly.

nelegaÃl;nyj adj. illegal. ÑnelegaÃl;no, adv. ille-gally. ÑnelegaÃl;nost;, n.f. illegality.

nel\gkij adj. 1, not easy; hard; difficult. 2, heavy; not light.

nelegkoà adv. not easily: Qzykià da[Ãtsq emuà nelegkoÃ, languages do not come easily to him.

neleÃpost; n.f. 1, absurdity (of something). 2, non-sense.

neleÃpyj adj. ridiculous; absurd.

neleÃstnyj adj. unflattering; uncomplimentary.

nel\tnyj adj. non-flying; unsuitable for flying.

nelinoÃvannyj adj. (of paper) unlined; unruled.

nelicepriqÃtnyj adj. 1, impartial; unbiased. 2, un-complimentary; unflattering.

neliÃwnij adj. not out of place; useful. ÑneliÃwne, adj., used predicatively, useful; worthwhile: NeliÃwne ot-meÃtit;, hto..., it is worth noting that...

neloÃvkij adj. 1, awkward; clumsy. 2, fig. awkward; uncomfortable; embarrassing: neloÃvkoe molhaÃnie, awkward silence.

neloÃvko adv. awkwardly. Ñadj., used predicatively, awkward; ill at ease: huÃvstvovat; sebqà neloÃvko, to feel awkward/uncomfortable/ ill at ease/.

neloÃvkost; n.f. 1, awkwardness. 2, (an) indiscretion. 3, (sense of) awkwardness; embarrassment.

nelogiÃhnyj adj. illogical. ÑnelogiÃhno, adv. illogi-cally.

neloqÃl;nyj adj. disloyal. ÑneloqÃl;nost;, n.f. disloyalty.

nel;zqà adv. 1, it is impossible; one cannot: Nel;zqà skazaÃt;, it is impossible to say; one cannot say. 2, it is forbidden; one may not: Nel;zqà kuriÃt;, smoking is for-bidden. ÑkakÊnel;zqà luÃhwe, perfectly; in the best possible way; as well as it could possibly be. Ñnel;zqà li..., canÕt you...?; couldnÕt you?: Nel;zqà li potiÃwe?, canÕt/couldnÕt you be a little more quiet?

nel[beÃznyj adj. ungracious.

nel[biÃmyj adj. unloved.

nel[boÃv; [infl. like l[boÃv;] n.f. dislike.

nel[diÃm n.m. [fem. -ka] unsociable person.

nel[diÃmyj adj. unsociable. Ñnel[diÃmost;, n.f. unsociability.

n\m pron., prepl. of on and onoÃ.

nemaÃlo adv. 1, (with gen.) quite a bit of; quite a few; a good deal of. 2, (with verbs) quite; quite a bit; quite a lot.

nemalovaÃ'nyj adj. of no small importance; not unim-portant.

nemaÃlyj adj. considerable: v nemaÃloj steÃpeni, to a considerable extent. RasxoÃdovat; nemaÃlye sreÃdstva, to expend considerable sums of money. Tri goÃda Ñ nemaÃlyj srok, three years is a pretty long time.

nemebliroÃvannyj adj. unfurnished.

nemeÃdlennyj adj. immediate. ÑnemeÃdlenno, adv. immediately; at once.

nemeÃdlq adv. immediately; at once.

NemeziÃda n. 1, Nemesis (Greek goddess). 2, (oneÕs) nemesis.

nemeÃrknu]ij adj. 1, never fading. 2, fig. undying.

nemeÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. onemeÃt;] 1, to be speechless; be dumbfounded. 2, to become numb.

neÃmec [gen. neÃmca] n.m. [fem. neÃmka] German. ÑnemeÃckij, adj. German.

nemiloseÃrdnyj adj. merciless; unmerciful. Ñne-miloseÃrdno, adv. mercilessly.

nemiÃlostivyj adj., obs. 1, ungracious. 2, unmerciful.

nemiÃlost; n.f. disfavor; disgrace. ÑpopaÃst; v nemiÃlost;, to fall into disfavor; fall out of favor.

neminuÃemyj adj. inevitable; unavoidable. ÑneminuÃ-emo, adv. inevitably; unavoidably.

neÃmka [gen. pl. neÃmok] n. German woman.

nemnoÃgie adj. a few: v nemnoÃgix slovaÃx, in a few words. Ñindef. pron. 1, few people; not many people. 2, the few: nemnoÃgie, kto..., the few who...

nemnoÃgim adv., used with comp. adjectives, a little.

nemnoÃgo adv. 1, (with gen.) a little; a bit of. 2, little; not much. 3, a little; rather; somewhat.

nemnoÃgoe n., in to nemnoÃgoe, hto..., the little that...; what little...

