Naslov: Odgovorni turist varuje raznolikost kultur, ljudi in okolja

ZAVRNJENI Organizacija: Zavod sv. Stanislava

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Organizacija: Zavod sv. Stanislava

Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-34/15

NASLOV: Memories

Opis projekta

The Memories project joins together three different secondary schools from Slovenia, Spain and France. Three different cultural and historical backgrounds, three different nationalities and national characters, three different sources of memory, etc.

MEMOIRES - MEMORIAS - SPOMINI ... Three words, sounding so differently and yet in a way close to each other represent three different stories - world apart and yet carrying the same notion. As we commemorate 100 years from the beginning of the First World War and 70 years since the end of the Second World War in the school year 2014/2015, we understand the necessity of honouring the memories. We realize that we are doomed to repeat history if we do not learn from it. The atrocities of the two world wars are joined by the Spanish civil war raging from 1936 to 1937. The horrors of the 20th century have no place in our future.

This is the message of the project. This is the message we want to instill in the students and we want to inspire them to share this message throughout Europe wherever they go.

We hope to do this through the use of theatre. All of the partner schools have some experience in the area and above all a great desire for developing this field even further. We want to add extracurricular activities, we want to encourage more students to take part in different proposed activities and we want to offer them a chance to express themselves, a chance to gain invaluable experience in communication, project management, promotion, organisation and evaluation.

We also want to enrich some of our school curricula and bring them up-to-date, bring them closer to the students so that they could transmit knowledge in a more engaging, captivating way. We want the information to stay with the student in a more sustainable way and we want the student to be able to use it, to apply it critically and independently to various unforeseen situations.

In the course of the project we want to develop two intellectual outputs. One will be presenting the method, describing the activities, forming a veritable coursebook that we will be using, adapting, developing, modifying. We hope it will also prove useful to other institutions. The other output will be a celebration of the students' creativity comprising their dramatisations, the gathered historical materials, interactive content created during the course of the project, with emphasis on the common mobility activities.

There will be three of these mobilities. Every country will be the host once during the course of three years. A rich cultural programme will culminate in a joint student production. This will be prepared in such a way to engage the local communities on a rather exhaustive way. As we also hope to attract a share of the potentially interested stakeholders, we will also prepare strictly professional discussions during the one week exchanges.

We want to include more students in local school theatre activities. We want to engage a dozen or so of them in foreign mobilities and we would like them to influence at least a 1,500 or so of their friends in schools they attend. We want them all to be able to understand, to be able to empathize. Through this we want to impact the Europe, impact the world.

We want to honour the memories and make sure that they prove for us to be the guarantee for the future. A future that averts us from any risk of war and conflict and enables us to build our own memories. Our personal SPOMINI - MEMORIAS - MEMOIRES that will be brighter because they will draw from the wisdom of those preceding them.

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Projektni predlog ustrezno naslavlja prioritete akcije in je pravilno umeščen v šolsko področje. Njegova vsebina temelji na potrebah partnerskega tima, ki je ustrezno sestavljen in je vezana na področje dramatizacije, igre in gledališča. Projektni predlog ne izkazuje inovativnosti, nadgrajuje pa neka prejšnja, sporadična sodelovanja partnerskih šol. Projektni predlog na začetku obljublja veliko več – medpredmetno povezovanje in razvijanje splošnih veščin pri dijakih, kot so aktivno državljanstvo, občutek za empatijo, sposobnosti izražanja. V nadaljevanju pa se te vsebine izgubijo in ostane samo igra (predvsem je to razvidno pri fazi diseminacije). Delovni program projekta je jasno definiran in realističen za dosego zastavljenih ciljev, le-tem bodo aktivnosti učenja/poučevanja/usposabljanja v podporo. Finančni načrt projekta ni ustrezen. Kontrola kakovosti izvajanja projekta ter pričakovanih učnih izidov (učni izidi izven organizacij udeleženk so skromnejše predstavljeni) je predvidena in natančno opisana. Koordinacija projekta nasploh, tudi komunikacija med partnerji in deležniki je vzpostavljena in ustrezno načrtovana. V delu, ki se nanaša na diseminacijo novih znanj s področja igre, mednarodnega sodelovanja in izmenjave dobrih praks, so identificirani ustrezni deležniki in načrtovane smiselne aktivnosti za širjenje rezultatov. Ustrezno je predvidena tudi uporaba eTwinning platforme. Trajnost je zagotovljena v delu, ki se nanaša na sodelovanje s partnerji in nadaljevanje aktivnosti v povezavi z igro.

