1, on; onto: sest; na zeÃml[, to sit (down) on the ground; polo'iÃ

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nedodeÃr'ivat; v.imfpv. [pfv. nedoder'aÃt;] photog. to underexpose.

nedodeÃr'ka n., photog. underexposure.

nedoedaÃnie n. malnutrition.

nedoedaÃt; v.impfv. to be underfed; be undernourished.

nedo'aÃrivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nedo'aÃrit;] to under-cook.

nedozvoÃlennyj adj. illegal; illicit.

nedozreÃlyj adj. 1, not fully ripe. 2, fig. immature.

nedoiÃmka [gen. pl. -mok] n. arrears; back rent; back taxes. ÑnedoiÃm]ik, n. person in arrears.

nedokaÃzannyj adj. unproved; unproven.

nedokazuÃemyj adj. that cannot be proved.

nedolgaà adv., in (vot) i vsq nedolgaÃ, colloq. and thatÕs (all there is to) it!

nedoÃlgij adj. short; brief.

nedoÃlgo adv. not long. DliÃt;sq nedoÃlgo, not last (for) long. ÑnedoÃlgo duÃmaq, without pausing to think. ÑnedoÃlgo i (+ inf.), colloq. easily: NedoÃlgo i tonuÃt;, one could easily drown.

nedolgoveÃhnyj adj. short-lived; ephemeral.

nedol[Ãblivat; v.impfv. to have little liking for; not particularly like.

nedomogaÃnie n. indisposition.

nedomogaÃt; v.impfv. to be unwell; be ailing; be indis-posed.

nedomoÃlvka [gen. pl. -vok] n. allusion; innuendo.

nedomyÃslie n. failure to think things through.

nedonoÃsok [gen. -ska] n. prematurely born baby.

nedonoÃwennyj adj. born prematurely.

nedooceÃnivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nedooceniÃt;] to underestimate.

nedooceniÃt; [infl. -cen[Ã, -ceÃniw;] v., pfv. of nedo-oceÃnivat;.

nedooceÃnka n. underestimation.

nedopeh\nnyj adj. half-baked.

nedoplatiÃt; [infl. -plahuÃ, -plaÃtiw;] v., pfv. of nedoplaÃhivat;.

nedoplaÃhivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nedoplatiÃt;] to underpay: nedoplatiÃt; pqt; doÃllarov, to underpay by five dollars.

nedopoluhaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nedopoluhiÃt;] to re-ceive less that one should: nedopoluhiÃt; deÃsqt; doÃllarov, to receive ten dollars less than one was supposed to.

nedopoluhiÃt; [infl. -luhuÃ, -luÃhiw;] v., pfv. of nedopoluhaÃt;.

nedoponimaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nedoponqÃt;] colloq. to fail to understand completely.

nedoponqÃt; [infl. like ponqÃt;] v., pfv. of nedopo-nimaÃt;.

nedoproizvoÃdstvo n. underproduction.

nedopustiÃmyj adj. impermissible; intolerable.

nedopu]eÃnie n. 1, prohibition. 2, prevention. 3, refusal to admit or allow in.

nedorabaÃtyvat; v.impfv. [pfv. nedoraboÃtat;] 1, v.i. to work less than the required time. 2, v.t. to fail to complete.

nedoraboÃtka n. 1, (with gen.) failure to complete. 2, [gen. pl. -tok] defect.

nedoraÃzvityj adj. underdeveloped.

nedorazumeÃnie n. misunderstanding.

nedoÃrogo adv. inexpensively; for a reasonable price.

nedorogoÃj adj. inexpensive.

nedoroÃd n. poor harvest; crop failure.

neÃdorosl; n.m. ignorant young man.

nedoroÃstok [gen. -stka] n., colloq. shrimp; runt.

nedoskaÃzannyj adj. not fully expressed; incomplete.

nedoslyÃwat; v.impfv. & pfv. [infl. -wu, -wiw;] 1, [pfv.] to fail to hear entirely. 2, [impfv.] colloq. to be somewhat hard of hearing.

nedosmoÃtr n. oversight.

nedosmotreÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -smotr[Ã, -smoÃtriw;] colloq. 1, to overlook. 2, (with za + instr.) to fail to look after.