nemnogosloÃvnyj adj. of few words; laconic.

nemnogohiÃslennyj adj. 1, small (in number of people, members, etc.). 2, pl. the few: nemnogohiÃs-lennye dobrovoÃl;cy, the few volunteers.

nemnoÃ'ko adv., colloq. = nemnoÃgo.

nemnuÃ]ijsq adj. (of fabric) crease-resistant.

nemoÃj adj. 1, dumb; mute. 2, (of a film) silent. Ñn. mute.

nemolodoÃj adj. not young.

nemoÃlotyj adj. unground.

nemotaà n. inability to speak.

neÃmoh; n.f., colloq. sickness; illness.

nemo]\nyj adj. unpaved.

neÃmo]nyj adj. [short form -]en, -]na] feeble; infirm.

neÃmo]; n.f. infirmity.

nemuà pron., var. of emuÃ, used after prepositions.

nemudrenoà adv., colloq. 1, (with inf.) it is easy (to)... 2, (with a dependent clause) it is not surprising (that)...; no wonder: NemudrenoÃ, hto on ne otveÃtil, no wonder he didnÕt answer.

nemudr\nyj adj., colloq. simple; uncomplicated.

nemuÃdryj adj. 1, not very bright. 2, colloq. = nemu-dr\nyj.

nemyÃslimyj adj. unthinkable.

nemyÃtyj adj. unwashed.

nenabl[daÃtel;nyj adj. unobservant.

nenaviÃdet; v.impfv. [pres. -viÃ'u, -viÃdiw;] to hate; detest.

nenaviÃstnik n. person who hates. ÑnenaviÃst-nihestvo, n. hostile attitude.

nenaviÃstnyj adj. hated; hateful; abhorrent.

neÃnavist; n.f. hatred; hate.

nenaglqÃdnyj adj. beloved.

nenad\'nyj adj. unreliable. Ñnenad\'nost;, n.f. unreliability.

nenaÃdobnost; n.f. lack of need (for). Ñza nenaÃ-dobnost;[, for lack of use. Ñza nenaÃdobnost;[ (+ gen.), there being no need (for).

nenadoÃlgo adv. for a short time; for a short while (subsequent to the action expressed by the verb): Q uez'aÃ[ nenadoÃlgo, I am going away for a short time/ while. PraÃvilo otmeniÃli, no nenadoÃlgo, the rule was rescinded, but not for long.

nenaÃzvannyj adj. unnamed.

nenakazuÃemyj adj. not punishable by law.

nenameÃrennyj adj. unintentional. ÑnenameÃrenno, adv. unintentionally.

nenapadeÃnie n. nonaggression.

nenaroÃkom adv., colloq. by chance: On nenaroÃkom zaw\l, he just happened to drop in.

nenaÃstnyj adj. inclement.

nenaÃst;e n. inclement weather.

nenasyÃtnyj adj. insatiable.

nenasyÃ]ennyj adj. unsaturated.

nenaturaÃl;nyj adj. 1, artificial. 2, unnatural.

nenauÃhnyj adj. unscientific.

neÃnec [gen. neÃnca] n.m. [fem. neÃnka] Nenets (one of a people inhabiting northernmost Russia). ÑneÃneckij, adj. Nenets.

nenormaÃl;nyj adj. abnormal. ÑnenormaÃl;no, adv. abnormally. ÑnenormaÃl;nost;, n.f. abnormality.

nenuÃ'nost; n.f. 1, uselessness. 2, usu. pl., colloq. useless things.

nenuÃ'nyj adj. unneeded; needless; unnecessary.

neobduÃmannyj adj. not thought out; thoughtless; rash. ÑneobduÃmanno, adv. without thought; rashly; hastily.

neobeskuraÃ'ennyj adj. not discouraged; undis-mayed.

neobespeÃhennyj adj. 1, without means; unprovided for. 2, finance unsecured.

neobespokoÃennyj adj. unworried; undisturbed.

neob'iÃtyj also, neob'itoÃj adj. uninhabited; un-lived-in.

neobitaÃemyj adj. uninhabited.

neobnaruÃ'ennyj adj. undetected.

neobozriÃmyj adj. boundless; vast. ÑneobozriÃ-most;, n.f. vastness.

neobosnoÃvannyj adj. 1, groundless; unfounded. 2, unsound.

neobraboÃtannyj adj. 1, uncultivated; untilled. 2, crude; rough; unfinished.

neobrazoÃvannyj adj. uneducated. ÑneobrazoÃvan-nost;, n.f. lack of education.

neobratiÃmyj adj. irreversible.

neobuÃzdannyj adj. unrestrained; unbridled.

neobuÃhennyj adj. untrained.

