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Sobre os camponeses europeus: Fanch Elégo~t sobre a Bretanha, Dagfinn Slettan sobre colonos na Noruega, Anna Bravo sobre "mulheres camponesas italianas na Primeira Guerra Mundial", e Gerhard Wilke sobre casas camponesas, in Our Common History; Ronald Fraser, Ei Puebio, a mountain viliage on the Costa dei Sol, 1973; Anna Bravo, Solidarity and loneliness: Piedmontese peasant women at lhe tum of lhe century", IJOH, 3, 2; Nuto Revelli, Ii mondo dei vinti, Turim, 1977 e L'anelio duro, Turim, 1985; Alain Prévost, Grenadou: paysan français, Paris, 1966; Serge Grafteaux, Mémé Santerre, Paris, 1975; e Pierre Jakez Hélias, Le Chevai d'orgueii, Paris, 1975 (77w Horse of Pride, New Haven, 1978).
Sobre camponeses no Terceiro Mundo e nas Américas: ver África, acima, e Aspásia Camargo sobre a América Latina, IS, 1985; Histórias de vida antropológicas norte-americanas, cap. 2, nota 36: história dos negros, ver adiante.
História social urbana e estudos de comunidade - a cidade e os


arredores da cidade: Studs Terkel, Division Street: America, Nova York, 19 67; Jerry White, abaixo; parcialmente autobiografia, Robert Roberts, The Cíassic Sium, Manchester, 1971; Paul Thompson, "Voices from Within", in Michael Wolff e H. J. Dyos (orgs.), The Victorian City, 1973; série People's Autobiography of Hackney (Working Lives, 1975, The Isiand, 1979, etc.) da Centreprise, 136 Kingland High St., Londres ES; David Russell e George Walker, Trafford Park, 1979, de Manchester Stu-dies, Manchester Polytechnic.
As cidades menores: Melvyn Bragg, Speak for Engiand, 1976; Ra-phael Samuel, Oral Histoty and Local Histoty", History Workshop, 1; Margaret Stacey, Tradition and Change: A Study of Banbury, 1960; Angela Hewins, The Dillen, 1981; Jeremy Seabrook, City Close-up, 1971; Robert e Helen Lynd, Middletown, 1929, Middietown in Transition, 1937, e Theo-dore Caplow, Reuben Hill et aiii, Middletown Families: fifty years of change and continuity, Minneapolis, 1982; Tamara Hareven e Randolph Langenbach, Amoskeag: L!fe and Work in an Americn Factory City in New England, 1979. Muitos estudos sociológicos de comunidade urbana tam-bém se utilizam de história oral, p. ex. C. Rosser e C. C. Harris, The Family and Social Change: A Study of Farnily and Kinship in a South Waies Town, 1965.
Sobre arquitetura, espaço e comunidade: Jerty White, Rothschiíd Buildings:Life in an East End Tenemetu~ Biock 1887-1920, 1980; e The Worst Street in North London, 1986; Hemy Glassie, Passing the time in Bailymenone: cuiture and history of an Uister Community, Filadélfia, 1983; George McDaniel, Hearth and Home: preserving a people' s cuiture,

Filadélfia, 19~3; e "City Space and Order", número especial de OH, 14, 2; Jerry White, 'Campbell Bunk", HW, 8 (1979).

História cultural - educação e língua: Richard Hoggart, 77w Uses of Literacy, 1957; Brian Jackson e Dennis Marsden, Education and the Working Class, 1962; Jobn Dillard, Biack Engiish, Nova York, 1973; Stanley Ellis, "The Survey of English Dialects and Social History", OH,2, 2, pp. 37-43; Language and Ciass Workshop: Lore and Language, revista

do Centro de Tradição Cultural e Língua Inglesas da Universidade de Sheffield; Bruce Rosenberg, The Art of the Foik Preacher, 1970; lona e Peter Opie, The Lore and the Language ofSchooi Chiidren, 1959. Folclore urbano: Roger Abrahams, Deep Down in the Jungie, Chicago, 1970; rural: George Ewart Evans e George Thompson, The Leaping Hare, 1972; Eliot Wigginton (org.), Foxfire One, Two, etc., Nova York, 1972-.

