Naslov: Odgovorni turist varuje raznolikost kultur, ljudi in okolja

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Organizacija: Gimnazija Ptuj
Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-33/15


Opis projekta

The priority of the project "HERBS - KNOWLEDGE OF OUR GRANDMOTHERS IN THE MIRROR OF SCIENCES" is developing basic and transversal skills using innovative methods and this way meet the needs of labour market and needs of modern society.

5,5 million young people are unemployed in the EU today. Apart from the economic crisis and falling numbers of work places, the reason is also in the in inadequate education or unskilled young work force. The knowledge young people gain is often partial, theoretical,reproductiv;, young people can't use it in unfamiliar situations, hence it is unuseful. Partially that can be the cosequence of inefficient teaching methods, "compartmentalisation of knowledge ', according to school subjects, focus on memorizing information rather than the development of transversal competences, which would allow young people to find themselves in new situations. An additional problem of today's school is that we don't really know what we are preparing our children for.

The European framework for key competences for lifelong learning has been used in many EU countries as a reference point for reforming national education and training systems. It has contributed to the move towards a more competence-based teaching and learning approach. Progress has been significant on school curricula and in giving transversal key competences a more prominent part therein. This does not mean that the objectives are achieved in this area. These competences should be developed by all teachers in all subjects, but only few really do that since the responsibilities are spread among all of them. Besides that , this is a completely new area of expertise. Teachers haven't been trained for competence teaching and do not exactly know how to deal with it in class. Another problem is also that key competences can not really be developed in an environment where teachers see only to the boundaries of their subject area.

In the project we will develop and try out an example of interdisciplinary and competence focused approach to teaching in the project » Knowledge of our grandmothers in the mirror of science«. We will develop an appropriate plan of teacher training, interdisciplinary (topic) teaching material and a practical learning tour which will be tested in practice. The main focus will be placed on herbs – a topic that attracts more and more people and encourages co-operation between a wide spectre of scientific disciplines or even school subjects.

The target groups of the project are students and teachers.

General objectives of the project:

- To train teachers for new approaches to teaching.

- To give an opportunity to teachers to develop key competences and interdisciplinary approach.

- To link knowledge of different subject fields and make it useful

- To develop competences with youth and teachers, which will help them find their way in the changing labour market and in life .

- To exchange experiences and examlpes of good practice between partner schools and beyond.

- To reinforce co-operation between school and local community - economy.

- To enable students and teachers to experience a stay abroad.

- To enable students, teachers and wider community to experience a multicultural exchange.

To achive the objectives, seven partner will work together:

Gimnazija Ptuj, Slovenia

Druga gimnazija Varaždin, Croatia

Arpaçay Anadolu Lisesi, Turkey


Rosenstein-Gymnasium Heubach, Germany

University of Maribor

Zavod Zelena učilnica

Long-term impact:

At the local level: Connecting schools and wider local community: the flow of knowledge, ideas; youngsters with interdisciplinary knowledge and highly developed competences; more interest in science and technology, which means long-term prosperity; development of suitable, employable workforce (according to the needs of the community) and consequently a lower rate of unemployment

At the national level: Solutions offered and tested in the project can be used at other secondary schools and at any other educational stages.

At the international level: School network which will be a starting point for new partnerships and cooperation; Five schools and five European cities which will be sensitive to diversity in the EU and to its values; international and interdisciplinary cooperation which is of key importance for the development of dynamic, competitive economy in the EU; connecting regions across political and cultural borders and thus enabling the flow of ideas and good practice; young people raise awareness about mutual EU citizenship, develop social and civic competences and communication in foreign languages; creative and enterprising young people who are not a burden to their country or the EU, but create opportunities for themselves and for others through their own activity, knowledge and ideas.