nedospaÃt; [infl. like spat;] v., pfv. of nedosypaÃt;.

nedospeÃlyj adj. not fully ripe.

nedostavaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nedostaÃt;; pres. -sta\t] impers. (with gen.) 1, to be insufficient; be lacking: Hegoà vam nedosta\t?, what are you lacking? Nam nedosta\t deÃneg, we are short of money. 2, [impfv. only] to be missing: Nedosta\t dvux straniÃc, two pages are missing. 3, [impfv. only] to be missed: Nam vas nedostavaÃlo, we missed you.

nedostaÃtok [gen. -tka] n. 1, shortage; scarcity; defi-ciency; lack. 2, defect; shortcoming; drawback; failing; deficiency.

nedostaÃtohno adv. (fol. by an adj.) not ... enough; in-sufficiently. Ñadj., used predicatively, not enough; in-sufficient: Pqt; doÃllarov nedostaÃtohno, five dollars is not enough.

nedostaÃtohnost; n.f. insufficiency; deficiency; inade-quacy.

nedostaÃtohnyj adj. insufficient; inadequate.

nedostaÃt; [infl. -staÃnet] v., pfv. of nedostavaÃt;.

nedostaÃha n., colloq. shortage.

nedosta[Ã]ij adj. missing: nedosta[Ã]ee zvenoÃ, missing link.

nedosti'iÃmyj adj. unattainable.

nedostoveÃrnyj adj. of doubtful authenticity; unreli-able.

nedostoÃjno adv. badly; improperly. Ñadj., used predicatively (with gen.), unworthy of; beneath: ~×to egoà nedostoÃjno, it is unworthy of him; it is beneath him.

nedostoÃjnyj adj. [short form -stoÃin, -stoÃjna] 1, unworthy: On e\ nedostoÃin, he is unworthy of her. 2, undignified. 3, dishonorable.

nedostroÃennyj adj. (of something being built) unfin-ished.

nedostuÃpnyj adj. 1, inaccessible. 2, unattainable. 3, distant; unapproachable. 4, beyond oneÕs comprehension. 5, beyond oneÕs means; more than one can afford. ÑnedostuÃpnost;, n.f. inaccessibility.

nedosuÃg n., colloq., used impersonally with dat. lack of (leisure) time: Mne nedosuÃg, I havenÕt the time.

nedoshiÃtyvat;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. nedoshitaÃt;sq] 1, (with gen.) to be short; find missing (when counting). 2, (with subject in gen.) to be short; be missing.

nedosypaÃnie n. lack of sleep.

nedosypaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nedospaÃt;] not get enough sleep.

nedosqgaÃemyj adj. 1, unattainable. 2, inaccessible.

nedot\pa n.m. & f., colloq. maladroit person; clod.

nedotroÃga n. touch-me-not (flower). Ñn.m. & f., colloq. touchy person.

nedouÃzdok [gen. -dka] n. halter (for a horse).

nedoumevaÃt; v.impfv. to be puzzled; be perplexed; be bewildered.

nedoumevaÃ[]ij adj. puzzled; perplexed; bewildered.

nedoumeÃnie n. bewilderment; perplexity.

nedoumeÃnnyj adj. 1, puzzled; perplexed; bewildered. 2, puzzling; perplexing; baffling. ÑnedoumeÃnno, adv. in bewilderment.

nedouÃmok [gen. -mka] n., colloq. dolt.

nedouÃhka [gen. pl. -hek] n.m. & f., colloq. person with little education.

nedoh\t n. 1, shortage; deficit. 2, defect; shortcoming.

neÃdra [gen. nedr] n.pl. 1, area under ground: razveÃdka nedr, underground exploration. NeÃdra zemliÃ, interior of the earth; bowels of the earth. BogaÃtstva nedr, mineral wealth; mineral resources. 2, fig. innermost depths.

nedreÃml[]ij adj. vigilant; watchful.

neÃdrug n. enemy; foe.

nedru'el[Ãbie n. unfriendliness. Ñnedru'el[Ãb-nyj, adj. unfriendly.

neduÃg n. ailment.

nedurnoÃj adj. 1, not bad. 2, in nedur\n (nedurnaÃ) soboÃj, not bad-looking. ÑneduÃrno, adv. rather well.

