244The word PAKALCOCTAAL is not given. Perhaps PAKALCOCCHAHAL is meant.
245Sic. However there is a difference between Paklam and Paclam, the first meaning "stuck together" and the second meaning "facing each other".
246The following entry is treated as part of this one.
247The text reads PAYBEKATUM.
248The following five entries are treated as part of this one.
249"Lengua de agua" is a poor translation of "chi ha". This really means "at the edge of the water". Compare with CHIIKANAB above.
250This and the next two entries should be place with PPAYTOK below.
251The text reads PAYUMCHÉ.
252The text appears to read "biz á pazcab".
253The text reads PEEPECCAN.
254The text reads PEKOMZAC.
255The text reads balcal.
256The text reads PEDZLEPP OLOLAL.
257The text reads PIPEHEAH.
258The entry PITKAHAL does not exist. See PITCHAHAL.
259This and the next entry read POCEK and are thus improperly placed/
260The text reads POKCHINTAH.
261The text reads PAAN.
262This entry does not exist. Perhaps PPAPPATAHAAN is meant.
263The text reads PAX.
264The text reads PPICILPICCUNAH.
265"Until it comes."
266The text reads PPIZ ESCUNAH XUUK. See EDZCUNAH.
267See UALAK ó UALAKCHE: medida de dos varas ó de un estado para milpas.
268The text reads Poolol.
269The text reads PPUCCENPUC.
270The text reads PPUCHCHENPUCH.
271The text reads PPUPUC.
272The text reads PPUPPUCHCHAL.
273The text reads PPUPUCHLAAHAL.
274The text reads PPUPUCHUL.
275The text reads PPUUCBILPUC. However, see PPUZBIL and PPUZPACHTAH below.
276This appendix never got included.
277This appendix never got included.
278The text reads TABENTAH.
279The text reads Bujantac. Note that the translation of the verb root Buh la incorrect. See BUHAH: v. a. partir una cosa de alto abajo,... and BUUHUL, HI: v. p. ser partido un objeto por mitad y en su longitud. / Rajar.
280This and the next entry read TICITAC...
281The text reads NACUNAHTIBE. However, both the BMTV and DMM agree that it should be Uacunah ti be.
282Not given. See TACCHI and TACCHI ACHIL.
283The text reads TAKACHPATAC. See PACAT above.
284This la probably correct, with the suffix -tacoob being a correct particle, in which case the example belongs to the first TAKAL.
285This word la given as part of an example in the entry TACAN.
286The text reads TAKUNAH. See CMM: Takcunah.
287These two entries do not exist.
288The text reads TANCUNZABIL.
289The following entry is treated as part of this one.
290"Corn which has not ripened."
291The text reads TANTANXET. See the next entry for the correct reading.
292The text reads THANTANIL
293Note that this entry is given twice.
294Note the incorrect translation of the word ca. See in this dictionary CA, CAAH: v. a. tomar, apropiarse.
295The text reads "Tet vini."
296The entry TICANUMAL does not exist in this dictionary. However, the CMM, BMTV and other vocabularies are uniform in spelling this as Tic anumal. Thus, this entry is misplaced here and should be given below under the Tic words.
297Another possible reading is Titz.
298The text reads Tin, but apparently is referring to TIM above.
299The following is treated as part of this entry.
300Sic. See also TIZ, TIZNAH below. However, this is unsubstantiated in the other vocabularies and probably should read TITIDZANCIL.
301As mentioned above for the entry TITIZANCIL, this verb root is unsubstantiated and should probably read TIDZ, TIDZNAHI.
302The following two entries are treated as part of this one.
303The entries TOMKAB and TOMKABTAH do not exist. See TACKABTAH: v. a. meter la mano entre alguna cosa ó sofaldar.
304The text reads TOOBLAAHAL. Compare with TOOLANTAH below.
305The text reads TOOCCHAHAHAL.