neobxodiÃmo adj., used predicatively, necessary; essen-tial; imperative: NeobxodiÃmo deÃjstvovat; bez pro-medleÃniq, it is essential/imperative that we act without delay. NeobxodiÃmo prinqÃt; sroÃhnye meÃry, urgent measures must be taken.

neobxodiÃmoe n., decl. as an adj. necessities; essentials: vs\ neobxodiÃmoe, all the necessities; everything one needs; saÃmoe neobxodiÃmoe, the basic necessities.

neobxodiÃmost; n.f. necessity; need. Ñpo neobxo-diÃmosti, out of necessity. Ñpri (or v sluÃhae) neobxodiÃmosti, when (or if) necessary. Ñpred-meÃty peÃrvoj neobxodiÃmosti, the basic necessities.

neobxodiÃmyj adj. necessary; essential. See also neobxodiÃmoe.

neob]iÃtel;nyj adj. unsociable; antisocial. Ñneob-]iÃtel;nost;, n.f. unsociability.

neob=ektiÃvnyj adj. not objective; biased. Ñneob=-ektiÃvnost;, n.f. lack of objectivity.

neob=qÃvlennyj adj. (of a war) undeclared.

neob=qsniÃmyj adj. inexplicable; unexplainable; unac-countable.

neob=qÃtnyj adj. boundless; vast.

neobyknoveÃnnyj adj. unusual; uncommon; extraordi-nary. ÑneobyknoveÃnno, adv. unusually; uncommonly.

neobyhaÃjnost; n.f. 1, (with gen.) extraordinary nature (of). 2, extraordinary event.

neobyhaÃjnyj adj. extraordinary; exceptional.

neobyÃhnyj adj. unusual. ÑneobyÃhno, adv. unusu-ally.

neobqzaÃtel;nyj adj. 1, optional; not obligatory. 2, (of a person) not obliging.

neoglqÃdnyj adj. boundless; vast.

neograniÃhennyj adj. unlimited.

neodinaÃkovyj adj. different; dissimilar.

neodnokraÃtno adv. repeatedly; more than once. Ñne-odnokraÃtnyj, adj. repeated.

neodnoroÃdnyj adj. 1, heterogeneous. 2, dissimilar. ÑneodnoroÃdnost;, n.f. heterogeneity.

neodobreÃnie n. disapproval.

neodobriÃtel;nyj adj. disapproving. ÑneodobriÃ-tel;no, adv. in disapproval.

neodoliÃmyj adj. 1, (of a force, urge, etc.) irresistible. 2, obs. invincible.

neoduwevl\nnyj adj. inanimate.

neo'iÃdanno adv. unexpectedly.

neo'iÃdannost; n.f. 1, suddenness. 2, unexpected development; surprise: KakaÃq priqÃtnaq neo'iÃdan-nost;!, what a pleasant surprise!

neo'iÃdannyj adj. unexpected.

neoklassiciÃzm n. neoclassicism. ÑneoklassiÃhe-skij, adj. neoclassical.

neokonhaÃtel;nyj adj. not final.

neokoÃnhennyj adj. unfinished.

neolitiÃheskij adj. neolithic.

neologiÃzm n. neologism.

neoÃn n. neon. ÑneoÃnovyj, adj. neon.

neopaÃsnyj adj. not dangerous.

neoperaÃbel;nyj adj., med. inoperable.

neoperiÃvwijsq adj. 1, unfledged. 2, fig., colloq. cal-low.

neopisuÃemyj adj. indescribable.

neoplaÃtnyj adj. 1, that cannot be repaid. V neoplaÃt-nom dolguà u (or peÃred), eternally indebted to; forever in oneÕsÊdebt. 2, unable to pay oneÕs debts.

neoplaÃhennyj adj. unpaid.

neopoÃznannyj adj. unidentified.

neopraÃvdannyj adj. 1, unjustified; unwarranted. 2, unfounded.

neopredel\nno adv. vaguely.

neopredel\nnost; n.f. 1, vagueness. 2, uncertainty.

neopredel\nnyj adj. 1, indefinite; uncertain; indeter-minate. 2, vague; unclear. Ñneopredel\nnaq foÃrma glagoÃla, infinitive.

neopredeliÃmyj adj. indefinable.

neoprover'iÃmyj adj. irrefutable; incontrovertible; conclusive. Ñneoprover'iÃmo, adv. conclusively.

neoprqÃtnyj adj. untidy. ÑneoprqÃtnost;, n.f. unti-diness.

neopublikoÃvannyj adj. unpublished.

neoÃpytnyj adj. inexperienced. ÑneoÃpytnost;, n.f. inexperience; lack of experience.

neorganizoÃvannyj adj. unorganized; disorganized. ÑneorganizoÃvannost;, n.f. lack of organization; dis-organization.

neorganiÃheskij adj. inorganic.

