Notes on the Orthography

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AHTALITIIL. See CMM: Ah tal ilil: descarado desvergonçado malo y perverso.

12The text reads AHZICAB Ó AHZIHCAB. See CMM: Ahci cab: cosa natural o propia...

13See AHDZUTULDZUT below for the correct spelling.

14The text reads "aakuy". However, the entry AAKAY does not exist in this work, but is given in the Michelon San Francisco.

15The text reads ALCAPACH.

16The text reads ALCAUAC.

17The text reads ALCOCEH. See BMTV: Buey: castelan ceh, ah col ceh .l. ah xulub ceh.

18The text reads baanakil.

19The text reads BACIX, BAAC LOC. See CMM: Bacix baac loe:...

20The text reads cicinté. All other sources agree that this should read chicinté.

21The text reads banpultahaah.

22The text reads "bbdcacbal".

23The text reads V. ax, but should read as shown.

24The text reads bekech uat.

25The text reads BEKECHCHAL

26It is not clear what this refers to.

27"The dogs are this big."

28The text reads bil cunic. From the SFM, DMM and BMTV this should obviously read as shown.

29However, the entry BIZAH does not exist in the dictionary, although grammatical varients do. See for example BIZAHAAN.

30Both boc nitah and bocintah exist, the first meaning to follow the scent and the second meaning to emit an odor. It is not absolutely clear which one is meant here and in the two following entries. See BMTV: Buscar por el olor o rastro, así como hace el perro: caca boc .l. boc nij.t..; and DMM: Oler algo: boc; bocin.t.

31The entry bubuhaal is missing.

32The entry bubukaal is missing.

33The text reads "A negar gar".

34This is generally written as bul cabil.

35The text reads BUUNBUH. See the following entry.

36Again, here and in the following entry there is an intrusive N, making BUUNBUT.

37The text reads CAAPEL without the crossed P.

38The example is missing the translation for "kuchech".

39The text reads CACLANPIX. See the next to entries.

40This entry is misplaced and should be placed below after CAHTAL.

41The entry ANAMAYCUNAH refers back to AMAYCUNZAH.

42The text reads pikes.

43The text reads CAPPOCTAL.

44The text reads CAYBAYTAL.

45The text reads Caz, cazil.

46The text reads CECHAHAL.

47This entry obviously originally read Çian. See Ziyan below.

48This entry and the following entry are given as one in the text: CIP: quitar alguno de su oficio, desportillar con las uñas. cip kabté: mátale con las uñas. cip tu beel: quitáronle de su oficio. antic.

49Apparently this should read zip. This entry is also given with Cip in the DMSF.

50Either this entry is misplaced or should read as shown. See COCHAK, NAHI above.

51The entry is missing the L as shown.

52No gloss is given. See COCHEK which refers to COCHAK: patada, coz.

53The following four entries were misplaced onto page 55.

54Four entries, beginning with CÓHOL, were misplaced following this entry. They have been moved to their proper place.

55Probably COODZOL is meant. Compare with CODZOL below.

56This entry obviously originally read τot and using the orthography of this dictionary should be written ZOT. See ZOT below.

57This and the following two entries read CUCHCHAHAL and grammatical varients thereof. From the position in the alphabetical listing these entries should read as shown.

58The text reads culneh. See CULNE below.

59The text reads CUMULBA.

60These last two entries are included in CUTZ as if they are part of it.

61Probably Zuytun is meant. Compare with CMM: Çuy tun cuplal: muger cerrada.

62The Spanish gloss refers to two different entries. For the word in brackets see CACPACH below.

63 CMM: Cħalam can; cħalam than:} lo mismo que cħala can. / Cħala can; cħala than: deliberar, conferir, consultar vnos con otros y tomar consejo y parecer assi.

64Both from its position and the reference to chenbeltal it is clear that the E is missing. It should be noted that the entry CHENBELTAL is missing.

65The a is missing.

66The text reads CHANLAAHAL.

67The text gives CHE MUY, CHE KAZ: muy feo. But below CHE MUY is given as a synonym to CHECHE. It would appear then that the Spanish gloss for CHE MUY is missing.