306Exactly what the reading of this entry should be is unknown.
307This entry does not exist.
308This entry is given twice.
309The text reads Tuntah.
310The text reads TUMUL OLAL.
311Sic. Probably TUNBU is meant.
312The text reads TUBUBENBIL.
313The entry TUTUDZIL does not exist.
314The text reads TUUCINAAN.
315The text reads TUUBTUBIL.
316Even though this term is also given below under THUYULTZOOTZ, it is probably incorrect. The CMM also shows Tuy.
317The text reads Thacahaan, thus referring to itself.
318The text reads THACLAANTAC.
319The text reads THACTHAL.
320The text reads TAHLUKTAH.
321This entry does not exist.
322The text reads THATHACCO.
323This entry and some others which follow read TECH.
324The text reads THECBAL.
325The text reads THEETECH.
326The H is missing.
327The T is missing.
328The word being referred to is actually THITHIBCUNZAH given below.
329The text reads THISTHAL.
330The text reads THOLTHAL.
331This entry does not exist. Perhaps THONCINAH is meant.
332This is in error and furthermore the entry Thootal does not exist. The closest would be THOTHCHAHAL.
333The entry THOTHOCAAL does not exist. Perhaps THOTHOC CHAHAL is meant.
334The entry THOTHOCHAAL does not exist. Perhaps THOTHOCHCHAHAL is meant.
335The entry THOTHOHAAL does not exist. Perhaps THOTHOHCHAHAL is meant.
336The H is missing.
337The H is missing.
338The text reads THUNTHAHAAN: p. p. de Thunthah.
339The entry THUTHUYCINTAH is missing.
340The H is missing.
341The text reads Tzab.
342The text reads TZANLAAHTAH.
343It is difficult to know why this entry is place here.
344The entry TZATZACLAH does not exist in this work. Both the CMM and the BMTV give Tzaclah as equivalent to TZACAL: v. n. seguir buscando, examinar, buscar siguiendo.
345The text reads TZATZILCIO.
346The term Ozomyam is unknown and unattested.
347Sic. It is uncertain what this might refer to. Perhaps TZAYOMANCIL.
348The text reads perseguirlose.
349The text reads LZEECAN.
350Unattested. Perhaps TZEEHCEL is meant.
351The text reads TZEHEETZEH.
352The text reads TZENBIPAL.
353The text reads THEPAH.
354The text reads Tzetzchah.
355The text reads TZETZECH.
356The text reads ZTICAH.
357Sic. The entry TZIHMAL does not exist in this dictionary, but does in the DMSF. While there is a collection of words under ZIIH, these are misplaced and should read TZIIH. These words are:
ZIIH: olor fuerte como de orines ó cal.
ZIIHCUNBIL: oliendo á cal ú orines.
ZIIHCUNZAH: hacer que huela á cal ú orines.
ZIIHCUNZAHAAN: p. p. de Ziihcunzah.
ZIIHCHAHAL: pasiva de Ziihcunzah.
ZIIHLAAHAL: hacer que todas las cosas de que se habla huelan á cal ú orines.
ZIIHLAC: que tiene olor á cal ú orines.
ZIIHLIL: el olor á cal ú orines.
ZIIHTAL: contraer el olor ú oler á cal ú orines.
358The text reads Tzintzinloc. See BMTV: Saltar en un pie, llebando el otro para tras: tzintzin lok.
359The text reads TZOMTINTAHNI.
360The text reads MACABI as if this was part of the Mayan gloss.
361The text reads TZUCTAH.
362Note the various spellings of the Mayan word bizic. This should read ôua ca bizic, ua ma ta bizic and ua ca bizice.
363The text reads UAHKAN. See UAK below.
364The text reads UAKBIKUCH.
365The text reads UAKHEE. However the Ticul gives uac he.
366The text reads UALAKCHUN. See the CMM.
367Sic. See the next entry.
