1, on; onto: sest; na zeÃml[, to sit (down) on the ground; polo'iÃ

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neumoliÃmyj adj. 1, implacable. 2, inexorable.

neumolkaÃemyj adj. (of a sound or noise) incessant.

neumoÃlhnyj adj. = neumolkaÃemyj.

neumyÃtyj adj. unwashed.

neumyÃwlennyj adj. unintentional.

neuplaÃta n. failure to pay; nonpayment.

neuplaÃhennyj adj. unpaid; outstanding.

neupotrebiÃtel;nyj adj. not in use.

neupravlqÃemyj adj. 1, unmanageable. 2, ungovern-able.

neuravnoveÃwennyj adj. unbalanced; (emotionally) unstable. ÑneuravnoveÃwennost;, n.f. (mental) insta-bility.

neureguliÃrovannyj adj. (of questions, issues, etc.) unsettled; outstanding.

neuro'aÃj n. crop failure; poor harvest. Ñneuro'aÃj-nyj, adj., in neuro'aÃjnyj god, poor harvest year.

neuroÃhnyj adj. untimely; inopportune.

neurqÃdica n., colloq. 1, confusion; disorder. 2, squabbling; squabbles.

neusiÃdhivyj adj. 1, restless. 2, not diligent; not per-severing.

neuspevaÃemost; n.f. poor progress (among pupils); poor grades; pupilsÕ failure.

neuspevaÃ[]ij adj. (of a student) poor; not making satisfactory progress.

neuspeÃx n. failure.

neuspeÃwnyj adj. unsuccessful.

neustaÃnnyj adj. 1, untiring; tireless. 2, unceasing; ceaseless.

neustoÃjka n. 1, law forfeit. 2, colloq. failure.

neustoÃjhivost; n.f. instability.

neustoÃjhivyj adj. 1, shaky; unstable; unsteady. 2, fluctuating; variable; changeable.

neustraniÃmyj adj. 1, irremovable. 2, insurmount-able. 3, inevitable.

neustrawiÃmyj adj. fearless; intrepid. Ñneustra-wiÃmost;, n.f. fearlessness; intrepidity.

neustroÃennyj adj. 1, unsettled. 2, poorly organized. 3, not provided for. ÑneustroÃennost;, n.f. unsettled state.

neustroÃjstvo n. disorder.

neustuÃphivyj adj. unyielding; uncompromising. ÑneustuÃphivost;, n.f. obstinacy; unwillingness to compromise.

neusyÃpnyj adj. 1, unyielding; tireless. 2, unflagging; unremitting.

neutewiÃtel;nyj adj. unencouraging; inauspicious.

neuteÃwnyj adj. inconsolable; disconsolate.

neutoliÃmyj adj. unquenchable.

neutomiÃmyj adj. indefatigable; tireless. ÑneutomiÃ-most;, n.f. indefatigability.

neuxoÃ'ennyj adj., colloq. unkempt.

neÃuh n., colloq. ignoramus.

neuhtiÃvyj adj. impolite; discourteous. ÑneuhtiÃ-vost;, n.f. impoliteness; discourtesy.

neu[Ãtnyj adj. lacking in comforts. Ñneu[Ãtno, adj., used predicatively, uncomfortable: huÃvstvovat; sebqà neu[Ãtno, to feel uncomfortable.

neuqzviÃmyj adj. invulnerable. ÑneuqzviÃmost;, n.f. invulnerability.

neformaÃl;nyj adj. informal.

nefriÃt n. 1, nephritis. 2, nephrite; jade.

neftenalivnoÃj adj. carrying oil: neftenalivnoÃe suÃdno, oil tanker.

neftenoÃsnyj adj. containing oil; yielding oil: nefte-noÃsnyj slaÃnec, oil shale.

nefteperegoÃnnyj adj., in nefteperegoÃnnyj za-voÃd, oil refinery.

nefteprovoÃd n. oil pipeline.

nefteximiÃheskij adj. petrochemical.

neftexraniÃli]e n. oil storage tank.

neft; n.f. oil; petroleum.

neftqnoÃj adj. oil (attrib.); petroleum (attrib.).

nexarakteÃrnyj adj. not typical; uncharacteristic.

nexvaÃtka [gen. pl. -tok] n., colloq. shortage.