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Projekt je pomemben za področje splošnega šolstva in uspešno naslavlja sektorsko prioriteto, deloma vključuje tudi prečno. Analiza na osnovi obstoječega znanja je dobra, tudi z vidika potreb ciljnih skupin in organizacij. Identificirane potrebe so pomembne za šolsko izobraževanje. Cilji so jasno identificirani, realistični in naslavljajo teme, ki so pomembne za sodelujoče organizacije, upoštevaje njihove izkušnje in znanje ter ciljne skupine. Projekt je primeren za ustvarjanje sinergij med različnimi polji izobraževanja in mladine. Predlog prinaša novo vrednost za EU nivo z rezultati, ki ne bi bili dosegljivi z aktivnostmi le v eni državi. Vse faze projekta so pravilno oblikovane, da bi bili doseženi cilji. Delovni načrt je jasno definiran, z realističnim načrtom oz. časovnico. Aktivnosti so primerne za identificirane potreb ciljnih skupin in dosego ciljev projekta. Predlagana metodologija je primerna za oblikovanje rezultatov, lahko bi bila v nekateri delih še bolje obrazložena. Predvidene so primerne evalvacijske aktivnosti na kritičnih delih projekta. Zaprošena dotacija je sicer visoka, na nekaterih intelektualnih dosežkih je možno manjšanje, prav tako pri nekaterih multiplikativnih dogodkih ter stroških izmenjave učencev in nekaterih izrednih stroškov. Kar se tiče aktivnosti učenja, poučevanja in usposabljanja, so te primerne, z razliko Univerze v Mariboru. Projekt vključuje primerne sodelujoče organizacije iz držav, ki imajo bodisi podobne profile bodisi drugačno izkušnjo. Glede na naravo projekta imajo sodelujoče države veščine in kompetence, ki bodo zagotovile, da bo delovni program uspešno, učinkovito in profesionalno implementiran. Predlog manj natančno identificira, katere veščine, izkušnje in kakšno menedžersko podporo ima vsaka organizacija. Parnerji naj bi bili vključeni enakopravno, kar pa pomeni neenakopravnost pri aktivnostih, ki se tičejo držav (npr. analiza učnih načrtov, kjer ima Slovenija kar 3 sodelujoče organizacije). Mehanizmi za učinkovito koordinacijo in komunikacijo so predstavljeni ustrezno. E- twinning je pojasnjen kot način pridobivanja partnerjev za projekt, ne pa za pomoč implementaciji projekta. Kakovost evalvacijskih metod je primerna; projekt bo imel pozitiven vpliv na sodelujoče organizacije, na njihovo osebje in dijake, vpliv bo viden med projektom in po končanem projektu. Rezultati bodo imeli vpliv in bodo prenosljivi na ostale evropske države. Pomemben je vpliv na ostale deležnike na različnih nivojihin na različne ciljne skupine, čeprav bi lahko predlog bolje predstavil sodelovanje s slednjimi. Vključeni so primerni ukrepi za diseminacijo. Projekt ima možnost trajnosti, vendar manjka natančnejši načrt.

Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-21/15

NASLOV: Empowering youth in secondary education with entrepreneurship and project management competences for boosting entrepreneurial intentions

Opis projekta

The Europe 2020 strategy highlights the need to embed creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship into education and proposes a number of actions intended to unleash Europe's entrepreneurial and innovative capabilities. The need exists to stimulate the entrepreneurial mind-set of young people and to create a more favourable social climate for entrepreneurship, as the EU is not fully exploiting its entrepreneurial potential. Entrepreneurship education is one of the basic prerequisites for successfully realizing the established goal. Since 2002, the global research Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) has been noting that entrepreneurship education is one of the poorly developed areas of education at all education levels in Slovenia as well as Croatia. We wish to change this with the proposed project SPEED-UP (Systemic Project and Entrepreneurship Empowerment and Development for Unlimited Potentials).

The key presumption is that, as entrepreneurial skills and competences are not pre-defined personal characteristics, we can acquire them. Most youth who have pursued entrepreneurship education can use the acquired skills and competences in numerous professions and organizations. This is why entrepreneurship education, which includes all education forms (formal, informal, non-formal), should be available at all education levels. The ability to implement business ideas and exploit business opportunities is closely connected to certain management skills. The most influential amongst them are project management skills as it is crucial to plan and control the entire entrepreneurial process in order to realize business opportunities and successfully lead a venture. Many competences that are characteristic for entrepreneurship can thus also be found amongst the competences of project management (they have 75 % compliance), which youth currently do not acquire during schooling.

The formal and comprehensive entrepreneurship and project management training at faculties has extremely limited effects. The share of students formally educated about these contents is relatively small compared to the share of those who do not study or come across these contents while studying. The latter are thus deprived of the possibility to develop these competences, even though it could importantly influence their career possibilities and encourage them to exploit entrepreneurship/business opportunities. It is thus reasonable to focus on the secondary school level more systematically, especially in gymnasium programs. This is the central purpose of the SPEED-UP project. In Slovenia, at the moment, an amending Gymnasium Act is in progress, and it intends to clearly address the need for developing entrepreneurial spirit as a skill/competence in students.