ned[Ã'innyj adj. exceptional; outstanding.

ne\ pron., var. of e\, used after prepositions.

neevreÃj n. non-Jew; gentile. ÑneevreÃjskij, adj. non-Jewish; gentile.

needinoglaÃsnyj adj. not unanimous. Ñneedino-glaÃsnoe reweÃnie, boxing split decision.

neesteÃstvennyj adj. unnatural.

ne'daÃnnyj adj. unexpected.

ne'elaÃnie n. unwillingness; reluctance; disinclination.

ne'elaÃnnyj adj. unwanted.

ne'elaÃtel;nyj adj. 1, undesirable. 2, unwanted.

neÃ'eli conj., archaic than.

ne'enaÃtyj adj. (of a man) unmarried; single.

neÃ'enka [gen. pl. -nok] n.m. & f., colloq. sissy.

ne'ivoÃj adj. 1, lifeless; dead. 2, inorganic. 3, listless; apathetic. 4, (of light) faint.

ne'iÃznennyj adj. 1, unrealistic; impractical. 2, unreal; weird.

ne'iloÃj adj. 1, unoccupied; vacant; unlived-in. 2, unfit for occupation.

ne'iÃrnyj adj. not fatty; lean.

neÃ'it; v.impfv. to pamper; coddle. ÑneÃ'it;sq, refl. 1, to lounge around; loll. 2, to luxuriate; bask (in the sun).

neÃ'nihat; v.impfv., colloq. to be overly gentle.

neÃ'no adv. 1, tenderly. 2, gently.

neÃ'nost; n.f. 1, tenderness; gentleness. 2, pl., colloq. tender words.

neÃ'nyj adj. tender; gentle; delicate.

nezabveÃnnyj adj. unforgettable.

nezabroniÃrovannyj adj. unreserved: nezabroniÃro-vannoe meÃsto, unreserved seat.

nezabuÃdka [gen. pl. -dok] n. forget-me-not.

nezabyvaÃemyj adj. unforgettable.

nezaverw\nnyj adj. uncompleted; unfinished.

nezaviÃdnyj adj. unenviable.

nezaviÃsimo adv. independently. ÑnezaviÃsimo ot, regardless of; irrespective of.

nezaviÃsimost; n.f. independence.

nezaviÃsimyj adj. independent.

nezaviÃsq]ij adj., in po nezaviÃsq]im ot (+ gen.) obstoqÃtel;stvam, due to circumstances beyond (oneÕs) control.

nezadaÃha n., colloq. bad luck.

nezadaÃhlivyj adj., colloq. unlucky; luckless.

nezadoÃlgo adv. (with do) shortly (before); not long (before).

nezainteresoÃvannyj adj. disinterested.
nezakoÃnno adv. unlawfully; illegally.

nezakonnoro'd\nnyj adj. (of a child) illegitimate.

nezakoÃnnyj adj. unlawful; illegal; illegitimate; illicit. ÑnezakoÃnnost;, n.f. illegality.

nezakoÃnhennyj adj. unfinished.

nezamedliÃtel;nyj adj. immediate.

nezameniÃmyj adj. irreplaceable; indispensable.

nezameÃtno adv. 1, without being seen. 2, fig. imper-ceptibly; unnoticed: projtià nezameÃtno, to go unnoticed. Ñadj., used predicatively 1, not noticeable: NezameÃtno, htoÃby..., it is not noticeable that...; you cannot tell that... 2, (with dlq) unnoticed (by); without (someone) noticing it. NezameÃtno dlq sebqÃ, without realizing it.

nezameÃtnyj adj. 1, imperceptible. 2, inconspicuous. 3, insignificant.

nezameÃhennyj adj. unnoticed.

nezamuÃ'nqq adj. (of a woman) unmarried; single.

nezamyslovaÃtyj adj., colloq. simple; unimaginative.

nezaÃnqtyj adj. 1, (of a building, house, etc.) unoccu-pied. 2, not busy; not occupied.

nezapaÃmqtnyj adj. immemorial. Ñv nezapaÃmqtnye vremenaÃ, in ancient times. Ñs nezapaÃmqtnyx vre-m\n, since time immemorial.

nezaÃpertyj adj. unlocked.

