nexorowoà adv. badly. Ñadj., used predicatively 1, not good; bad: NexorowoÃ, hto..., itÕs not good that... 2, ill: Emuà staÃlo nexorowoÃ, he began to feel ill.
neÃhego indef. pron., gen. & acc. [dat.neÃhemu; instr. neÃhem; prepl. neà (+ prep.) hem] used with the inf. there is nothing: NeÃhego hitaÃt;, there is nothing to read. Mne neÃhego skazaÃt;, I have nothing to say. Ob `Ãtom neÃ-hego i duÃmat;, that is out of the question. UdivlqÃt;sq tut neÃhemu, there is nothing surprising about this. Im neÃhem s naÃmi torgovaÃt;, they have nothing to sell us. RazgovaÃrivat; byÃlo neà o hem, there was nothing to talk about. Ñadv., colloq., used with the inf. 1, there is no reason: NeÃhego bespokoÃit;sq, there is no reason to worry. 2, there is no point; it is no use: NeÃhego 'aÃlo-vat;sq, there is no point (or itÕs no use) complaining. ÑneÃhego i govoriÃt;; ob `Ãtom i govoriÃt; neÃhego,see govoriÃt;. ÑneÃhego skazaÃt;, 1, of course; to be sure. 2, I must say! Ñot neÃhego deÃlat;, having nothing better to do.
neheloveÃheskij adj. 1, inhuman. 2, superhuman.
neqÃsno adv. 1,dimly; faintly. 2, in an unclear manner. Ñadj., used predicatively, unclear: E]\ neqÃsno, hto buÃdet, it is still unclear what will happen.
ni neg. particle 1, not a: Na neÃbe ni oÃblahka, there is not a cloud in the sky. ¨Often used with odiÃn: On ne skazaÃl ni odnogoà sloÃva, he did not say a single word. 2, occurring as a separate word when niktoÃ, nihtoÃ, nikakoÃj and their oblique case forms are broken up to permit the insertion of a preposition in between: ni za hto na sveÃte, not for anything in the world. Q ni s kem ne vstreÃtilsq, I did not meet anyone. On ne otvehaÃl ni na kakiÃe voproÃsy, he did not answer any questions. Ñindef. particle, equivalent to English -ever: hto ni or hto by ni, whatever; gde ni or gde by ni, wherever. Kto by on nià byl, whoever he is. Kudaà ni posmoÃtriw;, wherever you look. Ñ, nei-ther...nor: ni za ni proÃtiv, neither for nor against; ni tot ni drugoÃj, neither one.
niÃva n. 1, field of grain. 2, fig. field (of endeavor): na niÃve prosve]eÃniq, in the field of education.
niveliÃr n. level (instrument).
niveliÃrovat; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -ru[, -ruew;] to level.
niveliroÃvka n. leveling.
nivqÃnik n. (oxeye) daisy.
nigdeà adv. nowhere: Egoà nigdeà net, he is nowhere to be found; he is not to be found anywhere.
nigeriÃjskij adj. Nigerian.
nigiliÃzm n. nihilism. ÑnigiliÃst,n. nihilist. Ñni-gilistiÃheskij,adj. nihilistic.
niderlaÃndec [gen. -dca] n. Dutchman. Ñnider-laÃndskij,adj. Dutch; Netherlands (attrib.).
niÃ'e adj., comp. of niÃzkij. Ñadv. below. Ñprep., with gen. 1, below: niÃ'e nulqÃ, below zero. 2, beneath: niÃ'e egoà dostoÃinstva, beneath his dignity.
ni'epodpisaÃvwijsq n., decl. as an adj. the under-signed.
nikaÃk adv. (in) no way; (not) at all. ~Ãto nikaÃk ne vliqÃet na (+ acc.), this in no way affects... Q nikaÃk ne mog otkryÃt; dver;, there was no way I could open the door; I simply could not open the door. NikaÃk ne moguà vspoÃmnit;, I simply (or just) canÕt remember. ~×to nikaÃk ne pomoÃ'et, that wonÕt help at all. NikaÃk ne moguà s `Ãtim soglasiÃt;sq, I canÕt agree with that at all. ÑnikaÃk nel;zqÃ, absolutely impossible.
nikakoÃj adj. not any; no: Ne moÃ'et byt; nikakoÃgo somneÃniq, there can be no doubt. NikakiÃx izvineÃnij!, no apologies!
niÃkelevyj adj. nickel.
nikelirovaÃt; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -ruÃ[,-ruÃew;] to plate with nickel; nickel-plate.
nikeliroÃvka n. 1, nickel-plating. 2, nickel plate.
niÃkel; n.m. nickel.
nikeÃm indef. pron., instr. ofniktoÃ.
niÃknut; v.impfv. [pfv.poniÃknut;; past nik or niÃk-nul, niÃkla] to droop.