Música e canto: Brian Jackson e Dennis Marsden, Worldng Class Community 1971 - bandas de música; A. L. Lloyd, Foik Song in England,


1967; David Buchan, The Baiíad and the Foik, 1972; Lawrence Levine, Black Cuíture and Biack Consciousness, Nova York, 1977; Edward Ives, Joe Scott, Urbana, 1978; Roy Palmer, sobre Arthur Lane e George Dunn, OH, 8, 2, e 11, 1-2; Robin Morton, sobre John Maguire of Femianagh, Come Day Go Day, God Send Sunday, 1973; Gareth Stedman-Jones, "Working-Class Culture and Working-Class Politics in London, 1870-1900", Journai of Social History, 7,4, 1974; Alun Howkins, "The Voice of lhe People: lhe Social Meaning and Context of Countiy Songs" e Elizabeth Bird, "Jazz Bands of North East England: lhe evolution of a working-class cultural activity", OH, 3, 1, e 4, 2; William J. Schafer, Brass Bands and New Orleans Jazz, Baton Rouge, 1977; Vivian Perlis, Charles Ives Remembered, New Haven, 1974; Daniele Jalla, La Musica: storia di una banda e dei suoi musicanti: Piossasco 1848-1 980, Turim, 1980.
Outros lazeres: Sally Alexander, St Giies Fair 1 830-1914, Folheto 2 do Histoiy Workshop", 1970; Michael Winstanley, "lhe Rural Publican and bis Business iii East Kent before 1914", Hany Goldman, "Worker's lheatre to Broadway Hit", e Bob Dickinson, "Lancashire Music Halls" (OH, 4, 2; 10, 1; e 11, 1); Mike Steen, Hollywood Speaks, Nova York, 1974; Lawrence 5. Ritter, The Giory oftheir limes: the Story ofthe Early Days of Baseball, Nova York, 1966; Gerald Sider, "lhe ties that bind", Social Hisrory, 5, 1980.

História da família: Tamara Hareven, Famiíy lime and Industrial lime, 1982; Elizabeth Roberts, A Woman's Piace: an oral history of working-ciass women, 1890-1940, Oxford, 1984; Thompson, Edwardians; Daniele Jalla, "lhe Working-class family in Turin", in Our Common History; número especial sobre famflia, Fonti Oraii, outono de 1982; E. Le Roy Ladurie, Montaillou, Paris, 1975 (trad. 1978).

Sobre infância: Thea lhompson, Edwardian Chiidhoods, 1981 e (org.) OH, 3, 2, Family I-a'istory Issue: Thea Vigne, "Parents and Children, 1890-1918: Distance and Dependence" e Elizabeth Roberts, Learning and Living: Socialisation outside School"; Jeremy Seabrook, Working-class Childhood, 1982. Sobre jovens: Stephen Humphries, Hooligans or

Rebeis?, Oxford, 1981; Paul Thompson, "lhe War with Adulta", Derek Thompson, "Courtship and Marriage in Preston between lhe Wars", e Ste-phen Caunce, "East Riding Hiring Fairs", Family Hístory Issue. Sobre ca-samento, sexualidade e controle de natalidade: Diana Gittins, "Married Lífe and Birth Control between lhe Wars", Famiiy Histoty Issue e OH, 5, 2; e Fair Sex: family size and structure 1900-39, 1982; Jobn R. Gillis, For

Better, For Worse: British marriages 1600 to tlze prese nt, Oxford, 1985; 1. C .Smout, "Aspects of Sexual Behaviour in 19th Century Scotland", in Ma-352

claren, Social Class in Scotland; K. II. Connell, Irish Peasant Society; Martine Segalen, Lave and Power in the Peasant Fainily, Oxford, 1983.

Da antropologia: Oscar Lewis, The Children of Sanchez, Nova York, 1961. Da sociologia, os estudos de comunidade mencionados acima e mais P. Townsend, The Fainily Ljfe of Old People, 1957, e Lee Rainwater, And the Poor Get Children, 1960, e Family Design, Chicago, 1965; Mirra Komarovsky, Blue Collar Marriage, Nova York, 1962; também Jeremy

Seabrook, The Unprivileged, 1967.