Organizacija: Grm Primary School
Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-27/15

NASLOV: Back to the Basics with Contemporary Approaches

Opis projekta

The title of the project “Back to the Basics with Contemporary Approaches" implies the main aim of the project which is Addressing low achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods. Four primary schools in four different European countries, Finland, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain, have joined forces with the aim of strengthening quality of education through mobility and cross-border cooperation. The project involving all the people at each school will also focus on reducing disparities in learning outcomes affecting disadvantaged learners. The project will actively involve and focus on helping these pupils improve their achievements with the help of different methods. We will develop ways of integration of students with special needs, flexible teaching/learning groups and methods. Another aspect our project will focus in is how to increase pupils' motivation.

Over the next 2 years, we will focus on the development of knowledge, understanding and skills, acquiring new teaching approaches and methods that will help the adults and children in our schools to become successful citizens of the future Europe.

With the help of various methods, strategies, resources (ICT, peer tutoring, experiential learning) an international learning environment will be established for the pupils and teachers. The staff and pupils of each of the four schools will work collaboratively to create a number of items and present the products on the project's website which will be only one means of dissemination (eTwinning platform, leaflets, conferences).

The project's activities are dispersed throughout the two years. Pupils and teachers will work together on a number of smaller projects, topics related to the main objectives. Some of the main activities will include making presentation of the participating countries, creating project corners, sharing Christmas and Easter traditions, creating project's anthem and exploring traditional music, round-table discussions, web conferences, comparing different teaching and learning methods for developing basic skills (reading, writing, Maths). The results will be among others project's website, e-classroom on eTwinning, videos about schools posted on YouTube, leaflets, publications, brochures, newsletters, viral video, art work, handwork.

The project's cohesive thread is teacher and pupil exchanges. Only through mobility we can exchange ideas of good practices and learn new methods of teaching and learning. Different schools in different countries use different methods and approaches and the best way to learn something is by doing it. Short-term transnational mobilities will thus enable teachers and pupils to try out different methods by themselves and at the same time show their own in a different country.

Our project meetings and teacher and pupil exchanges will also be a means of learning first hand for they will provide an opportunity for the teachers and pupils to experience each other's school systems and culture. These meetings will enable ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the progress of our project, as well as allow the development of friendships on a personal and professional level.

The schools have the urge to keep up with the times. External conditions and well as pupils themselves additionally force us to do so as they keep setting new challenges and presenting novelties in our daily lives. Many of us think our school system is too rigid. We are eager to participate in the new European project as it will enable us to widen our horizon and improve our teaching skills with the use of different methods resulting in improved basic skills of our pupils, increased motivation, better ICT skills and enhanced general knowledge and affiliation to the European community.

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V projektu so analiza potreb, cilji, rezultati in aktivnosti presplošno opredeljeni, manjka vsebinska pojasnitev. Cilji so preštevilni in niso v celoti usklajeni s prioritetami projekta in rezultati projekta. Kot prioriteta so opredeljeni otroci s posebnimi potrebami, nikjer pa niso opredeljene njihove potrebe, rezultati, ki se nanašajo na njih.

Vsebinsko cilji in aktivnosti niso v celoti skladni. Vzrok za to so preštevilni in presplošni cilji. V vlogi je npr. govora o novih metodah in pristopih v poučevanju, nikjer pa ne zasledimo, kateri so ti pristopi oz. katere metode, na katero področje se nanašaj ter za katero ciljno skupino bodo primerne. Iz tehničnega (izvedbenega) vidika je delovni program jasen in dovršen. Časovno so dogodki razporejeni na 2 meseca, kar je majhen časovni interval za tako kompleksen projekt. Obstaja možnost, da se časovno zamakne, alternativa za tak primer v projektu ni opredeljena. Predlagane aktivnosti učenja in poučevanja prispevajo k doseganju rezultata kot celote, potrebno bi jih bilo le vsebinsko bolj opredeliti.

Organizacije imajo znanje, spretnosti in kompetence za učinkovito, uspešno in profesionalno izvajanje delovnega programa. Predlog opredeljuje, katera znanja in veščine bo prispevala vsaka sodelujoča organizacija. Porazdelitev nalog je ustrezna, sodelovanje in vložek organizacij je ustrezno opredeljen.

Predlagane metode spremljanja so ustrezne za tehnično vrednotenje izvedbe projekta. Evalvacija vsebine rezultatov pa je pomanjkljiva (npr. nikjer ni zaslediti vsebinskih kriterijev, po katerih bodo spremljali rezultate projekta). Učinki projekta izven organizacija, na lokalni in regionalni ravni niso ustrezno pojasnjeni. Diseminacija ni ustrezno pojasnjena. Iz opisa, da bodo različne organizacije na regionalni ravni vpletene v organizacijo in izvedbo mednarodnih srečanj in konference, ni mogoče razbrati, kako bo diseminacija potekala, katera orodja bodo pri tem uporabili, katere rezultate bodo diseminirali.