Five highly competent partners (from Slovenia, Croatia and Finland) have joint forces in order to empower secondary school students in gymnasium programs with entrepreneurial and project management competencies. The partnership has been developed for the purpose of this project. All partners (two tertiary and two secondary educational institutions as well as one Entrepreneurship Policy Centre) have previous experience and expertise in the project’s field and complement each other for the implementation needs of the project.

The project comprises intellectual outputs, referring to comprehensive research of the phenomena at the beginning and end of the project’s implementation. The first research phase, is followed by a methodologically elaborated innovative model to strengthen entrepreneurial and project management competencies amongst secondary school students. Based on model results didactic materials for five learning modules designed to be used by teachers/mentors as well as students will be developed. Simultaneously, the Finnish partner will design an e-learning platform. Learning, training and teaching activities as well as multiplier events will be organised to train teachers/mentors and implement pilot workshops with blended groups of students in two countries. After receiving their feedback and analysing the learning outcomes within two research studies, the final refinement of the proposed learning module for finalising compulsory optional subjects (COS) to be included into the curricula of secondary schools will be designed. It will present the ground floor for the preparation of an elective subject for gymnasium programs after the completion of the project. Through the 36 months of the project, intensive promotional and dissemination activities among all partners are foreseen.

In order for the project implementation to be as successful as possible as well as maintain the potential of continuing implementation even after three years, we have already connected with key stakeholders in the application phase. We presented the project to them, which they recognized as very important, and received their backing in the form of signed letters of support.

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Projektni predlog je skladen s cilji akcije. Horizontalna in šolska prioriteta sta ustrezno izbrani in ju projekt dobro uresničuje. Za izbrano prioriteto s področja mladine, pa ciljna skupina ni ustrezna, saj se ne tiče neformalnega izobraževanja mladih.

Vloga je ustrezno utemeljena in podprta z analizo potreb ustreznih ciljnih skupin. Cilji projekta so opredeljeni le kot učinki na ravni dijakov in ne tudi na ravni učiteljev, katerim je namenjen precejšen del aktivnosti. Sinergije med različnimi področji izobraževanja, usposabljanja so jasno razvidne, ni pa dovolj jasno ali imajo potencial tudi na področju mladine (glede na izbrano prioriteto s področja mladine). Inovativnost projekta in dodana vrednost projekta sta dobro razvidni. Delovni program je dobro strukturiran v fazah priprave, nadzora, evalvacije in disemninacije, medtem ko pa je faza implementacije na nekaterih mestih nejasna oz neskladna med posameznimi deli vloge.

Aktivnosti učenja, poučevanja in usposabljanja ustrezno podpirajo cilje projekta. Predvideni so ustrezni ukrepi za kontrolo kakovosti ter za vrednotenje pridobljenega znanja na aktivnostih učenja, poučevanja in usposabljanja. Konzorcij vključuje ustrezen nabor partnerjev.

Mehanizmi za koordinacijo in komunikacijo med partnerji so ustrezno zastavljeni, razen za finskega partnerja. Metode spremljanja in vrednotenja projekta so dobro načrtovani. Diseminacija rezultatov je dobro načrtovana, vendar 07 in 09 nista ustrezna intelektualna rezultata. Učinki projekta na sodelujoče partnerje in udeležence niso ustrezni za finskega partnerja, pri katerem učinek ni razviden. Učinki na lokalni, nacionalni in evropski ravni so dobri. Nastalo gradivo v projektu in rezultati bodo prosto dostopni. Ukrepi za zagotavljanje trajnosti projekta so dobro načrtovani. Naloge niso v celoti ustrezno razporejene med partnerji. Finančna struktura je v posameznih delih neustrezna.

Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-13/15

NASLOV: Schola - Facilitating school mentoring to struggle against early school leaving

Opis projekta

Early school leaving (ESL) is an obstacle to economic growth and employment. It hampers productivity and competitiveness, and fuels poverty and social exclusion. Europe has to make full use of its human resources. Young people who leave education and training prematurely are bound to lack skills and qualifications, and to face serious, persistent problems on the labour market. In 2012, nearly 5.5 million young people between 18 and 24 years old had not finished upper secondary education and were not in education and training. On average, the unemployment rate of these early school leavers is 40.1%, compared to 23.2% overall youth unemployment in Europe. ESL creates great hardship for the individuals and huge costs for European economies and welfare states. Tackling early school leaving is a stepping stone towards improving the opportunities of young people and for supporting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. (EC, 2013)

