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1138 Çık. 20/13.

1139 Mt. 5/21-26.

1140 Çık. 20/14.

1141 Mt. 5/27-30,

1142 Tes. 24/1,3.

1143 Mt. 5/31-32.

1144 Lev. 19/12.

1145 Mt. 5/33-37.

1146 Çık. 21/24.

1147 5/38-42.

1148 Çık. 21/24; Lev. 24/20.

1149 Mt. 5/43^7.

1150 Tes. 6/5.

1151 Mt. 23/34-40.

1152 Mt. 7/12.

1153 Mt. 7/11.

1154 I Sam. 21/6.

1155 Mt. 12/6-7.

1156 Mt. 8/10-13.

1157 Mt. 6/2-4.

1158 Mt. 6/16-18.

1159 Mt. 6/14-15.

1160 Bkz. Mt. 6/19-24.

1161 Mt. 19/21; Lk. 18/22.

1162 Kars. Araf: 7 /40.

1163 Mk. K/35.

1164 Mt. 7/13-14; Karş. Beled: 90/10-19.

1165 Mt. 18/18.

1166 Mt. 23/33.

1167 Lk. 12/4-8.

1168 Lk. 12/2-3; Mt.10/26.

1169 Mk. 4/22 = Lk.8/17.

1170 Mt. 25/46.

1171 Kars. Murshall, L.H.,The Challenge of New Testament Ethics, New York, Macmillan, 1947, .s. 204,206.

1172 Karş. Wikler, Eschatology, s.133.

1173 Karş.Gardner, Clinton E., Biblical Faith and Social Ethics, New York: Harper and Row ,1960, B.60.

1174 Ayr. bkz. Mt. 24/33

1175 Mt. 24/36-39

1176 Lk. 17/28-32.

1177 Mt. 24/50.

1178 Mt. 24/42; Ayr. bkz. 24/44.

1179 İnciller'de insanoğlu kavramının bu şekildeki kullanımı üzerinde bkz. Lindars New look s.437-462,

1180 Lk. 21/M-36.

1181 Mt. 16/1-4; Ayr. bkz.-12/38-45.

1182 Mt. 5.

1183 Mt.

1184 Mt. 5/34-35.

1185 Mt. 6/1.

1186 Mt. 6/18.

1187 Mt. 6/19-24.

1188 Lk. 17/22-37; Kars. Wilder, Eschotology, s.133.

1189 Dodd, Bible Today,. 19-20.

1190 Mk. 1/14-15, Mi. 4/23.

1191 Hoekema, The Bibles.288; Ladd, Presence, s. 3.

1192 Ritschl, A.T The Cbristian Doctrine of Jusliftcation and a Reconciliation, ed., H.R.Mackintosh ve A.B. Macaulay, 2. ed., New York, Scribner, s. 13.

1193 Ritschl, The Christian Doctrine, s. 29.

1194 Von Hamak, Adolf, What is Christianity terc, T.B.Saunders, 3. ed. New York, Putnam, 1904, s. 53.

1195 Harnack, What is Christianity, s.54-57.

1196 Maide: 5/75.

1197 Bkz. ilgili kısım.

1198 Ladd, Presence, 51 vd.

1199 Ladd, Theology, 181 vd.

1200 Weiss, Johannes, Die Predigt Jesu vom Reicb Guttes, 2.ed.,Göttingen, Vandenhock and Ruprecht,1900, zikr. Perrin, Kingdom, S.18; Ayr. Wess'in görüşleri için bkz. Perrin, Kingdom, 16-23.

1201 Perrin, Kingdom, s. 34.

1202 Schweltzer, The Quest, s.399,

1203 Bkz.Schweitzer, The Quest, s.357 vd. Schweitzer'in Konsistent Eskatolojisi ile liberal bir Kristoloji oluşturduğu, hatta Tutucu anlamda bir eskatolojiden ziya­de Ritschl’den de ileri bir ahlakçılığı savunduğu ileri sürülmüştür. Bkz. Holmström, E, Pus Eschatctiogische Denken der Gegenwart, Güterslosh, Bertels­mann, 1936, s.89, Zikr, Hoekema, The Bihle, s. 292.

1204 Bultmann, it., Theohgy of the New Testament, terc.,K. Grobel, New York, Scribner. 1951, I, 23.

1205 Bultmann, R., Jesus Cbrist and Mythology, New York, Scribner, 1958, s. 80.

1206 1 Sel. 4/15 vd.

1207 Bultmann,R., New Testament an Mythotogy Kerygma and Myth, ed. M.W., Bartsch, New York, Harper and Row, s.4 vd.

1208 Perrin, Kingdom, s.'58.

1209 Docld, Parables, s. 50.

1210 Docld, C.H.,The Apostulik Preacbing and its Devetopments, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1951., s. 210.

