A historical Perspective During the Reign of

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According to the government society in 3rd century Japan there was a document drafted between China, the ancient province of Wei, and Yamato for a plan for a new road to peace and prosperity based on religion. This record is on of the more important historical records despite the state of affairs as spoken of before. According to Chinese Empress I 0 Mei or Himiko who was the female 4th descendant of the Emperor of Yamadai Koku makes a statement about literary history, which relates to the ancient province of Wei and makes reference to a famous Japanese person. Unfortunately there is little remaining information about the names and what was involved. Only that is was a significant event in Chinese history. It was noted in appendix one of previous document mentioned that Himiko talks of her throne ascendancy and how/why it is accomplished.

Note: The following is a translation in this section was taken from the written Chinese. The author made a best attempt at the translation
The foundation of a nation was based on decisions of wise men like a man named Baron I 0 Ju who ruled for a period of ten years in China. This was during a difficult time when rebellions were common in Wei Province. During this time punitive raids were common by highwaymen and they continued year after year robbing the masses. Then a female came on the scene Empress 1 0 Mei (Himiko). When she ascended the throne she used her acquired skills as a leader to make spontaneous decisions which were technically and tactically sound over a period of years which brought her country around and stopped those senseless raids.

This was a first for a country who depended on males to lead them into a peaceful path.

Then another man showed up on the scene out of no where as was recorded he was a man of tall stature and bearing. But he possessed an impeccable spirit. His name was I 0 I. He helped Himiko and her people as an advisor to become more self-reliant. He was tutored in the basics but having learned all this before he thought it was a waste of time. So he set out with her approval to oversee the palaces day to affairs. He advised her on ways to strengthen her spirit to better rule her soldiers. From this man helped her increase her palace power base. All it took was some fine-tuning to her spirit by this man to finally stabilize her government. For 80 years prior men ruled the government of Wei but always in discord. That's when a woman stood up and took the reins of power and brought change. The way it was done was thru the use of an impeccable spirit.

It was strange that she started out as a maidservant and rose to such a lofty position. She did it by developing inner strength unknown to most men. Most men took too much food, drink, and concubines. This drained a man of his natural powers. Even when here the most powerful marauders attacked castle she held strong here power base and wielded here soldiers well and was able to repel any attack.
- Himiko no Kyoritsu  
Even as Himiko ruled this throne she had many ardent followers. To live seventy or eighty years made no difference to her. She was tested even further as problems plagued Yamato. Yamato had plans to attack and sack the ancient Province of Wei but as it happened Himiko repelled the Yamato invaders. Some say that eventually Wei and Yamato would be allied one day. Some even said that Wei Province was actually a part of Yamato but who knows. I that why Yamato coveted Wei Province? Himiko was also amazed at how effectively she ruled her country. She set a historical precedent during her rule. With this a seed was planted.
The previous written outline was from the original literary records from the ancient Province of Wei detailing famous Barons and Female Empresses.
Even though the male of this era ruled in discord a women brought them out of this chaotic era. Some though still remember through the bad times during the time these male emperors have ruled. The women of this era thoroughly supported Himiko's efforts as an Empress. Through her rule she never faltered or stammered in her endeavors.
The next subject will focus on another male Emperor. This section will consist, of two types of Emperor's, the Kan or Brave Emperor and the Rei or the Holy Emperor who ruled between (147 158). This came after the Chinese Classics and the Waden era. Also included is the Han Dynasty Rei or Holy Emperor's Kowachu Ryoshu, which were also included in their Waden written around (178 183).
Prior to and after the Chinese Classics were written sometime after Han era the Hanyo San was written. This compilation was an object of worship as recorded in history books. There were two known versions or descriptions of these writings. There is thought to be more descriptions available but to date none have been located. It was thought that Yoshiren wrote both documents.
Now in reference to some older data uncovered there is mentioned that after the Han era a man named Chinsu according to historical records finished a work called the Shinsho which was a very basic literary record dealing with the standardization historical writings. During this era which was known as the rebellious era or rioters era as noted by the Holy Emperor Kowachu. Since the time after the standardization of Chinese writings and records a new era of writing styles occurred. The mention of Chinsu is also noted in many Barbarian records.
Another holy Emperor named Konnei knew very well Chinsu and his writings and accomplishments. Since the Han and Wei era Chinsu has received much praise as a literary expert. There were 42 original pages of documents on this man. From this record a second set of Chinese Classics was developed. This was during the reign of Himiko.

Sanbikokusha Wei Shi Wajin Den

Koden Shagen Dai Shinsho yori


Shokyo   Shu Ching

Chugoku no Shomei

A majority of the fundamentals of Chinese life were chronicled in the writing known as the Chinese Classics or Keisho. These writings were set down between the Chin era (221 206 and the Han era (206 BC 8 AD) then continued on thru the Southern Sung era. The name changed was changed from the Keisho to the Shokyo. Since that time of change nothing in the purity or legitimacy of these writings changed.