Organizacija: Moderna galerija
Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-31/15

NASLOV: Accessibility for All

Opis projekta

The A4A project's aim is to complement the official elementary school curriculum, which is still too formal, rigid and result- based and leaves almost no space and time for experimentation and creative learning. It will target pupils with special needs (blind or partially sighted, migrants, children with autism) but potentially also pupils with problems with identity, discipline, learning as such.

The project will develop the methods of creating a setting for »unhampered participation« , where pupils, teachers, museum educators and other professionals, as well as artists will learn together in an informal way. This methods will complement the traditional and formal teaching methods in order to develop key competences such as »learning to learn«, social and civic competences, sense of initiative and enterpreunership and cultural awarness and expression during the obligatory schooling, recommended by the European framework on key competences and based research by Eurydice.

The primary goal of the A4A project is to introduce those new methods to elementary school teachers to empower them to approach pupils with different physical and cultural abilities /disabilities and in this way to promote inclusion . The partners will therefore develop:

• manuals and other tools / kits for teachers to use for their learning purposes in and outside the school as suggested in one of the then key actions suggested by the European commision in the »Supporting the Teaching Professions for Better Learning Outcomes« (2012) working document.

• learning methods which will enable students with disabilities to catch up quicker with the curriculum subject matter, and follow the regular lessons, especially regarding social and civic inclusion, that are totally left out in the official school education program.

The project will be carried out transnationally so that all the partners can contribute their best knowledge and experiences, the methods, the partners will develop together, will be shared via professional links through teachers' and museum educators' networks they will be available in physical as well as electronic forms on the partners' official websites.

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Projekt je relevanten glede na razpisane cilje in prioritete programa Erasmus+ inse ustrezno nanaša na dve horizontalni prioriteti, in sicerna razvijanje osnovnih in interdisciplinarnih spretnosti z uporabo inovativnih pristopov ter na zmanjševanje razlik v učnih rezultatih. Rezultati projekta so jasno opisani in projekt zadovoljivo upošteva potrebe končnih uporabnikov. Ideja projekta je inovativna, saj razvija in vključuje v učni proces sodobne in zanimive tehnološke metode. Rezultat projekta bodo nova intelektualna znanja za poučevanje otrok z omejenimi možnostmi na zanimiv in ustvarjalen metodološki način, v katerem bodo sodelovale umetniške institucije, šolske institucije in umetniki. Predlog projekta v vseh fazah izraža pravilno načrtovanje aktivnosti. Program je realističen in jasen. Metodologija je realna. Ocenjevanje in kontrola izvedbe je dobro. Določeni so kvantitativni kazalniki. Projekt je racionalno zastavljen in dobro izkorišča predvidena sredstva ter znanje posameznih partnerjev. Vsak od partnerjev (razen OŠ iz Srbije) je zadolžen za enega od petih intelektualnih rezultatov. Projekt je pomanjkljiv v delu, ki predvideva uporabo rezultatov kot učnega pripomočka v širšem EU prostoru. Projekt vključuje partnerje s komplementarnimi kompetencami. Samo dve od partnerskih organizacij imata izkušnje z EU projekti, ostali so novinci, kar po eni strani pomeni veliko pridobitev za nove organizacije, po drugi strani pa nevarnost priizvedbi projekta zaradi neizkušenosti partnerjev. Partnerji se med seboj dopolnjujejo, naloge so si ustrezno razdelili, le vloga OŠ iz Srbije je šibka, saj učenci sodelujejo le pri eni od aktivnosti, izvedba drugih pa je vprašljiva, zato je projekt slabo ocenjen. Upravljanje projekta in komunikacija med partnerji sta ustrezno predvidena ter natančno opisana. Uporaba portala eTwinning ni predvidena. Predlagane metode evalvacije so ustrezne. Dolgoročni učinki projektnih rezultatov so negotovi. Projekt ne zajame možnosti vseh uporabnikov oz. zainterisiranih. Diseminacijske aktivnosti so v predlogu pomanjkljivo prikazane. Rezultati projekta bodo prosto dostopni prek že uveljavljenih spletnih strani posameznih partnerjev.

Organizacija: Osnovna sola Milana Sustarsica
Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-20/15


Opis projekta

A recent study by the Education, Audio-visual ad Culture Executive Agency in 27 European countries, 4 EFTA countries and 2 candidate countries for the EU has shown that literacy presents a problem when it come to children under the age of 15. We are aware that good literacy, reading, mathematical and scienfitic respectively are important for a successful adult life, and have therefore decide to find methods and strategies that would improve recent results, as it is also the goal of the EU.

As all of the partner organisations have a lot of experiences in this field it was only natural to gather our strengths and find methods and solutions to help our pupils achieve more in the different areas of literacy.