1211 Dodd, Aposloiik Preaching, s. 80-81.

1212 Bu eskatolojik anlayışı savunan diğer teologlar için bkz. Ladd, Presence, s.5-11.

1213 Bu görüşü savunanlar için bkz. Ladd, Presence, s.11-23.

1214 Bkz. Lk.10/8

1215 Otto, Rudolf, The Kingdom of God and the Son of Man, terc. Floyd V.Filson; Bertam Lee Woolf, London, 1943.. 3.105.

1216 Otto, The Kingdom, s. 98.

1217 Otto, The Kingdom, s. 103.

1218 Otto, The Kingdom, ,s. 72.

1219 Ladd, Presence, s. 28.

1220 Manson, T.W.. Tbe Sayings of Jestıs, London, S.C.M., 1949, s. 345.

1221 Manson, The Sayings, s. 134.

1222 Manşon, The Sayings, s. 305.

1223 Kümmel,Werner Georg:Promise and Fulfilment, The Eschatological Message of jeus London, S.C.M., 1974. s. 105.

1224 Kümmel, Promise, s. 107 vd.

1225 Kümmel, Promise, s. 108.

1226 Kümmel, Promise, s. 95.

1227 Kümmel, Promise, s, 125.

1228 Wiicler, Amos, N., Eschatology and Ethics in the Teaching of Jesus, New York. Harper, 1950. s. 59.

1229 Wilder Eschotology, s. 26 vd.

1230 Wilder, Eschotology,, s. 60.

1231 Wikief, Eschotology, s. l6l.

1232 Wilder, Eschotology, s. 21,26.

1233 Wilder Eschotology, s.51 vd.

1234 Culimann, O., Cbrist and Time terc, Floyd V. Filson, Philadelphia, Westminster, 1950. s. 83.

1235 Cullmann, Christ and Time, .s. Tl.

1236 Cuilmann, O., Salvation in History, terc, S.G. Sowers, New York, Harper and Row, 1967, s. 169.

1237 Ladd, Presence, s. Yll.

1238 Ladd, Presence, s. 218.

1239 Perrin, Kingdum, s. 185.

1240 Perrin, Kingdom, s. 187.

1241 Perrin, Eschotology, s. 187.

1242 Perrin, Kingdom, s. 190.

1243 Bu konuda daha fazla bilgi ve tenkit için bkz. Perrin, Kingdom, Ayr. bkz. Ladd. Presence, s. 3-42. Hoekema, The Bible, s. 288-316.

1244 Perrin, Kingdom. s. 158,

1245 Lk. 19/12, 15; 23/42; Yh. 18/36.

1246 Mk. 9/47; 10/23-25; 14/25; Mt. 8/11= Luk. 18/28.

1247 Mk. 10/15; Mt. 6/33; Lk. 12/31; Mt. 11/12; 12/28; Lk.17/21.

1248 Ladd, Presence, s. 123.

1249 Bkz. Perrin, Kingdom, s. 159.

1250 Perrin, Apocalyptiv Christianity, s. 121.

1251 Mt. 24/27; 25/34-46. Lk. 17/24; Mk. 13/27; 10/30

1252 Bkz. Ladd, Presence, s. 315-17.

1253 Bkz. Ladd, Presence, s. 318.

1254 Bkz. Perrin, Kingdom, s. % vd, 184. Ayr. bkz., Ladd, Presence, s. 41, 318-19.

1255 Perrin, Kingdom, s. 159.

1256 Ladd, Presence, s. 172.

1257 Mk. 12/26.

1258 Mt. 11/25; 5/34 vd.

1259 Mt. 5/17; Yuh. 5/44 vd. Kars. P. Feine, -Die Theologie des Neuen Testaments, 1951, s,15. Zikr. Ladd, Presence, s.173.

1260 Maide 4/163.

1261 Ladd, Presence, s.172-73.

1262 Mark. 1/15. Bkz. Ladd. Presence, s. 278 vd,

1263 Bkz, Ladd, Presence, s. 285 vd.

1264 Perrin, Kingdom, s. 204-6; Ladd, Presence, s. 285.

1265 Ladd, Presence, s, 228.

1266 Rowley, H.H., The Relevance of the Bible, London, J. CIarke and Co.,1941, s.25.

1267 Faruqi, Comparison, s. 285.

1268 Faruqi, Comparison, s. 285.

1269 Faruqi, Comparison, s. 285.

1270 Bkz. Mc Kenzie, Theology, s. 286.

1271 Faruqi, A., Comparison, s. 285.

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