neploÃtnyj adj. not dense; thin. ÑneploÃtno
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neploÃtnyj adj. not dense; thin. ÑneploÃtno , adv. not tightly: neploà tno zakryà tyj, not closed tightly.
neploÃxo adv. quite well; rather well. Ñ adj., used predicatively, not bad: ~× to neploà xo, thatÕs not bad.
neploxoÃj adj. not (a) bad.
nepobediÃmyj adv. invincible; unconquerable. Ñnepo-bediÃmost; , n.f. invincibility.
nepovaÃdno adv., colloq., in htoÃby nepovaÃdno byÃlo (+ dat. ), so that he/she wonÕt do it again. Htoà by drugià m nepovaà dno byà lo, so as to serve as a lesson (or deterrent) to others.
nepoviÃnnyj adj. innocent.
nepovinoveÃnie n. disobedience; insubordination.
nepovoroÃtlivyj adj. awkward; clumsy. Ñnepovo-roÃtlivost; , n.f. awkwardness; clumsiness.
nepovre'd\nnyj adj. undamaged.
nepovtoriÃmyj adj. inimitable; unique. Ñnepovto-riÃmost; , n.f. uniqueness.
nepogoÃda n. bad weather.
nepogoÃ'ij adj., colloq. overcast; dreary.
nepogrewiÃmyj adj. infallible. ÑnepogrewiÃmost; , n.f. infallibility.
nepodal\ku adv. 1, not far away; not far off. 2, (with ot ) not far (from).
nepodaÃtlivyj adj. unyielding; intractable.
nepodviÃ'nyj adj. 1, motionless; stationary ; immobile. 2, (of a look, stare, etc. ) fixed. ÑnepodviÃ'no , adv. motionless. ÑnepodviÃ'nost; , n.f. immobility.
nepodgotoÃvlennyj adj. 1, unprepared. 2, untrained.
nepoddeÃl;nyj adj. 1, genuine; authentic. 2, genuine; unfeigned; sincere.
nepodkuÃpnyj adj. incorruptible. ÑnepodkuÃpnost; , n.f. incorruptibility.
nepodobaÃ[]ij adj. 1, improper; unseemly. 2, (with dat. ) not worthy of; beneath (someone).
nepodpiÃsannyj adj. unsigned.
nepodra'aÃemyj adj. inimitable.
nepodtver'd\nnyj adj. unconfirmed.
nepodxodqÃ]ij adj. unsuitable; inappropriate.
nepodhineÃnie n. insubordination. ÑnepodhineÃnie sudeÃbnomu postanovleÃni[ , contempt of court.
nepozvoliÃtel;nyj adj. impermissible.
nepokolebiÃmyj adj. unshakable; unwavering; stead-fast. ÑnepokolebiÃmost; , n.f. steadfastness.
nepokoÃrnyj adj. rebellious; recalcitrant; unruly. Ñne-pokoÃrnost; , n.f. rebelliousness; recalcitrance.
nepokryÃtyj adv. uncovered.
nepolaÃdki [sing. - dka ] colloq. 1, defects; bugs. 2, arguments; squabbles.
nepolitiÃhnyj adj., colloq. impolitic; tactless.
nepolnopraÃvnyj adj. not enjoying full rights.
nepolnotaà n. incompleteness.
nepolnoceÃnnost; n.f. inferiority.
nepolnoceÃnnyj adj. inferior. ÑuÃmstvenno nepol-noceÃnnyj , adj. mentally defective.
nepoÃlnyj adj. 1, (of a container ) partially filled; not completely full. 2, incomplete. ÑraboÃtat; nepoÃlnyj den; , to work part-time.
nepoloÃ'ennyj adj. the wrong: v nepoloà 'ennom meà ste, in the wrong place ; not where one is (or was) supposed to.
nepomeÃrnyj adj. excessive; inordinate; exorbitant.
neponimaÃnie n. lack of understanding; failure to understand; incomprehension.
neponqÃtlivyj adj. slow to grasp things; slow-witted; dull; dense.
neponqÃtno adv. incomprehensibly. Ñ adj., used predi-catively, incomprehensible; impossible to understand: Mne neponqà tno, kak `à to sluhià los;, it is incomprehen-sible to me (or I cannot understand) how it happened.
neponqÃtnyj adj. incomprehensible; unintelligible. ÑneponqÃtnost; , n.f. incomprehensibility; unintelligi-bility.