História da mulher: Chamberlain, Fenwomen; Roberts, A Woman's Place: an oral history of working-class women; Sheila Rowbotham e Jean McCrindle, Dutiful Daughters, 1977; Jill Liddington e Jill Norris, One Hand lied Behind Us, 1978 (sufragistas); Women's History Issue, OH, 5, 2, que contém artigos sobre mulheres da classe operária, em casa e no tra-balho, em Birmingham, Nottingham, Yorkshire e Lancashire, por Catherine Hall, Sandra Taylor, Joanna Bornat, Elizabeth Roberts e Jill Liddington; segunda 'Women's History Issue", OH, 10, 2, que contém Angela John, sobre mulheres mineiras, Rickie Burman, sobre esposas ju-dias, e Dorothee Wierling, sobre empregadas domésticas alemãs; Leonore Davidoff e Belinda Westover (orgs.), Our Work, Our Lives, Our Words: Women's History and Wo,nens Work, 1986; Amrit Wilson, Finding a Voice, abaixo; Paul Thompson, 'Women in lhe Fishing: lhe roots of power bet-wen lhe sexes", Comparative Studies in Society and History, 27 (1985), 1; Sherna Gluck, "Interlude or change: women and lhe World War II expe-rience, IJOH, 3, 2, e From Parlor to Prison: Five American Sufragettes Talk about Their Lives, Nova York, 1976; Gwendolyn Safier, Contemporaty Ainerican Leaders in Nursing: an oral history, Nova York, 1977; Regina Markell Morantz et alii, in Her Own Words: oral histories of women physicians, New Haven, 1982; "Women's history and oral histoty", Frontiers, II, 2 (1977); Jan Carter, Nothing to Spare: Recollections of Australian Pioneering Women, Melbourne, 1981; Anna Bravo, Solidaúty and loneliness: Piedmontese peasant women", IJOH, 3, 2, e "Italian women in lhe Nazi caxnps", OH, 13, 1; Bravo, "Italian peasant women and lhe First World War", Nelleke Bakker sobre costureiras etc., de Amsterdã, in Our Com,non History; Nuto RevelLi, L'Anello duro, 1985; Fonti orali, edição sobre a história da mulher, outono de 1981.
Sobre subculturas criminosas e desviantes: James Bennett, Oral His-tory and Delinguency, Chicago, 1982 e outras obras de Chicago, ver Cap. 2, acima; Helen Hughes, The Fantastic Lodge: the autobiography of a girl drug addict, 1961; R. Bogdan, Being Dufferent, 1974; Tony Parker e Robert Allerton, The Courage of His Convictions, 1962, Tony Parker, The Unk-353

nown Citizen, 1963, e The Twisting Lane, 1969; Walter Probyn, Angel Face: the making of a criminal, 1977; Raphael Samuel, East End Underworld: Chapters in the Life of Arthur Harding, 1981; Steve Humphries, Hooiigans or Rebeis?; Jerry Wbite, "Police and people in

London",OH, 11,2.
Minorias - índios norte-americanos: Paul Radin, Crashing Thunder, 1926; Leo Simmons, Sun Chief, New Haven, 1942; Nancy O. Lurie, Mountain Woíf Woman: the Autobiography of a Winnebago lndian, Ann Arbor, 1961; Frank Waters, Book ofthe Hopi, 1963; J. II. Cash e H. 1. Hoover (orgs.), To Be an Jndian, Nova York, 1971; Howard and Frances Morphy, "the 'myths' of Ngalakan history: ideology and images of the past in Northern Aus~raLia", Man, 19 (1984), 1.
Chineses e japoneses: Victor G. e Brett de Barry Nee, Longtime Californi a docutnentary Study of an American Chinatown, Nova York, 1973; Diana Marlatt, Steveston Recollected, Victoria B.C., 1975.
História dos judeus: Sydelle Kramer e Jenny Masur, Jewish Grandrnothers, Boston, 1976; William J. Fishman, East End Jewish Radicais, 18 75-1914, 1975; Bill Williams, "lhe Jewish Immigrant in Manchester", e Rickie Burman, "lhe Jewish woman as breadwinner", OH,

7, 1 e 10,2; Jerry White, RothschiidBuildings, 1980.

