Naslov: Odgovorni turist varuje raznolikost kultur, ljudi in okolja

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Organizacija: Osnovna sola Spodnja Siska
Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-38/15


Opis projekta

This is a project that takes 6 of 30 innovative education strategies of Prakash Nair -who is a futurist, a visionary planner and architect with Fielding ( / 30 Strategies for Education Innovation)- as theme in the center. According to the analysis we did, we found out that unenthusiasm for school and irresponsible behaviors of the students, lack of basic skills and early school leaving are common problems of European society. As it is focused on the strategies of Prakash Nair, the simple fact that the old mass-production model of education simply doesn’t work for most of students. The old model was designed to weed out the “smart” students for college from those who would work in nonacademic vocations. But that kind of distinction is no longer valid. Today, it is important to take in consideration students’ needs, wishes and skills while planning their education and career. Schools need to do more than just select students according to their cognitive abilities.

We are 6 partners from different 6 countries and we created this project in a complete agreement of all partners in needs, rationale, objects, tasks and share of tasks, meeting programme, Learning/Teaching/Training activities for pupils. We will work on the definite innovative strategies to provide the knowledge and skills that students will need to succeed in a new global economy than the traditional model still practiced in most schools. We will study on the six strategies. Those are;


2-Multi-Age Classes,

3-Small Learning Communities,

4-Cooperative Learning,

5-Project Based Learning,

6-Peer Tutoring,

Every partner institution will have one of those to study by a team involving from teachers, students, administrative staff and PTA, for developing methodology, applying into school curriculum, doing practical applications in the schools, observing and evaluating the results and reporting the benefits. At the end of two years these 6 innovative strategies will have been practiced and the reports will be collected in a book. That book will be the outcomes of the project as intellectual output. While doing these work, we aimed to develop the schools as the places where diverse talents are recognized and nurtured where every student is made to feel special, has an opportunity to realize his or her full potential and succeed on his or her own terms - in other words, they need to become "New Paradigm" schools.

The central objectives of our project are defined as;

-to increase enthusiasm for school and responsible behaviors,

-to overcome lack of basic skills

-to prevent early school leaving

-to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities;

-to improve provision and assessment of basic and transversal skills, entrepreneurship, language competences and digital skills;

-to improve levels of skills for employability

-to increase motivation and satisfaction for future


Students/teenagers: There will be teams of 30 students in each partner organization so 180 in total will take part actively in project activities. Approximately 1200 students/teenagers will indirectly be affected.

Teachers/Adults: There will be teams of 5 teachers in each partner organization so 30 in total will take actively in project activities. There will be a teacher of English,Music,,a Physicological Counselor, an ICT teacher and a PE teacher/trainer .Approximately 150 teachers/adults will indirectly be affected.

Administrative staff: The head-teacher/chairman and a deputy head will take part in the project, Approximately 36 administrative staff will indirectly be affected.

Families: The number of the family members will be 300 in total and they will contribute to introduce the host country’s culture, tradition and to prepare traditional food for international evening. Approximately 480 family members will indirectly be affected.

Local community: Local community like local press, municipality, directorate of national education and PTA will help to disseminate the project to a wider community. Approximately 800 people from local community will indirectly be affected.


Through our project the six partners intend to create both short-term and long-term tangible and intangible results and to achieve the biggest possible impact to future projects and policy processes such as leading students to overcome lack of self-esteem, setting up the project website in order to provide continuous access to the general information of the project activities, progress and results, writing newspaper reports and creating on-site panels or leaflets to inform non-specialist audience about the project’s background and main results, arranging a multiplier event, communication, and cognitive skills of at risk students, cultivating effective partnerships between trainers, educators, and community organizations so as to amplify our collective impact on the students.

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Skupen komentar ocenjevalcev

Splošna ocena projekta je, da je šibko in mestoma nejasno zapisan.

Prijava je močna v orisanem vodenju projekta, še posebej v delu zagotavljanja ustreznega nadzora nad porabo sredstev in upravljanje s časom ter obravnavanjem projektnih tveganj. Kot prednost prijave je potrebno izpostaviti, da projekt vključuje organizacije, ki se dopolnjujejo v profilu, izkušnjah ter znanju in spretnostih za uspešno izvedbo projekta, vključene so tudi organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo z otroki z manj priložnostmi, kar je pomembno za doseganje cilja. Prav tako so dobro predstavljene vloge, naloge in odgovornosti, ki so jasno členjene in lahko dejavno prispevajo k uspehu projekta. Kakovostno je začrtana tudi koordinacija in komunikacija med prijaviteljem in partnerjem.