nepopadaÃnie n. miss (in shooting ).
nepopraviÃmyj adj. irreparable; irretrievable.
nepopulqÃrnyj adj. [short form masc. - ren ] unpopu-lar. ÑnepopulqÃrnost; , n.f. unpopularity.
neporoÃhnost; n.f. innocence; purity; chastity.
neporoÃhnyj adj. innocent; pure; chaste. ÑneporoÃh-noe zahaÃtie , the Immaculate Conception.
nepoÃrtq]ijsq adj. nonperishable.
neporqÃdok [gen. - dka ] n. 1, disorder. 2, pl. failings; mix-ups.
neporqÃdohnyj adj. dishonorable.
neposvq]\nnyj adj. uninitiated.
neposeÃda n.m. & f., colloq. fidgety person; fidget.
neposeÃdlivyj adj. restless; fidgety. ÑneposeÃd-livost; , n.f. restlessness.
nepose]eÃnie n. (with gen. ) failure to attend.
neposiÃl;nyj adj. exhausting; backbreaking.
neposleÃdovatel;nyj adj. inconsistent. Ñnepo-sleÃdovatel;nost; , n.f. inconsistency.
neposluwaÃnie n. disobedience.
neposluÃwnyj adj. disobedient.
neposreÃdstvennyj adj. 1, immediate; direct. 2, natural; spontaneous. ÑneposreÃdstvenno , adv. im-mediately; directly. ÑneposreÃdstvennost; , n.f. spon-taneity.
neposti'iÃmost; n.f. incomprehensibility.
neposti'iÃmyj adj. incomprehensible. Ñumuà nepo-sti'iÃmo , beyond all comprehension.
nepostoqÃnnyj adj. 1, inconstant; changeable; fickle. 2, nonpermanent: nepostoqà nnye hleà ny Soveà ta Bezo-paà snosti, nonpermanent members of the Security Coun-cil. ÑnepostoqÃnstvo , n. inconstancy.
nepotiÃzm n. nepotism.
nepotoplqÃemyj adj. unsinkable.
nepotreÃbnyj adj., obs. indecent; obscene.
nepoxoÃ'ij adj. (with na + acc. ) unlike; different (from).
nepohaÃtyj adj. untouched; unopened; unused. Ñne-pohaÃtyj kraj (+ gen. ), no end (of); tons (of).
nepohteÃnie n. disrespect.
nepohtiÃtel;nyj adj. disrespectful; irreverent. Ñne-pohtiÃtel;nost; , n.f. disrespect; irreverence.
nepraÃvda n. 1, untruth; falsehood; lie. ~Ãto nepraà vda!, that is not true; thatÕs a lie. 2, deception; trickery. Ñ interj. not so! ÑvseÃmi praÃvdami i nepraÃvdami , by hook or by crook.
nepravdopodoÃbie n. improbability; unlikelihood.
nepravdopodoÃbnyj adj. 1, improbable; unlikely. 2, implausible.
nepraÃvednyj adj., obs. unjust; unfair.
nepraÃvil;no adv. incorrectly. Ñ adj., used predica-tively, incorrect: Byà lo by nepraà vil;no (+ inf. ), it would be incorrect to...
nepraÃvil;nost; n.f. 1, error; fallacy. 2, irregularity.
nepraÃvil;nyj adj. 1, wrong; incorrect. 2, irregular. 3, (of a fraction ) improper.
nepravomeÃrnyj adj. illegal.
nepravomoÃhnyj adj. lacking the necessary authority.
nepravotaà n. error.
nepraÃvyj adj. [short form nepraÃv , nepravaà , ne-praÃvo , nepraÃvy ] usu. used predicatively, wrong: Onaà bylaà nepravaà , she was wrong.
nepraktiÃhnyj adj. impractical. ÑnepraktiÃhnost; , n.f. impracticality.
neprevzojd\nnyj adj. unsurpassed; unexcelled.
nepredviÃdennyj adj. unforeseen.
neprednameÃrennyj adj. unintentional; unpremedi-tated.
nepredpriiÃmhivyj adj. unenterprising.
nepredskazuÃemyj adj. unpredictable.
nepredube'd\nnyj adj. unbiased; unprejudiced.
nepredumyÃwlennyj adj. unpremeditated. Ñnepred-umyÃwlennoe ubiÃjstvo , manslaughter.