The struggle against early school leaving (ESL) has become a main priority of EU countries especially in the “Strategy Europe 2000”. It combines prevention and mediation focusing on a main goal: each youngster should be able to have all the chances to build a future and therefore to succeed in life. It is a main concern for achieving social cohesion and a fair educational system. Involving all the members of the Educative community, in close relationship with local authorities and professionals, should allow to offer alternative solutions to each youngster facing difficulty at school (

In order to struggle against ESL, school mentoring has been offered by associations outside school, mainly in sensitive urban areas (suburbs, areas characterized by high level of unemployment, single parents, high level of drop outs). Children and youngsters are proposed different kinds of activities allowing them to learn a language, mathematics or any other discipline through games or social activities. The idea is, in complement to school, to give self -confidence and hope to youngsters who feel lost and abandoned by school. This is important to be able to combine different profiles of "educators"- volunteers and paid professionals- as the pedagogical approach may be different but complementary. It may re-engage youngsters who might face difficulties at school to find their way back to school by testing other pedagogical methods with adults (volunteers in associations) who are not supposed to assess their work but to support them in improving the assessment they will receive at school. This "detour strategy" has been enhanced in educative activities offered outside school (through games, sport, cultural activities...) where a bridge is made between this informal and non formal learning (implemeted outside school) and the formal learning (at school).

The Schola project aims at designing:

1. training sessions for school mentors – to acquire knowledge on the reasons for an early school leaving (ESL) and the strategies offered to struggle against it, both on national and European levels ; to motivate themy understanding the special role they play among the educative community, go-between between families and school ; to learn to learn by insisting on the key competences (EU, 2006) and the different types of learning (formal, non-formal, informal ; Copenhagen process) and the combination between the work offered by volunteers and professionals in the field and to practice alternative strategies, in complement to school, for instance based on a voluntary experience (reference is made to the Success at school project).

2. a tool & method for professionals in order to support school mentors. They will be trained to identify and assess the skills and competences acquired and/or to be developed by school mentors to support in the best way in their worok among youngsters facing difficulties at school or already early school leavers. Basic and transversal skills should be identified and assessed among school mentors, on the basis of their experience among youngsters facing difficulties at school or having already dropped out.

3. guidelines and a final e-bbok will be edited as pedagogical support for the Schola strategy.

The Schola project addresses educators in the broad sense- gathering professionals and volunteers working with youngsters facing difficulties at school or already drop outs living considered as learners from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The project should be carried out transnationaly as the outputs of the PISA study have proved the useful impact of transnational comparison to promote and implement educative policies. The Schola gathers countries with different educative backgrounds where the non formal and informal learning is differently taken into account such as Slovenia, France and Ireland where it has been quite enhanced in the past years and Poland or Italy where it is still more academic.

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Projektni predlog je zelo kakovostno oblikovan, zelo dobro naslavlja cilje in prioritete strateškega partnerstva na področju šolskega izobraževanja (preprečevanje zgodnjega opuščanja šolanja) in pozitivno učinkuje tudi na visokošolsko in mladinsko področje. Cilji in rezultati projekta so realistični, smiselni in zelo dobro naslavljajo potrebe ciljne skupine. Projekt dobro izkorišča mednarodno sodelovanje in ga spodbuja. Mednarodna usposabljanja so zelo dobro povezana s cilji, rezultati in pričakovanimi učinki projekta. Projekt zelo dobro gradi na izkušnjah in kompetencah vključenih posameznikov in organizacij. Delovni program je uravnoteženo in smiselno opredeljen med sodelujoče organizacije. Zagotavljanje kakovosti delovnega programa, kakovosti rezultatov in učinkov je učinkovito načrtovana. Trajnost rezultatov znotraj partnerskih organizacij in na lokalni ter regionalni ravni je zelo visoka.

Projekt neustrezno naslavlja izbrani prioriteti s področja izobraževanja odraslih in sicer dvig kompetenc izobraževalcev odraslih in dvig osnovnih znanj odraslih. Intelektualni rezultati so presplošno predstavljeni. Sicer ustrezne kompetence sodelujočih posameznikov niso dovolj jasno povezane s konkretnimi vlogami pri projektu. Projekt je šibkejši v delu finančnega načrtovanja, trajnosti rezultatov pri organizaciji koordinatorki in ne izkoristi vseh potencialov za diseminacijo in trajnost rezultatov na nacionalni in evropski ravni, ki jih ima glede na sodelujoče organizacije.

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