Naslov: Odgovorni turist varuje raznolikost kultur, ljudi in okolja

Zavod Institut za nevro-lingvisticno programiranje

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Organizacija: Zavod Institut za nevro-lingvisticno programiranje
Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-17/15

NASLOV: Read and write? - Yes, I can!

Opis projekta

In Europe there are 37 million people with specific learning problems the most common of which are different reading and writing problems and dyslexia. Pupils who have reading problems or dyslexia have trouble reaching desired educational goals. The number of this pupils rises meaningfully every year. For effective learning they need different, innovative, problem solving centred and pupil centred teaching approaches, different learning materials and appropriate support by school, parents and friends. Elementary school teachers lack knowledge and skills for appropriate learning approaches, we also do not have appropriate materials and a synergic approach form school environment and parents to help pupils overcome the reading difficulty is missing. The project activities are addressed to give a resolute answer to these needs.

So with the activities of the project we will:

• prevent R&W problems in elementary school pupils and

• improve the level of the reading and writing competence (key competences) in elementary school pupils with different R&W problems and dyslexia.

The project will be a result of quality transnational cooperation between high profile R&W problems experts on one hand and pupils, elementary school teachers and parents on the other. Partners of the project will be: the applicant The NLP Institute form Slovenia, Nicolay coaching from Germany, Dysguise Ltd, with dr.Gavin Reid and the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana and the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences of the University of Zagreb. This new partnership was created to achieve concrete results in the above described situation. The PP will work with elementary school pupils, teachers and pupils' parents to give them knowledge approaches and techniques about how to prevent and overcome R&W problems and dyslexia.

We need new approaches and techniques for R&W problems prevention and solution: the prevention teaching approaches and techniques increase the quality of lessons for the whole class, so all pupils benefit of its results: improved balance between left and right brain, improved focus, concentration, imagination and synthetic and analytical abilities and of course minimum probability to develop R&W problems or other types of learning problems in future.

On the other hand we need innovative strategies and approaches for pupils that already have R&W problems and dyslexia: the PP will unite all the available knowledge, competences and skills to design innovative strategies and approaches to overcome R&W problems and dyslexia based on neuro-linguistic-programming and other avant-garde neurosciences. So in other words, they will take the best of neuroscience, transform it into an outstanding, pupils’ adequate form and give it to the beneficiaries (pupils, teachers and parents).

All this together will be a complete innovation for project partners’ countries.

Through the project we will:

- create a list of quality in step with the times working materials for R&W problems and dyslexia overcome

- train a large number of elementary school teachers to be able to prevent and solve R&W problems

- educate parents to be able to help their children at home

- prepare contents to be entered in the university study program, to train future elementary school teachers and other profiles who will work with pupils with R&W problems and dyslexia

We must highlight the advantage all pupils will gain by trained teachers and educated parents for R&W problems and dyslexia prevention. Besides a positive and more productive classroom environment, we believe well trained elementary school teachers will have the impact to sensibly reduce future R&W problems and dyslexia or even other types of learning problems.

On the other hand the positive impacts for pupils with already diagnosed R&W problems and dyslexia will be the following:

• better school results, improved concentration and reading literacy and more self-confidence

• more accessible information and working materials that will make their improvement in terms of R&W problems and dyslexia easier and more consistent.

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Projektni predlog je, glede na izbrane prioritete, večsektorski projekt šolskega izobraževanja in področja odraslih. Vendar dobro naslavlja le izbrane prioritete in identificirane cilje šolskega področja. Projekt bo inovativen pri izdelavi in uporabi delovnih materialov (‘učnih pripomočkov’), a ni pojasnjeno, kateri materiali že obstajajo (nekaj partnerjev je namreč na tem področju že zelo izkušenih).Projektni tim je kakovostno načrtovan, vključeni so partnerji z dopolnjujočimi znanji, kompetencami. Projektne faze so dobro načrtovane. Učinek na različne organizacije ni enakomeren (bolj gre za prenos znanja). Diseminacijski načrt je nepopoln. Različni diseminacijski kanali in ciljne skupine so omenjeni, a so kakovostni predvsem na ravni sodelujočih partnerjev ter učencev in njihovih staršev. Diseminacija na drugih nivojih je šibkejša oziroma manjka bolj proaktivno načrtovanje slednjega. Pomanjkljivost projektnega predloga je, da gradiva niso na voljo tudi v angleškem jeziku, čeprav je delovni jezik projekta angleški in tudi eden izmed partnerjev je iz angleško govoreče države. Na ta način bi se lahko zagotovila bistveno širša diseminacija gradiv in tudi njihova uporaba ter lažji prenos strokovnega znanja na druge države v EU. Pri opisu intelektualnih rezultatov manjka natančnejša vsebina. Delavnica za starše in učitelje ni ustrezno finančno umeščena, zato obstaja dvom o realizaciji. Projekt ni stroškovno učinkovit – slednje izhaja prav iz prikaza kompetenc sodelujočih partnerjev. Projektna vloga predvidi prosto uporabo gradiv, kar je ustrezno.

Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-16/15

NASLOV: MIDA (More educational improvements with didactic application)

Opis projekta

Context/background of the project:

-educators and teachers in kindergarten and preliminary schools lack knowledge about contemporary teaching methods - at the same time children are often more digitally literate than their teachers, educators and parents,

-active learning is well accepted and there are good practices, but there is still lack of its implementation on a regular basis. Even successful examples are not intellectually stimulative, have just sporadic IT base and do not combine more curriculum areas of working with children (movement, language, nature, mathematics, music, society),

-teaching and learning about craft occupations and cultural heritage of 3 partner nations is in decline to a degree of extinction,

-language learning in early childhood is recommended from child and developmental psychologists and teachers, but it is not practiced.

These problem sets can be tackled by reaching the following objectives:

-to train and to educate teachers about using contemporary IT teaching methods and integrating them in the teaching process,

-to promote craft occupations, cultural heritage and language learning in kindergartens, pre-school and primary school education,

-to develop an innovative educational didactic tool that would ease the process of teaching for teachers, while also enable contemporary intellectually stimulative and multi-sensory active learning for pupils and children,

-to develop a partnership project model that will deliver cross-sectoral collaboration and better dissemination of results.

Involved staff profiles (cca. 20):

-programmers and code developers,

-teachers and educators of children,

-child & developmental psychologist,

-didactic evaluator,

-project manager and finance/administration expert,

-heads of department, principals of schools and kindergartens, lecturers, workshop leaders, etc.

Target groups:

-children in kindergartens, pre-school education process and primary schools, aged 3-10 years old (cca. 1000),

-children with special needs and fewer opportunities (23),

-teachers and educators in kindergartens and primary schools, who lack skills for using IT didactic tools (cca. 50).

Key outputs (IN CAPITALS) and activities:

(O1) We will develop INNOVATIVE DIDACTIC APPLICATION for pre-school and primary school children in the fields of promotion of languages learning, cultural heritage and craft occupations using various materials. We will be preparing the teaching material, programming code, illustrating and designing, producing audio and video, developing website and testing. Didactic application will be developed in a form of a game to ensure active learning and interest by children. Application will have age-appropriate difficulty levels and will offer support for movement detection, thus including also physical challenges to learning process (e.g. mimicking typical movement of a carpenter).

(O2) We will produce a READER with collected teaching material from teachers along with instructions for teachers of how to use the application.

(O3) We will organize SEMINARS FOR TEACHERS AND EDUCATORS about using contemporary IT tools in teaching process and about upgrading their IT skills.

(O4) We will perform WORKSHOPS FOR CHILDREN, where they will be able to actually meet representatives of craft occupation and cultural heritage fields, and see their typical use of tools, products they made, design their own product (age appropriate), etc.

Expected impacts are:


-will get education through channels that for them represent fun, interesting discoveries, and will thus be more efficient,

-will combine mind-related and body-related activities in using game-based application, gaining functional knowledge and physical skills,

-with special needs will be more equally involved in learning process: the application will offer customized settings and will base on playful challenges, so that physical and other possible disadvantages won't be an obstacle.


-and educators will collaborate with their international colleagues, which will widen their network, scope, teaching methods and ideas,

-will gain new professional skills and competences for using game-based and IT methods in teaching process.


-joint work on activities will increase cooperation of research, educational and business-related organizations,

-network created by the project could be a platform of potential customers for future software and development of new business models.

