nedodeÃr'ivat; v.imfpv. [pfv. nedoder'aÃt;] photog. to underexpose.
nedodeÃr'ka n., photog. underexposure.
nedoedaÃnie n. malnutrition.
nedoedaÃt; v.impfv. to be underfed; be undernourished.
nedo'aÃrivat; v.impfv. [pfv.nedo'aÃrit;] to under-cook.
nedozvoÃlennyj adj. illegal; illicit.
nedozreÃlyj adj. 1, not fully ripe. 2, fig. immature.
nedoiÃmka [gen. pl. -mok] n. arrears; back rent; back taxes. ÑnedoiÃm]ik,n. person in arrears.
nedokaÃzannyj adj. unproved; unproven.
nedokazuÃemyj adj. that cannot be proved.
nedolgaà adv., in (vot) i vsq nedolgaÃ,colloq. and thatÕs (all there is to) it!
nedoÃlgij adj. short; brief.
nedoÃlgo adv. not long. DliÃt;sq nedoÃlgo, not last (for) long. ÑnedoÃlgo duÃmaq, without pausing to think. ÑnedoÃlgo i (+ inf.), colloq. easily: NedoÃlgo i tonuÃt;, one could easily drown.
nedolgoveÃhnyj adj. short-lived; ephemeral.
nedol[Ãblivat; v.impfv. to have little liking for; not particularly like.
nedomogaÃnie n. indisposition.
nedomogaÃt; v.impfv. to be unwell; be ailing; be indis-posed.
nedomoÃlvka [gen. pl. -vok] n. allusion; innuendo.
nedomyÃslie n. failure to think things through.
nedonoÃsok [gen. -ska] n. prematurely born baby.
nedonoÃwennyj adj. born prematurely.
nedooceÃnivat; v.impfv. [pfv.nedooceniÃt;] to underestimate.
nedooceniÃt; [infl. -cen[Ã,-ceÃniw;] v., pfv. of nedo-oceÃnivat;.
nedooceÃnka n. underestimation.
nedopeh\nnyj adj. half-baked.
nedoplatiÃt; [infl. -plahuÃ,-plaÃtiw;] v., pfv. of nedoplaÃhivat;.
nedoplaÃhivat; v.impfv. [pfv. nedoplatiÃt;] to underpay: nedoplatiÃt; pqt; doÃllarov, to underpay by five dollars.
nedopoluhaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.nedopoluhiÃt;] to re-ceive less that one should: nedopoluhiÃt; deÃsqt; doÃllarov, to receive ten dollars less than one was supposed to.
nedopoluhiÃt; [infl. -luhuÃ,-luÃhiw;] v., pfv. of nedopoluhaÃt;.
nedoponimaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.nedoponqÃt;] colloq. to fail to understand completely.
nedoponqÃt; [infl. like ponqÃt;] v., pfv. of nedopo-nimaÃt;.
nedoproizvoÃdstvo n. underproduction.
nedopustiÃmyj adj. impermissible; intolerable.
nedopu]eÃnie n. 1, prohibition. 2, prevention. 3, refusal to admit or allow in.
nedorabaÃtyvat; v.impfv. [pfv. nedoraboÃtat;] 1, v.i. to work less than the required time. 2, v.t. to fail to complete.
nedoraboÃtka n. 1, (with gen.) failure to complete. 2, [gen. pl. -tok] defect.
nedoraÃzvityj adj. underdeveloped.
nedorazumeÃnie n. misunderstanding.
nedoÃrogo adv. inexpensively; for a reasonable price.
nedoskaÃzannyj adj. not fully expressed; incomplete.
nedoslyÃwat; v.impfv. & pfv. [infl. -wu,-wiw;] 1, [pfv.] to fail to hear entirely. 2, [impfv.] colloq. to be somewhat hard of hearing.
nedosmoÃtr n. oversight.
nedosmotreÃt; v.pfv. [infl. -smotr[Ã,-smoÃtriw;] colloq. 1, to overlook. 2, (with za + instr.) to fail to look after.
nedospaÃt; [infl. like spat;] v., pfv. of nedosypaÃt;.
nedospeÃlyj adj. not fully ripe.
nedostavaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv.nedostaÃt;; pres. -sta\t] impers. (with gen.) 1, to be insufficient; be lacking: Hegoà vam nedosta\t?, what are you lacking? Nam nedosta\t deÃneg, we are short of money. 2, [impfv. only] to be missing: Nedosta\t dvux straniÃc, two pages are missing. 3, [impfv. only] to be missed: Nam vas nedostavaÃlo, we missed you.
nedostaÃtohno adv. (fol. by an adj.)not ... enough; in-sufficiently. Ñadj., used predicatively, not enough; in-sufficient: Pqt; doÃllarov nedostaÃtohno, five dollars is not enough.
nedostoÃjno adv. badly; improperly. Ñadj., used predicatively (with gen.), unworthy of; beneath: ~×to egoà nedostoÃjno, it is unworthy of him; it is beneath him.
nedostoÃjnyj adj. [short form -stoÃin,-stoÃjna] 1, unworthy: On e\ nedostoÃin, he is unworthy of her. 2, undignified. 3, dishonorable.
nedostroÃennyj adj. (of something being built) unfin-ished.
nedostuÃpnyj adj. 1, inaccessible. 2, unattainable. 3, distant; unapproachable. 4, beyond oneÕs comprehension. 5, beyond oneÕs means; more than one can afford. ÑnedostuÃpnost;,n.f. inaccessibility.