nepredusmotriÃtel;nyj adj. lacking foresight; im-provident. ÑnepredusmotriÃtel;nost; , n.f. lack of foresight; improvidence.
neprekloÃnnyj adj. inflexible; intransigent; adamant. ÑneprekloÃnnost; , n.f. inflexibility; intransigence.
neprekra]aÃ[]ijsq adj. unceasing.
nepreloÃ'nyj adj. immutable.
nepremeÃnno adv. 1, absolutely; definitely; without fail. 2, sure; bound: On nepremeà nno opozdaà et, he is sure/ bound to be late. ÑnepremeÃnnyj , adj. absolutely nec-essary ; essential.
nepreoboriÃmyj adj. irresistible.
nepreodoliÃmyj adj. 1, insurmountable; insuperable. 2, irresistible.
neprerekaÃemyj adj. unquestionable; indisputable.
nepreryÃvnyj adj. continuous; uninterrupted. Ñnepre-ryÃvno , adv. continuously. ÑnepreryÃvnost; , n.f. continuity.
neprestaÃnnyj adj. incessant; continual. Ñnepre-staÃnno , adv. incessantly; continually.
neprexodqÃ]ij adj. lasting; enduring.
nepriveÃtlivyj adj. 1, unfriendly; ungracious. 2, unin-viting; forbidding. ÑnepriveÃtlivost; , n.f. unfriend-liness; ungraciousness.
neprivlekaÃtel;nyj adj. unattractive.
neprivyÃhka n. not being used to something: s nepri-vyà hki (+ k or inf. ), not being used to...
neprivyÃhno adv. unusually. Ñ adj., used predicatively (with dat. ) unaccustomed; not used to: (Mne) neprivyà hno poà zdno lo'ià t;sq, I am not used to going to bed late.
neprivyÃhnyj adj. 1, strange; unfamiliar. 2, (with k ) unaccustomed (to). 3, inexperienced; untrained.
nepriglqÃdnyj adj. unattractive; unsightly.
neprigoÃdnost; n.f. 1, (with k ) unsuitability (for). 2, uselessness.
neprigoÃdnyj adj. 1, (with k ) unfit (for); unsuited (for). 2, unusable; useless.
neprieÃmlemyj adj. unacceptable. ÑneprieÃmle-most; , n.f. unacceptability.
nepriznaÃnie n. 1, failure (or refusal) to recognize; nonrecognition. 2, failure (or refusal) to admit.
nepriÃznannyj adj. unrecognized.
neprikasaÃemye, decl. as an adj. untouchables (in India ).
neprikaÃqnnyj adj., colloq. aimless; not knowing what to do with oneself.
neprikosnoveÃnnost; n.f. 1, inviolability: nepri-kosnoveà nnost; 'ilià ]a, inviolability of the home. 2, original state: soxranqà t;sq v neprikosnoveà nnosti, to be preserved intact. 3, law immunity: diplomati à he- skaq neprikosnoveà nnost;, diplomatic immunity.
neprikosnoveÃnnyj adj. 1, saved for an emergency: neprikosnoveà nnyj zapaà s, emergency reserve. 2, in its original state. 3, inviolable.
neprikraÃwennyj adj. plain; unadorned; unvarnished: neprikraà wennaq praà vda, the unvarnished truth.
neprikrepl\nnyj adj. unattached.
neprikryÃtyj adj. 1, uncovered; unprotected; unde-fended. 2, fig. naked; barefaced; undisguised.
nepriliÃhie n. impropriety; indecency. Grub do ne-prilià hiq, rude to the point of indecency ; scandalously rude.
nepriliÃhnyj adj. improper; indecent. ÑnepriliÃhno , adv. improperly; indecently.
neprimeneÃnie n. nonuse: neprimeneà nie sià ly, non-use of force.
neprimeniÃmyj adj. not applicable; inapplicable.
neprimeÃtnyj adj. 1, not noticeable. 2, fig. unremark-able.
neprimehaÃtel;nyj adj. ordinary; undistinguished.
neprimiriÃmost; n.f. 1, irreconcilability. 2, (with k ) implacable attitude (toward); refusal to tolerate.
neprimiriÃmyj adj. 1, irreconcilable. 2, implacable.
neprinu'd\nnyj adj. natural; casual; relaxed; non-chalant. Ñneprinu'd\nnost; , n.f. ease; abandon; nonchalance.