From the chronicles of the Chou Dynasty we find the words of their emperor's were the forefathers of these writings. In ancient China many arts and deeds of many famous men and women were recorded in literary form, as was the style of the time. The Shokyo recorded everything as it happened. This then insured originality of events, times and or places. These writings presented the current view of the times.
These writings also tell of the beginnings of the ancient Chinese race. The early Chou's wrote that man was a descendant from heaven. The Confucian view of man also concurs with these writings. The Chou literary and military kings stated that the basis for the compilation was based on the (5) revelations received from the descendants of heaven.
However, 100 sages from 100 houses over the years had disputed this claim. There was a need to ensure that the truth on how these classics came about was known. Many people it was believed had input into these writings e.g. various sages and saints and not just heavenly personages.
It was a known fact that many kings rose to power by claiming such knowledge as received from heavenly descendants. These ideas all symbolize the quest for the actual truth during these troubled times.

Books written during the early Han era were based on earlier sacred texts written by (5) famous PhD's. But before this other writings were recorded from other sacred scripts and these were important volumes dealing with governments were all but lost. Another series of books followed the above and were titled the same. But there was a distinct difference especially in quality and content.

During the Sung era there were versions of the Keisho but they were anti Keisho in that their objectives differed based on history and past exploits. It was said that the original Keisho contained (13) sutras from the Chinese classics and were developed and lumped together to form the complete Chinese Classics. Again one difference in the Keisho was the grouping of the classics and several volumes dealing with science and philosophy had to be re chronicled.
Originally the Shokyo consisted of 100 complete volumes in its entirety. / Present day there are only 58 of the original 100 available for viewing. Of the 58 there are 33 were translated by a Manchu Ph.D., after the Han era. Present day historians prefer to have era's overlapping for verification purposes.
Of the 33 volumes available the following is listed: Gyoten (Gyo Law), Shunten (Shun Law), Koytobo (Water Pottery), Yakuroku (Grain Profiting), Uko (Tribute to Kings), Kansei (Book of Oaths), Tosei (Book of Worry's), Banko (Book of Peace), Koso (Book of Enhanced Religion), Tojitsu (Book of Bays), Seihakukanrei(Royal Family Member's Dark History), Chashi (Book of Omens), Bokusei (Book of Oaths for caring), Kohan (Book of Floods), Kinto (Book of Metals), Daikoku (Book of Big Compilations), Kokoku (Book of Peace), Shakoku (Book of Cleansing), Shizai (Book of Lumber from the Catalp Tree), Shosho (Book of Emperor's and Edicts), Rakukoku (Book of Capitals), Taishi (Book of Talented Men), Muitsu (Book of Negated Leisure), Kunseki (Book of Many Rulers), Tako (Book of Many Methods), Ryusho (Book of Establishing a Government), Komei (Book of Rules and Comments), Ko "0" Shikoku (Book of Peaceful Rulers), Ryokan (Book of Musical Publishing’s), Bunk Shi Mei (Book of Literary Rules for Lords), Hisei Book of Pledges and Expenses), Shinsei ( Book of Manchu Oaths).

The genealogy of these written records can be found in the following volumes: Dai U Bo, Goshi Shi Ka, Sei, Shi Koku, Tokoku, Ikin, Daikan (3) Vol.'s, Kanyutoku, Zeimyo (3) Vol.'s, Taisei (3) Vol.'s, Busei, Ryo, Bishi Shimei, Saichu Shimei, Shukan Kuchin, Hitsumei, Kun, Heimei 25 Vol.'s.

The above are very special texts in that they were late discoveries of writings of the middle path recorded by Confucius. They are available for worldview. These writing were written in the old style of calligraphy depicting the old customs. The two styles of calligraphy used were the Todai Shokaku and the Reitiei Shokaku styles.
There were 58 other volumes dealing with the Tang era Dynasty Emperor’s that talk of righteousness, civil service exams, and government employees.
From the Sung Dynasty, came criticism in the way or spirit in which these writing were written. The Sung's contended the ancient writings may not be valid.
But the early Shin Dynasty writings concur with what the Tangs say, as their literary records were a matter of official record.
As one looks at the ancient records in modern times one must use a rational unbiased rain of thought. One may then see some differences but nothing major. The use of rational thought among scholars was a sign of intellectualism. The intent in these writings often gets scattered or convoluted when one is gathering information form different sources. It is important to find the center. The Shu-Ching is a good place to start for it has been validated historically.
Another example is the Shokyo whose accurate historical information has been validated aud is also used as a back check book for validating Chinese history. Thru the first volumes of the Shokyo one can find out about the beginnings of law, tribute, songs, vows, money, ancient law, taxes, and a variety of literary writing styles. In literary articles there were there for men to develop standards of living by. However, when reading the Shokyo the sentence structure is very complex and difficult to comprehend and or translate. There are many writings, which explain how to interpret and read these ancient writings.

Many of these volumes make many notes referencing many other volumes used as a cross referencing system used to glean information and or validate information found in these ancient writings. The Northern Sungs were also thought to have a complete history and lore on the Shokyo based on the old legends. From this many new interpretations were uncovered changing this document.

Asia Rekishi Jiten #4

Heibon Sha yori

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