nikogdaà adv. never. ¨In neg. constructions, ever: Niktoà nikogdaà neà byl tam, no one has ever been there. Ñnikogdaà boÃl;we; boÃl;we nikogdaÃ, never again. Ñnikogdaà e]\, never before.
nikogoà indef. pron., gen. & acc. ofniktoÃ.
nikoÃj adj., inni v koÃem sluÃhae, under no circum-stances; nikoÃim oÃbrazom; ni v koÃej meÃre, in no way.
nikomuà indef. pron., dat. ofniktoÃ.
nikotiÃn n. nicotine. ÑnikotiÃnnyj; nikotiÃnovyj,adj. nicotine (attrib.).
niktoà indef. pron. [gen. & acc.nikogoÃ; dat. nikomuÃ; instr. nikeÃm; prepl. ni (+ prep.) kom] no one; nobody.
nikudaà adv. nowhere. Q nikudaà ne pow\l, I didnÕt go anywhere. Ñnikudaà ne godiÃt;sq, to be of no use; be no good at all.
nim pers. pron., var. of im,used after prepositions.
nimaÃlo adv. not at all; not in the least; not a bit.
nimb n. nimbus.
niÃmi pers. pron., var. of iÃmi,used after prepositions.
niÃmfa n. nymph.
nimfomaÃniq n. nymphomania. ÑnimfomaÃnka,n. nymphomaniac.
nioÃbij n. niobium.
niodiÃmij n. neodymium.
niotkuÃda adv. from nowhere; not from anywhere.
nipoh\m adv., colloq. 1, (with dat.) it is nothing (for someone): Emuà nipoh\m projtià dvaÃdcat; kilo-meÃtrov, it is nothing for him to walk twenty kilometers. 2, dirt-cheap. 3, not for anything (in the world).
nirvaÃna n. nirvana.
niskoÃl;ko adv. not at all; not a bit; not in the least.
nispadaÃt; v.impfv. to hang down.
nisprovergaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.nisproveÃrgnut;] to overthrow.
nisproveÃrgnut; [past -veÃrg,-veÃrgla] v., pfv. of nisprovergaÃt;.
nisprover'eÃnie n. overthrow.
nisxodqÃ]ij adj. descending.
niÃtka [gen. pl. niÃtok] n. 1, thread. 2, string (of pearls, beads, etc.). Ñdo niÃtki, 1, (with vs\) down to the last penny. 2, (with the verb promoÃknut;) to the skin. Ñna 'ivuÃ[ niÃtku, hastily; crudely. Ñwit beÃlymi niÃtkami, transparent; poorly disguised.
niÃtohka [gen. pl. -hek] n., dim. of niÃtka. ÑviseÃt; order'aÃt;sq na niÃtohke, to hang by a thread. ÑxodiÃt; po niÃtohke, 1, to toe the line. 2, (with u) to meekly obey.
niÃtohnyj adj. of or for thread.
nitraÃt n. nitrate. ÑnitraÃtnyj, adj. containing nitrate; nitrate (attrib.).
nitriÃt n. nitrite.
nitrogliceriÃn n. nitroglycerin(e).
nit; n.f. 1, thread. 2, filament. 3, suture. ÑpoterqÃt; nit; razgovoÃra, to lose the thread of the conversation. ÑproxodiÃt; kraÃsnoj niÃt;[ (with v + prepl. orheÃrez), to be the dominant theme of; run through.
niÃtqnyj adj. made of thread.
nix pers. pron., var. of ix,used after prepositions.
nic adv. with oneÕs face touching the ground. Ñpast; nic, to prostrate oneself.
nihegoà indef. pron., gen. of nihtoÃ, nothing: nihegoà osoÃbennogo, nothing special. Nihegoà ne znaÃhit;, not mean anything. Q nihegoà ne viÃdel, I didnÕt see any-thing. Ñadv. & adj., colloq. [also,nihegoà sebeÃ] not bad; pretty good; pretty well. ÑnihegoÃ!, no matter!; it doesnÕt matter!; never mind!
nihegonedeÃlanie n., colloq. idleness.
niheÃj indef. pron. [infl. like hej] nobodyÕs; no oneÕs. Ñnih;qà zemlqÃ, no manÕs land. See also nih;qÃ.
niheÃjnyj adj. 1, sports; games drawn; tied. 2, colloq. no manÕs: niheÃjnaq zemlqÃ, no manÕs land.
niheÃm indef. pron., instr. of nihtoÃ.
nihemuà indef. pron., dat. of nihtoÃ.
nihkoÃm adv. prone; face down.
nihtoà indef. pron. [gen. & acc.nihegoÃ; dat. nihemuÃ; instr.niheÃm; prepl. ni (+ prep.) h\m] nothing: Nihtoà ne svqÃto, nothing is sacred. See alsonihegoÃ. Ñn. nonentity; nobody.
nihtoÃ'e adv., innihtoÃ'e sumnqÃwesq,colloq. with-out a momentÕs hesitation; just like that.