by Aryeh Dov
The entire text of the book of Esther used to create the encounter between Esther the Queen and Mordechai at which Mordechai tells her "And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”( Esther 4:14)"
That question remains before all of us at every juncture of our lives
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3) Chanting "Jews, remember Khaybar" in Italy
Giulio Meotti,
In Milan there were imams at the head of the event organized by the Palestinian Association in Italy, where this slogan was star.
In recent weeks, Malmö made the headlines in many newspapers all over the world for the anti-Semitic slogans seen and shouted at demonstrations, particularly one of them. Then it was the turn of Berlin, where, under the Brandenburg Gate, the protesters used the same slogan. But in recent days, even in Milan, the same slogans were heard in one of the two demonstrations organized against the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
In Milan I saw a girl carrying the sign "The Nazis are still around and now they call themselves Zionists", heard hymns dedicated to the "victory of the Intifada", this in addition to banners against Zionism and songs like "A stone for freedom", in support of Palestinian violence.
In Milan there were imams at the head of the event organized by the Palestinian Association in Italy, but there were non-Muslim Italians there as well as Muslims, all told about 1000 people.
In Milan's Place Cavour, on December 9th, the same terrible anti-Semitic slogan of Malmö resounded: "Khaybar, khaybar ya yahud, jaish Muhammad saya'ud". Translated, it reads: "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad will return". A thunderous chorus repeated eight times by the protestors.
Khaybar is the name of the oasis inhabited by Jews that Muhammad conquered in 628. The place has a legendary and mythical meaning in the Islamist perspective of a final and violent submission of the Jews. Muhammad, at the head of an army of sixteen hundred men, assaulted, submitted, enslaved and killed the peaceful Jews settled in the oasis of Khaybar, north of Medina.
The late Robert S. Wistrich, the greatest scholar of anti-Semitism in the world, wrote in his masterpiece "A lethal obsession" that there are videos of Hamas in which contemporary "martyrs" proclaim the "call of jihad, the call of Allah Akbar, the time of Khaybar has come!". There are songs that enthusiastically evoke the massacre of the Jews ("the sons of Khaybar") as a kind of sacrificial act.
The battle of Khaybar against the Jews is evoked at Hezbollah demonstrations.
"Khaybar 1" is the name of one of Hezbollah's rockets aimed at Israel.
There is a TV series in Syria against Jews called "Khaybar".
A religious Egyptian Salafist, Hazem Shuman, on TV said that "the seventh century Khaybar's Jews are the replica of the State of Israel".
Thousands of Tunisian Salafists have chanted the slogan "Khaybar" waving the black flag of the Caliphate.
Imams of Gaza wielded a knife in a mosque and invited the faithful to follow "the example of Khaybar".
That slogan is clear: the Islamist army is about to hit the Jews again. This is why today throughout Europe - where the "Khaybar" resounds everywhere - synagogues, schools and Jewish centers are protected by army units.
I call on the Italian authorities to ban the anti-Semitic slogans used by terrorist organizations. It is pure incitement to anti-Jewish hate and slaughter
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4) The End of the Islamic Republic???
By Robert Spencer –
There is no way to tell now what will be the outcome of the massive protests that are sweeping Iran, but that they are undeniably momentous, despite the cavalier treatment they have received from the establishment media in the West. They have already led to the Tehran Police announcing that they will no longer enforce the dress codes for women that were imposed after the Islamic Revolution of 1979, and more could be coming, including the downfall of the Islamic regime itself – although the mullahs are mobilizing their military, and will not go down without a fight.
Whatever happens next, what has already happened is extraordinary. Unlike the 2009 Green Movement protests, which featured protesters shouting “Allahu akbar,” signaling that all they wanted was reform of the Islamic regime, not the end of the regime itself, the protesters over the last few days have been clear, chanting: “We don’t want an Islamic Republic!” “Clerics shame on you, let go of our country!” Some have even chanted: “Reza Shah, bless your soul!”