nezaplaniÃrovannyj adj. unplanned.

nezapqÃtnannyj adj. unblemished; unsullied; untar-nished.

nezaraÃznyj adj. noncontagious.

nezarqÃ'ennyj also, nezarq'\nnyj adj. 1, (of a rifle, pistol, etc.) unloaded. 2, (of a battery) not charged.

nezasel\nnyj adj. unsettled.

nezasluÃ'ennyj adj. undeserved.

nezastraxoÃvannyj adj. uninsured.

nezateÃjlivyj adj. simple; unpretentious.

nezaurqÃdnyj adj. exceptional; outstanding.

neÃzahem adv.Ê(with inf.) colloq. there is no need (to); there is no reason (to); there is no point (in). Mne neÃzahem tudaà idtiÃ, there is no reason for me to go there. Mne neÃzahem 'it;, I have nothing to live for; I have no reason to live.

neza]i]\nnyj adj. unprotected; undefended.

nezvaÃnyj adj. uninvited.

nezdeÃwnij adj. 1, colloq. not of this place: Q nezdeÃw- nij, I am not from around here. 2, obs. unearthly; super-natural.

nezdoroÃvit;sq v.r.impfv., impers. (with dat.) to feel ill: Mne nezdoroÃvitsq, I feel ill; I am not feeling well.

nezdoroÃvyj adj. 1, unwell. 2, unhealthy; unwhole-some.

nezdoroÃv;e n. 1, ill health. 2, ailment.

nezemnoÃj adj. unearthly.

nezloÃj adj. kind; good-natured.

nezlopaÃmqtnyj adj. forgiving; not one to bear a grudge.

neznakoÃmec [gen. -mca] n.m. [fem. -mka] stranger.

neznakoÃmstvo n. lack of familiarity; unfamiliarity.

neznakoÃmyj adj. 1, unfamiliar; unknown. 2, (with s + instr.) unacquainted (with). Ñn., colloq. stranger.

neznaÃnie n. ignorance.

neznaÃha]ij adj. insignificant.

neznahiÃtel;nyj adj. 1, insignificant; very slight; negli-gible. 2, insignificant; minor; trivial. ÑneznahiÃtel;-nost;, n.f. insignificance.

nezreÃlyj adj. 1, unripe; green. 2, fig. immature. ÑnezreÃlost;, n.f. immaturity.

nezriÃmyj adj. invisible.

nezrqÃhij adj. unseeing; sightless; blind.

nezyÃblemyj adj. 1, firm; solid. 2, fig. steadfast; unwa-vering; unshakable.

neizbeÃ'nyj adj. inevitable; unavoidable. ÑneizbeÃ'-no, adv. inevitably. ÑneizbeÃ'nost;, n.f. inevitability.

neizbyÃvnyj adj. unending; permanent; constant.

neizveÃdannyj adj. 1, unexplored. 2, never before experienced.

neizveÃstno adv. unknown: On ueÃxal neizveÃstno kudaÃ, he has left for an unknown destination. Ñadj., used predicatively, unknown; not known: Kto on takoÃj Ñ neizveÃstno, who he is is not known.

neizveÃstnost; n.f. 1, lack of information; uncertainty. Byt; v neizveÃstnosti (o), to be unaware (of); have no knowledge (of). 2, obscurity: 'it; v neizveÃstnosti, to live in obscurity.

neizveÃstnyj adj. unknown. Ñn. 1, unknown person. 2, neut., math. unknown.

neizgladiÃmyj adj. indelible.

neiÃzdannyj adj. unpublished.

neizlehiÃmyj adj. incurable.

neizmeÃnnyj adj. 1, invariable; unchanging. 2, unfail-ing; devoted. ÑneizmeÃnno, adv. invariably.

neizmenqÃemyj adj. unalterable; unchanging; fixed.

neizmeriÃmyj adj. immeasurable; unfathomable. Ñne-izmeriÃmo, adv. immeasurably; infinitely.

neiz=qsniÃmyj adj. 1, unexplainable; inexplicable. 2, inexpressible; indescribable.

neimeÃnie n., in za neimeÃniem (+ gen.), for lack of; owing to the lack of; for want of. Za neimeÃniem meÃsta, for lack of space. Za neimeÃniem luÃhwego, for want of anything better.