nexiÃtryj adj. 1, without guile; ingenuous. 2, colloq. simple; unpretentious.

nexodovoÃj adj. 1, not in working order; out of com-mission. 2, (of merchandise) unsalable; unwanted.

nexoÃ'enyj adj., colloq. untrodden.

nexoroÃwij adj. bad. ÑnexoroÃw soboÃj, ugly; unat-tractive.

nexorowoà adv. badly. Ñadj., used predicatively 1, not good; bad: NexorowoÃ, hto..., itÕs not good that... 2, ill: Emuà staÃlo nexorowoÃ, he began to feel ill.

neÃxotq adv. 1, unwillingly; reluctantly. 2, accidentally; inadvertently.

necelesoobraÃznyj adj. 1, inadvisable. 2, pointless.

necenzuÃrnyj adj. unprintable; obscene.

neceremoÃnnyj adj. unceremonious.

necivilizoÃvannyj adj. uncivilized.

nehaÃstyj adj. infrequent.

nehaÃqnnyj adj. 1, unexpected; chance. 2, accidental; inadvertent. ÑnehaÃqnno, adv. accidentally; inadvertent-ly; by chance.

neÃhego indef. pron., gen. & acc. [dat. neÃhemu; instr. neÃhem; prepl. neà (+ prep.) hem] used with the inf. there is nothing: NeÃhego hitaÃt;, there is nothing to read. Mne neÃhego skazaÃt;, I have nothing to say. Ob `Ãtom neÃ-hego i duÃmat;, that is out of the question. UdivlqÃt;sq tut neÃhemu, there is nothing surprising about this. Im neÃhem s naÃmi torgovaÃt;, they have nothing to sell us. RazgovaÃrivat; byÃlo neà o hem, there was nothing to talk about. Ñadv., colloq., used with the inf. 1, there is no reason: NeÃhego bespokoÃit;sq, there is no reason to worry. 2, there is no point; it is no use: NeÃhego 'aÃlo-vat;sq, there is no point (or itÕs no use) complaining. ÑneÃhego i govoriÃt;; ob `Ãtom i govoriÃt; neÃhego, see govoriÃt;. ÑneÃhego skazaÃt;, 1, of course; to be sure. 2, I must say! Ñot neÃhego deÃlat;, having nothing better to do.
neheloveÃheskij adj. 1, inhuman. 2, superhuman.

neh\sanyj adj. unkempt.

nehestiÃvyj adj., obs. wicked; unholy.

neheÃstnyj adj. dishonest. ÑneheÃstno, adv. dishon-estly. ÑneheÃstnost;, n.f. dishonesty.

neÃhet n., colloq. odd number.

neh\tkij adj. 1, unclear; indistinct; illegible. 2, careless; slipshod.

neh\tnyj adj. 1, (of a number) odd. 2, odd-numbered.

nehistokroÃvnyj adj. half-blooded.

nehistoploÃtnyj adj. 1, dirty; sloppy. 2, fig. unscru-pulous; shady.

nehistotaà [pl. -toÃty] n. 1, uncleanliness. 2, pl. sew-age. 3, pl. impurities.

nehiÃstyj adj. 1, unclean; dirty. 2, impure; adulterated. 3, (of sounds or speech) unclear. 4, in nehiÃstaq soÃ-vest;, guilty conscience. 5, fig. dishonest; shady. Ñnaà ruku nehiÃst, light-fingered.

neÃhist; n.f., colloq. 1, evil spirits. 2, fig. scum.

nehlenorazdeÃl;nyj adj. inarticulate; unintelligible.

neÃhto indef. pron. something.

nehuvstviÃtel;nyj adj. insensitive. ÑnehuvstviÃ-tel;nost;, n.f. insensitivity.

nehuÃtkij adj. 1, insensitive; not keen; dull. 2, insensi-tive; not caring; indifferent.

newuÃtohnyj adj., colloq. not to be taken lightly: newuÃ-tohnoe deÃlo, no laughing matter.

ne]aÃdnyj adj. merciless. Ñne]aÃdno, adv. merci-lessly.

ne`konoÃmnyj adj. uneconomical.

ne`ksponiÃrovannyj adj. (of film) unexposed.

ne`tiliÃrovannyj adj. (of gasoline) unleaded.

ne`tiÃhnyj adj. unethical.