68The text reads CHEEKTAL, but from the Spanish gloss the entry obviously belongs to the CHEEH words.

69The text reads cheh. See CHEL.

70This entry probably an H is missing and belongs below with CHICHNAC.

71There is no Spanish gloss with this entry, and there is no parallel entry in the other vocabularies.

72Sic. Maybe "V. chilaan." is meant.

73Sic. Perhaps "chimtahba" is meant. See CHIMTAHBA above.

74The text reads "CHOHAHAAN: p. p. de choaha: limpiar.", in which the "H" and "a" seem to be superfluous.

75The text reads CHC-LUUM-ALCAB. Here and in future entries there is a misanalysis of the particle -lum, part of the -lVm complex.

76The text reads "chuhenchuch".

77The text reads CHHUUL.

78Sic. Some other variant is probably meant.

79The complete example is missing. Perhaps what was meant to be here was a further example, like "Xen caa ha."

80The entry is missing the L.

81The text reads CUHUCCINZAH, but of course CAHUCCINZAH is meant.

82The text reads CAUALAHAL.

83The H is missing.

84The text reads CETAHAAN: p. p. de cetahaan.

85The text reads CICIN. All other sources agree that this should read chicin.

86The text reads CICINBIL. All other sources agree that this should read chicinbil.

87The text reads CICINTAH. All other sources agree that this should read chicintah.

88Here and in the following entry the text reads CUY.

89The text reads COBTOHTAH.

90The text reads COH. See below for the correct position of this header.

91The text reads cuncul. See CUUCUL below.

92The text reads cuyahaan.

93The text reads ECBÉ.

94Sic. Perhaps "ekcunzah nok" is meant.

95The text reads EKPULEN. See BMTV: Luto que se ponen por el muerto: çabac nok .l. ek ppulen nok.

96The text reads EMCAHTZA. However, the verb should be emzah and not emcah. This is probably the result of a misreading of the word "emzah" being written in the colonial manner, "emçah".

97The text reads "etkalzaxab tin uoc".

98The Motul gives this as ezyah.

99The text reads HABCHAHAHAL.

100Up until this entry intrasitive verbs are generally given ---VL, HI:, but starting here this format is often changed to ---VL-HI:.

101The text reads HATHPAHAHAL.

102The text reads HATHNAHI.

103The text reads HAZABEN. See HAUZAH above.

104The text reads HEC but should probably read Hek. See HEK below and CMM: Hek: gajo de arbol, de mata, o yerua. The following entry was a cotinuation of this one, in which Hec is spelled properly.


106The text is missing the N.

107The text reads HETCAHAL. See CACCHAHAL above.

108The text reads HETCALAC. See CACLIC above.

109The entry HETALHET does not exist. Perhaps HETELHET is meant.

110The text reads HAUAKEUÁ.

111Here and in the next entry the text appears to read HICEK, but both form the alphabetical position and from the fact that the stand alone word is chek and not cek, this would be in error.

112Both from the type and the position the entry definitely reads HICH but should read HIC as shown in the vide. However, the vide is also in error and reads Hicnakil. See HICNAHIL below.

113The text appears to read Hiictah.

114Sic. Perhaps Hihichek is meant.

115The text reads HLEPZAH OL.

116This entry is given as a subentry of HOCHOCBAL.

117The text reads HOHOOLTHI. It should read either as shown or as HOHOOLHI.

118Again the second form is given with the suffix of  THI. This should either be  HI or  TAHI.

119The text reads HOKENKOC.

120Given this system of counting, which is dubious in any case, probably stemming from the time of Beltrán, this number should be as shown, and not UACLAHUN.

121The text reads "Tu hol in uich, á uich, in uich:...

122The text reads "v. a. Hohokah."

123For this and the following numbers the initial part is written as HOTU .

124For this and the next four entries the U in brackets is given as N.

125The Spanish gloss is not given. Meaning "lazy", literally it is "heavy penis, heavy cunt.", the former being applied to males and the latter to females.