neimoveÃrnyj adj. incredible; fantastic. Ñneimo-veÃrno, adv. unbelievably; fantastically.

neimuÃ]ij adj. poor; indigent; needy.

neintelligeÃntnyj adj. not cultured; unsophisticated.

neintereÃsnyj adj. uninteresting.

neiskoreniÃmyj adj. ineradicable.

neiÃskrennij adj. insincere. ÑneiÃskrennost;, n.f. insincerity.

neiskuÃsnyj adj. inept.

neiskuw\nnyj adj. unsophisticated; inexperienced. Ñneiskuw\nnost;, n.f. lack of sophistication.

neispovediÃmyj adj. inscrutable.

neispolneÃnie n. nonperformance; failure to carry out; failure to obey.

neispolniÃmyj adj. 1, impossible to carry out; imprac-ticable. 2, impossible to perform. 3, unrealizable. Ne-ispolniÃmaq mehtaÃ, impossible dream. Ñneispol-niÃmost;, n.f. impracticability.

neispoÃl;zovannyj adj. unused.

neispoÃrhennyj adj. 1, unspoiled. 2, innocent; pure.

neispraviÃmyj adj. 1, incorrigible. 2, irreparable.

neispraÃvnost; n.f. 1, disrepair. 2, failure; malfunc-tion(ing). 3, carelessness.

neispraÃvnyj adj. 1, defective; faulty; out of order. 2, careless.

neispyÃtannyj adj. 1, untried; untested. 2, never before experienced.

neissleÃdovannyj adj. unexplored; uncharted.

neissqkaÃemyj adj. inexhaustible.

neiÃstovstvo n. 1, fury; rage. 2, usu. pl. atrocities.

neiÃstovstvovat; v.impfv. [pres. -stvu[, -stvu-ew;] 1, to rage; rave. 2, (of a storm, the sea, etc.) to rage. 3, to run wild; go on a rampage.

neiÃstovyj adj. 1, violent. 2, (of a person) tempestuous. 3, (of a noise) thundering.

neisto]iÃmyj adj. inexhaustible.

neisceliÃmyj adj. incurable.

neisherpaÃemyj adj. inexhaustible.

neishisliÃmyj adj. countless; incalculable; innumer-able.

nej pers. pron., var. of ej, used after prepositions.

nejloÃn n. nylon. ÑnejloÃnovyj, adj. nylon.

nejroÃn n. neuron.

nejroxirurgiÃq n. neurosurgery. ÑnejroxiruÃrg, n. neurosurgeon.

nejtralizaÃciq n. neutralization.

nejtralizovaÃt; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -zuÃ[, -zuÃ-ew;] to neutralize.

nejtraliteÃt n. neutrality.

nejtraÃl;nyj adj. neutral.

nejtroÃn n. neutron. ÑnejtroÃnnyj, adj. neutron (attrib.): nejtroÃnnaq boÃmba, neutron bomb.

nekaziÃstyj adj., colloq. homely; unattractive.

nekvalificiÃrovannyj adj. unskilled.

neÃkij [gen. masc. & neut. neÃkoego; gen. fem. neÃkoej or neÃkoj] indef. pron. 1, a certain: neÃkoe bespo-koÃjstvo, a certain anxiety. 2, a certain; someone named: Vas spraÃwival neÃkij IvaÃnov someone named Ivanov was asking for you.

neÃkogda adv. 1, no time: Mne neÃkogda, I have no time. 2, once; formerly; at one time.

neÃkogo indef. pron., gen. & acc. [dat. neÃkomu; instr. neÃkem; prepl. neà (+ prep.) kom] used with inf., there is no one; there is nobody (as the obj. of a verb): NeÃkogo poslaÃt; za posyÃlkoj, there is no one to send to pick up the package. Mne neÃkogo sprosiÃt;, there is no one I can ask. See also neÃkomu.

nekolebiÃmyj adj. = nepokolebiÃmyj.

nekompeteÃntnyj adj. incompetent.

neÃkomu indef. pron. 1, dat. of neÃkogo. 2, there is no one (as the subject of a verb): neÃkomu egoà zameniÃt;, there is no one to take his place.

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