ne`ffektiÃvnost; n.f. 1, inefficacy. 2, inefficiency.

ne`ffektiÃvnyj adj. 1, ineffective. 2, inefficient.

neqÃvka n. failure to appear.

neqÃdernyj adj. non-nuclear.

neqdoviÃtyj adj. nonpoisonous; nonvenemous.

neqÃrkij adj. 1, dim; faint. 2, pale; subdued. 3, fig. ordi-nary; unexceptional.

neqÃsno adv. 1, dimly; faintly. 2, in an unclear manner. Ñadj., used predicatively, unclear: E]\ neqÃsno, hto buÃdet, it is still unclear what will happen.

neqÃsnost; n.f. 1, lack of clarity; vagueness. 2, unclear point; ambiguity.

neqÃsnyj adj. [short form neqÃsen, neqsnaÃ, neqÃsno, neqÃsny] 1, unclear; vague. 2, indistinct. 3, (of sounds) faint; indistinct.

neqÃsyt; n.f. tawny owl.

ni neg. particle 1, not a: Na neÃbe ni oÃblahka, there is not a cloud in the sky. ¨Often used with odiÃn: On ne skazaÃl ni odnogoà sloÃva, he did not say a single word. 2, occurring as a separate word when niktoÃ, nihtoÃ, nikakoÃj and their oblique case forms are broken up to permit the insertion of a preposition in between: ni za hto na sveÃte, not for anything in the world. Q ni s kem ne vstreÃtilsq, I did not meet anyone. On ne otvehaÃl ni na kakiÃe voproÃsy, he did not answer any questions. Ñindef. particle, equivalent to English -ever: hto ni or hto by ni, whatever; gde ni or gde by ni, wherever. Kto by on nià byl, whoever he is. Kudaà ni posmoÃtriw;, wherever you look. Ñni...ni, nei-ther...nor: ni za ni proÃtiv, neither for nor against; ni tot ni drugoÃj, neither one.

niÃva n. 1, field of grain. 2, fig. field (of endeavor): na niÃve prosve]eÃniq, in the field of education.

niveliÃr n. level (instrument).

niveliÃrovat; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -ru[, -ruew;] to level.

niveliroÃvka n. leveling.

nivqÃnik n. (oxeye) daisy.

nigdeà adv. nowhere: Egoà nigdeà net, he is nowhere to be found; he is not to be found anywhere.

nigeriÃjskij adj. Nigerian.

nigiliÃzm n. nihilism. ÑnigiliÃst, n. nihilist. Ñni-gilistiÃheskij, adj. nihilistic.

niderlaÃndec [gen. -dca] n. Dutchman. Ñnider-laÃndskij, adj. Dutch; Netherlands (attrib.).

niÃ'e adj., comp. of niÃzkij. Ñadv. below. Ñprep., with gen. 1, below: niÃ'e nulqÃ, below zero. 2, beneath: niÃ'e egoà dostoÃinstva, beneath his dignity.

ni'epodpisaÃvwijsq n., decl. as an adj. the under-signed.

ni'esleÃdu[]ij adj. the following.

ni'estoqÃ]ij adj. (of an organization, governmental body, etc.) lower-level. Ñni'estoqÃ]ij sud, lower court.

niÃ'nij adj. 1, lower. 2, bottom. ÑniÃ'nee bel;\, underwear. ÑniÃ'nqq rubaÃwka, undershirt. ÑniÃ'-nij `taÃ', ground floor.

niz [2nd loc. nizuÃ; pl. nizyÃ] n. 1, bottom. 2, pl., music low notes. 3, pl., colloq. lower classes; lower strata.

nizaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nanizaÃt;; pres. ni'uÃ, niÃ'ew;] to string; thread.

nizvergaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nizveÃrgnut;] 1, to throw (down); plunge. 2, fig. to overthrow; bring down. ÑnizvergaÃt;sq, refl. (of water) to come rushing down; cascade down.

nizveÃrgnut; [past nizveÃrg, nizveÃrgla] v., pfv. of nizvergaÃt;. ÑnizveÃrgnut;sq, refl., pfv. of niz-vergaÃt;sq.

nizver'eÃnie n. overthrow.

nizvestià [infl. like vestiÃ] v., pfv. of nizvodiÃt;.

nizvodiÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nizvestiÃ; pres. -vo'uÃ, -voÃdiw;] 1, to bring down. 2, fig. (with do) to reduce (to).

niziÃna n. low-lying area. ÑniziÃnnyj, adj. low-lying.

niÃzkij adj. [short form niÃzok, nizkaÃ, niÃzko, niÃzki; comp. niÃ'e] 1, low. 2, (of quality) poor. 3, base; despicable. 4, (of a sound, voice, etc.) deep. ÑniÃzkogo roÃsta, short (in height).

niÃzko adv. 1, low: pokloniÃt;sq niÃzko, to bow low. 2, despicably.

nizkoletqÃ]ij adj. low-flying.

nizkooplaÃhivaemyj adj. 1, low-paid. 2, low-paying.

nizkopokloÃnnik n. sycophant.

nizkopokloÃnnihat; v.impfv. (with peÃred) to grovel (before); kowtow (to); bow and scrape (before).

nizkopokloÃnstvo n. servility.

nizkoproÃbnyj adj. 1, (of gold or silver) base-alloy; low-grade. 2, fig. low-grade; second-rate.

nizkoroÃslyj adj. undersized.

nizkosoÃrtnyj adj. poor-quality; low-grade.

nizlagaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nizlo'iÃt;] to overthrow; depose; bring down.

nizlo'eÃnie n. overthrow.

nizlo'iÃt; [infl. -lo'uÃ, -loÃ'iw;] v., pfv. of niz-lagaÃt;.

niÃzmennost; n.f. 1, lowland. 2, baseness; meanness.

niÃzmennyj adj. 1, geol. low-lying. 2, base; mean.

nizovoÃj adj. 1, low; close to the ground. 2, located downstream. 3, local; at the local level.

nizoÃv;e n. lower reaches (of a river).

niÃzom adv. along the bottom; along the lower route.

niÃzost; n.f. baseness; meanness.

niÃzwij adj., superl. of niÃzkij, lowest. ÑniÃzwee obrazovaÃnie, elementary education.

nikaÃk adv. (in) no way; (not) at all. ~Ãto nikaÃk ne vliqÃet na (+ acc.), this in no way affects... Q nikaÃk ne mog otkryÃt; dver;, there was no way I could open the door; I simply could not open the door. NikaÃk ne moguà vspoÃmnit;, I simply (or just) canÕt remember. ~×to nikaÃk ne pomoÃ'et, that wonÕt help at all. NikaÃk ne moguà s `Ãtim soglasiÃt;sq, I canÕt agree with that at all. ÑnikaÃk nel;zqÃ, absolutely impossible.
nikakoÃj adj. not any; no: Ne moÃ'et byt; nikakoÃgo somneÃniq, there can be no doubt. NikakiÃx izvineÃnij!, no apologies!

niÃkelevyj adj. nickel.

nikelirovaÃt; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -ruÃ[, -ruÃew;] to plate with nickel; nickel-plate.

nikeliroÃvka n. 1, nickel-plating. 2, nickel plate.

niÃkel; n.m. nickel.

nikeÃm indef. pron., instr. of niktoÃ.

niÃknut; v.impfv. [pfv. poniÃknut;; past nik or niÃk-nul, niÃkla] to droop.

nikogdaà adv. never. ¨In neg. constructions, ever: Niktoà nikogdaà neà byl tam, no one has ever been there. Ñnikogdaà boÃl;we; boÃl;we nikogdaÃ, never again. Ñnikogdaà e]\, never before.

nikogoà indef. pron., gen. & acc. of niktoÃ.

nikoÃj adj., in ni v koÃem sluÃhae, under no circum-stances; nikoÃim oÃbrazom; ni v koÃej meÃre, in no way.

nikomuà indef. pron., dat. of niktoÃ.

nikotiÃn n. nicotine. ÑnikotiÃnnyj; nikotiÃnovyj, adj. nicotine (attrib.).

niktoà indef. pron. [gen. & acc. nikogoÃ; dat. nikomuÃ; instr. nikeÃm; prepl. ni (+ prep.) kom] no one; nobody.

nikudaà adv. nowhere. Q nikudaà ne pow\l, I didnÕt go anywhere. Ñnikudaà ne godiÃt;sq, to be of no use; be no good at all.