Almost all key outputs will be available and maintained after the project ends:

O1: Application / didactic game will be freely available on Internet also after the project formally ends. O2: Reader is by itself sustainable output. It will be available and distributed specifically to teachers and educators, and also on website for any other interested audience. O4: Workshops for children will be executed on a regular basis in teaching processes in kindergarten and schools. Their video recordings will be available on website.

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Projektni predlog se ustrezno nanaša na specifično prioriteto krepitev kakovosti predšolske vzgoje in varstva in kot glavni rezultat ponuja didaktično računalniško aplikacijo za predšolske otroke z inovativno vsebino, ki bo vključevala tudi predstavitve poklicev. Na podlagi nekaterih splošnih ugotovitev o potrebah ciljnih skupin v vrtcih/šolah projekt zaznava, vendar ne zadovoljuje v celoti specifičnih potreb ciljnih skupin.

Aktivnosti za doseganje rezultatov so dobro opisane, predvideno je ustrezno spremljanje izvajanja teh aktivnosti. Glavni Intelektualni rezultati O1, O2 in O4 so ustrezno umeščeni, ostali (spletna stran projekta, seminarji za učitelje in delavnice za otroke) pa so neustrezno uvrščeni med intelektualne rezultate. V povezavi s tem so tudi stroški dela, povezani z rezultati, na nekaterih mestih neustrezno načrtovani in jih je treba zmanjšati. Nekaj nejasnosti je tudi pri načrtovanju aktivnosti učenja in poučevanja, ki so predvidene samo za enega od treh vrtcev, kar v predlogu ni pojasnjeno.

Partnerstvo v projektu je raznoliko, vendar imajo pomanjkljive izkušnje z izdelavo IT didaktičnih orodij za predšolsko populacijo. Partnerji so si naloge razdelili glede na veščine, zato so na nekaterih mestih neenakomerno zastopani. K sodelovanju pa bodo pritegnili tudi stanovske organizacije za predstavitev poklicev, kar bo partnerstvo vsebinsko okrepilo.

Učinki na sodelujoče organizacije ter ciljne skupine, pa tudi širše, so ustrezni in dobro opisani. Ni pa opisan učinek na starše, podjetnike, raziskovalce in drugo strokovno javnost, ki so prav tako navedeni kot ciljne skupine in katerim so v projektu posvečeni tudi posebni multiplikacijski dogodki. Zaradi dobro zastavljenih in številnih diseminacijskih aktivnosti lahko pričakujemo, da se bodo rezultati, ki bodo prosto dostopni na spletni strani, učinkovito širili. Partnerji bodo za zagotavljanje trajnosti rezultatov spletno stran ohranjali ter obnavljali tudi po preteku projekta.

Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-18/15

NASLOV: Four Levels of Inquiry in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education

Opis projekta

The main project goal with a long-term effect is an improvement of inquiry based learning (IBL) of science, technology and math (STEM) disciplines by training the teachers in practitioners inquiry (PI). Practitioner inquiry is the approach that allows for verification of personal practices teachers believe in as successful or to find reasons for the lack of success in a different situation. Teachers/practitioners will be trained in collecting evidences, the analysis of these evidences and drawing conclusions based on material data. Through this process, the teacher will acquire evidences for the quality of her/his IBL approach in the teaching and learning process in STEM disciplines. Such evidences substantiate reasons for application of IBL in the classroom and offer a moral support to additional work required for this approach. Evidences can be used to persuade authorities at the school and other stakeholders for the benefits of IBL and sometimes to the IBL related higher expenses. Nevertheless, the teacher that has deeply inquired her/his own praxis is more competent than the teacher who does not do any inquiries on her/his actions. The teacher that regularly inquires her/his praxis is also more motivated to correct or improve her/his actions in the classroom. Consequently, the students' learning outcomes in STEM disciplines that are believed to be difficult and non-motivating, are improved.

Several activities in the projects lead to this goal. Teachers will join professional learning groups established in each country. Professional learning groups will be under supervision of coaches that will help teachers to frame the inquiry problems, decide on modes of collecting evidences, their analysis and in conclusions. The coaches will be focused on education and training of teachers to become independent inquirers of their own classroom praxis and to use the practitioners inquiry as a regular praxis in self-evaluation. The coaches will be trained in this role during transnational trainings by sharing expertise between partners and in local training transfers of expertise in each partner institution. The coaches will be trained in educational design research that provides strategies and procedures for collecting evidences for practitioners inquiry problems, in various approaches to practitioners inquiry and in modes of coaching professional learning groups where practitioners inquiry results will be planned and discussed.