Sobre migração: Isabelle Bertaux-Wiame, "the life history approach to Lhe study of internal migration", in Our Common History; Edward Orser, "Racial change in retrospect", 110H, 5, 1; Jane Synge, "Lmmigrant communities in early twentieih-centuiy Hamilton, Canada", Gina Harkell, "lhe migration of minfng families to the Kent coalfield", e Margaret Mackay, Tiree emigrant communities in Ontario, Canada", 011,4, 2; 6, 1; e 9, 2; Wendy Lowenstein, The lminigrants, Melbourne, 1978; Joan Morri-son e Charlotte Zabusky, American Mosaic, Nova York, 1980.
História dos negros - urbana: Paul Bullock, Watts, the Aftermath, Nova York, 1969; Alex Haley, Autobiography of Malcolm, Nova York, 1965. Rural: These are Otw Lives, Federal Writers Project, ver pp. 89-90 deste livro; Theodore Rosengarten, Ali Gods Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw, Nova York, 1974; William Montell, The Saga of Coe Ridge, Knox-ville, Tennessee, 1970; Lawrence Goodwin, "Populist Dreams and Negro Rights: East Texas as a Case Swdy", American Historical Review, 76, 1, 1971; Scott Ellsworth, Death in a Promised Land: The lhlsa Race Riot of 1921, Baton Rouge, 1982; Southern Exposure, número especial Woices of Southern Strugle", 1, 3-4, inverno de 1974; George Rawick, From Sundown to Sunup, The Making of the Black Community e The American Slave - A Composite Biography, Westport, Connecticut, 1972. Antigos


excertos de narrativas de escravos foram publicados em B. A. Botkin, Lay My Burden Down, Chicago, 1945; para uso recente, Eugene Genovese, Roll, Jordon Roll: the World the Slaves Made, 1974. De sociologia: espe-ciahnente Charles S. Johnson, Shadow of the Plantation, Chicago, 1934; John Dollard, Caste and Class in a Southern Town, New Haven, 1937;

John K. Morland, Millways of Kent, Chapel 11h11, 1958, e Hylan Lewis, Blackways of Kent, Chapel 11h11, 1955. Na Grã-Bretanha: Amrit Wilson, Finding a Voice: Asian Women in Britain, 1978; e Black Historv Jssue, OH, 8, 1 - Harry Goulbourne, Oral history and black labour", Elizabeth Thomas-Hope, "West Indian Migration to Britain", Pnina Werbner, "A

Community of Suffering", e Donald Hinds sobre Brixton.
1. George Ewart Evans, The Days That We Have Seen, p. 24.

2. "The Miners, lhe relevance of oral evidence", OH, 1, 4, p. 74.

3. Pp. xxxii-xxxviii.

4. Donoughue, OH, 2, 1, pp. 83-4.

5.P. 4.

6. Pp. 127, 144, 201.

Capítulo 4 - Evidência
Sobre memória: especialmente F. C. Bartlett, Remembering, Cambridge, 1932; Ian Hunter, Memory, 1957, edição revista, 1964; Ro-berta L. Klatsky, Human Memory, San Francisco, 1975.
Sobre mudanças históricas na percepção: Mandrou, Jntroduction to Modern France; também, de modo geral, Vansina, acima (tanto a edição original quanto a revista). Gerontologia: A. 1. Welford, Ageing and Human Skill, 1958; B. L. Neugarten (org.), Middle Age and Ageing, 1968. Sobre entrevista e métodos sociológicos: Herbert 11. Hyman, Interviewing in Social Research, Chicago, 1954; W. V. D. Bingham e B. V. Moore, How to Jnterview, 1931, ed. revista, Nova York, 1959; Norman Denzin (org.), Sociological Methods, Berkeley 1970; Barney G. Glaser e Anselm L. Strauss, lhe Discovery of Grounded Theory, Chicago, 1967. Sobre a coe-rência da precisão da memória, além das obras citadas em notas, Alan Baddeley, Diana Gittins e Colin Hindley, in Louis Moss e Harvey Golds-tem (orgs.), The Recall Method in Social Surveys, 1979.
Sobre a influência da. consciência interior e da identidade - "subje-tividade" - e a interação recíproca dentro da entrevista na configuração da memória, dos conceitos, da forma e da linguagem, ver especialmente Ronald Fraser, Jn Search of a Past, 1984; Elliot Mishler, Research Jnterviewing:Context and Narrative, Cambridge, Mass., 1986; Luisa


Passerini, Torino operaia e fascismo, 1984; Luisa Passerini e Isabelle Ber-taux-Wiame, in Our Common History; Anna Bravo, italian women in lhe Nazi camps", OH, 13, 1; Alessandro Portelli, lhe peculiarities of oral histoiy", HW~ 12, e Functions of time in oral history", e réplica a Louise Tilly,IJOH,2,3e6, 1.