Kljub nekaterim prednostim ima prijava številne šibkosti. Osrednji šibkosti prijave se nanašata na utemeljenost nalog in naslavljanje ciljev, kar ima velik vpliv na ostale projektne aktivnosti. Prednostne naloge so skromno naslovljene, slabo obrazložene in utemeljene, učinka oz. doprinosa na prednostno nalogo s področja visokega šolstva iz prijave sploh ni mogoče razbrati. Cilji projekta so preštevilni, razpršeni in kompleksni, zato jih je s projektom zelo težko celovito uresničevati. Projektni cilji, rezultati in predvidene aktivnosti učenja, poučevanja, usposabljanja niso jasno povezani. Načrtovane aktivnosti učenja, poučevanja in usposabljanja se z izjemo vrste »strategije« ponavljajo, so slabo vsebinsko obrazložene in utemeljene z vidika dodane vrednosti, mestoma nerazumljive. Projekt načrtuje dva intelektualna rezultata, a zaradi šibkega in pomanjkljivega vsebinskega opisa ni mogoče oceniti njune kakovosti. Projektni predlog vključuje preštevilne in preveč raznolike instrumente evalvacije. Iz prijave je vidna velika neusklajenost med kazalniki zagotavljanja kakovosti, nanizanimi učinki in cilji. Evalvacija zastavljena preobširno, kar je tudi posledica preveč razpršenih in obsežnih ciljev.

Organizacija: Korona plus d.o.o., Institut za inovativnost in tehnologijo
Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-30/15

NASLOV: Multidisciplinary Innovation Living Lab in Primary Education

Opis projekta

Slovenia and Croatia are lagging behind most developed economies in innovation and economic results. One of the important obstacles is the educational system which has not yet adapted to the needs of the modern society which is the case of all partner countries. Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship cannot be taught in a simple manner. An appropriate environment needs to be created so as to generate new ideas and stimulate curiosity and innovative spirit. This can be achieved through integrative learning, which enables problem-solving in authentic situations. Such processes boost self-confidence, build competencies based on personal properties and improve the bias toward action. If our objective is to encourage the development of innovation and entrepreneurship, then the schoolwork may not be detached from the local community and the production process. Nonetheless, encouraging the Pupils to produce new ideas is just the first step. A good idea needs to be developed and implemented. During the project's activities: teachers' training, pilot phase where concrete innovations based on real life's problems as well as all other project's activities will be developed, teacher will be equipped with comprehensive knowledge and qualifications on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Within the project we will also establish the Edu Living Lab (Educational Innovation Living Laboratory), which is a comprehensive ecosystem encompassing the required stakeholders.

Applying knowledge and experience of the partners we will firstly orient towards the preparation of comprehensive toolbox - methodology and training materials (prepared in a humorous and user-friendly manner) which will be followed by trainings and pilot implementation phase focused on innovation and entrepreneurial way of performing.

Promotion of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in Schools will be one of the key aims and objectives. Yet it is well known that building of the innovation culture requires clear decision-making and strategy of the top management within an organisation, also in Schools. Therefore, we will start at the top and prepare appropriate short motivating workshops for the Schools’ management.

Within the project activities, the teachers will gain competences and skills in the areas of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and interdisciplinary integration (especially in the field of math, science, literature). It is also foreseen within training modules to address innovative teaching aspects following the Latin phrase "Verba docent exempla trahunt" (words instruct, illustrations lead). We believe that innovative teacher is more efficient in developing innovation and entrepreneurial skills than a non-innovative teacher who only has theoretical knowledge on Innovation.

In the following step teachers will apply their acquired knowledge and skills and implement them in classroom as a pilot activity. An important supporting element of the Piloting phase is cooperation with the Edu Living Lab Eco System where teachers will transfer their competences and skills onto the current generation of children, and also on next generations of children in the following years.

Based on the developed evaluation methodology of the Multidisciplinary Innovation Living Lab activities in Primary Education (Intellectual output O8), a strong base for optimisation of the mentioned toolkit is provided in the last phase of the project. It will be elaborated within the final Model representing a set of methodology, guidelines and materials (prepared in a humorous and user-friendly manner) for an efficient implementation of the project objective into the curricula/other schools. It will also encompass a system of validation and recognition of skills and qualifications gained through non-formal education according to the Europass guidelines.

We strongly believe, innovation in educational system is one of the cornerstones of the innovative and entrepreneurial society, which EU tends to become. It is a must which should become daily educational system praxis.