126The text reads YOHAN UINIC

127The Spanish gloss is missing. "Hidden in the corn; there is was hidden."

128The text reads HUCCENHUC.

129The text reads H-HULCAH-OL, but should reads as shown.

130Sic. From the CMM this should read Hun pathal. The BMTV gives an example of the use of this verb: hun pathi vinic...

131The text reads HUNTIC hereh and in the following. See CMM: Tich: cuenta de quartos de animales. & dzaex hun tich yoc keken ti Juan:

132This entry is given twice.

133The text reads HUN UAHI ó HUN UAH HI. However, both from the example and from other vocabularies such as the CMM it is apparent that the entries should read as shown.

134No Spanish gloss given. The DSFM gives "allegada está la gente."

135The text reads HUUKUL.

136Spanish gloss missing: "He is not seated." = "He is not at home."

137This entry is completely unsubstantiated by any other vocabulary, nor can a reconstruction of how this entry should have read be made from the available sources.

138It is evident that for this an the next 6 entries the spelling of the word idzat is in error. It is unclear where this spelling comes from, but even within this diccionario the correct spelling is given. See for example the entries AHIDZAT: sagaz, engañoso, astuto. / H IDZAT: letrado, sabio. / IDZAT: cauto, artero, astuto. Sabio.

139The text reads IXCUYBA: V. Xcuyba. See CHUYBA above.

140The text reads IXCULIMCAN.

141The text reads IXMA ETAN.

142The text reads IXPPIN. See IZPPIN below for the correct reading.

143Note that this and the entry ITZANCIL are misplaced.

144The text reads IXUNPEDZKIN.

145The first form is missing.

146The Spanish gloss is missing. "My throat is hoarse."

147The first form is missing.

148The first form is missing.

149The text reads KABAC. See KABAK below. See also CMM: Ka bak:...

150It is unknown what the letter B refers to.

151The text reads KAHLAY UINCOL. See Ticul: Matrícula: Kahlay uinicob.

152This entry is both misplaced and probably misspelled. In as much as the entry KAKALPAHAL does exist, it is difficult to determine what is meant by this entry.

153The text appears to read KALAR.

154The text reads KANKAB. Furthermore, the word Kaanab is not registered. See KAKNAB / KAKNABIL which are given above.

155In this and the following entry the N is missing.

156The text reads KANDZUDZENTAL. It obviously should read like the previous two entries. However, it is possible that the previous two are wrong and that they should read as shown here. No other entry has be found to substantiate either reading.

157The text reads KAXTUNNIL.

158This and the following words which have the leading letter written as [K] originally had H as the leading letter.

159In departure form the standard presentation of active verbs, this entry reads KEEL, KEEKELAH. However, as shown below in the entry KEKELAH, the reduplication of the leading syllable KEE gives the word KEEKELAH a different meaning.

160Sic. Should read Kintal and Kintah.

161Sic. Should read Katun.

162The text appears to read KULMUY as though it is a single word. See CMM: Kul: en composicion; muy .l. mucho.

163Note the inconsistency in the use of H /  following T, with the entry LAALATAH using the crossed  and here and the following entry using the regular H.

164This is erroneous. It should read diez. 10.

165The text reads LAKCANCIL.

166The text reads KATUM.

167The text reads LATULAH. See the following examples for the correct reading. See also LAULAH below.

168The text reads LEELELAL, but both from position and the letter  the word should be written as shown.

169This entry is misplaced and should be given below with the words LEMLEM...

170The text reads Likzah kahtal.

171The text reads LITZLUNTAH.

172The text reads LITZIMTAH.

173The text reads LOCCHAHAL: v. a. v. n.

174The text reads Looctah, but this entry does not exist.

175Page 208 is blank, apparently due to a printer's error.

176Note the use of the letter "s" in "bisahma" and "tazahma". Furthermore, these forms are incorrect. The standard way of writing this verb form is to suffix  ma (also written  mah) directly to the verb root and the second form suffix  ah should not be included. Combining these factors, these three words should be spelled "alma / almah", "bizma / bizmah" and "tazma / tazmah".