neprisoedineÃnie n. nonalignment. Ñneprisoedi-niÃvwijsq , adj. nonaligned.
neprisposoÃblennyj adj. unable to adjust easily; maladjusted. ÑneprisposoÃblennost; , n.f. inability to adjust; maladjustment.
nepristoÃjnost; n.f. 1, obscenity. 2, often pl. an obscenity.
nepristoÃjnyj adj. obscene.
nepristuÃpnyj adj. 1, impregnable; unassailable. 2, fig. (of a person ) unapproachable.
nepritvoÃrnyj adj. unfeigned; genuine.
nepritqzaÃtel;nyj adj. unpretentious; unassuming.
neprixotliÃvyj adj. unpretentious; simple; plain.
neprihaÃstnost; n.f. (with k ) noninvolvement (in).
neprihaÃstnyj adj. [short form - sten , - stna ] (with k ) not implicated (in); not involved (in).
nepriqÃznennyj adj. hostile; unfriendly.
nepriqÃzn; n.f. dislike; enmity.
nepriqÃtel; n.m. enemy. ÑnepriqÃtel;skij , adj. enemy (attrib. ).
nepriqÃtie n. refusal to accept.
nepriqÃtno adj., used predicatively, unpleasant: Mne nepriqà tno slyà wat; `à to, it is unpleasant to hear it ; I am sorry to hear it.
nepriqÃtnost; n.f. 1, unpleasantness. 2, pl. trouble.
nepriqÃtnyj adj. unpleasant; disagreeable.
neprobivaÃemyj adj. impenetrable.
neprobuÃdnyj adj. 1, (of sleep ) deep. 2, colloq. (of drinking ) unrestrained; (of a drinker ) chronic.
neproveÃrennyj adj. unverified.
neprovodniÃk [gen. - nikaà ] n., physics nonconductor.
neproglqÃdnyj adj. 1, pitch-dark. 2, (of darkness, fog, etc. ) impenetrable.
neproÃdannyj adj. unsold.
neprodol'iÃtel;nyj adj. short; of short duration. Ñneprodol'iÃtel;nost; , n.f. shortness; short dura-tion.
neproduktiÃvnyj adj. unproductive. Ñneproduk-tiÃvnost; , n.f. unproductiveness.
neproduÃmannyj adj. not thought through.
neproeÃz'ij adj. impassable.
neprozraÃhnyj adj. opaque. ÑneprozraÃhnost; , n.f. opacity; opaqueness.
neproizvodiÃtel;nyj adj. 1, unproductive. 2, non-productive. ÑneproizvodiÃtel;nost; , n.f. unpro-ductiveness.
neproizvoÃl;nyj adj. involuntary.
neproiznosiÃmyj adj. unpronounceable.
neprolaÃznyj adj., colloq. impassable.
nepromokaÃemyj adj. waterproof. ÑnepromokaÃe-myj pla] , raincoat.
nepronicaÃemyj adj. impenetrable. ÑnepronicaÃe-most; , n.f. impenetrability.
neproporcionaÃl;nyj adj. disproportionate. Ñne-proporcionaÃl;no , adv. disproportionately. Ñnepro-porcionaÃl;nost; , n.f. disproportion.
neprosve]\nnyj adj. unenlightened.
neprostiÃtel;nyj adj. unforgivable; inexcusable; un-pardonable.
neproxodiÃmost; n.f. 1, impassability; impenetrabil-ity. 2, med. obstruction; blockage.
neproxodiÃmyj adj. 1, impassable; impenetrable. 2, colloq. utter.
neproÃhnyj adj. 1, not durable; flimsy. 2, fig. tenuous. ÑneproÃhnost; , n.f. flimsiness.
neproÃwenyj adj. 1, uninvited. 2, unsought; unsolic-ited.
neprqmoÃj adj. 1, indirect. 2, devious; evasive.