1.OH, l,4,p. 93.

2. Pp. 133-7.

3.D. Read, Docutnentsfrom Edwardian England, 1973, pp. 305-7; Robert Blake, The Unknown Prime Minister~ the L!fe and limes of Bonar Law, 1955, p. 130.

4.Topulist Dream", American Historical Review 76, acima; cf. Mason, General Strike..., pp. 70, 101.

5.011, 1, 3, pp. 35,46.

6. Trad. 1952, p. 37; Jack Douglas, The Social Meanings of Suicide, Princeton, 1967.

7.Censo da Inglaterra e País de Gales para 1911, vol. XLII, Fertility and Marriage', p. xv.

8. Frances Widdowson, Elementary Teachcr Training and lhe Middle Class Girl", Susan MilIer, "The Happy Coincidence: rural poverty and the Iabour migration scheme of 1835-7", e Eve Hostettler, Cottage Economy', disscrtações de mestrado e projetos de história oral da Univer-sidade de Essex M.A., 1976; Gudie Lawaetz, "Histoiy ou Film", History Workshop, 2, p. 124, cf. p. 137; Royden Harrison, limes Higher Education Suppletnent, 23 de julho de 1976.

9. R. H. 5. Crossman, Listener, 1. 2.1973, p. 148; From Mouths of Men,pp. 174-5.

10. Ver Alessandro Portelli, "Oral history, lhe law and lhe making of history", 11W, 20, pp. 5-25, sobre o julgamento de Aldo Moro das Brigadas Vermelhas italianas.

11.Hunter,p. 175.

12. Regravação, p. ex. Calum Johnston, gravado por Alan Lomax, da

Escola de Estudos Escoceses, em 1951, Tocher, 13, p. 166, e para nossa

pesquisa, 293, pp. 1-8, 1971; Thea Vigne, análise de três reentrevistas para

o curso D 301 da Universidade Aberta, Notas para Programas de Televisão

(8 e 9), pp. 19-23; e OH, 1,4, pp. 14-7.

13. 11. P. Bahrick, P. O. Bahrick e R. P. Wittlinger, "Fifty Ycars of Memoty for Names and Faces", Journal ofExperirnental Psychology (104, 1),mar. 1975.

14.Jenkins, The Agricultura? Cotninunitv in South West Wales, p. 5; Hunter,p. 161.


15 . Bartlett, p. 204.

16. 1, pp. 446-7.

17. Hunter, p. 227; Welford, p. 233.

18..Plummer,p. 103.

19. Mishler, pp. 18-9; Hyman, p. 115.

20. Hyman, pp. 159-6 1.

21. Vansina,p. 93.

22. Denzin, pp. 199-203.

23. Carol Faiers, "Persistence and change iii a Suffolk village", Pro-jeto de bacharelado em sociologia da Universidade de Essex, 1976, p. 36.

24. OH, 4, 1, p. 47.

25.lmplications of Oracy: au Anthropological View", OH, 3, 1, pp. 41-9.

26. Denzin, p. 324; Hyman, pp. 234, 238-42.

27. Pp. 459, 467.

28. Butler e Stokes, p. 273; Charles More, Skill and the English Working Class 1870-1914, 1980, pp. 58-61, 66-7, 70-1.

29.Pp. 190-2.

30. Neugarten, pp. 173-7.

31. Herbcrt Blumer, Critiques of Research in the Social Sciences: I: An Appraisal of Thomas and Znaniecki's The Polish Peasant in Europe and America (Nova York, 1939), introdução à edição revista, New Brunswick, 1979, p. xxxiv; Yves Lequin e J. Metral, "Une mémoire collective: les métallurgistes reiraités de Givors", Annales, 35, 1.