Furthermore, we are aware that each year there are more and more pupils with learning deficiencies as inclusion is one of the priorities of the EU educational system. This is a group that needs even more help in this area and what is more, they need different approaches. Therefore we have decided to put a special emphasis on children with special needs, and to find suitable solutions for them as well. But before we can try and help them we need to properly educate the staff, so that they will be equipped with the knowledge of how to recognise different deficencies and how to overcome them.

This project is aimed at activities that will induce the love of reading in the younger students, and nurture their new-found love all through their course of education through different activities.

As this is an international project we want our pupils to get to know the language and culture of our partner organisations through various activities, which will also serve as basis to see how different languages affect the achievements in literacy.

As literacy needs to be measured before we can find suitable methods, we will choose two generations of pupils who will serve as basis of the analysis and the implementation of suitable methods and strategies, and whose improvement will be measured throughout the project on a regular basis.

Based on a previously mentioned analysis we will develop and implement suitable methods that will improve the pupils' literacy in different areas. The findings, the methods and the strategies that will be implemented in the course of the project and which will bring desired results, will then be gathered in a final report, which will be published and presented to the public, so that other teachers can benefit from our projects.

As has been mentioned at the beginning, the European target is to reduce the number of low-achieving 15-year-old in reading to above 15% by the year 2020, therefore our goal is to find viable solutions that will help accelerate this project and to include methods that will help the children with special needs as well.

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Projektni predlog je v skladu s cilji in prioritetami akcije KA2 šolska partnerstva. Navezuje se na relevantne prednostne naloge (tako horizontalne kot posebne prednostne naloge šolskega področja) in jih skozi vsebino tudi ustrezno naslavlja. Vsebina projekta ne temelji na analizi potreb partnerskih organizacij ter ciljnih skupin; potrebe niso identificirane. Predlog se ustrezno nanaša na učence in starše in šibko na učitelje kot identificirano ciljno skupino v projektnem predlogu. Iz projektnega predloga ni razvidno, da mednarodno sodelovanje k projektu prinaša dodano vrednost – v smislu doseganja rezultatov. Isti učinek bi bil dosežen, če bi se povezale samo slovenske šole; z izjemo mednarodnih sestankov.

Faze projekta (priprava, implementacija, evalvacija, diseminacija) so ustrezno časovno načrtovane, vsebinska predstavitev posameznih aktivnosti znotraj le-teh pa je pomanjkljiva in ne dovolj jasno predstavljena. Delovni program je dobro načrtovan za učence; njim je namenjena večina predlaganih dejavnosti. Zadovoljivo je predlog načrtovan za starše. Predlog je prešibko povezan z učitelji kot navedeno ciljno skupino. Predlagana metodologija je dobro zasnovana za eno od ciljnih skupin (za starše), za drugi dve je šibka. Mehanizmi za zagotavljanje kakovostne izvedbe projekta niso v celoti ustrezno predstavljeni. Obstoj in ustreznost ukrepov za nadzor kakovosti predlaganih dejavnosti je presplošen. Kazalniki spremljanja ciljev in rezultatov projekta so navedeni, vendar niso v celoti razumljivi in primerni. Načrtujejo veliko število testiranj učencev, kaj konkretno bodo testirali (sploh v začetni fazi), s kakšnimi testi ipd. pa ni navedeno. Iz predlaganega projekta ni razvidna dodana vrednost projekta za predlagan časovni okvir. Dve leti bi bili dovolj, da bi rezultate pri bralni pismenosti (glede na predlagane dejavnosti) lahko primerjali; tretje leto ne prinaša dodane vrednosti.

Projekt zadovoljivo vključuje nabor sodelujočih organizacij, a so le-te presplošno opisane. Iz projektnega predloga je šibko razvidno, v čem je posebnost vsake od sodelujočih organizacij oz. katero znanje, izkušnje je in naj bi vsaka od sodelujočih organizacij doprinesla k realizaciji projektnega predloga. Projekt vključuje tri izkušene organizacije in eno novinko, vendar neka dodana vrednost oz. poseben vpliv nanjo, ni razviden. Načrtovani mehanizmi za koordinacijo in obveščanje med sodelujočimi organizacijami so dobro načrtovani. Koordinacijo projekta prevzema šola prijaviteljica, potek komuniciranja je med partnerji in deležniki jasno predstavljen ter primeren za dobro sodelovanje med organizacijami. Uporaba portala eTwinning za namene izvedbe ni omenjena, kar je neustrezno.

Ukrepi za evalvacijo učinkov oz. rezultatov projekta so načrtovani zadovoljivo, pri vsaki generaciji učencev je načrtovana analiza dosežkov. Trajnost projekta je zagotovljena, a splošno zapisana.

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