nedosuÃgn., colloq., used impersonally with dat. lack of (leisure) time: Mne nedosuÃg, I havenÕt the time.
nedoshiÃtyvat;sq v.r.impfv. [pfv. nedoshitaÃt;sq] 1, (with gen.) to be short; find missing (when counting). 2, (with subject in gen.) to be short; be missing.
nedosypaÃnie n. lack of sleep.
nedosypaÃt; v.impfv. [pfv. nedospaÃt;] not get enough sleep.
nedouÃhka [gen. pl. -hek] n.m. & f., colloq. person with little education.
nedoh\t n. 1, shortage; deficit. 2, defect; shortcoming.
neÃdra [gen. nedr] 1, area under ground: razveÃdka nedr, underground exploration. NeÃdra zemliÃ, interior of the earth; bowels of the earth. BogaÃtstva nedr, mineral wealth; mineral resources. 2, fig. innermost depths.
nedreÃml[]ij adj. vigilant; watchful.
neÃdrug n. enemy; foe.
nedru'el[Ãbie n. unfriendliness. Ñnedru'el[Ãb-nyj,adj. unfriendly.
neduÃg n. ailment.
nedurnoÃj adj. 1, not bad. 2, innedur\n (nedurnaÃ)soboÃj, not bad-looking. ÑneduÃrno,adv. rather well.
nezameÃtno adv. 1, without being seen. 2, fig. imper-ceptibly; unnoticed: projtià nezameÃtno, to go unnoticed. Ñadj., used predicatively 1, not noticeable: NezameÃtno, htoÃby..., it is not noticeable that...; you cannot tell that... 2, (with dlq) unnoticed (by); without (someone) noticing it. NezameÃtno dlq sebqÃ, without realizing it.
nezarqÃ'ennyj also,nezarq'\nnyjadj. 1, (of a rifle, pistol, etc.) unloaded. 2, (of a battery) not charged.
nezasel\nnyj adj. unsettled.
nezasluÃ'ennyj adj. undeserved.
nezastraxoÃvannyj adj. uninsured.
nezateÃjlivyj adj. simple; unpretentious.
nezaurqÃdnyj adj. exceptional;outstanding.
neÃzahem adv.Ê(with inf.) colloq. there is no need (to); there is no reason (to); there is no point (in). Mne neÃzahem tudaà idtiÃ, there is no reason for me to go there. Mne neÃzahem 'it;, I have nothing to live for; I have no reason to live.
neza]i]\nnyj adj. unprotected; undefended.
nezvaÃnyj adj. uninvited.
nezdeÃwnij adj. 1, colloq. not of this place: Q nezdeÃw- nij, I am not from around here. 2, obs. unearthly; super-natural.
nezdoroÃvit;sq v.r.impfv., impers. (with dat.) to feel ill: Mne nezdoroÃvitsq, I feel ill; I am not feeling well.
neizveÃdannyj adj. 1, unexplored. 2, never before experienced.
neizveÃstno adv. unknown: On ueÃxal neizveÃstno kudaÃ, he has left for an unknown destination. Ñadj., used predicatively, unknown; not known: Kto on takoÃj Ñ neizveÃstno, who he is is not known.
neizveÃstnost; n.f. 1, lack of information; uncertainty. Byt; v neizveÃstnosti (o), to be unaware (of); have no knowledge (of). 2, obscurity: 'it; v neizveÃstnosti, to live in obscurity.
neimeÃnie n., inza neimeÃniem (+ gen.), for lack of; owing to the lack of; for want of. Za neimeÃniem meÃsta, for lack of space. Za neimeÃniem luÃhwego, for want of anything better.
nej pers. pron., var. of ej,used after prepositions.
nejloÃn n. nylon. ÑnejloÃnovyj,adj. nylon.
nejroÃn n. neuron.
nejroxirurgiÃq n. neurosurgery. ÑnejroxiruÃrg, n. neurosurgeon.
nejtralizaÃciq n. neutralization.
nejtralizovaÃt; v.impfv. & pfv. [pres. -zuÃ[,-zuÃ-ew;] to neutralize.
nejtraliteÃt n. neutrality.
nejtraÃl;nyj adj. neutral.
nejtroÃn n. neutron. ÑnejtroÃnnyj,adj. neutron (attrib.): nejtroÃnnaq boÃmba, neutron bomb.
nekaziÃstyj adj., colloq. homely; unattractive.
nekvalificiÃrovannyj adj. unskilled.
neÃkij [gen. masc. & neut.neÃkoego; gen. fem.neÃkoejor neÃkoj] indef. pron.1, a certain: neÃkoe bespo-koÃjstvo, a certain anxiety. 2, a certain; someone named: Vas spraÃwival neÃkij IvaÃnov someone named Ivanov was asking for you.
neÃkogda adv. 1, no time: Mne neÃkogda, I have no time. 2, once; formerly; at one time.
neÃkogo indef. pron., gen. & acc. [dat.neÃkomu; instr. neÃkem; prepl. neà (+ prep.) kom] used with inf., there is no one; there is nobody (as the obj. of a verb): NeÃkogo poslaÃt; za posyÃlkoj, there is no one to send to pick up the package. Mne neÃkogo sprosiÃt;, there is no one I can ask. See also neÃkomu.
nekolebiÃmyj adj. = nepokolebiÃmyj.
nekompeteÃntnyj adj. incompetent.
neÃkomu indef. pron. 1, dat. of neÃkogo. 2, there is no one (as the subject of a verb): neÃkomu egoà zameniÃt;, there is no one to take his place.