Reza Shah was the Shah of Iran from 1925 to 1941 and the father of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Shah who was overthrown in the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Reza Shah admired Turkey’s Ataturk and set Iran on a similar path of Westernization and secularization. In chanting this, the protesters are emphasizing that they do not want an Islamic Republic, and demonstrating yet again that these protests are not just about government corruption or food prices.
One thing is certain: these demonstrations would already be over, and may never have begun, if Hillary Clinton were President of the United States right now. Confronted with those 2009 demonstrations that did not go as far or demand as much, Barack Obama betrayed the demonstrators to every grisly fate that the mullahs could devise for them in their torture chambers. Bent on concluding the disastrous nuclear deal that lined their oppressors’ pockets with billions and set the world on a path to a catastrophic nuclear attack, Obama ensured that the U.S. government didn’t lift a finger or offer a word of support for the protesters, even as they were being gunned down in the streets.
What a difference a presidential election makes. Trump has come out strongly in favor of the protesters, tweeting: Many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with regime’s corruption & its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad. Iranian govt should respect their people’s rights, including right to express themselves. The world is watching!”
State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said: “Iran’s leaders have turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos. As President Trump has said, the longest-suffering victims of Iran’s leaders are Iran’s own people.” Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders added: “There are many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with the regime’s corruption and its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad. The Iranian government should respect their people’s rights, including their right to express themselves.”
President Trump has already made it clear in so many ways, most notably by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, that he has a willingness his predecessors have not possessed to stand up to violent intimidation rather than to give in to it.
Clinton, Bush, and Obama all spoke about Jerusalem being the capital of Israel, but backed off from recognizing the fact as official U.S. policy, for fear that Muslims would riot and kill innocent people, and that such a recognition would jeopardize the chimerical and fruitless “peace process.”
Trump, by contrast, grasped the nettle, just as he has done so in confronting an establishment media bent on discrediting and destroying him, and a Democrat and Republic political establishment determined to do the same thing.
He is a rare man of courage, and courage is inspiring. The Iranians who are risking their freedom and their very lives to stand up also against violent intimidation and take to the streets all over Iran the last few days are likewise manifesting immense courage, such that the world rarely sees these days. Yet as they stand for their freedom, if they are abandoned again, as Barack Obama abandoned the Iranian protesters in 2009, it will all come to naught.
But Barack Obama is gone, and Donald Trump is President. For the people of Iran, have the man and the moment met?
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His new book is Confessions of an Islamophobe.
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5) In the Mideast, Trump Gives Reality a Chance
Reuel Marc Gerecht Wall Street Journal
The first step toward peace is to stop indulging the Palestinians’ fantasies of destroying Israel.
A lot of people are in a funk over President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The liberal media, most former government officials who’ve dealt with the Israeli–Palestinian imbroglio, and just about everyone at the United Nations appear certain that the decision had a lot to do with Mr. Trump’s disruptive nature, the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, Evangelical Christians and pro-Israel Republican donors.
It’s possible that his decision was based instead on an old-fashioned understanding of the way the world works, one that would be familiar to Middle Easterners: There are winners and losers in every conflict, and Palestinians have decisively lost in their struggle with the Jews of the Holy Land. Diplomacy based on denying reality isn’t helpful.
This view runs smack into the tenets of contemporary conflict resolution, in which diplomacy tries to make losers feels like winners, so that unpleasant compromises, at least in theory, will be easier to swallow. It alleviates the guilt of a Westernized people triumphing over Arabs that has made many in Europe and even the U.S. uncomfortable with Israeli superiority. It also runs counter to an assumption held widely among Western political elites—to wit, quoting the current French ambassador to the U.N.: “Israel is the key to peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.” Israelis, in this view, must make the big compromises.
The truth is surely the opposite. Recognizing the extent and irreversibility of Palestinian defeat is the first step in the long process of salvaging Palestinian society from its paralyzing morass. Far too many Palestinians still want to pretend they haven’t lost, that the “right of return” and Jerusalem’s unsettled status give hope that the gradual erosion of Israel is still possible. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas tapped a common theme among Palestinians in his recent oration before the Organization of Islamic Cooperation when he complained that Jews “are really excellent in faking and counterfeiting history and religion.”