neosvedoml\nnyj adj. uninformed. Ñneosvedom-l\nnost;, n.f. lack of information; ignorance.

neosve]\nnyj adj. unlighted; unlit.

neoslaÃbno adv. without letup.

neoslaÃbnyj adj. unflagging; unremitting. S neoslaÃb-nym vnimaÃniem, with rapt attention. Also, neoslabe-vaÃ[]ij.

neosmotriÃtel;nyj adj. imprudent. ÑneosmotriÃ-tel;nost;, n.f. imprudence.

neosnovaÃtel;nyj adj. 1, groundless; unfounded. 2, colloq. frivolous; superficial; shallow.

neosoÃznannyj adj. 1, (of a feeling) subconscious. 2, (of an act) unconscious. ÑneosoÃznanno, adv. uncon-sciously.

neosporiÃmyj adj. indisputable; incontestable; unchal-lengeable; undeniable.

neostoroÃ'no adv. carelessly.

neostoroÃ'nost; n.f. carelessness: po neostoroÃ'-nosti, through carelessness. ImeÃt; neostoroÃ'nost; (+ inf.), to be incautious enough to...

neostoroÃ'nyj adj. careless; incautious.

neosu]estviÃmyj adj. impracticable; infeasible. Ñne-osu]estviÃmost;, n.f. impracticability.

neosqzaÃemyj adj. intangible.

neotaÃplivaemyj adj. unheated.

neotvratiÃmyj adj. inevitable. ÑneotvratiÃmost;, n.f. inevitability.

neotvqÃznyj adj. 1, (of a thought, question, etc.) nag-ging. 2, (of a person) bothersome; annoying. Also, ne-otvqÃzhivyj.

neotdeliÃmyj adj. inseparable. ÑneotdeliÃmost;, n.f. inseparability.

neot\sannyj adj., colloq. crude; uncouth.

neotzyÃvhivyj adj. unresponsive.

neotkryÃtyj adj. unopened.

neÃotkuda adv., used with inf. there is no place (from): Mne neÃotkuda `Ãto dostaÃt;, there is no place I can get it from. UznaÃt; ob `Ãtom mne byÃlo neÃotkuda, there was no place I could find out about it.

neotloÃ'ka n., colloq. ambulance (service): vyÃzvat; neotloÃ'ku, to call an ambulance.

neotloÃ'nyj adj. urgent. ÑneotloÃ'nost;, n.f. ur-gency.

neotluÃhnyj adj. always present; ever-present. Ñne-otluÃhno, adv. constantly.

neotpoliroÃvannyj adj. unpolished.

neotraziÃmyj adj. irresistible. ÑneotraziÃmost;, n.f. irresistibility.

neotrepetiÃrovannyj adj. unrehearsed.

neotstuÃpnyj adj. relentless. ÑneotstuÃpno, adv. relentlessly.

neoth\tlivyj adj. indistinct. Ñneoth\tlivost;, n.f. indistinctness.

neotwlifoÃvannyj adj. unpolished.

neot=eÃmlemyj adj. inalienable. Ñneot=eÃmlemaq hast;, integral part.

neofiÃt n. neophyte.

neoficiaÃl;nyj adj. unofficial.

neoxoÃta n. reluctance; unwillingness. Ñmne neoxoÃta (+ inf.), I donÕt feel like...; I donÕt care to...

neoxoÃtno adv. reluctantly. ÑneoxoÃtnyj, adj. reluc-tant.

neoceniÃmyj adj. inestimable; invaluable.

neohiÃ]ennyj adj. unrefined; crude.

neo]utiÃmyj adj. imperceptible. Also, neo]utiÃ-tel;nyj.

nepaÃrnyj adj. odd (one of an incomplete pair). Ñne-paÃrnyj welkoprqÃÃd, gypsy moth.

nepartiÃjnyj adj. 1, non-party; not belonging to the party. 2, not befitting a member of the party.

nepatriotiÃheskij adj. unpatriotic. Also, nepatri-otiÃhnyj.

neperevodiÃmyj adj. untranslatable.

neperedavaÃemyj adj. indescribable; inexpressible.

neperenosiÃmyj adj. unbearable.

neperexoÃdnyj adj. (of a verb) intransitive.

neperspektiÃvnyj adj. having poor prospects; un-promising.

nepehaÃtnyj adj., colloq. unprintable (i.e. obscene).

nepiÃsanyj adj. unwritten.

neplat\' [gen. -te'aÃ] n. nonpayment.

neplat\'esposoÃbnyj adj. insolvent. Ñnepla-t\'esposoÃbnost;, n.f. insolvency.

neplateÃl;]ik n. person who has not paid.

neplodoroÃdnyj adj. barren; infertile. Ñneplodo-roÃdnost;, n.f. barrenness; infertililty.

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