NeptuÃn n. Neptune.
neptuÃnij n. neptunium.
neput\vyj adj., colloq. shiftless; good-for-nothing.
nep;[Ã]ij adj. who does not drink. Ñ n. teetotaler.
nerabotosposoÃbnyj adj. disabled; incapacitated.
neraboÃhij adj. 1, nonworking. 2, off: neraboà hij den;, day off; neraboà hee vreà mq, time off. 3, colloq. not conducive to work.
neraÃvenstvo n. inequality.
neravnoduÃwnyj adj. [short form - wen , - wna ] (with k ) not indifferent (to).
neravnomeÃrnyj adj. uneven. ÑneravnomeÃrno , adv. unevenly. ÑneravnomeÃrnost; , n.f. unevenness.
neravnopraÃvie n. lack of equal rights ; inequality.
neravnopraÃvnyj adj. 1, not enjoying equal rights. 2, inequitable.
neraÃvnyj adj. unequal.
neradeÃnie n., obs. = neradiÃvost; .
neradiÃvyj adj. lackadaisical. ÑneradiÃvost; , n.f. lackadaisical attitude.
nerazberiÃxa n., colloq. confusion; chaos; disorder.
nerazboÃrhivost; n.f. 1, illegibility. 2, lack of dis-crimination.
nerazboÃrhivyj adj. 1, illegible. 2, not fussy; undis-criminating. ÑnerazboÃrhivyj v sreÃdstvax , un-scrupulous.
nerazveÃdannyj adj. unexplored; untapped.
nerazvitoÃj adj. [short form neraÃzvit , - vitaà , ne-raÃzvito , neraÃzvity ] 1, undeveloped. 2, backward; retarded. ÑneraÃzvitost; , n.f. backwardness; retarda-tion.
nerazgaÃdannyj adj. unsolved.
nerazgovoÃrhivyj adj. taciturn; uncommunicative. ÑnerazgovoÃrhivost; , n.f. taciturnity.
nerazdeliÃmyj adj. indivisible.
nerazdeÃl;nyj adj. 1, (of property ) commonly held. 2, indivisible; inseparable.
nerazlihiÃmyj adj. 1, indistinguishable. 2, indiscern-ible.
nerazluÃhnyj adj. inseparable. ÑnerazluÃhnost; , n.f. inseparability.
nerazreÃzannyj adj. uncut.
nerazrew\nnyj adj. 1, unsolved; unresolved. 2, for-bidden; prohibited.
nerazrewiÃmyj adj. insoluble.
nerazruwiÃmyj adj. indestructible.
nerazryÃvnyj adj. indissoluble. ÑnerazryÃvno , adv. indissolubly; inextricably.
nerazuÃmnyj adj. 1, unreasonable; irrational. 2, unwise; injudicious. ÑnerazuÃmnost; , n.f. unreason-ableness; irrationality.
neraskaÃqvwijsq adj. unrepentant; impenitent.
neraskryÃtyj adj. (of a crime or mystery ) unsolved.
neraspolo'eÃnie n. (with k ) 1, dislike (of). 2, disin-clination (to or toward).
nerasporqdiÃtel;nyj adj. lacking administrative ability; incompetent. ÑnerasporqdiÃtel;nost; , n.f. incompetence.
nerasprostraneÃnie n. nonproliferation.
nerasskaÃzannyj adj. untold.
nerassudiÃtel;nyj adj. irrational; lacking common sense. ÑnerassudiÃtel;nost; , n.f. irrationality; lack of common sense.
nerastvoriÃmyj adj. insoluble; indissoluble.
nerastor'iÃmyj adj. indissoluble.
nerastoroÃpnyj adj. sluggish; inert.
nerash\tlivost; n.f. 1, extravagance. 2, lack of fore-sight; improvidence.
nerash\tlivyj adj. 1, extravagant; wasteful. 2, short-sighted; improvident.
neracionaÃl;nyj adj. inefficient.
nerv n. nerve.
nerviÃrovat; v.impfv. [pres. - ru[ , - ruew; ] to make nervous; unnerve.
nerviÃheskij adj. nervous.
neÃrvnihat; v.impfv. to be nervous; become fidgety.
nervnobol;noÃj adj. suffering from a nervous dis-order. Ñ n. person suffering from a nervous disorder.
neÃrvnost; n.f. nervousness.
neÃrvnyj adj. 1, nerve (attrib. ): neà rvnye kleà tki, nerve cells. 2, nervous. 3, irritable; high-strung. 4, trying (on oneÕs nerves). ÑneÃrvnaq sisteÃma , nervous system. ÑneÃrvnaq `neÃrgiq , nervous energy.
nervoÃznyj adj. nervous; high-strung. ÑnervoÃznost; , n.f. nervousness.
nereaÃl;nyj adj. 1, unreal. 2, unrealistic; impractical.
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