The biggest problem the Palestinians have is that the Israelis don’t trust them, and the Israelis cannot be ignored, sidestepped, bullied, bombed or boycotted out of eastern Jerusalem and the West Bank. Fatah, the lead organization of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the muscle behind the Palestinian Authority, has often acted publicly as if the Israelis weren’t the foreigners who truly mattered, appealing to Europeans, Russians and Americans to intercede on its behalf. Americans and Europeans have consistently encouraged this reflex by stressing their own role in resolving the conflict, usually by suggesting that they would cajole or push Israelis toward Palestinian positions.
For the Israelis, this has seemed a surreal stage play. The Fatah leadership is well aware that only the Israeli security services have kept the West Bank from going the way of the Gaza Strip, where Fatah’s vastly better-armed forces were easily overwhelmed by Hamas in 2007. Fatah’s secular police state—and that is what the Palestinian Authority is—has proved, so far, no match for Hamas.
Western diplomacy has failed abysmally to recognize the profound split between Palestinian fundamentalists and secularists and played wistfully to the hope that a deeply corrupt Fatah oligarchy could conclude a permanent peace accord with Israel. This delusion’s concomitant bet: Such a deal would terminally weaken Hamas, since the secularists would have finally brought home the mutton.
The most important point, however, is always ignored. Competent, transparent, nonviolent Palestinian governance is the only chance Palestinian society has of escaping the fundamentalist critique that has undermined oligarchs across the Arab world. Fearful of playing the imperialists and keenly aware of the efficiency of having a police state as a partner, Americans, Europeans and Israelis have failed to use the leverage of financial aid to set standards for Palestinian governance on the West Bank and in Gaza.
Palestinian Muslims are no different than other Muslim Arabs. Religious militancy has grown astronomically over the past 40 years as the ruling secular elites have calcified into corrupt, hypocritical, heavy-handed autocracies. Westerners have not dealt with this well, since it defies the top-down approach inherent in diplomacy—and also because fundamentalists terrify them. Yet the past ought to tell Americans and Europeans that a two-state solution to the Israel–Palestinian clash isn’t going to happen before Palestinians reconcile in a functioning democracy that doesn’t scare their Jewish neighbors. The overwhelming burden here is upon the Palestinians.
The most valuable American contribution to the peace process, so far only episodically delivered, is to remind the Palestinians that they first have to get their own house in order and the Israelis that they have to care about how Palestinians treat their own. Too often, the Israelis have viewed the Palestinians—and Arab Muslims in general—as the ineducable “other,” who is best left to his own rules so long as Israelis aren’t killed. Any Israeli effort to control Palestinian-on-Palestinian abuse will surely be met with a hail-storm of censure from the West. But the Israelis ought to take a longer view. Barrier or no barrier, they are going to live with the Palestinians forever. Israel should certainly want to correct its enormous mistake of allowing Yasser Arafat, the father of Palestinian nationalism, to import his thugocracy into the West Bank and Gaza.
Most Arabs have adjusted, however reluctantly, to the permanence of Zion. They did so four decades ago when Egypt, slowly collapsing under its own military dictatorship, checked out of the war. Americans, Europeans and Israelis—not “the Arabs”—are primarily responsible for elongating the big Palestinian delusions about the “right of return” and a sovereign East Jerusalem. It’s way past time they stopped. Mr. Trump’s decision, whatever the motivation, is a step forward.
Mr. Gerecht is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Appeared in the December 27, 2017, print edition.
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6) Shmot: What's In a Name?
Moshe Kempinski,
One of G-d's names is revealed in this week's Torah reading. Why that particular one?
We read in Breishit:
"And out of the ground HaShem G-d formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto the man to see what he would call them; and whatsoever the man would call every living creature, that was to be the name thereof.(Genesis 2:19)".