Project activities and results within the Edu Living Lab project are connected to:


O1: Situation analysis and of best practice examples identification

O2: The Edu Living Lab Methodology

O3: Training modules

O4: Trainings for teachers

O5: Piloting phase

O6: Dissemination report

O7: Evaluation report

O8: The Model


E1: Pilot activities presentation Slovenia

E2: Pilot activities presentation Austria

E3: Pilot activities presentation Croatia

E4: Final International Multiplier Event


C1: Joint International Trainings for teachers from participating schools

C2: Local Trainings for teachers from participating schools- Slovenia

C3: Local Trainings for teachers from participating schools- Austria

C4: Local Trainings for teachers from participating schools- Croatia


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Gre za projekt, ki ni novost, ampak izhaja iz starejšega projekta, se pa sedaj razširja s konceptom še na dve državi, sosednji regiji (Avstrija, Hrvaška), vender ni jasno, v čem je dodana vrednost projekta glede na rezultate predhodnega projekta. Projekt manj zadovoljivo naslavlja cilje programa na področju šolskega izobraževanja kot tudi prioriteti »krepitve učiteljskega poklica« in »razvoja osnovnih in transverzalnih veščin«. Zelo šibko pa naslavlja prioriteto »nizkih dosežkov na področju osnovnih veščin«. Cilji »razvoj inovativne kulture v šoli«, »razvoj mednarodnih mrež za inovativne multidisciplinarne izobraževalne modele« in »razvoj sistema potrjevanja veščin in kvalifikacij doseženih v neformalnem izobraževanju« v projektu niso ustrezno naslovljene. Manjka ustrezna analiza, ki jo bodo v projektu šele naredili, kar ni ustrezno. Čeprav prijavitelj poudarja, da bodo v gradivih upoštevali specifike držav, pa bi lahko bil projekt dosegljiv z aktivnostmi v eni državi, zanj ni potrebna mednarodna razsežnost. Faze projekta so zadovoljivo oblikovane, da bi bili doseženi cilji. Delovni načrt je manj jasno definiran. Razmerje med izobraževanjem učiteljev in ostalimi aktivnostmi niso v smiselnem razmerju, saj je predvideno usposabljanje le 9-ih učiteljev; ni jasno kako bodo vključeni lokalni deležniki v aktivnosti na šolah; naloge in odgovornosti treh šol niso dovolj natančno predstavljene niti koliko učencev ter učiteljev bo sodelovalo v aktivnostih. Učinek in trajnost rezultatov na sodelujoče in širše je zelo skromna posebej z vidika, da so ciljna skupina osnovnošolski učitelji itd. Evalvacijske metode niso dovolj ustrezne, da bi lahko na podlagi le teh ugotovili, ali bodo rezultati doseženi.

Predlog ima potencial, da naj bi imel projekt pozitiven vpliv zlasti na osebje in učence tudi po končanem projektu. Projekt ne bo imel bistvenega vpliva na ostale evropske države. Za kaj takega potrebuje podporo pomembnih deležnikov, vendar je zelo na splošno pojasnjeno, da naj bi se projekt povezal z nekaterimi evropskimi povezavami, ni pa pojasnjeno, zakaj in kakšne učinke naj bi le te prinesle. Premalo so pojasnjeni učinki na nacionalni nivo in kako naj bi prišlo do vpliva na snovalce šolskih politik. Diseminacija ni dovolj učinkovita, ni usmerjena v ciljne skupine, našteva možnosti, katerih realizacija je vprašljiva oz. ne navajajo dejstev kako bodo to zagotovili (npr. objava v časopisju Eurydice itd.). Dostopnost rezultatov ni ustrezno načrtovana.

Zadeva št.: KA2-SE-32/15

NASLOV: Holistic multi stakeholder approach for an energy efficient school

Opis projekta

Project HOLEES aims to empower schools, in which we see the need and great potential for efficient use of energy, reducing energy consumption and costs, and raising awareness beginning with youngsters. TThe project pursues the objective to spread Energy Literacy with essential principles and fundamental concepts for energy education.Therefore, the main objective of the project is to develop a program of energy efficiency in schools and implement it leading school to certification as "Our Energy Efficient School". In the process of preparing for the certification, each individual school will be actively directed and mentored towards reducing energy consumption and consequently lowering energy costs and greenhouse gases. Educating key stakeholders in the school, consequently leads to reduced energy consumption and mitigating climate change and creating a less polluted environment. School children are namely the best group to start with awareness raising on energy efficiency, as they have the largest potential to transfer such patterns in behavior into society at large and make them sustainable in daily life.