32. Entrevista inédita, Paul Thompson e Thea Vigne, 908, pp. 10-6; cf. OH, 1,4, p. 31.

33.Mason e Skelley, sobre a Greve Geral; sobre Yad Washem, OH, 5, 1, pp. 37-9.

34.Raphael Samuel, HW, 1, p. 202, e Miners, Quarrymen and Saltworkers, 1977, p. 4.

35. Friedlander, Emetgence of a UAWLoca1, p. xxx.

36. OH, 1, 4, pp. 116-20; Muuson in Contemporary Review, 1975- 96,pp. 107-8.

37. OH, 1, 3, p. 39; OH, 2, 1, p. 84.

38. Speak for England, p. 7.


40. Ford, 1, pp. 267-8, 389-93.

41. Biografia di una Cittá: storia e racconto: Temi 1830-1985, Turini, 1985, pp. 261, 307-8; IJOH, 2, 3, pp. 172, 175; e 11W, 12, p. 100; cf. Vansina (1985), p. 6.


42. Roy Hay, "Use and Abuse of Oral Evidence", artigo inédito.

43. 11W, 12, p. 100.

44. John Berger, Pig Earth, 1985, p. 9.

45. Vansina (1985), pp. 21, 68-9.

46. Pierre Gaudin e Claire Reverchon, "Le seus du tragique dans la mémoire historique', comunicações da Conferência Internacional de His-tória Oral de Aix, 1982, pp. 89-98; Françoise Zonabend, La Mémoire Longue, Paris, 1980, pp. 107-11,299-304.

47. OH, 5, 1, p. 23.

48. Vansina (1985), pp. 56, 103; Paul Irwin, Lipta.ko Speaks, 1981; Henige, pp. 72-3; Howard e Frances Morphy, lhe myths' of Ngalakan histoiy", Man, 19, 3 (1984), pp. 459-78.

49. Steven Feierman, The Sha,nbaa Kingdnm, 1974, p. 15; Anna Bravo e Daniele Jalla, La Vita Offesa, Milão, 1986, p. 63; Passerini lii Our Common History, p. 61; Joutard, Ces voix, p. 235; Lucien Ascbieri, Le passé recomposé: Mérnoire d'une communauté Provençale, Marselha, 1985.

50. Carolyn Steedman, Landscape for a Good Woman, 1986, pp. 39; Vansina, OH, 5, 1, p. 22-3; Ronald J. Grele, Envelopes of Sound, Chicago, 1975, pp. 57, 61.

51. F. A. Salome, "lhe methodological significance of the lying informant', Anthropological Quarterly, 50 (1977), pp. 117-24; Vansina (1985), p. 8; Frank Coffield, P. Robinson e J. Sarsby, A Cycle of Deprivation?A case study offourfamilies, 1980, pp. 13-4, 33.

52. Jack Goody, Literacy in Traditional Societies, Cambridge, 1968, pp. 27-68; Vansina (1985), pp. xii, 92, 94, 120-3, 162-5.

53. Jerome Mintz, The Anarchisrs of Casa l4ejas, Chicago, 1982, pp. xi, 271; Eric Hobsbawm, Primitive Rebels, 1959, p. 90.

54. James W. Wilkie, "Alternative views in History: Historical statistics and oral history", in Richard E. Greenleaf e Michael C. Meycr (orgs.), Research in Mexican History, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1973, p. 54; Vansina, in Joseph Miller (org.), The African Past Speaks, Folkestone, 1980, p. 276.
Capitulo 5 - A memória e o eu
Sobre psicanálise e memória, ver as sugestões sobre "subjetividade" no Capítulo 4; os ensaios de Freud sobre A interpretação dos sonhos (1900), As piadas e sua relação com o inconsciente (1905) e O ego e o id (1923), Complete Psvchological Works, 1953 - 1V-V, VIII e XIX; Juliet