nikudyÃwnyj adj., colloq. useless; worthless; good-for-nothing.

nikh\mnyj adj., colloq. useless; worthless; good-for-nothing. Ñnikh\mnost;, n.f., colloq. uselessness; worthlessness.

nim pers. pron., var. of im, used after prepositions.

nimaÃlo adv. not at all; not in the least; not a bit.

nimb n. nimbus.

niÃmi pers. pron., var. of iÃmi, used after prepositions.

niÃmfa n. nymph.

nimfomaÃniq n. nymphomania. ÑnimfomaÃnka, n. nymphomaniac.

nioÃbij n. niobium.

niodiÃmij n. neodymium.

niotkuÃda adv. from nowhere; not from anywhere.

nipoh\m adv., colloq. 1, (with dat.) it is nothing (for someone): Emuà nipoh\m projtià dvaÃdcat; kilo-meÃtrov, it is nothing for him to walk twenty kilometers. 2, dirt-cheap. 3, not for anything (in the world).

niÃppel; [pl. nippelqÃ] n.m. nipple (threaded pipe).

nirvaÃna n. nirvana.
niskoÃl;ko adv. not at all; not a bit; not in the least.

nispadaÃt; v.impfv. to hang down.

nisprovergaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nisproveÃrgnut;] to overthrow.

nisproveÃrgnut; [past -veÃrg, -veÃrgla] v., pfv. of nisprovergaÃt;.

nisprover'eÃnie n. overthrow.

nisxodqÃ]ij adj. descending.

niÃtka [gen. pl. niÃtok] n. 1, thread. 2, string (of pearls, beads, etc.). Ñdo niÃtki, 1, (with vs\) down to the last penny. 2, (with the verb promoÃknut;) to the skin. Ñna 'ivuÃ[ niÃtku, hastily; crudely. Ñwit beÃlymi niÃtkami, transparent; poorly disguised.

niÃtohka [gen. pl. -hek] n., dim. of niÃtka. ÑviseÃt; or der'aÃt;sq na niÃtohke, to hang by a thread. ÑxodiÃt; po niÃtohke, 1, to toe the line. 2, (with u) to meekly obey.

niÃtohnyj adj. of or for thread.

nitraÃt n. nitrate. ÑnitraÃtnyj, adj. containing nitrate; nitrate (attrib.).

nitriÃt n. nitrite.

nitrogliceriÃn n. nitroglycerin(e).

nit; n.f. 1, thread. 2, filament. 3, suture. ÑpoterqÃt; nit; razgovoÃra, to lose the thread of the conversation. ÑproxodiÃt; kraÃsnoj niÃt;[ (with v + prepl. or heÃrez), to be the dominant theme of; run through.

niÃtqnyj adj. made of thread.

nix pers. pron., var. of ix, used after prepositions.

nic adv. with oneÕs face touching the ground. Ñpast; nic, to prostrate oneself.

nihegoà indef. pron., gen. of nihtoÃ, nothing: nihegoà osoÃbennogo, nothing special. Nihegoà ne znaÃhit;, not mean anything. Q nihegoà ne viÃdel, I didnÕt see any-thing. Ñadv. & adj., colloq. [also, nihegoà sebeÃ] not bad; pretty good; pretty well. ÑnihegoÃ!, no matter!; it doesnÕt matter!; never mind!

nihegonedeÃlanie n., colloq. idleness.

niheÃj indef. pron. [infl. like hej] nobodyÕs; no oneÕs. Ñnih;qà zemlqÃ, no manÕs land. See also nih;qÃ.

niheÃjnyj adj. 1, sports; games drawn; tied. 2, colloq. no manÕs: niheÃjnaq zemlqÃ, no manÕs land.

niheÃm indef. pron., instr. of nihtoÃ.

nihemuà indef. pron., dat. of nihtoÃ.

nihkoÃm adv. prone; face down.

nihtoà indef. pron. [gen. & acc. nihegoÃ; dat. nihemuÃ; instr. niheÃm; prepl. ni (+ prep.) h\m] nothing: Nihtoà ne svqÃto, nothing is sacred. See also nihegoÃ. Ñn. nonentity; nobody.

nihtoÃ'e adv., in nihtoÃ'e sumnqÃwesq, colloq. with-out a momentÕs hesitation; just like that.

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