368Not given. See UCHBENCHAHAL.
369The text reads UCHITAH.
370The text reads Uech.
371The text reads UIICHLAAHAL.
372The text reads UINALAL.
373This entry is appended to the previous one, thus making the gloss pertain to UOCH. Obviously, from the other dictionaries, the gloss pertains to UOOH. See UOOH below.
374The text reads UZTAL.
375The text reads UUC TU NUCKAL.
376This note might well be introduced by Berendt questioning Pérez's assessment of the grammar of this particle.
377The text reads UDZUPEK.
378The following is treated as part of this entry.
379The text reads XANACBAL.
380The text appears to read "basear algo."
381The text reads XAXAHCUNZAH.
382The text reads XAXAN OCTAH.
383The text reads XAYUAYIK, but the other vocabularies agree that it should be as shown.
384The text reads XCUYBA. See CHUYBA.
385The text reads XECHAHAL, but it seems that this is made up of XEC and CHAHAL.
386The text reads XECTAHBA.
387The text reads XELCUYPPIX.
388The entry Xet uah does not exist in this vocabulary.
396The text reads Xotcabtah, but refers to XOTCABTHAN above, which is the agreed upon reading of this term.
397Note the use of H in the first entry and in the second.
398The text reads XUCCHAHAL.
399This entry reads Xulcab. However, this entry does not exist. Probably what is meant is CULKAB or HCULKAB.
400The text reads yanbil.
401The text reads YAYUZCINABAL.
402The first entry is incorrect.
403Note the use of and then H.
404The entry Yoyotah does not exist. See YOT, YOTHAH above.
405The spelling of this entry, YUCBA, is incorrect. For the correct spelling see YUKBA below.
406The text reads ZAHLUUM.
407The text reads ZAHLAAMIL.
408The text reads ZAHLUUM.
409The text reads ZAHLUUM-OLAL.
410The following is treated as part of this entry.
411Sic. Should actually read Zamhool. See ZAAMHOOL above.
412The following three entries are treated as part of this one.
413The entry Zazapah does not exist. For the probable meaning see the entries directly above and below.
414The text reads ZAZLAANTAL.
415The text reads ZAZUHUYIL.
416The text reads ZEPECH.
417The text reads Zenpachahan.
418While indeed there is the entry ZIIK, ZIIKEL, this reading is unsubstantiated by the other vocabularies.
419As noted in the Vide, these two entries should actually read Zic and Zicil. See, as noted, ZICIL.
420The text reads:
ZIIPPIL: hincharse, llenarse la roncha ó chichon.
ZIITHIL: hinchazon de la roncha.
However, ZIITHIL, as shown below in ZITIL, means quite a different thing as shown in brackets. Perhaps something slipped in the process of typesetting.
421The text reads ZIPCHAHAL: resbalar, escurrirse de la mano. / errar, faltar, ofender. However, see CIPCHAHAL above for the correct reading of the first entry.
422Sic. Perhaps Zitchahal is meant.
423The text reads ZIZCABIL and Ziizcabil. See ZIIZKAB above.
424In this and the following entry the mayan words are run together as if they were a single word. See BMTV: Ydropesía: chupil, çot .l., ppuluch taa.
425The text reads ZUANILBE.
426The text reads ZUTTENZUT.
427The text reads ZUTULBILXEE.
428According to the BMTV and CMM, this should read ZAALBAACH (çalba ach).
429The text reads DZACABAC.
430This is of course incorrect and should read ZAC EK.
431The text reads DZACZAHTZOH.
432The text reads DZANAYEEB.
433The text reads dziuauan.
434Should read Dzic. See DZIC above.
435The text reads "en agua."
436The text reads DZOYENDZOL.
437The text reads Dzoodzol.
438The text reads Dzodzocah.
439The text reads Dzodzocah.
440The text reads DZUBCAAN. See DMM: Cazcarrias: dzub; çacan.