Mitchell, Psychoanalysis and Feminism, 1974; Nancy Chodorow, 77w Re-prvduction of Mothering, Berkeley, 1978; Gill Gorell Barnes, "Systems lheoiy and family lherapy", in M. Rutter e L. Herzov (orgs.), Modern Child Psychiatry, 1985, pp. 216-29; Jeremy Holmes, 'Family and Individual therapy: comparisons and contrasts', British Journal of Psychiatry, 47 (1985), 668-76.
Sobre a terapia da reminiscência, além dos artigos abaixo, Recall -A handbook, HeIp the Aged, 1986; Jane Lawrence e Jane Mace, Retnembering in Groups, Exploring Living Memory, 1987; Andrew Norris, Re,niniscence with Elderly People, 1986; Peter Coleman, Eld.erly People and the Reminiscence Process, 1986; e M. Kaminisky (org.), lhe Uses of Re,niniscence: New Ways of Working with QUer Adu lis, Nova York, 1984 - numero especial duplo, Journal o! Gerontological Social Work, 7, 1-2.

1. Pp. 85, 118.

2. Our Common History, pp. 192-3.

3. Sigmund Freud, Remembering, repeating and working-through" (1914), Complete Psychological Works, 1966-74, 12, p. 148; David Lowenthal, The Past is a Foreign Country, 1985, p. 17.

4. Donald e Lorna Miller, "Armenian Survivors: a typological analysis ofvictim response", OHR, 1982, pp. 47-72.

5. Arma Bravo e Daniele Jalla, La l4ta CJffesa, Milão, 1986, p. 160; Claudine Vegh, IDidn 't Say Goodbye, 1984, pp. 29, 161.

6. Ponsonby, pp. 8-9; Baum, Jnternational Journal on Aging and Hu,nan Developmnent, 12 (1980-81), pp. 49-53; Paraday e Plummer, "Doing Life Histories", Sociological Review, 27 (1979), pp. 773-98.

7. Peter Coleman, issue in the therapeutic use of reminiscence with elderly people", in Ian Hanley e Mary Gilhooly (orgs.), Psychological Therapies for the Elderly, 1986, pp. 4 1-64; R. Dobrof, introdução a M. Kaminsky (org.), The Use of Re,niniscence: New Ways of Working with Older Adults, Nova York, 1984; Robert Butler, The Life Review: an

Interpretation of Reminiscence in the Aged", Psychiatry, 26 (1963), pp. 65-76 "The Life Review: an Unrecognized Bonanza', International'Journal on Aging and Hu,nan Development, 12 (1980-81), 35-8, e Why Sumvive?,Nova York, 1975, pp.4l2-4.

8. S. Merriam, "The concept and function of reminíscence: a review of lhe research", Gerontologist, 20 (1980), 604-9; V. Molinari e R.E. Reichlin, "Life review reminiscence ín the elderly: a review of the literature', International Journal on Aging and Human Development, 20 (1984-85), 8 1-92.

9. Debbie Frost e Kay Taylor, 'Life Story Books: l'his is my life",

community Care, 7.8.1986; S. M. Hale (um assistente social em Peckbam), Case Conference, 7, 6 (1960), 153-5; Malcolm Jolmson, That was your life: a biographical approach to later life", in Vida Carver e Penny Liddiard (orgs.), An Ageing Population, 1979, pp. 147-61 (152, 159); Mel Wright, Using the past to help the present", Coinmunity Care, 533, 11.10.1984, e Triining the past", OH, 14, 1.

10. John Adams, Reminiscence in the geriatric ward: an undervalued resource", OH, 12, 2; J. Lesser et alii, "Reminiscence group therapy with psychotic geriatric patients", Gero ntologist, 21(1981), 291-6; Andrew Norris e Mohammed Abu El Eileh, Reminiscence groups: a Lhe-rapy for both elderly patients and their stafr, Nursing limes, 78 (1982), 1368-9, ou OH, 11, 1; Anuie Lai, Bob e Pippa Little, Chhiatown Annie:

the East End opium frade 1920-35", OH, 14, 1.

11. Peter Coleman, in Hanley e Gilhooly, "lhe past in Lhe present: a study of elderly people's aLtitude to reminiscence", OH, 14, 1.

12. H. Hazan, The Limbo People, 1980, pp. 27-8. A verdadeira ori-gem desse poema, que tem sido citado em diversos lugares, não é clara, mas tem uma origem convenientemente mítica em um centro de idosos de Londres.

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