To achieve this, schools will be addressed at levels of key stakeholders: 1- managerial / the decision-making level, 2- teachers level, 3- at the technical level - caretaker and 4- at the level of the children. For each level, different approaches will be implemented. An innovative approach aims to raise awareness at all stakeholder levels, the impact being much larger,as the approach will develop strong synergic effects and other important external benefits.

The project is built on cooperation between project partners: providers (GOLEA, IRENA, Provincia di Treviso, IRI UL) that develop and implement the program through collaboration and dialogue with key stakeholders at the educational institutions (Gymnasium Tolmin, High School Mate Blazina). The Italian secundary school I.I.S. “A. Palladio“ from Treviso, which is not formal partner, already confirmed participation in project as pilot school.

Specific knowledge and experiences will be contributed by the Institute for Innovation and Development of University of Ljubljana (IRI) as a leading research and educational institution in the region.

In each partner country, the project involves one pilot school, where all four levels of the mentioned stakeholder groups will be trained and achieve awareness raising. The primary result of the project will be the development of a certification program "Our Energy Efficient School" and the certification of one pilot school in each partner country.

Subsequently, the three certified schools will mentor a new set of schools in the implementation of the program, setting up a multiplicative process of knowledge transfer to a wider range of schools. These will them pass through the certification program to achieve the objective of reducing energy consumption and obtaining the certificate.

Each certified school will also be trained to become a mentor school and empowered to implement knowledged transfer. Consequently, each new school can leverage the program with the assistance of the mentor school to become an energy-efficient school. The first round of knowledge transfers will run within the project, multi-layered between various users. Subsequent rounds will be run after the completion of the project. In this way we will ensure sustainability of the project - with an articulated program (manual) and with the help of mentor schools, ever new schools will be included and certificated.

International project cooperation is crucial for the exchange of ideas and experiences among partners, for preparation of the certification program, and exchanging outputs and potential benefits among pilot schools and partners concerning the administration and implementation of the program. An additional added value is the positive view from multiple angles, enabled by the different competencies and knowledge of project partners and the diversity involved pilot schools.

As result, the project will create a network between certified energy-efficient schools, where the objective is measurable with a noticeable reduction in energy consumption at each school involved. This is supported by an innovative set of interactive e-Learning resources, freely available over the internet and provided in the English language. The expected impact of the reduction in energy consumption is estimated to decrease by 7% in electricity consumption and 10% reduction in energy intended for heating, with an additional aim to achieve significant change in the behavior of the users, maintenance staff and decision-makers.

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Skupen komentar ocenjevalcev

Projekt je sicer relevanten za šolsko področje, vendar pa prioritete, ki jih je zapisal prijavitelj, v projektu niso razvidne. Analiza je šibka, cilji so sicer jasno identificirani in realistični in so lahko dosegljivi, čeprav ni razvidno, kako naj bi projekt kasneje prerastel v certificiranje in mentoriranje ostalim šolam. Predlog ni inovativen, saj tovrstne iniciative in projekti že obstajajo in ne bi imel nove vrednosti ne v državnih ne v evropskem okviru. Faze projekta so sicer načrtovane, vendar pa so nekateri deli premalo dodelani. Zadovoljivo je predvidena komunikacija (komunikacijski plan), manj priprava, ki je splošna, večjo vlogo daje pri upravljanju projekta prijavitelju. Projekt je primerno časovno razporejen, finančno je predrag tako glede števila udeležencev kot glede intelektualnih rezultatov. Predlog primerno vključuje aktivnost učenja/poučevanja. Projekt vključuje primerno mešanico komplementarnih sodelujočih držav s potrebnim profilom, izkušnjami. Delitev vlog med partnerji je primerna, upošteva kompetence, naravo aktivnosti in znanje partnerjev. Evalvacija je sicer predvidena, vendar ni dovolj natančno določena. Projekt bo imel precej pozitiven vpliv na sodelujoče organizacije in na njihovo osebje in učence in bi lahko trajen, vendar slabo prikaže, kako bo do te trajnosti prišlo, saj bi zakaj takega potreboval podporo odločevalcev na različnih ravneh (lokalni, nacionalni). Diseminacijski načrt je slabše pripravljen, le našteva različne možnosti, ki pa so splošne, niso ciljno naravnane. Trajnost projekta naj bi bila vidna v nadaljnjem mentorstvu šol ostalim šolam, ki bi tako prišle do certifikata, vendar ni natančno obrazloženo, kako naj bi do tega prišlo in kako naj bi bil tak sistem vzdržen.

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