The understanding of our sages of this verse has been that whatever Adam called the animal that was to be its spiritual essence as well. In a similar vein, the Holy Ari teaches that the name the parents choose for their baby is actually a 'small prophecy'. The parents think they read or heard something that moved them to name their child in a certain way. Yet in fact it was prophetic inspiration that moved the parents to give the child the exact name that is destined for that child. That name then defines the child's potential, direction or his or her challenge.
That is true of almost every name we read in the Torah as well. Yet here are over seventy names for G-d in the Biblical text. In the case of the Infinite G-d, though, each name does not represent an aspect of His character, as that is beyond the comprehension of mortal man. The names of G-d actually represent the character of His relationship with His creation. Each of the differing names, then, representing differing aspects of G-d’s relationship with us.
And Moshe said unto G-d: 'Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them: The G-d of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me: What is His name? What shall I say unto them?'14 And G-d said unto Moses:" Ehyeh asher Ehyeh" '; and He said: 'Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel :Ehyeh hath sent me unto you.' (EXODUS 13:13 -14)
When Moshe asks G-d "and they shall say to me: What is His name?", he is actually asking how are these people meant to relate to you.
Most English translations translate the words Eh-yeh asher Eh-yeh in the following way; I Am That I Am and that translation is generally incorrect. In Hebrew the word Hayah means "existed" or "was" but the word "Ehy-eh" is the first person singular present/future form. Eh-yeh asher Eh-yeh therefore really means “I Shall Be What I Shall Be".
This is similar to the translation we see in the book of Zechariah (8:8)
“And I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; and they shall be My people, and I shall be( Ehy-eh) their G-d, in truth and in righteousness.
The impact of such a variance in understanding is powerful and deeply significant. The statement “I Am That I Am” bespeaks an Eternal G-d that has always been and always will be. That is a true statement but in fact may not be the concept G-d was trying to transmit at this juncture in history . There is no point in transmitting to the Israelites suffering under the burden of slavery that the G-d that was ,is the G-d that always is. People collapsing under the yoke of hatred and oppression do not have the ability to look up to the heavens, let alone see the Infinite and powerful G-d for what he is.
When Moshe asks G-d "and they shall say to me: What is His name?", he is asking how can these people relate to you and how can they be inspired?.
G-d answers that “I Shall Be What I Shall Be."
Rabbi Yehuda HaLevy, author of the theological text ,the Kuzari, explains that this use of the future tense describes G-d not as much as the G-d of being but rather as the G-d of becoming. The Jewish people are beginning an endless journey of discovery with their G-d. All the events that they will experience and endure will be experienced as both a challenge and/or a lesson in developing deeper insight into their relationship with Him as a people.
We are living in a time when destiny and history are meeting each other in a quickened pace. In order to be ready for the changes that are already in the midst of formation and the fulfillment that is already in the midst of blossoming we need to be prepared . We need to be able to discover the guiding hand of He who is called Eh-yeh. Those living in the past will not see it clearly. Those who only live in the present won't know how to recognize it. Yet those that gain insight from “what was” and become involved in the miracles of “what is” but never lose sight of “what is yet to be” will merit see it with their natural eyes
“And I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; and they shall be My people, and I shall be (Ehyeh) their God, in truth and in righteousness". Amen, may it occur speedily
LeRefuat Yehudit bat Golda Yocheved and Yehudit bat Chaya Esther
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The 7 Wonders Of The World You Didn't Know About
Time for a worldwide repentance!
ALL US soldiers fighting for our freedom around the world, Pray for those in our government to repent of their wicked corrupt ways.
Pray for SF – Severe illness with post op heart surgery complications - improving
Pray for RBH – cancer recurrence
Pray for JA – Complex Cardiac problem facing surgery
Pray for JEP – medical problem
Pray for CM – Passed out in car and had accident – health problems
Pray for DN – life situation problems
Praise for Sister of SH –non-alcoholic liver failure – Had Treatment and doing well –praise!
Pray for CB – Australian with severe mental destress
Pray for MD – Has chronic progressive lung problem.
Pray for MS – family problems – doing better
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