177The text reads bellaco fino. See CMM: Maax katun, v maax katun, .l. v ma[a]xil katun: refino vellaco.

178The following entry is treated as part of this entry.

179The text reads MAC HOL, MACETELI..., but it appears that the entry MAC HOL belongs to the following entry.

180The text reads MACULIC. See DMM: Raras vezes: ma çulic; ichil ichil. & Vide: pocas vezes.

181Obviously in error, the text reads MAMADZTAL.

182If this is supposed to be an example of usage of the entry then it should read as shown. However, "manac to kin" is also possible and in fact occurs in both the dictionaries and in the texts, so perhaps the entry MANAC is missing here, or alternatively this was supposed to be the entry in itself.

183See the previous entry for MANAKTAH.

184The text reads "manbal u dzab".

185The text reads MANCAKAT. The CMM and BMTV read as shown.

186The following is treated as part of this entry and begins, incorrectly, with the words Uua kin...

187The text reads MAXCALTZOTZ. See CMM: Maxcal çodz: yerua siluestre que dizen toman para abortar; es medicinal para hinchaçones del carrillo.

188The following is treated as part of this entry.

189The following is treated as part of this entry.

190The text reads MAYKABTAB.

191The text reads MEAHHANIL.

192The text reads MEMECCHAHAHAL.

193Note the alphabetical position of this and the next entry.

194The text reads MOLUAH.

195The text reads MOLICHEE: MOLIXINTE: echóse derrama. This appears to be incorrect. See SFM: Mol ximte; mol lot; mol ceh; ceh; lot ximte: derrama, echar o juntar derrama. See also below: MOLCEH.

196The text reads MUCUL: v. ... See CMM and BMTV for the reading given.

197The text reads MUCKABTAH.

198This entry seems to be missing the word PAK. See MUKPAK below.

199The text reads MUKTAK.

200The text reads here and in the following entry MUKTHAN. See Muculthan: v. a. hablar bajo, en secreto. / Muculthan: secreto, negocio secreto.

201The text reads Petczil.

202The entry MOTZCAY does not exist.

203The text reads MUNDZUL.

204The text reads NAACAB.

205The text reads NAABLAHAL, with the A misplaced.

206The Spanish gloss is missing. "Move it quickly next to the wall."

207The text reads: NACHICHNAH PECTZIL: alabar, ensalsar, glorificar, difundir la fama. Nachennah zinan: acentuar algo. Neither Nachichnah or Nachennah exist in conjunction with pectzil or zinan. Further, the entry Nachcunah zinan is treated as part of the entry Nachcunah Pectzil. It is separated here.

208The text reads NAHBA ACH, THANTAH, as if these are two separate items.

209The text reads NAKAB which is the fourth form of this verb, a form rarely given in this work. See CMM: Nak.ah,ab.

210The Spanish gloss is missing. "Cut it to the roots."

211"Move yourself here."

212The text reads NACUCHHAL.

213The text reads NANAHCUNZAHAAN.

214The text reads NANDZAANTAL.

215The text reads NEENETHAB which is the fourth form of this verb, a form rarely given in this work.

216The text reads NENETAAN: p. p. de Nenethal. See NEENETHAH above.

217The text reads NICUICNAC.

218The following entry is treated as part of this one.

219This and the following entries should be NOH HADZ as shown below, from noh = great and hadz = to hit.

220This entry is given twice.

221"Gnaw on the tuk palm seed."

222This is probably incorrect and should read MOYNA. See MOY above and also the CMM: Moy na.

223The following is treated as part of this entry.

224The text reads NUNICIL.

225The text reads NUNUCCANTAHAAN.

226The text reads NUNUPPPAHAAN.

227This entry does not exist.

228This and the next entry, according to the BMTV and the DMM, should read nupplum.

229The text reads OCBICH.

230The text reads Ohelyohel.

231The text reads "como Nokol c okol: sobre nosotros: yocol: sobre aquel."

232The text reads
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