The outcomes of the projects will be manifold. At the beginning of the project the expertise needed for successful implementation of practitioners inquiry by teachers and the consequent continuous improvement of their approaches in STEM subjects was dispersed among partners. Some were experts in inquiry based learning in STEM disciplines, some in practitioners inquiry, some in coaching professional learning groups and some in educational design research. At the end of this project all partner institutions will have experts in all four levels needed to train the teachers in practitioners inquiry of IBL in STEM disciplines. Besides, the two training courses for coaches and for practitioners accompanied by guides in a form of e-books openly available will be developed and performed at the end of the project. The shared expertise and the materials will allow partners to implement the training courses in future for pre-service and in-service teachers, thus to provide the sustainability of the 4LISE results and their application in school practice.

To resume the projects results briefly. They will be comprised in four intellectual outputs:

a) The training course on practitioners inquiry focused on inquiry based learning in STEM disciplines with a guide that includes strategies for collecting evidences based on the overarching framework provided by educational design research.

b) The training course on coaching professional learning groups with a guide that includes strategies for processes of coaching professional learning groups also based on the overarching framework provided by educational design research.

c) The set of inquiry based learning materials in STEM disciplines as a source for the start of practitioners' inquiries and reporting best practices examples.

d) The curriculum for a university level course at partner institutions that educate pre-service teachers and offer in-service teacher trainings and the framework consisting of principles, strategies and protocols for inquiry of all processes needed for the actions in the project.

Intellectual outputs of 4LISE project are the basis for sustainable use of these results after the end of the project. Trainings and the general support for teachers and other stakeholders will improve the students' learning of science, technology and mathematics at all levels of pre-university education on the long-term scale.

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Projekt je relevanten za šolsko področje, ustrezno vključuje tudi sektorski prioriteti. Analiza obstoječega stanja je pomanjkljiva zlasti pri potrebah vsake izmed skupin. Cilji so identificirani in naslavljajo teme, ki so pomembne za vsako sodelujočo organizacijo in ciljno skupino, vendar pri aktivnostih ne upošteva znanja in izkušenj sodelujočih (kot jih navaja na začetku prijavnice). Projekt je primeren za ustvarjanje sinergij in učinkov med različnimi polji izobraževanja. Predlog je inovativen pri združevanju 4 nivojev (izobraževalcev) izobraževanja kadrov za poučevanje STEM. Inovativnost in dodana vrednost projekta ni najbolje razvidna, zaradi pomanjkljivega opisa predhodnih projektov (ponovno se kaže slabša analiza). Dobro je načrtovan projektni management in časovnica. Nekaj pomanjkljivosti je sicer tudi pri samih referencah projektnih partnerjev – manjka bolj uravnoteženo pokritje področij znotraj STEM. Projekt ne bi bil dosegljiv z aktivnostmi le v eni državi. Vse faze projekta so dobro oblikovane, da bi bili lahko doseženi cilji z izjemo evalvacije. Aktivnosti so primerne za identificiranje potreb in doseganje ciljev projekta, vendar finančno previsoko ocenjene. Ostali nadzorni ukrepi so navedeni in primerno naslavljajo različne težave. Aktivnosti učenja, poučevanja in usposabljanja so primerne, s primernim številom udeleženih, navajajo tudi primeren način priznavanja učnih dosežkov. Profili so različni, zato je tudi nejasno, zakaj vsi sodelujejo pri vseh aktivnostih, saj nimajo vse organizacije podobnih veščin in kompetenc. Porazdelitev nalog med sodelujočimi je zato manj primerna. Izpostavljena je primerna koordinacija in komunikacija med sodelujočimi. Evalvacijske aktivnosti niso primerne v celoti. Ni dovolj razviden bolj pozitiven vpliv na sodelujoče organizacije, ampak bolj na študente oz. učitelje. Vpliv projekta bo viden tudi po končanem projektu, vendar je v predlogu premalo izpostavljen vpliv na pomembne deležnike na različnih nivojih, zlasti za razvoj politik. Načrtovana diseminacija je predvidena, vendar brez natančnejšega načrta.

Prijava je ustrezna, saj naslavlja vsa področja, a so nekatera preveč splošno opredeljena oziroma manjkajo določene informacije.

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